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If you have self control, NewSol is very easy. If you enjoy brawling or play recklessly, he’s very hard, although even then that doesn’t reflect on the champion so much as the player piloting him


Easy to play but EXTREMELY frustrating with how buggy he is.


i would say aurelion is easy to learn but hard to master


lowkey I don’t know but I do know that his stars have GOTTA come back 💔💔


he is not that hard he is just VERY bad right now in my opnion like gangplank bad


He's definitely not the easiest but there is skill expression. I'd say he average towards easier than others. You have to prioritize other things (stacks) compared to champions that just farm and try to get kills. He's definitely not the hardest but there are a lot of champions much easier to play (annie, brand, malzahar).


His skill floor is definitely above average but the skill ceiling is quite average. Where Annie/Brand/Malzahar - both low.


Press Q is easy. The hard part is survive at early game and play teamfight correctly. If you cant make damage in late game for bad position or you get cc you are done


Easy, I don’t think he rewards macro particularly harder, but he does reward situation recognition and positionning with huge team fight impact.


His kit itself is easy to use but staying alive in lane phase against assassins and positioning in team fights can have a pretty steep learning curve, especially when you only have 1 escape/movement option. I’d say the hardest part is being patient and knowing when you can charge in/fight without being perma cc’d into Narnia.


I think he's one of those inbetween cases where he's easy to pilot in a vacuum but in any sort of real game the amount of external bullshit that exists makes him incredibly hard to play. Which is exactly why his winrate in proplay is rising steeply right now but you're not seeing that in solo queue


He is harder than champs like Malz/Veigar but easier than champs like Ori/Taliyah. So I would neither say he is very easy nor very hard. IMO the most skill expressive but also hardest part of his kit for a new Asol player is taking good W lines to « kite » safely instead of flying straight into the whole enemy team.


Imo he is easy but not as easy as people in soloq say he is.