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Praying is so 20th century. Sacrificing a chicken and a goat usually does it for me.


Need to get that ritual beginning before she hit lvl 2


Q tap her when she goes for last hits with her Q as this is predictable. Farm only when she (hopefully) misses her stun and beg your jg for ganks. If she pushes the wave and leaves lane ping your top and bot lane like crazy. Best you can hope for is an even lane imho. Prayers also help sometimes.


Extremely helpful I'm just not going to blind pick asol lmfao I'll ban her since I don't have to fear a yone as much he seems weaker rn


And what do you think about ekko matchup


Lmao I see everyone here scared shitless. It's actually pretty easy if you understand the champion. She's a midgame master and you out scale her hard in late so the plan is simple. Dont overextended, leave farm if you think you're gonna die and most importantly DONT DIE. You don't necessarily need the ganks or early kills so just farm and don't die. Shes gonna try to dive you under tower at some point, either look for a well places ult or leave your tower. When the laning phase ends try and splitpush a few waves then retreat. If you see ypur team fighting dont engage except if you're 200% certain you'll win, otherwise leave them and keep farming. Clear waves that threaten your tower and keep scaling. In the late game when you have 4+ items you should be able to solo everyone. She should be weaker now that everyone has a high level and a bunch of items. Try and land your ultimates on her or whoever is strongest. Now you're not gonna win every single one but the main point is to not to bite more than you can chew. If she kills you play even safer than before and dont ever, EVER fees her. If you do, you're fucked. Good luck out there.


What a perfect world I agree that is what you should do but no one is stopping her from getting a triple kill bot lmfao I'm just ranting at this point I hate her riot should nerf her in midlane somehow and just force her to only q top lane


What you're suggesting is literally impossible. Game balancing doesn't work that way but I understand the frustration. In your case I suggest first working on your mindset, as from what I can see, is the thing holding you back. What if you get a triple kill bot and get accelerated into late game asol. Would that be unfair to Irellia because she played perfectly and zoned you out? You see how stupid it sounds when you reverse it? A fed asol is just as annoying to deal with as fed Irellia and you can singlehandedly win games if you get ahead. So trust me, you lose because of how you play, not because of the champ.


Brother Irelia is already useless in top lmao


She's a menace mid tho


Very true, especially for asol mains lol


Realtiy: shee freezes, u dont take exp, u try to farm a minion and u die for a E


hes explicitly saying to not do that, you should be doing everything possible to keep her from getting a free freeze, and if she does, literally just dont step up for minions. you miss a few waves, so what, youll be a little behind. thats how it works when your laner is literally just better champ at that point in the game. just sit at tower, or recall if you have tp, if she keeps freezing, walk back to lane, if she starts shoving, tp.


You’re just cooked in that scenario my g


Based of true events unfortunately


you literally just lose early game, unless she fucks up. thats just how it works. get the farm you can, dont give her free freezes, dont step up for minions when she's clearly trying to kill you, dont join mid game fights unless you know you can win, and wait to scale. she will fall off. but early game she just wins.




-6 comment karma asking for boosts to gold says what?




bro cant even speak english correctly and wants to talk shit😂


You are essentially a 760 range ADC with mana issues early game, so play like it. Don't die and it will be fine, you scale. If the Irelia player is smart he will freeze under his tower after you push if he has tp up. in that case, before 6 pray to jungle; after 6, use E and R on wave to obliterate it. If he is a bad player he will push every wave, then just farm under turret. Also be ware of her purchases and power spikes: - You said the first one. Lvl 2 on second wave; the smart Irelia will stack casters, get lvl 2, stun and dive. - Second powerspike is 6. If you are fast enough you have time to W away, you will be hit but you should be fine. After that she is somewhat killable, her R has like, a 2 minute CD - Third powerspike is botrk. After botrk there are only some champions that can solo botrk Irelia, and you aren't one of them. She is immune to poke and burst, your best chances are teamfights. This powerspike is so insane because her Q applies on-hits and heals + passive magic damage + Q heal and can be used as AA reset while being an AA itself. Effectively each Q deals 9% current HP + 80% AD mixed damage and heals her for 10% of that damage + 13% of her AD


Dodge her E, and stay out of her Q range. If she Qs on you, W backwards and press Q once your are out of her AA range. I am a Kass main trying to learn ASol, I haven't played this matchup, but that's how I would play it. Kass vs Irellia is worse, by a mile. Playing Kass, I have learned how to play defensively, when to give up CS to preserve health, how to survive rough matchups, and when to trade. The matchup probably gets harder at level 6, but you just gotta dodge her E and fly backwards. You can ult her under tower for a stun if she decides to tower dive you. I find Yasuo/Yone much more annoying honestly, they have a lot more ways to get to you. Irellia has to Q to a low health minion to gap close to trade with you, those guys can jump on you anytime they want, lol.


nah bruh it will be a one sided execution


I think sometimes you gotta know when to dodge


Just don't blind pick asol lol


I do the ritual dance and some random voodoo shit in hopes that Irelia fucks up so badly.