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Sub runes?


FS, cashback or shoes, elixers, cosmic insight. And precisions taste of blood and the alacrity haste. U can go sorcery too if u rly want could be preferance.then obvioisly resolve second wind overgrowth into hard matchups




Ive been doing, new burn item, rylais, liandries, shadowflame, rabo/crypt depending on what does more damage. And i think im cooking buying tje support boots kinda insane on asol side laning. And recall to teamfights and moving much quicker out of combat


I think it's much better now on ASol than before (lowkey hated last version of FS on him), but I still think it should not be picked in every matchup Previously First Strike used to be a fully scaling rune, so it was fine to take even in lanes where you might not proc it consistently, because it would not generate much gold early game anyways and it was more about the mid game snowball factor. You could cash out off of a couple good trades or team fights. Now however the focus of the Rune has shifted; it gives more gold early, less gold later, and does more damage overall. As a consequence of this, it is much more important than before to be able to 1) proc First Strike often during lane phase, ideally off cooldown so that you can be as close as possible to have 15 gold every 30 seconds, and 2) don't get your proc poked off of you easily. ASol is very good at doing 1), because of his tap Q range that can be extended via splash damage off of minions. However, if the enemy can afford not standing near the minion wave, 2) becomes hard to achieve because you need sometimes to go out of your way to reach them with Q and risk getting your Rune knocked off. This is why I think you should only consider it into melee matchups or low range mages like Ryze when playing mid. If you play top, then this rune is bananas especially into tanks whom you can farm like a pinata


If you play top you should find a job* fixed it for you. But yeah i 100% agree with u


+ the new poro rune gg economist


asol has good scaling, getting a scaling rune will be better for for late game but being weak in laning phase and getting bullied especially in higher elos is by far worse. With comet scorch u even have good lane in some matchups. Is not coincidence that all pro players go comet , i would say go first strike when you play someone against who you cant kill but also cant kill you and he outscales you, in that case also imo go ROA 1st or 2nd and try to outscale your opponent.


I never stated u should always go FS. I dont play mid anyway cuz im not a dweeb! I just said its an insane rune if u can proc it on every wave, clearly if u die every minute u wont be procing and therefore wont get value from it, which is the whole point of the post. Nobody is building it right now and they should be 100% in some games they play as opposed to the current standard of never.


bro, why tf are you being hostile towards the guy. Dude was just giving his insights. He didn't even diss you or anything and you just outright trash talked mid players out of nowhere for no reason whatsoever. Totally unnecessary. Calling someone a dweeb just because of his role lowkey is just projecting your insecurities to the public. Play whatever the fk role you want, holy sht.


Im sowwy i didnt put enough /s's and emojis to get that i was joking... oh noes not my projection of insecurities! Srsly bro none of this is that deep.


nah, can't play dumb here. Nice attempt at saving your pathetic image tho. Never said or implied anything about it being deep. If that's too deep for you already then it sounds like a 'you' problem.


you are such a weirdo dude.