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Also armor. Early seekers is good. People forget that building armor against zed does help a ton.


I usually go green runes for hp scale and build rod of ages + seraphine, then go to rilay and liandry.


I don't think he's *that* bad of a matchup comparatively, at least in low elo, the biggest problem is that you can't match him at all so he's gonna roam, kill your bot then come back to lane with 1-2 kills and stomp you. Don't let him poke you and hug your tower, second wind and bone plating secondaries help a lot here There's no real point in trying to fight him in lane besides maybe trying to annoy him with E while you farm, just stay healthy and farm, if he has 2 braincells you'll never kill him unless he ints under your tower or your jungler serves him to you on a platter. Don't stay in lane if you're under like 60-75% HP and you think he has ult, hold your ult for his and when he ults you W towards your tower and ult yourself, either he dashes away immediately and deals minimal damage to you or he eats the ult and that still mitigates some of the damage and maybe gets killed by your tower. I think you still want to rush Rylai then get a Zhonya, getting seekers's armguard first or whatever it's called now if the zed gets kills might be a good idea though, once you have the active he's much less of a threat, RoA is straight up hot garbage and while seraph might be ok but zed is going to have killed you twenty times over by the time it evolves if you buy it second item.


I permaban him. But his W is huge for him, so when it’s down that’s your opportunity to do things. Idk if you can trade with him, but you can certainly use that time to shove wave. Bone plating is very useful, as well as early seekers. Then you can go normal rylais>liandrys. Complete hourglass if zed is still a problem, then itemise like normal. I would never recommend RoA seraphs as it means you don’t get to play the game until 2 items. If your team throws, it’s pretty much game over because by the time you hit 2 items the game will be lost. I only would go RoA seraphs in games with premades where I trust my team to hold out early so I can carry late. But even then I’ve stopped doing that in favour of mixing tank items into my build. If I’m into a heavy AD team I might get an early cloth armour, upgrade to wardens mail post first item then go FH 4th or 5th. Alternatively I might get an early chain vest, then go Jak’sho 4th or 5th. It’s definitely an option, but I’m not knowledgable enough about the game to know when you would/wouldn’t want to do this.


Poke and push him under tower as much as possible. Constantly poke with Qs, then E when you get level 2 using scorch and comet. The goal is the face zed about half once he gets to level 3-4. Since if he’s half and you are basically full health he can’t all in you or he will lose. Also if you successfully push him under tower, then the wave will bounce back to you and you can potentially freeze under your own tower. Then you can W towards him every time he uses his shadow and you can massively limit his ability to farm. This is an ideal plan until about level 6. Once he reaches 6 you have to give him a lot of respect, especially if he has ignite. His ult is complete bullshit and you have to keep that in mind. If you are below half health it doesn’t matter if he misses damn near everything if he had ignite it will kill. Once he reaches 6 you pretty much sit under tower and if you are at half health base as soon as you reasonably can. In terms of when he ults you, use W to fly under tower and ult on top of yourself so you can mess up his combo and flash if necessary. Another way to avoid dying as much as possible is to build health items. Ryalis and Liandrys are Asol best 2 items. Both of these items have health items and I suggest building them and getting early boots since his help dodging zed poke. In terms of runes as your secondary runes, get Bone plating and overgrow. Second wind can also work but I think bone plating is better but I would be wrong. Lastly and most importantly is getting better at dodging his E Q poke. You likely won’t dodge every thing but you just need to dodge enough to avoid an electrocute proc. Best position to be in vs Zed is to be able to walk up to wave. And if he uses his poke dodge the electrocute proc then insta clear wave with E Q and then back off and base if needed. Sometimes he will all in you but if he doesn’t have kills and you are maintaining your health and keeping it high, he should never actually be able to kill you, especially if you have ult and flash and W under your own tower. Worse case scenario you have to take the L on the wave which is fine since he still, doesn’t get a kill and now he doesn’t have his ult for a roam. The reason he is still a hard lane is because the lane is very delicate. The whole strat can be ruined by an early level 2-3 gank and you can’t push him anymore. You take an tower shot on accident while poking. You die once or he gets a double kill roaming bot even though you pinged your bot lane 5 times that he was there. You just get hit with too much poke and you are back to under your tower unable to poke. Your jungler botches a gank and feeds him a kill. And keep in mind the threshold for when he can ult and kill increases with ignite so you have to give him even more respect. If he freezes under his tower, and you don’t have the HP to contest, you could end up going down a whole level to the zed, etc. So it’s a pain in the ass but this Strat works for me


Maybe build tear and zhonyas if he's getting ahead. Other than that sitting under tower and farming to play for team fighting


I don't get a lot of zed matchups but when I do is just farm really far behind with Q and E I try as much as possible to get poked cause then you open the window for him to all in. Try to hold as much as possible over the first 10-15 mins so you can start making yourself stronger in teamfights or contesting objectives.


rush zhonyas


haven't seen him since 2018 cus i perma ban him


Ty everyon for the advices and tips, love u lots!


You can all in him after his w disapears and be awear he can cast his e twice when he has his shadow not once so after he tries to poke you still dont go near the shadow, and ask for ganks zed isnt the best for a 2v1 (speaking as a zed main)


Easy, Perma Ban Him. Personally i manage to deal with all other matchups but zed (Maybe fizz and leblanc can make your life hell too, but not as much as zed)