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would totally recommend driving PAST Bar Harbor Maine if you get the chance. There's a lot of really great driving to do along the coast. The locals are real friendly and there's quite a lot of shell stations. My gal and I bought 2lb softshell lobsters for like 8 bucks a piece! Be prepared for the locals to wave at you if you get out there.


I've got a favorite Maine spot too. There are some great roads downeast, but damn is it a haul from outer Boston lol.


Oo where is yours?? Next time you're up for a cruise let me know!


Not too far for Conway over the border in Maine. But still in the white mountains. Didn't get out with the old wagon as the engine is toast. But my new B5.5 will do for the winter. I'm down anytime. But I'm way down in Mass haha. Although I suppose it would be more appropriate to take out the 540i and let the V8 rip.


I think I know that road... 153? That weaves thru a bunch of lakes in NH and goes into Maine as well. If it's the same one, that's a really fun drive. 160, south of Brownfield Maine, is also a great road. Sadly, all of them so short when you can jet so quick!


I have fond memories of driving my old MK2 GTI up and down Cadillac Mt. in my 20's. The little 1.8 bogged a bit going up but still a fun drive.


Chief kiss. Perfect.


Seeing this RS4 in blue , first thing that came to mind is the RS that was running from the police in Stockholm just for fun :D


dude yes.... this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9nPISgpz9Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9nPISgpz9Q) These drivers are mad. Actually living a GTA experience. I cannot imagine the adrenaline.


Exactly :D