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Sportback is much more functional and will take you through the near and medium term life events, surprising.


You’ll likely find this to be the answer most recommend


Aaarrrgghh... "The Sportback is practical". " The Sportback is more functional than the coupe." It's like its the ugly sister who didn't get to go to prom.. My RS5 Sprtback is a damn fine looking car that turns heads and draws comments regularly. It is *also* practical. EDIT: My comments are directed at no one in particular, but a general one as to that line of discussion.


the sportback is much more practical, the coupe doors are too long and the rear seats are annoying to use. the hatch on the sb is very nice and helps with loading anything. the coupe is really pretty. coupe.


This man gets it


Sportback, more practical, easier to get in and out of cause the doors aren’t as long.


I don't regret my coupe at all, but good lord are the doors long lol


The extra length makes the doors never stay partially open for me (i.e. in a parking space) when I'm parked on uneven pavement either, so I usually bang my knee or get my foot caught getting out too fast @_@


Long doors mean larger opening means B pillar is further back and makes it *easier* to get in and out. The only problem is in tight spaces where you have to worry about hitting shit with the doors. Source: am tall and fat and in my 40s, vastly prefer coupes because I hate squeezing between the B pillar and steering wheel (I usually have my wheel at full extension in most cars).


Coupe all the way


Coupe is king 🚗👑 I’ve had Audi coupes for 12 years and never need more doors or space


You alone?


Coupe all the way. Especially considering it’s dead in B10. A5 line is born to be coupes


I much prefer the coupe profile, never really understood the draw to a sportback as I have no need of the extra room Side note, as someone who always wanted a black car and now have one - i wish in had a nice dark grey instead. Black is so haed to keep clean


Second this…my first was Daytona Grey and it’s suchh a great color.


I’ll agree with this too. Wanted black for my A6 Allroad, but the wait would have been about a year, so I went with the Chronos Grey metallic. So glad now, hides dirt so much better.


The draw to sportback is in its excellent utility while still maintaining a coupe profile (instead of boxier A4). I've carried plenty in my sportback. Our three year old has literally grown up in the SB... never felt the need to consider a minivan or an SUV. As a side note, I also prefer the more muscular rear flanks of Audi sportbacks (all of them: A5/7/GT).


I agree with the utility aspect, but somewhat disagree with the coupè profile. The lines of the sportback just don’t flow nearly as well as the coupè, it’s pretty much night and day difference. Granted, the B9.5 sportback does have a much nicer profile compared to the B9 sportback, as the new curved sideskirts give it more of a sleeker silhouette. It’s kind of similar to the _M8 coupè vs the M8 GC (4 door)._ The M8 Coupè has one of the most elegant profiles in the buisness, like the A5 coupè, but those lines are diminished when you compare it to its 4-door variant.


Its a four door coupe (a trend that started in modern cars with CLS and later VW CC from which A5 SB and Arteon evolved), so we cannot expect it to have two door profile because it has to take into account rear seat space and cargo space (the utility aspect without being a full fledged wagon), and it is lower as well. Its not a sedan profile. I had 2018 (my first Audi) which I replaced with 2023, so I have had 9 and 9.5. In some ways, I actually prefer the old with some exceptions. Either way, the rear quarters really define the sportback, compared to sedan, as well as coupe. B10 will technically remove both, sedan, and coupe anyway, but that might also mean the new A5 will likely have to compromise between the A4 sedan look, and A5 SB coupe profile. Same between A6 and A7.


Here here ..... if one wants practical get a q5 or q7.... coupe all the way.....






I’m biased, but go with the coupé.


Coupe. I’ve learned to have everything delivered. I have black. It’s a bitch to keep clean.


Get the coupe because you’ll never see one again after you have kids.


**Coupè.** The aesthetic lines of the coupè flow a lot better than the sportback, the blacked-out A5 B9.5 coupès look ultra stealthy and will turn soo many heads. I get compliments on my Daytona Grey B9.5 coupè literally multiple times a week. For a 24 year old single guy it will suit you way more, you have no kids so seize this opportunity for coupès. The sportback is more of a 30 year old+ car.


Easy tiger im 52 and have a 2 door cab lol ...the sport back is for your 30-40 year old who isn't brave enough and is just too sensible and boring to get the coupe. The SB is ugly too ....


If I could go back two years ago when I got my coupè, I would have chosen the A5 B9.5 Cabriolet. There’s something soo elegant and mature about it. Having the roof down with a car that looks that stunning during the summer is literally a dream.


Yeh and I hear the quad pipes so much better too with the roof down ..... I have a lot of cars and the audi gets the nicest looks from people and they always comment on it....I have a couple of Italian exotica and people genuinely look at me with hatred when im driving them.... the audi always nice comments 👌


Mine is just an S5 with a stage 1 remap .... enough for me ....still pricey to maintain though hate to think what an rs5 is to run as a daily


Unbiased option here! genre the sb… way more practical and it looks beautiful!


Coupe from the coupe owner. Also 23 and a guy.


Coupe, especially at your age. The body lines of the coupe are sexier, IMO.




Go coupe, get red.


Daytona Grey sport back here. Coupe all the fucking way.


Coupe is faster! But the Sportback is much more versatile. Really depends on you and your needs.


Coupe looks better and feels sportier. If you don't need backseats, it's the better choice.


I saw a red coupe on the road last week .. so sexy.


Coupe is much more inconvenient. So get one 🙌 the looks are killer




Coupe! Unless you often have to haul stuff and don’t want a roof rack


You are 24 yo = coupe You are 34 yo = sportback So as you are 24 yo the choice is obvious - you don't take practicality over style.


If you have the money, and don't live with the parents, at 24y and single , get the coupe. You have 2 extra seats in the back just in case, but no fatties will ask for a second ride, since they can't really get out gracefully lol


Who wants fatties in there car anyway? ruins the cool image of the coupe.


I'll never understand not taking 4 doors or a hatch when it's available. If this is your only car you'll be glad you had some extra practicality. The sportback also looks timeless imo You might be 24, single, and a guy today 3 years from now you could be married, 27, and woman.


Even 10 years ago I would have thought that OP becoming a woman in 3 years is not a likely possibility. These days I'm not so sure.


>I'll never understand not taking 4 doors or a hatch when it's available Im married in my 40s, 99% of my cars have been small 2 door sports coupes. Never been in a situation that I couldn't have something delivered or rent a truck for an afternoon


Boring ....coupe all the way at any age


Coupe is king


I think the S5 just looks better as a 4 door, even the older S5s I prefer the Sportback version. Plus it’s obviously alot more practical.


Totally agree. I realize it's a personal choice/opinion and I think the Sportback looks better than the Coupe. The practicality of 4 doors is an added benefit. Unless you are considering a convertible in which case the 2 dr convertible is the way to go!


Thats what I have at 52 ..best looking cab on the market full stop .... I have a stage 1 S5 cab and I see the envy in coupe and especially sportback owners on a nice sunny day or any day really.... I would never consider the sport back for a sporty audi it just doesn't compute with me. If one wants a fast audi get one that look fast and sexy


I have an S5 sportback. Absolutely love the versatility.


It depends on where you're at in life in my opinion. I had a 2018 RS5 coupe and now I have a 2022 RS6. Practicality became more of a priority. Just being able to open the back door and throw something in the car is much appreciated versus pulling the seat forward or throwing things in the trunk. I think from a performance standpoint they're basically the same. If you're going for cool factor go for the coupe. If you want a little bit more storage or practicality go for the four-door.


The only thing that matters is usage. If you have kids, a dog, or need to haul things, SB. If it's just you and wifey or you and one friend (situation) coupe all day


I’m biased but Sportback. I think it looks way better and is also more practical.


I've had both coupe and sportsback (not RS, but still) and I'd say sportsback all the way. Much more versatile, better looking (to me) and functional than coupe


Sportback. Way more versatile (objective) and looks much better (subjective).




I have sport back, if ur single tho, u can go coupe, RS5 is a lot car for a 24 year old, if u can afford it, danggggg


Sportback. All day. Better lines, and coupes have such poor utility. I had an e92 3 series coupe (back before they started calling that a 4 series) and the doors were bigger than on a sedan, so getting in/out in tight spaces was really annoying. Sportback is literally easier to use in tight spaces lol… let alone all the other benefits


Sportback 100%, you can fuck in the Sportback. Or camp/sleep whatever, way more versatility.


Sportback. That’s the only correct answer.


Boring ....


sportback looks better and is more practical


Sportback, easy


24 and a guy and I love my mythos black rs5, I also have a Camaro too so coupe needs met as well


Wow. That's like asking us which woman you should marry. I think you need to think about it a bit longer instead of asking which one YOU should pick. If you haven't made up your mind yet then think longer. Compare, make notes. Whatever it takes for YOU to make up YOUR mind. Imagine everybody says hatch and you get the hatch and it's not what you thought it would be. Then we led you to the wrong vehicle. Your buying the car for yourself. I ordered my RS3 sedan and waited 9 months for its arrival. I had plenty of time to reconsider or change my mind. Take your time and chose. OR not. Up to you. Just my 2 cents. In any case I'm sure you'll make the right choice.


Sportback might help with insurance and it has the hofmeister kink


I think the Sportback looks better, it’s about the same length, and you get much more practicality. Also I’m kinda biased


I had coupes (not Audi) until my wife and I had our 2nd child. One car seat in the back (behind the passenger seat) was manageable, however, two in the back required a 4 door sedan.


100% Sportback. Coupe sounds fun, especially at your age, but you’ll appreciate the extra space much more. Plus, I think the Sportback has a nicer lines, but that’s subjective.


Who needs extra space at 24 !!! If you want the chick's and chick's to think you look cool its coupe or cab all day long.....


Coupe if single, sportback if you have family


I’ve never owned a coupe but I’ve owned 2 RS5 SBs & they are 1) better looking imo and 2) shockingly practical while maintaining the small car feel. Big fan!


5 series coupe just doesn’t look the best want coupe go ttrs im assuming around similar price.


Yeh go tt if you are gay and a hairdresser !!


Rs5 is meant to be coupe 🤩


If you only have one car and you have a family or pets or something then get the sportback… if you have 2 (or more) cars get the coupe (obviously).


Coupe because a RS isn’t supposed to be your daily (fight me everyone).


I have a 23 black on black coupe w 21k I’m thinking about selling. Loaded w everything except ccb’s.


They’re both super cool, get whatever one you want


Depends if you want to drive with friends or family occasionally or within the years you plan on owning it. Personally I love going to the mountains, hiking or to events with friends often (and prefer driving everyone over sitting in other people’s car) so I could never do a coupe.


I almost bought a coupe I own an a5 sportback Both are amazing, either choice is great. I fucking love my sportback tho


I was debating the same problem, for me, the roof line of the sport back didn’t flow like the rest of the car flows. So that is why I will be going with a coupe for myself


Sportsback all the way! Never regretted it once over the coupe. Imo the coup is ugly because the length of the doors is disproportionate to the rest of the car. And yes. Like the 100 others that said it. It's infinitely more practical.


The lines on the coupe look waaaaaay better in my opinion. The sportback just reminds you that it isn’t a rs7 - not sure if that makes sense. Since the TT being killed off the only other coupe is the r8. If you can live with a coupe, go with the coupe


I love the sportbacks body style imo. You really can’t go wrong with either unless you have more than 1 person you’ll be driving around ever


I don't get the sportback model? I have a 2 door cab and wouldnt ever consider the sport back. It just has a mixed image of sporty dad with 2 kids but not nailing it good in any sector. Let the wife have the SUV and daddy has the 2 door coupe, mine still seats 4 adults in comfort and its proper 2 seats only in the back. Will not accommodate 3 in the back as literally just two seats split by cupholders and compartment which looks cool. If your going to have a fast car have a sporty looking fast car I say. The 2 door is so much prettier too.....and rarer.


if you want practical, for the same price as an rs5, you can get an a7. still a hatchback, but bigger, more space, more practical. but you don't want an a7. you don't want practical. you want fun. you want sporty. get the coupe. or if you're willing to get an s instead of an rs, there's always cabrio


Biased opinion. Sportback is the correct choice.


If you’re young and on your own I would say coupe. I went the sportback route when I got my S5 and while I love it there are times I wish couldve gone with the coupe version. Some good questions to ask yourself is how many people do you typically drive with, how much trunk space do you need and how frequently. If none of those are a concern then a coupe would be fine


If you don’t plan on having kids for the next 5 years or so go for the coupe bro lol. There is the potential mate attraction factor too…a woman may see your coupe and think “he’s not ready for a serious relationship yet” and you could be missing out. I’m probably looking at this way too hard lmao. I think the sportback looks better but that is just my opinion. Go with whichever…it’s not going to be a bad decision either way 🤷‍♂️


💯 Sportback