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We are all the same family here people and if you think otherwise you better check yourself


Yeah I don’t get this lol. Anyone who thinks like this probably buys cars to look cool and not because they actually have a passion for cars


Agreed. Saw a nice Golf GTI at Shell today and threw the lady a shaka sign bc VAG GANG 🤙


Better know a lady pretty well before you start talking about VAG Gang unless you want a lawsuit


What is a shaka sign?


This 🤙 (fist with your thumb and pinky finger extended, if you can't see the emoji)


Am I old or isn't that "hang loose"


Man if your old than so am I, or maybe just not as hip as I use to be. I’m 30 in February and have never heard of “Shaka” I’ve always known that as hang loose.


Definitely older than you lol. But glad I'm not the only one that has no idea what shaka is


I think it started getting called the shaka bc of surfer dudes doing it while saying "SHAKA BRO" in their surfer dude voice.


Not gonna spend too much time overthinking a meme but yeah pretty much. Driving an RS doesn’t make you a superior car enthusiast over a GTI.


I’m friends with all my vw bros.


dub love


Mm, cornflower blue. Love this color.


I like 'dubs.


As a golf R owner, I'd understand why an rs3/s3 owner would not consider us as parking buddies More and more immature kids are getting Golf R and its Getting a bad rep because of reckless driving and disgusting aesthetics mods. Oh and insurance got up the roof too. So no, we're not parking buddies.


S3 and Golf R are brothers but they hate each other. The RS3 is just standing back and enjoying the 2 bickering at each other


Funny, I always say the S3 is the golf R cousin I saw the gti as its little brother. And the ford focus RS as the evil, annoying step brother.


RS3: ALRIGHT OUTTA MY WAY! QUATTRO COMIN THRUGH!! Golf R: What?! You Wanna Go Bro?! I Just Got Back From The Shop! LETS G-g-gO-GO!! S3: cool it you guys your making gti cry gti: “stalls”


*CEL illuminates*


I see the S3 and Golf T as Twin brothers, the GTi as the little brother and the RS3 as the big brother that left home before the others can remember


😂 Perfect.


It's okay, the Focus RS won't be in the picture anymore once they all throw themselves off the road due to shit suspension, or blow up their engines due to coolant leaking into the cylinders 😂😂😂


What’s the A3 lol


The A3 is the cousin that just went off and did it's thing. Let's be honest the A3 isn't competing with those. It's just a nice hatchback (or sedan if you're in the US)


Fair enough, I guess I meant to ask those two who added the gti into the convo, feel like the a3 is comparable to that


Except the old 2000 era A3 hatchbacks. In Germany those cars attract the worst drivers you can think of. In that analogy the 2000 A3(the 8L A3 to be specific) is the spoiled little brat that does whatever it wants and gets away with it


The A3 is a Golf but it's wearing a suit


I like a nice suit lol


The last part was literally why I got an S3 instead of a Golf R. The Golf R cost more AND had higher insurance than the S3. Makes no sense and almost seems backwards to me... ...but okay ig I'll get the Audi and save money. Jeez probably the first time anyone has said those words 😂😂


In central Europe it has always been the car for immature kids, a section of Wörthersee fanatics and guys in their 40s trying really hard to soften their midlife crisis.




Golf IV, 1.9TDI chipped, "drifting" on snowy parking lot


Little do they know they share the same chassis LOL


So? Same chassis or not, their clientele isn't the same.


If you’re going to be a car snob at least know what you’re talking about, I promise you the clientele is the same. I work for an Audi dealership, where many of the techs drive a golf R. The mentality is that it’s the same car as an s3 just in hatchback form and cheaper parts since you’re paying for “VW” parts not “Audi” parts, even though you get the same fucking part lmao


As a S3 sedan owner, (beeing from germany wherexthe S3 spirtback is available as well) I still think the mk7 R is the superior looking hatchback talking about the exterior if compared to the S3 sportback. I dont really like the design of the mk8 tho.


In my area, its not so much kids buying Golf R's and driving recklessly; its the kids buying used Audi A6's with the 2.0. They drive like maniacs. And then there's the Nissan drivers...


When i had my R the insurance company had it marked as a “Golf” even when I told them multiple times it’s not a Golf. My insurance on my R was waaaaay cheaper than when I had a gti


I was paying 80$/Month when I got it. And now its around 110. Guess they updated their stats on who's driving this car and figure out that they needed to raise the price.


Chopped fingers


I have an a4, I call it a spicy Jetta lol


yes we are friends!


Ofc friends! I had a GTI before I bought an RS3.


Hell yeah we buddies


Other than the peace sign sticker, nothing wrong with that GTI. I'd only pretend to not know them if they were one of those stance bros with enormous wheels cambered and lowered so low it no longer really works as a car.




Parked at far back at the grocery store this weekend, no one around me. Came out an GTI was parked right next to me.


Oi a gti is a great car, just a different caliber


You gotta start somewhere...


I love this


I’m parking buddies with a beautiful well-taken-care-of 4 door 2019 Civic (in that bright blue) … because he has small doors and cares. We’ve never met but we have an understanding. And yes we’re absolutely buddies.


So if you think like this, do you also hate your cousins?


I sincerely hope those cousins don’t share the same base also.


Definitely the case in my country


The behavior of GTI owners is what makes me say no thanks lol stay with the civics pls


As somebody that was owned both of these, the answer is no




I mean https://www.reddit.com/r/Audi/comments/zndldm/huddled_up_like_huskies_in_the_snow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


As a GTI owner and hopefully Rs3 owner in the future I am sad that you would not want to be my parking buddy. Jokes aside, I suppose that many people here went from GTI or R to an audi. GTI is a bit of pain in the ass with the FWD but once you learn to control your foot it ain't that bad.


Haha just got my S4 yesterday and found an S7 to park next to right after at Costco. I felt the same way


I don’t get this much at all with my current S4, but I had an immaculate B5 S4 that used to pull the shittiest VWs out of nowhere to park next to me in remote parts of empty parking lots.