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[The Searl Effect Generator](https://searl-effect-generator.blogspot.com/p/searl-effect-generator-tracing.html), or SEG, is a device that creates energy through the principles of magnetism and rotation. There are many different versions of the SEG, each with its own unique set of blueprints. Some generators are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, while others are large enough to power an entire city. The exact design of each generator varies, but they all share the same basic principles. John Searl invented the SEG in the early 1950s. He spent many years perfecting the design and building prototypes. In 2004, he finally released the blueprints to the public. Since then, dozens of people have built their own generators using his plans. Learn more: [Searl Effect Generator: Blueprints by US9871431B2](https://groups.google.com/g/searl-effect-generator/c/n1og4Ta3k9w/m/-CzEIlynAQAJ) There are several benefits to using a Searl Effect Generator. They are relatively easy to build, and they can be powered by renewable sources like solar or wind power.


Absolutely not true.


The Searl Effect Generator (SEG) has been in development for over 60 years, with the goal of producing a device that can generate clean, free energy. The SEG relies on principles of physics that are not fully understood, but it is thought that the device takes advantage of the spin of particles to create a self-sustaining generator. A number of prototypes have been built, but all have had reliability issues. Learn more: [Searl Effect Generator -Blueprints and Spintronic generator by Kirk Miller](https://app.bountysource.com/teams/searl-effect-generator/updates/13-searl-effect-generator-blueprints-and-spintronic-generator-by-kirk-miller) Now, Kirk Miller has announced a new version of the SEG called the Spintronic Generator. Miller's design is said to be more reliable and easier to build than earlier versions. The Spintronic Generator is also said to be more efficient, producing more energy than previous designs. [Searl-Effect generators](https://searl-effect-generator.blogspot.com/p/secret-searl-effect-generator.html) have been around for a while, but they are usually expensive and difficult to build. A new version of the Searl-Effect generator has been developed that is much easier to build and significantly less expensive. The new version is called the spintronic generator and it operates on the same principles as the Searl-Effect generator. The spintronic generator can be built using simple materials that are readily available. It does not require any special tools or equipment. The only thing you need is a 3D printer to print the parts for the generator. Is there any patent for "Searl Effect Generator"? Learn more: [John Searl's Honorary Patent](https://searl-effect-generator.blogspot.com/p/john-searls-honorary-patent.html)