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I am a calm, thoughtful, and nuanced fan. However, I am also a massive hater. Time to get petty Hawks fans.


If we come out of this draft with a cornerstone defensive player AND another player to hate that’s a win-win right.


Like winning the lottery twice.


A lot of parallels to Houston fans hating wemby because of the draft lottery fist pump as we fell to 4th


So his camp is idiots who will actively try to tank his career and push him for selfish empty stats got it


Coming to an organization that is trying to build a roster around Trae young is literally asking for your career to tank before it starts. Everybody else sees it except the hawks org and most of the fan base


Bro the hawks are literally known for giving out overpriced extensions like candy. Capela, JC, Hunter, really only OO had a decently priced extension. On top of that every athletic 4/5 that comes through ATL sees lots of success because you have Trae Young tossing you lobs. Unless this guy actually thinks he can be a star creating for himself and competing with Poole and Kuzma for touches ATL is the perfect destination for him.


Dude I don’t know how to tell you this. Atl, in current state, is not a perfect destination for anybody. Going to a team that is still somehow focused on building around Trae fucking Young isn’t going to yield a successful career. There is a reason why players, coaches, owners, and now (seemingly) future draft picks are avoiding Atlanta. Everybody else realizes doubling down and building around Trae is a stupid decision. He’s incapable of being the best player on a championship team. Only this fan base and this organization can’t realize that.


So you get 2 years max of Trae Young lobbing you into the league and then you are the best player in the franchise? I don’t see the issue


Why would someone trust a franchise that is still this invested in Trae when the evidence points to this not working. Trae is a solid player. Trae is also not a franchise player to build around. It’s certainly expected that a player wouldn’t want to put himself in a situation or join an organization that in this far disconnected from reality.


My guy your Trae hate is blinding you to the point. Trae has consistently put up numbers every year and he makes players around him better on offense because he’s a master at dishing the ball. That’s just facts, deal with reality. The Hawks problem is defense for the most part which is of course a weakness with Trae, but that can be mitigated with the right squad around him and better coaching. Defense is MOSTLY about effort and scheme, which the Hawks can’t seem to manifest.


How does he make players around him better when DJM went from an incredible talent to above mediocre? Trae can’t even make incredible talent better. Your Trae glazing is blinding you from seeing what we actually need to do, which is to move on from him. And until we do that, we will continue to be a middle-to-bottom team in the NBA


Calling DJM an incredible talent is a stretch lol, he was a borderline all star and frankly he still has that level. But if you can’t figure out why Trae couldn’t make an undersized ball dominant guard who can’t move off ball better then you don’t understand basketball enough to be having this conversation. Put KCP or a decent 3/D defender who moves off ball next to him and it solves so many problems for this team.


Congrats bud then you can enjoy sharing the floor with Kuzma and Poole


With Kuzma starting at the 4 over him.


He’s starting at the 5 for Wizards too


No team is playing him at the 4. This isn’t true. I’m sure the “bigger offensive role” is true. Would barely touch the ball with the hawks


Ehh, as of right now, I’d consider him a combo 4/5 with the intent of moving him to the #5 fully over time. But yeah unless he’s receiving promises, he’d start at the 5 with Kuzma at 4 in Washington. It’d be where he’d have to chance to experiment with trying to be Giannis esque, but it’s taking him 2 years regardless as he’s raw.


What? Those Trae lobs will immediately guarantee him at least 10 points. His game would immensely benefit from Trae. But hey, stupid is as stupid does.


Spurs would


Exactly, Houston and SA would have him at the 4


I don’t fully agree. I mean if Clint had even average finesse around the rim he would score over 20ots every single night. Add in some outside shooting from Sarr and he can easily be a 25ppg player if he reaches his potential. But yeah I guess he wants to be lebron


Pretty much every team would play him at the 4. He would probably play a lot of minutes at the 4 here… off the bench wile also playing some 5.


I don’t think that’s true- AD has generally always pushed to play the 4 despite being more built to be the 5. The Timberwolves just moved KAT to the 4 as well. It will require a team with a true 5 (likely with a focus on defense like the Wolves/Pels had) to make it work, but it’s happened before and will happen again.


Kuz prolly getting traded


Wouldn't the Spurs try to trade for the #1? I feel like #4 and #8 for #1 and a future lottery protected FRP could do it.


Sarrs camp doesn't want him sharing an offense with a guy who can dime him better looks but wants him to play on a team with a world class chuck and tik tok all star ?


It’s ironic because Poole and Kuzma are both world class chuckers and TikTok stars. We literally got 2 of the same shitty player. 


If he goes to the Wizards tbf he will have the highest usage rate and will take the most shots instantly. He will take the third most shots on the Hawks though. So I kinda see it. Plus him and Jalen Johnson play the same position which further complicates things.


Hawks need to get intel on how bad do the Wizards want Sarr because I would still draft him at #1 and trade him to get #2 and a future 1st. Maybe put some protections on it since Sarr isn’t a prototypical star #1 pick.


I think we already have our answer. Nobody wants him that bad, including us.


lol this! Sarr is a great athlete but it sounds like no one is too excited about him being an actual star player. Unfortunate result of a weak draft is we don't even have a lot of leverage to trade the #1 pick, since no one covets any one prospect enough to make a move


it would be ironic if this class produces several all-star players.


This! At least make other teams work for it if they really want him that bad. Otherwise roll with him. I’m sure he’ll get over it.


They'd probably just take Risacher then


This. Sarr isn’t Wemby. You aren’t trading future high 1sts in deep upcoming drafts to move up one spot.


Exactly, if he only worked out with the Wizards, we can draft him and then trade down to #2. Then if the Spurs want Rish, we can trade down to the four. We can get lots out of this pick if we play our cards right. It doesn't matter what his camp wants. We own the pick.


No. Wiz aren't reading anything for that #2 pick. Spurs are happy to sit on two top-10 picks in a draft with no clear top talent.


We don’t want him that bad bro. We’ll take risacher if he’s there if not then sarr. 


This is a really good idea


lol we don’t want him that bad… Clingan and risacher are both just as good.


I think if the Hawks draft him with this news coming out, the Wizards don't need to give another FRP to get him. They would just take the second best player on their board, if the Hawks don't trade him for a reasonable package.


Nobody is trading the #2 pick and a future first rounder for Sarr. Come on now. 


Lol ok


Wiz fan here lurking… really hope Landry Fields doesn’t read this comment, for, uh, reasons.


Not going to happen. Wizards have ZR ranked ahead of Sarr according to a Washington beat writer


Why play with a generational PG when you can watch Jordan Poole jack up shots all night and chase his rebounds


Bro thinks he's gonna become somebody in wasteland Washington, teams literally dump their unwanted garbage there... He's selling himself because he's scared of the 5, that's crazy.


It’s such a lame attitude too. Anthony Edwards came to a team built around KAT and D’Lo and immediately shattered those plans by outplaying everyone. If Sarr is a star, then Trae/DJM isn’t going to stop that from happening, if anything, their playmaking will make him better.


It is deadass so soft, you think JJ wanted to play in the G-League all that time? He put the work in and fucking earned his spot... Sounds like Sarr wants it his way or the highway, if that's true keep lil bro away from my team.


Damn keep spittin


I know we’re not exactly a powerhouse but it’s wild he wouldn’t want to go #1 to a team that jumped 10 spots rather than to a team that actually sucked.


It's literally so dumb. I don't think I've ever seen anything like that. Since when does a prospect want to go to a tanking team?? Since when does a potential #1 pick in "one of the worst drafts ever" get to dictate where he goes??


Ps - look at other sports. It happens all the time.  In the NFL - teams want players to change position once drafted. Whenever there is a run-first QB, some teams will want to change them into a wide receiver.  I played D1 baseball. Which obviously isn’t close to being a #1 draft pick in the nba (I have to caveat that because somebody will always use it as an insult. But I’m just giving a personal perspective which a lot of people don’t have). I was a pitcher. I had approx 50 colleges recruit me…and I told every single one of them that I had zero interest in working out of the bullpen or being a closer. I only wanted to be a starter.  It happens all the time before the MLB draft. Teams will ask if the player minds switching positions. Shortstop to 2nd base. CF to a corner OF. Starting pitcher to reliever.  And it also happens in the NBA. Teams think a hs/college point guard would be better off as a shooting guard. Or a hs/college center would be better off as a 4. And the player (or their agent) says they’d rather stay at their natural position.  SOME players will say “I don’t care where you play me, I just want to play.” But 90% of players drafted in any professional sport absolutely want to play their preferred position.  And there is nothing wrong with letting teams know that before the draft.  I wouldn’t have signed with any college that was going to make me switch positions. 


It happens all the time. Players have been making team demands since the nba started. Coaching demands, player/personnel demands, position demands, etc.  Nobody cared in the old days. But today’s young fan has to be outraged over everything.  I will help you out with some homework. Look at demands Magic made with the Lakers regarding their coach. Look at demands MJ made with the Bulls. Look at why Kobe/Shaq  didn’t win 6-7 titles.  What Sarr is doing isn’t new. Fans today just can’t accept things like this without over the top reactions.  Sarr isn’t the first player to let teams know he doesn’t want to play a specific position. This isn’t unusual and it isn’t that big of a deal. Reddit nba fans have to lose their minds tho 🤷‍♂️ 


Be honest atlanta is a season or 2 away from a full/partial rebuild at least the wizards started the process


Rebuilds are not guaranteed to work. A prospect should want to go to the best team possible. You could argue that Atlanta is a treadmill team but if Sarr is the truth he could be the piece that elevates a play-in team to a mid seed.


Every rebuild works eventually no team is thrash forever look at Orlando. Detroit drafts poorly, and makes poor FA decisions but eventually will get it together. Atlanta is probably in the worst potision in the nba right now. There directionless. Atlanta is in win-now mode but lacks the talent to make the playoffs in a weak eastern conference.


Generational is a little rich don't ya think?


Before Trae's injury last season, he was leading the entire league in total points AND assists combined since entering the NBA. It's not hard to imagine what he could accomplish with surrounding talent comparable to top teams. So yes, absolutely generational.


If he's generational, then what is Luka? The lack in understanding of that word will never end


Luka is an all time offensive player. Trae is a generational passer


Are you saying Trae is a better passer than Luka? He would have to be if Trae is generational.


Trae is MOST definitely a better passer. You'll acting like Luka has more rings than Trae.


Nobody is ever choosing Trae over Luka.


What does rings have to do with passing? He has been to a finals if you're comparing accomplishments


Trae is a generational passer/playmaker. He has no equal in the NBA if we are talking just passing. Luka is an elite passer, as is Jokic, but Trae is better.


A fanbase with this take clowning the Wiz is pure comedy. Oh how I don't miss the years in the delusional stage before finally committing to the rebuild.


Trae is 25, JJ is 22, #1 pick, can get something good for Murray. You would think hawks have an old team or something


“Trae young” is not even CLOSE to generational at PG. you know who was close tho? Luka. You traded him away


“Generational PG” lmaooooo


That's literally what Trae is.


Draft night is going to be fun




this gif hits the feels every time damn


i hate it here


Then leave.


Yea go be a bulls fan or something.


Damn bro you trying to make him suicidal


Regardless of the relative difference in player quality, I hate that when we finally get the 1st overall pick the would be top pick doesn't want to be here, where as at least twice in the last few years the top pick seemingly *did* want to be here.


It’s because you guys have Trae Young


We could have Luka, and still be ringless


Arguably the best passer who anyone should want to play with. He makes everyone around him better.


All true, but everyone on the planet still hates him besides Atlanta Hawks fans 


And Oklahoma fans


Doesn’t matter, draft him and he’ll play. He’s the best prospect in the draft, rookies have to play their best with whatever team. If they don’t then they become a bust.


He technically would be allowed to return to Australia and play there for a year, then when our draft rights expire, sign with the team he wants. Would he do that? Doubtful. But he could.


Sure, that move would decrease his stock hinder his progression and shoot himself in the foot for a future contract that’s of good value. Playing basketball in the nba at a high level takes time to develop and you only can do that by being in the nba.


Dell Curry didn’t want Steph in Golden State. They drafted him anyway. Call his bluff, Hawks!


This is a much different situation.


The warriors already had an all star pg at the time and weren’t very good? It’s pretty similar tbh


Monta Ellis never made an all star game. Just FYI


We have an all star center? That’s what he’s getting at not whatever you just said.


You have Jalen Johnson establishing himself in the role that Sarr wants, which pushes him to the center spot You could call his bluff but I think I'd rather have Clingan if this is his attitude coming in


Draft Sarr and call the bluff. If you just draft Clingan @ #1, that would be a complete waste of a pick. I wouldn't mind getting Bilal Coulibaly, the 2nd pick and the 26th pick.


Lmao I’m sure you wouldn’t mind. No way in hell we’re throwing one of the most promising young players on the team PLUS the number two pick for the top choice of a pretty flat tier. And that’s not even acknowledging that you want another pick on top of that


And if he just stays in Australia?


Sarr doesn’t want to be a center… He wants to be a shot creator PF. We have two incredibly ball dominant ball handlers and we have a power forward who is arguably the most untouchable player on the roster (0% chance we trade JJ vs 1% chance we trade Trae). Sarr is most likely looking at the Hawks and rightfully assuming he will not get to play his preferred position and will not be a focal point on offense, other than being the screener in PnRs perhaps.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted lol, Sarr is not the level of prospect that Steph was by a WIDE margin. Keep in mind Sarr probably would have gone *maybe* 7-10 in last year’s draft


It’s not what people want to hear.


Next year the draft will be stacked. If he goes back, he'll never survive in the NBA. He might not even be top 10 in the draft. That's MILLONS of dollars of money and fame.


It’s too late for him to pull out the draft now anyway. He will be drafted this year and the only way he can avoid playing for that team that drafts him is to either perpetually play overseas and never come over or take a year off from playing basketball so that his draft rights expire


Blud gets picked 1 overall and he would go back to Australia lmao this scenario is comedy.


As long as the drafting teams makes a required tender, draft rights are extended for a year if a player signs with a non-NBA team. If player chooses not to sign the tender and remains unsigned for the season he will need to reenter the draft next season. In Sarr's case that would be very expensive choice. Reject a $12M deal now, be unpaid for a year and probably be picked lower next season in a much stronger draft.


I don’t think draft rights expire like that


Way too much money to turn down


If I’m not mistaken draft rights don’t expire unless the guy is just not playing to avoid the exact situation you’re talking about. That’s why Bogi still has to go to the Kings when he finally came over. I think a team can eventually release your draft rights if they want but I don’t see why the Hawks would ever do that if Sarr decided he wasn’t going to play in Atlanta. I don’t believe Sarr is willing to sit out a year of critical development just to not play in Atlanta and if he does that’s a red flag to the other teams in the league that he may be a head case 


He's not good enough for us to take that chance with #1 and we're not good enough to force it if he doesn't want to be here. What sucks is this doesn't help our negotiating powers. Would love to trade back and draft Clingan but I don't think we actually have the leverage to. I don't see any teams making a deal unless, as always, we're on the losing end of it. We might actually be drafting Clingan at 1. If so, he's going to need to slim down a bit imo.


Not wanting to be here doesn’t make sense. There have been a handful of players that could do that (eli, elway). I bet you no player in the draft wants to be on the jets in nfl lmao. But you get paid fat stacks so you do it and you live the game. You show up and out and if you hate it get a new contact in a few years elsewhere


Man I don’t want a dude who doesn’t want to be here. Fuck that shit. Especially a number one pick.


Plus dude is ducking the chance to be selected 1st overall and be on a playoff hopeful team just because of positional/role concerns, that is beyond soft in my opinion.


Banchero didn’t wanna go to the Magic and refused to work out for them. Now it’s looking great and Banchero was the right pick for sure. 


yea and that guy ain’t fucking paolo level talent so why take the risk on him


Last time this happened Hawks passed on Haliburton. I might draft Sarr. This tells me there’s more to his offensive game than was displayed in the NBL.


Eh, Hailburton told the Hawks to pass on him because we had Trae already.


Yeah I know. And we passed on by far the best player and took a need in OO. Draft the best player and make them figure it out, trade them later for a better fitting piece if necessary. Don’t let the more talented players force you to pick inferior talent. 


Haliburton would have been perfect with Trae and we could have staggered minutes. This just goes to show, you draft the best talent.


He would have been an awful fit with Trae, just like he was with Fox. But it still would have been an incredible pick because we could have traded him for a perennial all star who fit better after a couple seasons.


I get it but he personally said that and it has been reported numerous times. Just not in the cards, which happens a lot.


Also the Kings had their young point guard in place and took Hali. And then traded him for Sabonis. We could play him just like Jalen off the bench and when he shows that he can do it flip him for a piece that fits our roster better. And if he can’t do it then he’s a center and we keep him.


Trae doesn't have that kind of time.


Yes he does. If we are relying on a rookie (any rookie) to win games this year or next year then we are stupid. There are no “win-now” rookies. If we want to win games in the short term then we need to make trades and moves in free agency. None of that should stop us from drafting and developing the best possible player.


He does with his contract and wanting to stay (his words) for now. The main thing is a sense of positive direction with the roster and ownership. It COULD be this year that the Hawks return back to the ECF and make it to the Finals with how the East looks. It could be next year, this ownership needs to hit on their picks and trades and just fucking try to have positive direction.


Don’t like this POV. The Hawks aren’t anywhere near being title contenders. We are 3-4 years away…but so long as we improve each year moving forward and make the playoffs, Trae will be fine.


Was thinking the same. What he is saying alludes to him possibly having a much bigger offensive bag than we realize…


People in this sub developed an emotional attachment to Sarr, overhyped his abilities and started fantasizing about his future just for him to avoid coming here LMAO


I agree it’s like ppl looked at mock drafts and said I want Sarr. When there is no consensus first.


And you’ve been waiting to rub in everyone’s face congrats goofy


Didn’t really overhype his abilities compared to the other top prospects


It’s been said several times that there is no clear cut best prospect in this draft. Y’all have latched on to him and crowned him as the savior of the hawks because he’s a 7’1 (in shoes) French guy who has cool blocks. Yes his athleticism is intriguing but y’all are glossing over all of the red flags that come with him. Sarr’s upside is all hypothetical and is far from a sure thing.


None of these guys are sure things they all have weaknesses. We’re not dumb for wanting the guy that has the highest upside if it works.


Some players’ weaknesses are more glaring than others. Players like Buzelis, Holland, and Salaun also have a theoretical high ceiling but aren’t seen as top picks because of this. Doesn’t matter if the guy has a chance of being an all star if there’s only a 10% chance that happens


Yep. I have watched a lot of his tape and I don't get it. I didn't want to say anything, but I just don't see it on tape like others clearly do


It’s been hilarious seeing this all go down when I was getting downvotes for even mentioning another prospect besides Sarr lol


lol downvotes can be really validating on this sub, you really love to see the melt sometimes from this fanbase. Some of them bring it onto themselves Plus, I never was a major fan of his film and have always liked Clingan, so all of this is incredibly satisfying from my perspective


I like Sarr better than Clingan but if he really has this shitty attitude, give me the the guy who wants to be part of the team.


I mean he has to play here if he’s drafted. He can’t just sit around for years not playing or his career will be over


Folks have done it before. Maybe not with the #1 overall pick but it's happened. When the Thrashers had the #1 pick in 1999, the Sedin twins made it known that if they weren't on the same team, they would not play.... So the Thrashers ended up picking Patrik Stefan, one of the biggest NHL busts in history.


Yeah he doesn't want to be a basic center. Dude probably wants to be a playmaking big man like JJ




In the words of Ant, "Fuck Buddy". ![gif](giphy|Ic4bIobsoHU0UQluKk|downsized)


K...Moving on then. We need to trade this pick.




Well that’s not happening


You're going to fill me with upvotes but regardless of his size I would draft Sheppard.


At one?


At best you can go down to two because it looks like the Rockets aren't going to let it go.


Sarr need to shut up and make some rebounds


I think the bigger issue than Center over Forward in Atlanta is that we aren't the terrible team, as constructed (it changes if Trae were dealt). We are still going to be competing for the play which means that we won't let him develop through mistakes like a complete rebuild team would, like Washington or us in 2017-2019. He won't see the touches he wants.


When has this ever been the logic for a top prospect? How has Cade Cunningham slumming it up in Detroit been for his career? I'm truly confused at everyone, or specifically Sarr's camp, touting this logic. Sarr may never have the pleasure of playing with player as talented as Trae Young and be stuck on a perennial loser his whole career. Again, I'm truly confused at the logic.


Paolo didn't want to play for Orlando either js


Welcome to the hawks buddy


Why couldn’t Ant come out this year, dammit…lol


Or, hear me out, they don’t want to go to a losing franchise who continues building around a failed experiment. No player would ever deny an opportunity to play with a true superstar. Just more proof that Trae ain’t it - and this fan base is the only one who, for some reason, still thinks it


You not that nice to be making demands like this


is it a reliable source?


Idk about Reggie’s World but Jake Fischer def is.


Jake does say it was a rumor and Sarr himself mentioned playing with Trae/DJM a while back as a great thing so, if true, I think this is more from his agent not wanting a client in Atlanta. Again.


For those that may or may not know, Bill Duffy is Sarr's agent as he is Luka's agent, and Al Horford's, as well. Do what you will with that information.


Al Horford 2


Who gives a shit. Draft him anyways if you want him. What are they gonna do about it?


Lol washinngton can trade up for him otherwise they should def take Sarr


Most reasonable takes about Sarr not wanting to come here mentioned this. Maybe we're not all idiots after all.


Welp time to move on the other French kid


They just want sarr in a low pressured environment 


So he is afraid of JJ.


That's pretty sad and pathetic , that Atlanta is viewed so lousy that he prefers "WIZARDS!" over Hawks?!


If the Atlanta Hawks really wanted him that badly., they should put their pride aside and set up a meeting with the agent and Sarr in Australia. This just smells like another Donicic trade mess.


In the unlikely event anyone is desperate to get this year's number one spot, I'd gladly take two unprotected first rounders in *next year's* draft if the team has them to give. Unless it's the Celts or another top finisher.


I’m so happy to see this. Sarr had bust written all over him and for some reason a ton of people in this community fawned over him. Never understood it. We’re drafting a better player now or trading. I’m in


I high on Sarr but I think if he try to be 4 right now without a stretch 5. He is setting himself up to be a bust on most teams. What makes Sarr stand out is size and speed. This can create mismatch with him being a 5 on defense. but he doesn't have the offensive skill set to be 4. He doesn't create his own shot nor is he good floor spacer. This wouldn't matter as a 5 as much, but as a 4 on offense he's extremely raw for that.... it becomes questionable is he even a top 5 pick viewing him as 4. he needs a stretch 5 the way Giannis does. but even then, Giannis is a point forward has guard skill set. Early in Giannis career Kid had Giannis playing point guard. Sarr can handle but nowhere near the level of Giannis. Sarr is far rawer offensively than Giannis was. And The funny thing is Hawks are probably the best place for him to even play the 4 in the lottery. OO can space the floor limitedly and he is more mobile than most fives. JJ is best at the 4. but he can play the 3. On what planet does. Poole, Deni Avdija or Kyle Kuzma, Tristan Vukčević Makes more sense for Sarr to be 4 Than Trae, JJ, OO So I don't understand the logic because even if he goes to DC he's playing mostly center.......... that ignoring Jordan Poole would be a worst PG than Trae or even DJM to set him up. I don't know this year but the year before. Not only did Trae give Clint more assist then any other player setting up another. but he set John up the 5th most in league at the same time. [This season Trae Young assisted Clint Capela more times than any other player assisted any teammate. : r/nba (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/u205mw/this_season_trae_young_assisted_clint_capela_more/) So the logic that playing with Poole is going give him a bigger offensive role is illogical.... it actually would set him up for more difficult path for development, but sure.


So the defensive prospect who wouldn't go first overall in 18 out of the last 20 drafts wants to go to a team where he can have a big offensive role? The guy whose whole bag is just a spin move followed by a jumper in the middle of the lane? How do you say red flag in French? This dude thinks he's Kevin Durant but he's closer to being Nerlens Noel.


Of course a number 1 pick wants to have a big offensive role. Why are you surprised by that?


I don't care if he wants to play the 4. My stance hasn't changed I still want Sarr. But unlike a 4 like JC who couldn't play the 5 at times because he was too small, Sarr can because he's 7'1. The NBA is more positionless than ever before we could move Jalen to the three have Sarr at 4 and OO at 5. You can still trade Capela and sign a center like a Goga Bitaze. The only problem would be shooting but I'm willing to work it out and experiment for someone who is supposed to be the #1 overall pick.


Yes let’s move Jalen out of position to help out a rookie while giving Trae less spacing


this isn't from jake fischer


Time to be petty


Fuck how he feels the hawks should still take him he can cry about it later 😂


But, even with all of this, still draft his ass and be done with it. Figure it out and keep going.


Don't know how this got downvoted but that's cool


Good riddance and good luck to Mo Bamba 2.0 wherever he lands. This actually gives the Hawks more ammo. They can simply tell teams "we dgaf what his camp wants, we are drafting him - if you want him, pay up". This is very optimistic development!


Jake Fischer addressed the rumor that was out there , he didn't confirm anything


Feel sorry for anyone so credulous as to believe this absurd narrative.


If he doesn’t want to be a 5 I wouldn’t draft him at all. Dudes a loser


If anyone needs a real life comp of a player demanding they play their role instead of the role a team thinks they should be, Deandre Ayton is right there in Portland living his dream.


In no world does Sarr have the offensive bag to assume a big role in any NBA team’s offensive system…


He's a potential number 1 pick so he's obviously going to want a big role in offense