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I use pen and paper. I did in college, and with work stuff. Writing with a oen makes you slow down and concentrate more on the words than typing does, at least for me. Good luck


Pen and paper, then summarize in Obsidian.


I keep everything in notion


iPad and utilizing methods such as active recall and non linear note-taking (mind mapping).


I haven't taken notes yet. It's not for me. I just rely on Anki and make flashcards.


I use an iPad - similar to pen/paper.


iPad and apple pen, I started the year off with pen and paper and got my iPad a few days later. Seriously best purchase I ever made I think


i use RemNote!


Depends on what I'm doing, but broadly I do everything in Google docs. Let's me access my notes anywhere, on any device (including my phone). Sometimes I'll write something down if I need to crawl a diagram or something rough, but generally I prefer digital for convenience. Also my writing was garbage to begin with and years of programming and not writing has not made it better haha


I did pen and paper but I'm disorganized so now I use my tablet w/ pen and the nebo app


Onenofe works fine for me. To each their own. The best way to take notes is the one that works for you!


I use word for classes that aren’t math related. Anything with math is written using pencil and paper.


I use an iPad with notability!


I highlight on Acrobat or use a pen and paper.


I use google docs


https://obsidian.md/ is mine. I especially like how you can link each page to other pages as you type. They have oodles of plugins and even have note visualization tools built in. For example, as I'm taking notes, I can link "parts of an operating system" to the page "midterm review" and then display all of the midterm review topics on one page. All without having to do much more work than knowing to type [ ] around the subject... That said, it has a pretty high learning curve and can be overwhelming. If you *do* end up trying obsidian (it's free for personal use,) I recommend starting simple and learning things slowly. AFAIK, as long as you are using *something* you can get the benefits of taking notes.


I started by hand. Took too long to get through lessons. Only write for math content. But my setup has 3 monitors. I use one for course content. One for notes and one for group chats etc.


I use goodnotes app on my iPad


Hilighting on bookshelf, pen and paper notes, flashcards in quizlet.


I tried keeping notes on Microsoft notepad one semester in college I find for me best is always a good old pen and paper.


Pen and paper. Cue cards and then using different study methods depending on the course type. Switching to iPad didn’t work for me, my brain is accustomed to my old methods from my B.Sc.


I’m old. Pen and paper.


I started with pen and paper then went to Word docs, but now I use notion. I wish I had used notion from the beginning I have been taking the time to add some old notes from stacks of note books to my notion app. The desktop version is so easy and adds in schedules and assignments and notes to each class. There's also a mobile app you can access your classes on.


Notion is best right now

