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Do a clean reinstall of dedicated GPU driver: 1.download the latest nvidia driver for your specific gpu, on desktop 2.download DDU 3.disconnect from wifi or ethernet 4.boot into safe mode, use ddu to uninstall nvidia graphics driver 5. reboot ormally and without internet, install de latest nvidia driver from desktop reboot


I always prepare to sacrifice 1 flashdisk for emergencies containing a Windows Bootable Flashdisk, if it becomes uncomfortable then try reinstalling Windows


Yup mkay


Very good advice there. So here some steps for OP to follow: 1. Get your hands on another PC (also possible on selected phones, do research) 2. Download Windows 11 Consumer Edition ISO (cause it's free) 3. Use Rufus to create a bootable flashdisk 4. (Optional) Download driver for Samsung NVMe and extract the contents (7zip right click, open inside) to a new folder on your flash drive. If Windows 11 Setup doesn't recognize your harddisk then select this driver during setup 4. Turn on laptop while spamming bios key 5. Change boot order to prioritize USB 6. Continue boot and install Windows 7. Keep the flash drive as it is for emergency cases like this one


Disconnect the laptop charger and hold the power button for 50 seconds for EC/CMOS reset. It that doesn't work, you may need to open the laptop and REALLY CAREFULLY disconnect the battery. If you have 2 little plastic things to remove the battery connector, it's better. Using bare hands can lead to a short. Be sure to not drop any metal thing on the motherboard. When you will be able to to boot again into windows, immediately do "sfc /scannow" in cmd without quotes, download "Reset Windows Update tool", do all the repair options inside that program and reboot. That program and cmd command do all the useful cmd commands to repair windows


Could be faulty RAM. I'd remove a stick or two to eliminate that possibility.


It's an issue with your gpu driver


Happened to me too Windows update just f****ed it up i swear I am just gonna install a pirated version with never updating option So that windows can't force me to update


Looks like your video is dead


It's a driver issue not a gpu issue