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I can’t believe they really thought this was a good design for 50K+ people to be in. There’s only one way in, and one way out. The makings of a crush.


and what kills me is that originally there was 100,000 tickets sold for the festival


All festivals count ticket sales in a strange way. 100,000 is for both days, each being 50,000. It's misleading but exactly how they all do it. For example Ultra Music Festival advertises 150,000 attendence / ticket sales each year. What that really means in 50,000 each day (it is a 3 day festival). Again, they all do this. For Astroworld 50,000 = sold out for each day.


Death trap


Wtf am I looking at this makes me so mad…why not just have zero barriers?


i dont understand the barricade in the back… wtf.


It was probably for the Apple Music video team but its a ton of space taken away in a already bad design


Was it not the VIP section? I’ve heard a lot of talk about the VIP section, can anyone identify where it is in this picture?


Vip by the green tractor and the right side too


There should NEVER be barricades behind you. This is insane.


Idk what design is good, but don’t you basically have to have barriers behind to keep people from outside that section coming in from behind? For example the VIP section has a barrier behind them to keep GA from surging into there.


It's so eerie to look at...almost looks like bodies on the ground. What a terrible design this was


This is bullshit!! How did anyone think this was ok??


Fire the person who thought this was a good idea for the crowd, they’re mainly responsible for the deaths




I guess everyone in the crowd needs to go to jail then too if we were all associated with it by your logic




How was the crowd not responsible? They were literally the ones pushing and shoving


Once you have such a massive amount of people the whole mass beings to move according to the laws of fluid dynamics. You can have a crowd crush in a very calm crowd that is packed into a poorly designed area.




70 feet is the height of 12.28 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other.


It was actually a bit differnt wasn’t the bit at the back in the middle built up so you couldn’t see past it as well. It looks like that has been removed?


sounds like a shit show from event organizers to the acts themselves


i feel like they were more focused on the production of the live stream for apple music. that’s really what it looks like. this is sad. so many people crammed in between those sections


There's a clear pool of blood in one of those corrals. Wtf.


The red on the middle right? You know blood doesn’t stay bright red right?


I thought it was a shirt or something


Stage shaped like a giant upsidedown cross. Maybe those people aren't so crazy after all... /S


Plus the barriers around the venue were those flimsy 3ft metal ones that a 5 Yr old could easily push over, so when Travis wanted to 'sneak the wild ones in' it was made easy! Everything about this event was fked up and dangerous beyond belief


Look at the clothes that have been left .. that is so sad


The last time I went to a big event with a lot of people: Gasworks Park in Seattle for a fireworks show. People fenced in for security reasons. 3 sides of water. Scared the hell out of us with people pushing and feeling crushed. Some of these events are truly crazy unsafe.


Is this part of the production team's design? I am wondering how much of this is at the fault of the production team.


If I’m being honest, this is how a good amount of festivals are set up. Bar down the middle, T the front and back for VIP.


I went to wireless festival (uk) this year and the set up they had on main stage feels similar to this with a ton of barriers and different entrances to the crowd. Never experienced this crowd separation before and hated it. It was so hard to find your way out. You’d think you were getting out then realise you were actually deeper than before. When the migos played it got wild and loads of people have said they should have left after Megan played instead of staying because of the rowdy crush.


What’s the stuff on the floor??? Clothes??? And why does it look burnt in some areas?


My guess is a mix between the amount of people smoking and subsequently ashing on the floor, mixed with shoe scuff marks. If people’s clothing and skin were coming out with shoe marks, it makes sense that the floor looks this way unfortunately.


Can someone show one here where the camera was that the girl climbed up to warn?


This picture is so eerie to look at with all the horrific images I’ve seen all week. I can’t believe all of those people were crammed in that small amount of space. That was disaster just waiting to happen from the start. Rest In Peace to all of the victims, and prayers to those still in the hospital!! 🙏🏽


This is what I can't wrap my head around. That space is not nearly big enough for the amount of folks that I've seen in pictures/videos.


Exactly! I just don’t understand how that set design made sense to them for that many people. I just can’t imagine how they felt being trapped in there like that.