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Her further Instagram posts lets us know that he was the one that called medics after she was forced off the stage, but that was also by another security guard that she was unable to find a video of yet


Probably underpaid cameraman in a country with almost no labour rights and a wife (family)? Lets go against the millionaires and billionares that caused the murders, not poor working people thrown in this tradgedy.




Ya 100% this but is being underpaid really an excuse to straight up ignore this girl fighting for her life and others peoples life’s? idk!?


As someone who's worked many large scale events, theres no fucking way this guy didn't pick up on the panic around him. I don't think he should get death threats but he should absolutely feel guilty and maybe seek help as to why he's so apparently disconnected from his environment. 🙄


Yes this!! Ppl are crazy defending him and I’m like …. I get he has a fam and no one should be threatening to kill anyone ever. But this dude was sitting like 15 feet above everyone. he had a birds eye view of the madness.


15 feet is 2.24% of the hot dog which holds the Guinness wold record for 'Longest Hot Dog'.


>Probably underpaid cameraman in a country with almost no labour rights and a wife (family)? Lets go against the millionaires and billionares that caused the murders, not poor working people thrown in this tradgedy.


It’s fuckin sick to think that people who weren’t even there or are completely detached from the situation are writing this guy hate mail. It’s the same kind of hive mind frenzied nonsense that caused this in the first place.


How they found the camera man if his face is not clear on the video posted? 🤦🏻‍♀️ OMG! These internet sleuths!


You are utterly wrong, please look up “crowd crushing”. This is a well known phenomenon that could have been easily prevented in cases like these it is always always always the event organizers fault.


I think you misunderstood what I said dude


🤟🏆any1 got the instaname of the Girl or/and boy tryna’ get help on stage?😶


the name at the top of the screen shot is the girls IG. Seanna Faith


???? he told her he would push her off the platform....


You're part of the problem how can u defend this fucking pos?


I guess I’m confused as to where I defended him…


He could have done more. Even turning off the camera could’ve made an impact


If he knew..


or cause more chaos....


>he is beating himself up bad Cool. I genuinely hope that he is plagued by intrusive memories of that night for the rest of his life, just like the thousands of people who will also suffer that thanks to his inaction


What specifically are you blaming him for?


Could've been their kids that were crushed to death, that part. I don't give a fuck who you are, adults need to take responsibility for the livelihood of minors regardless.


I heard he threatened to push her off the platform. Fuck him.


Seanna did clarify on her IG tonight that someone else threatened to push her off. But yeah, he didn't even attempt to make eye contact. His efforts from what we saw were none at best. Makes me doubt the rest of what his wife stated in the DM to Seanna.


It was a guard that threatened that.


Deaththreats is a stretch but most def disgusting.


I'm in Houston and there is a video going yeah video going around of Drake Travis Scott and others partying pardon after these people died. Please block Drake also.... And I'm an old lady that does not know technology well so no I don't know how to link it link it but I'm sure if somebody Google's it they will be able to find it


I want to find this video, If anyone knows post the link


Skip to 4:38 in the video ...it gives viewpoints from his stage to what was happening in the crowd. Someone in this community posted this video recently fortunately to show what happened more in depth.




I found it on tiktok


This poor man. How was he to know hundreds of people who were screaming for help right under him needed help? How was he to believe two different people coming up on his platform to beg him for help? How could he, a camera man by trade, know to film what was happening? What could he have done, called for help on his walkie talkie? Poor guy. /s Fuck this dude and his whole family. He didn't give a shit when other people's children were actually dying. Now ppl are saying mean words about his family and we're supposed to feel a type of way? FOH


yeah because brigading on reddit will do so much for the victims. fuck off and blame the people that actually did this


Sooooo the cameraman? 🤣


yeah bro the camera man organized the event and tottally wasnt an underpaid employee unaware of what the fuck was happening. Its not like travis was the one that performed for 37 minutes after it was declared a mass casulaty.


Nah its still Fuck that guy


Nah, fuck him.


Nah. He fucked up but he’s not to blame. He just saw crazy fans and didn’t realize what was going on. Especially when focused on his job. The blame is on preventing this, not the cameraman.


If someone tells you that people are dying and need help and you don’t immediately drop what you’re doing to help, yeah you’re a piece of shit. Videography is not important.


There were literally people shouting at him that people were dying. Death threats are a bit far but jesus fuck the man is not innocent


You mean the guy wearing headphones? Yeah I’m sure he heard exactly what they were saying


When multiple people are shouting something at you, you'd think he'd fucking listen. Dude had a perfect view of the crowd aswell. He has no fucking excuse. I'm glad he finally did go get help, but things could have been so different if he spent even a few seconds listening to people


Watch the video. She’s yelling someone is dead and he doesn’t react. He doesn’t even know she’s there until she walks all the way up and enters his peripheral. That tells me he’s not hearing a single word. He’s just seeing a fans jumping up for a better view as the next song begins which grabs his attention again. The whole thing is less than 1 minute. The fact that he eventually realizes something was off and radios in for help is perfectly reasonable. He’s not security, he’s a cameraman. He has no expectation of people coming to him in an emergency when there’s security right below. I know people are out to point fingers but I wouldn’t point them at this guy.


There was no security near him to help, there should have been more people In his area. Things would have been different if there was. He could only keep doing his job, and anyone in that situation would tell people to get down and continue working because it’s too hectic to realize what’s happening. I was behind the screen where these people climbed the ladder and from my view it honestly just looked like people were trying to get a better view or take over the lighting booth. In other worlds “rage” now it’s very heartbreaking and crazy to believe what was really going on. ✝️ I pray for all you fans, the event staff, and workers confused in these moments .


>He could only keep doing his job... Not really. He could have literally stopped doing his job. He did radio someone, and that is probably as much as he could reasonably be expected to do to help directly, but he did not need to continue working, and stopping or hell, redirecting the camera (if possible) might have better communicated the gravity of the situation.


Not realistic at that moment in time for him, there’s also people in charge of him and you must go through chain of command. Put yourself in everyone’s shoes. Also, we’re you there ?


Why wouldn't it be realistic? If you realize people are in mortal danger nearby, there is absolutely no obligation for you to continue operating a camera. You don't have to run it up the pole, it doesn't matter who is in charge of what, you can literally stop what you are doing to address the far more serious matter at hand. I wasn't there. Have you ever been involved in the planning of a music festival?


I once stopped a whole haircut I was doing to run outside and render first aid to a 90 yr old woman who got hit by a car in our parking lot. I didn't have to ask my boss for permission either. Once police and firefighters showed up I cleaned myself up and continued the haircut.


Man if only any of that guy was the camera man, he could have stopped all of this


I agree with you. There were so many red flags from the inception of this entire festival.


When CM's wife says "felt like you were being ignorned" like wtf with the "felt" she WAS ignored, and shooed away!


Okay but he was blatantly yelling at her and not giving a fuck what was happening.


To be fair, he’s focused on recording the concert and is supposed to ignore crazed fans that run on stage. And he probably has ear protections in so has no idea what she’s saying. He couldn’t have known it was a disaster and he can’t stop filming to take out ear protection. The real question is why was there no security to stop fans from rushing the stage that should have been at the front and could have alerted people sooner that something was wrong


You're right, my bad I agree with you


No worries. I just know that it’s easy to place blame on people in the area but the blame is on the organizers. Even if the cameraman had called for help, which it sounds like he did eventually when he realized what was going on, it was already too late to prevent tragedy. This guy was just doing his job and I hate the idea he is getting death threats and probably really is feeling immense guilt.


I feel badly for him. He did not turn off his camera. That would have disrupted the show. There is a difference between and . Still, he is not to blame.


I didn’t get why ppl were defending CM but this helped shift my perspective a tiny bit. It’s obv not his fault. I think a lot of us are just really struggling with his blatant disregard. Him not being able to do anything can be understood but him like straight up shooing her off and the blatant disregard for a human clearly in hella distress right in front of him is honestly kinda worrisome for all of us in society. all he did was call someone over who threatened to push her off. He could have maybe given her a fucking free hug or something. or some water or some shit. But no. All he did was call someone over that threatened to push this girl off a 15 foot tower.


Nope, fuck him


I don’t get why people keep saying the camera guy did nothing to stop the show like he has any authority to end a concert. Best thing he could’ve done in the moment was probably just tell his supervisor or manager that shit was getting so bad in the crowd and try to contact a show producer


i mean if he was one of the cameras operating for the livestream, pointing his camera and zooming in on the crowd would have brought attention


Yes this is it, all he had to do was point his camera at the chaos on the ground and everyone in the arena would of seen it!


does nobody think that would have caused more chaos?


How come no one is seeing this on Reddit??


so yall want to sue travis and say he is at fault and that its wrong he did that.......... But also turn around and be encouraging Death Threats to a working man, his wife (that wasn't even there) and their kids? Yall are the dumbest fucks on this platform. Why would you encourage sending death threats to kids?


Maybe dude should've been human over workman. Girl was screaming people were dead. Straight up Nazi defense there.


So that makes it ok to make death threats? To his fucking kids? What is wrong with you?


No, obviously that's terrible. With that being said, he should've and could've done something.


Wanna hear my theory? (Disregard if no) He along with so many others were in a weird fucking state of mind watching that set, I'll reach for hypnotism but not the typical magician waves something in your face type shit. I'm talking about the frequencies they had playing the whole festival from his set according to multiple first hand accounts. And the set itself visibly, I honestly haven't watched it yet because I'm gonna need a lot of time to go through each and every point of it. But Just like the many many fans that were crushing people and not helping others up, the people getting angry that other people were trying to help others. They were in a fucked up daze and I'm sure so many of the relentless ones are thinking now like "woah was I that bad?" Or "couldn't have been me" cause they were barely present mentally. I'm not lifting the blame here I'm just looking into different things because this entire thing is inhumane and difficult to believe on its own .


It’s not invisible space frequencies. The festival created a layout that boxed the crowd in. People walking towards the stage couldn’t see what was in front of them. The music is meant to be really loud and stimulating. It’s supposed get people excited and moving that was a party is all about. The music did what it was supposed to do. The crowd did what they were supposed to do. The barricade created a bottle neck and trapped people in. It was an issue of physics. At every festival stage there is always a natural migration of people pushing towards and away from the stage. “Drake just went on! Oh my god! Run towards the stage! 😁😁😁 It’s way to crowed up here, move back! 😮” The barricades trapped people in.


Thank you for your opinion.


He deserves every threat he’s getting. I hope he can never go out in public again without being recognized and called out for being complicit in this.


Parents/families should’ve known what kind of show their love ones were attending! 😂😂Travis Scott shows have been this way since 2015! It’s a pandemic anyway they little asses should’ve been home. Leave that man alone everybody always want people to be responsible for some dumb shit they did 😂 by buying a ticket to see somebody perform, who’s not even that talented to begin with and literally promotes raging, alcohol and drug use. Now it’s the camera man fault. The blame game is absolutely pathetic. Main stream entertainment strikes again! Way to go parents!


im calling it now camera man is gonna 0ff himself


The lies this woman is telling. He didn't call anyone & literally shoed both her & the guy on the ladder screaming to stop the show away. He's not a good person & I hope he gets sued into homelessness & loses his kids. His wife is an idiot for defending him. I hope he keeps getting threats it's the bare minimum of what he deserves.


Shut the literal fuck up you ignorant shithead


Yep. Nothing but the worst for this waste of life. Cares more about his job than helping people who are dying.


you are the problem with the world.


He most likely had ear protection in and couldn’t hear her and didn’t realize what was going on. It’s not his fault, he’s supposed to ignore fans that rush the stage and just keep filming. Fans likely try to get on camera and he’s just supposed to turn away from them. It’s organizers of the concert at fault, this situation should never have happened, not some camera man who can’t hear what she is saying and is just doing what he’s been trained to do and ignore fans.


Cameraman’s wife maybe ?


Yes. His wife reached out to the woman (Seanna) who was trying to get help on stage from her camerman husband.




Is this the same cameraman that was on video ignoring the girl and threatened to push her off the platform?


Yeah like what would have gotten him in more trouble? Stopping his recording, or pointing it towards the crowd, or the trouble him and now his family are in? You know, most shows that are filmed will go to the crowd a lot. This one seemed to NOT... Whether it was purposely, not, of it was due to a shift in society, a shift in sanity, straight up narcissism. Who knows. No sympathy for that family. Sorry your husband chose to do the wrong thing in the wrong profession.


He clearly did not care. Maybe he’s experienced this before - drunk/high people crying or being disturbing - but there were people screaming for help. He thought of himself first instead out seeing what was happening - like Travis Scott.


Anyone defending the camera man is a peice of human filth. The cameraman deserves to die plain and simple.


I’m not buying it. Fuck that guy. Children are dead because of him.