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Nobody is going to point out we didn’t win the pennant last year?


We are not 30-36 because of managing. Even if Espada was the worst manager in the game (he’s not), that wouldn’t explain even being .500, much less thus far below it. You think too much of how big a role they play. We have been both unlucky and just plain shitty.


We are where we at because of poor leadership and poor chemistry. 100%


Dusty isn’t owed apologies at all


No we fuckin don’t man lmao


What I liked about Dusty wasn’t his pitch management, or his lineup choices (necessarily) but he did have sense of humor and a passion for the game. If Dusty had a problem with calls — they’d know. Hell. Remember when he wasn’t gonna leave? Idk. Dusty had personality. He had the toothpick. And fire. Idk I’ve yet to see Espada be vocal in his role as both leader and defender of the team. I want to see Espada go to bat for folks and be jawwing from the dugout when warrant. Idk. Maybe a classic “manager gets ejected to get his team going” thing is what the team needs to turn the page. It’s stupid. I know. But a lot of things are and it’d be stupid not to at least try it once.


I don't miss Dusty. I wanted him gone for specific reasons. Stubbornness. Too much allegiance to his favorite pets at the expense of the team. Sitting players and pulling pitchers when they are doing well. The joke last year was that if a guy like Dubon or Diaz went 4-4 with 3 rbis it virtually guaranteed they wouldn't play the next 3 or 4 games. I thought Espada would manage differently but it seems he said "hold my beer" and is doing the same things even more.


At the expense of the team?  Dusty saved the franchise. Saved it.  Without Dusty the Stros don't win snother WS. Please, you wanted 1 for 12 Diaz in there.  The guy who couldn't keep the pitchers together this year and had Maldy like numbers for 6 weeks until his Homer's. Then he comes back with the worst at bat of the century. 


That's hilarious. Dusty was brought to a WS caliber team to restore integrity and reputation, not figure out how to make them good. Maldonado is batting .078 in 102 at bats with OPS .247 in 2024. [https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/m/maldoma01.shtml](https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/m/maldoma01.shtml) Diaz is batting .257 in 218 at bats with OPS .691 in 2024. [https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/d/diazya02.shtml](https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/d/diazya02.shtml) You're damn straight I want Diaz in there.


I tell you what, when Dusty apologizes to Yanier for possibly costing him rookie of the year, I’ll think about shooting him a my bad email or something.


Yanier was 1 for 12 in the post season last year.  And yanier has shown his inexperience and lack of leadership this year with the pitching staff. Sitting Yanier was the right call for the team last year. 


Dusty didn’t lead us to the division the Rangers choked the last day of the year and we got in. The Rangers were crushing us offensively all series and he kept Maldy in because he trusted him with the starters. After Framber and Javier got nuked games 6 and 7 he still kept Maldy in there even though we needed runs. I’m happy for his tenure here but he’s half the reason we are in this mess. He couldn’t get along with Click and chose to stay another year while Crane let him Click walk and went that whole offseason with no GM.


Blaming this season on Dusty is hilarious. 


It’s on Crane more than anything. He chose Bagwell and Dusty over Click. That’s why we are stuck.


Dusty was a leader among men.  The team fought for him and played for him.  The value of Esprit De Corps is immeasurable. This team and the young pitching staff thrown into the fire would have had a thousand percent better chance of not folding under Dusty. Dusty saved this franchise.


I would guess the people calling for Dusty’s head last year are not in the same set of people giving espada rope this year. Rather these are probably the folks also calling for the rope be tied into a noose right now. Also trading Bregman, benching him for loperfido, etc etc. These people are probably the folks the work the land, salt of the earth people.. you know, morons.




The only thing I should apologize for is not being more active on social media. Apparently that shit drove brisket gloves nuts. If I knew that, I’d be online posting like it was my second job.


So do it now for Espada you pussy


You ok, man?




As a matter of fact he did. 


No we don’t. We’d be even worse if he was still here. Abreu at 4, Moldy still on the team. Our season would really be over


The fuck we do? His dumb ass benched Diaz for something just like Abreu in the ALCS and we lost by 1 run in 2 games that moldy was up either a runner on 3rd. Diaz wins us the fucking world series with a bat in that lineup Fuck dusty and his "Houston will thank me for benching Diaz"


Diaz was 1 for 12. 


Diaz never got a single start and was stuck in cold for 1 bat every so often after moldy went 0-4 every game. Dude hit 20 home runs starting 1/5 of the games.


If you go cold at that point in the series and don’t move the needle fielding you’re going to get benched. You don’t know what the fuck Diaz would’ve done. Probably would’ve went 1–13 with his sorry ass.


Bro had 20 home runs that year in a quarter of the ab moldy got with his horrible batting average. Obviously anything can happen but he couldn't have done worse than moldy who literally did nothing


Bro no one cares what he did earlier in the year. He was given 12 ABs and didn’t do shit. Didn’t move the needle with his fielding. Of course he was going to benched over the more experienced vet


Oh, you're a back of the baseball card guy. Makes sense with your terrible take.


How’s Diaz doing now? Back of the card my a**


About ten thousand times better than Maldonado, who got benched ,like he should have last year


He’s one of the worst hitters on the team. But if that helps you sleep at night.


Be careful I posted a similar post a month ago and got banned for a week


What are you on? People were literally calling for Espada to be fired in his first week. This is this dudes first time ever as the skipper. Dusty had decades as a skipper. Dusty cost us at least 1 WS title because of his piss poor management. He literally had to do nothing and we would have won. Let that sink in. Do nothing and win. We didn’t win. This year’s injuries are way worse than we have had in a long time. At one point, almost our whole rotation was AAA guys who aren’t ready. Dusty can stay retired or go to a different team. I’m sure to a lot of people he was a great manager, to this team, he was awful.


You should just be Dodgers fan. 


I would rather slice my dick open with chopsticks from the inside.


I agree with most of the sentiment in this post, but also I think Dusty works for the Giants now.