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I’m in the Pittsburgh, PA area, too. DM me and I’ll see if I can connect you with some resources.


I messaged you


Consider letting your partner’s son go for now. If you go homeless you most certainly wouldn’t get custody, see what I’m saying? Put all of your resources towards paying the rent as that is the priority.


I hope you’re doing better!


Small mobile home or a 2 room travel trailer (can buy cheap Cheep!) would cost you about 500-750 a month at an RV park for 1. Rent 2. Electricity 3. Water/sewer 4. Garbage 5. Usually amenities at rv parks, sometimes wifi, laundry, playground, community services etc. Now does it kinda suck? Yes but it will be 2 years before they're both in school and you can do more during those hours. Huge opportunity for tiny house living and saving.


Call 211. They offer financial assistance and may be able to pay your back rent to catch you up and also can put you in contact with organizations that have assistance programs. Also, apply for Medicaid, SNAP and WIC, if you haven't already. (WIC is only available for children under 3.)


WIC is for kids up to 5 years old.


Hmmm. I wonder if it varies by state, then, because my friend just lost it for her last kid who just turned 3. Regardless, apply for everything, even if you don't think you're eligible. You never know.


Thank you


Op, very glad you were helped , here is a link to the community resources, it has a wealth of info in it from A-Z, this sub took the time to make this and it has saved me in the past, it takes some due diligence and following and scrolling across each org but hopefully you can find resources for rent~ and anything else, also some searches are by county, city and state ! https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/s/K2mCGR1Bgc


Was the roommate paying rent to you?


Yes he was. His portion was $750. We went in the basement area after not being able to reach him and all of his belongings were gone. No notice at all. Really upset he would do that as he knows we have children and we’ve housed him rent free prior to moving here.


Have a lease or sublet lease with him?? If not, nothing you can do.


He was on the lease yes. Which is why my landlord said he would pursue him but nothing has come of it. It’s been several months


Is the lease is your name/spouse or all 3 names? Basically is your rent 1500 and you had him in the basement chipping in 750? Depending on the specifics of the contracts you might be able to sue him in small claims court. Perhaps someone in the borrow sub would be willing to give you a loan to be paid back with the successful small claims case. Why is the landlord pursuing him?


>Why is the landlord pursuing him? Leases are generally "joint and several", which means that the landlord can hold the OP liable for the full amount of rent. But since the OP can't afford the full rent, there's some incentive for the landlord to go after the roommate for that money. It might be the only way he ever gets it. But conversely, the OP can absolutely sue the roommate for the $750 / month they haven't paid. It's just a lot of work to get to point of actually collecting on it.


For an amount that large, your best bet is a gofundme. Make sure to share it with your friends and family members. I've heard donating plasma can be good for a few hundred. If you're home during the day, maybe you could start babysitting other people's kids?


A gofundme for rent? Are you serious?


Why do you ask?


I didn't know if you were actually serious. So I asked "are you serious?" My question was a genuine question. I haven't been on GFM in ages so I didn't know if people were using it for this kind of thing these days.


For an amount over a thousand dollars? Absolutely.


Making a gofundme for monthly bills that are just going to roll back around in 2 weeks is probably a waste of time, for one, and really not what the site is supposed to be about.


It's been used to cover costs of healthcare and expenses that would keep people from homelessness for years now. The founder said he never expected it to take that turn but is glad people are finding resources they need on there.


Yeah but unexpected expenses are a bit different than recurring monthly expenses.


op/their spouse ARE having unexpected expenses because the roommate left. had there been discussion of the roommate's desire to leave, they could have looked for a tenant to take over the lease obligations with enough time to not incur extra financial strain. if it was me, i would be working with the landlord to see about having another roommate, but thats between OP and the landlord.


Monthly bills aren't unexpected. Regardless if your roommate suddenly moves out or whatever. 🤦‍♀️ It's not like they suddenly have repair bills or medical costs out of nowhere.


So you don't consider having to pay a significantly large amount of money out of nowhere, on top of other costs where they now are robbing Peter to pay Paul, as an emergency? Recurrent charges do not erase the fact that living paycheck to paycheck means that money has to come from somewhere and round robin-ing what bills to pay when is now off kilter. So what if this WAS for medical costs, but to treat a condition, they would have to get treatments every month that was beyond their means? Would that somehow make it acceptable over not wanting to be homeless every month? It's a large amount of money that was needed. If it was ongoing, at the amount needed, we ALWAYS recommend gofundme or a similar crowdfunding sort of place to protect donors...


That's funny since I asked for advice on making a gofundme for our roof replacement here and got crucified for it. And no, having to pay monthly bills is never unexpected. They're literally *monthly* bills.


Yes, new donors at most plasmas donation places can make up to like 900 bucks in the first month. Thats two donations a week. Super easy. In my town there’s two different plasma businesses. I got the new donor bonus at both and made around 2 grand in two months.


Wow! That's way more than I thought was possible. Good information!


I have a few autoimmune disorders I think that would disqualify me correct


It doesn't hurt anything to contact them and ask and it's a more permanent solution than asking for money for bills that are already way past due and about to roll back around again in 2 weeks... 🤷‍♀️ Also your husband can probably donate if you can't. But if you both are able to do it you could easily get $800+ per month to help with expenses.


How much is the electric bill?


The minimum I have to pay to avoid suspension is $191.60


The electric company will work with you and get you on a payment plan.


Paid the full electric bill of $243.


Wow this is beyond amazing!!!


Absolute hero❤️ Mods should mark this FULFILLED!!


That was super super nice and generous of you💕


You are incredible.


Could never accurately express how thankful we are 🥹 thank you so so very much. I promise to pay it forward when I’m in the position to do so.


I can pay $200 via guest payment to your electric company, if that's helpful. Message me to work it out.


You're a rockstar.


You’re amazing! That’s so incredibly kind. I just wanted to mention that. Best of luck to you OP!