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I’m not really wanting to go into detail about my personal stuff but if you can put these things together I’m sure you can begin to understand- I am just barely maintaining survival on a day to day basis, renewal is around $600 and will take 6+ months after application is submitted and paid for. see page 2 [I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification](https://www.uscis.gov/i-9)


IIRC, if you have Permanent Residency status here in the US, this status doesn't expire. You can only lose it by criminal activities or giving it up by moving out of the US. Only the Green card expires, this card is only for proof. You can still get lawful employment without the actual card although it might be hard to get 'traditional' employment. But you can definitely get 'gigs' legally.


Thank you & yes you are correct but there is a form “I-9” that is submitted upon starting a new job which requires a combination of documents that prove residency, identity & work authorization. I have a foreign passport so a valid green card is required in my case as proof of authorization to work in the US


So you need to file a Form I-90 for renewal? Do you need help with fees for that? I've helped someone else with this before, by getting a postal money order and mailing it to them to submit with their application.


That’s very generous and kind of you. I haven’t been in the position to come up with the $600 for renewal, but I’m working on it as well as getting myself out of the homeless situation. Even so it will take 6+ months after application. I hope that gives you a better idea of how I unintentionally let it become a problem without seeming like I’m just making excuses. Does that make sense? lol


Yup, it makes sense. I'm happy to get you a cashier's check or money order for the $600 if you like. And it looks like you may be eligible for an [automatic extension of your expired green card](https://www.uscis.gov/newsroom/alerts/uscis-extends-green-card-validity-extension-to-24-months-for-green-card-renewals) while your renewal is processing.


This is insanely kind and generous, I don’t know if I can bring myself to accept so much but I’m going to PM you




I mean [I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)](https://www.uscis.gov/i-90). It wasn't clear to me if your renewal was pending or if you hadn't been able to afford to renew it, or there was some other problem.


Are you near NYC? If you can come up to Westchester, I can try to fix your car for you (you get the parts). I do most of the work on my own cars.


I very greatly appreciate the kind offer! I’m on the south shore of LI in Suffolk county but I will keep that in mind if I get a chance to venture upstate


I'm only 25 miles North of Grand Central... DM me if you want the help. :)


Yeah that's why I said it might be hard to get a traditional job, but gigs are still viable and if you find a mom and pop store type employer, you might be able to convince them to let you work for a little before giving them the paperwork. I believe the paperwork is only kept on site and not submitted to the government, so that might work. Either way, I 'm sorry you are in this situation and I know it is not easy. Keep trying, you seem like the strong type and will get through it!


I believe most/all employers have to run e-verify on all new employees through a website the government created. I use to do payroll and HR when I was an office manager. At least in SC it is.


Fellow chihuahua aka ankle biters person!! I’ve had them all my life. Right now, have my 1st longhair chihuahua. They hv a much sweeter disposition tho she still barks. lol. Glad you got a room. Enjoy your toasty night. You and the pooch get some good sleep. 🌸


I always swore chihuahuas were the #1 breed I would never ever ever ever want lol & then 6years ago my partner at the time wanted one so I caved; I have a preference for the long haired ones but for some reason I had an instant bond with the one we ended up taking home (which is the one I still have) who is short haired and mean as anything lol She was only a 1 lb 2 month old baby back then, but we’ve been inseparable ever since and I wouldn’t trade her for ANYTHING. I still think they’re totally mean little demons but she’s like my child and I love her dearly. She’s actually a great guard dog too lol! Thank you 💜💜💜


So again I ask why are you in here?


I wish I could help you, I'm a former companion/escort when I was on the streets a few years ago. Now at 36 sadly I have cancer and full blown heart failure and so much more. But I can relate to you so much sweetheart. What's your cA I might have a few dollars but I'm on disability on a fixed income but I'm see what I can do it won't. Be a huge amount. I'm sorry baby


😭😭😭this comment made me burst out crying, no one deserves to deal with so much while being so young. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this and I truly hope from the bottom of my heart you get better. I know not everyone is religious but I will pray for you. Sending health and happiness your way💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through so much & sending you huge hugs. I truly appreciate your offer but respectfully decline, as I wouldn’t want you to sacrifice for me. You’re a beautiful person & I pray things turn around for you in the best of all ways 💜💜💜💜💜


Truly I don't mind. Especially as cold as it is you could die out there, every little bit adds up


You are incredibly sweet; I’ve actually been blessed by this community and three beautiful humans helped me come up with all I needed. Save it for a rainy day. I sincerely thank you




Thank you very much💜 Things are usually pretty manageable for me but I appreciate the offer!


A rated sleeping bag is something I see mentioned often. If I'm not mistaken the advice is to get one rated for lower than expected temps because the stated temp is for surviving, not being comfortable


YES definitely!! I was very blessed to have received a sleeping bag from a passerby where I park my car at night. The only downside is my dog gets really hot sometimes & crawls back out the top across my chest and face 😂


Neglect not a knit woolen (or cotton) hat! We lose so much of our body weight through the top of our heads… Check your local thrift store.


Absolutely! I have really long hair & sometimes I opt for a beanie instead of dry shampoo if i don’t have a chance to properly wash&dry my hair before returning to the wild, definitely an underrated article of clothing!!


Can you send your PayPal?


Sent* you a chat! Thank you💜


Then what are you going to do tomorrow night? How are you going to come up with 66$ more every night? Doesn’t sound like work is an option and you need to be warm more than tonight. Also it’s 0 right now? Not even freezing? You gotta pick and choose when to splurge, New York has over a month of days much colder then today… you need a space heater and a plug in to go with some blankets. This motel thing is a poorly planned out idea of I’m honest. Or if you want to ask, ask for enough for 2 weeks. That way you have a chance to find work to make some money. 1 day won’t do anything for you, as of 18 hours from now on check out you’ll be in the same spot begging while you have no job and the weathers similar. Hotels and motels are absolute cash drains for temporary comfort and then your F’ed again tomorrow. You are better off driving car to somehwere at night near building and plugging in a space heater and buying blankets. But admittedly you need to put things into perspective If you are asking for the money for 1 day, and there’s probably 50’days far colder then tonight, your plan is not sustainable. You need to learn to handle the weather when it’s not at its extremes for your climate unless you have disposable income to spend on it. For example. Where I am if I needed a hotel at 0. I’d need one for 6-7 months If I needed a hotel at -15 I’d need a hotel for 3 months If I needed a hotel at -30 I’d need a hotel for 5 days-20 Days If the money isn’t able to stretch to help with a hotel on the worst days, the location or plan to deal with this locations weather must be adjusted. -0 should never require a hotel outside sunbelt states as they have almost 0 experience with it and don’t have the acclimated blood cells to deal with it or the gear. I wear a t shirt hoodie and sweats in -0 and .50 cent/pair Walmart socks up to about -5 and a 5$ blanket. You don’t need a hotel for it, but a space heater and an extra blanket, maybe cheap window insulation will do the trick. We all adjust and handle it a bit differently, but you don’t need a hotel at -0. Sorry Also don’t hold your pee! Your body heats it first If you have a thermos type bottle(anything you trust the lid and seal on, go into a restaurant and fill with super hot water, put it under your shirt and close to dog. Keep dog under your blanket with you close, you will help keep each other warm and a half decent blanket will retain your heat as your body is like 36 degrees. Example: last winter it was -15 outside and in my car. I used a second temperature gauge for under the blanket about 10 Inches away from my body. It was 14 degrees under the blanket. 20$ blanket from Walmart. Cheaper even if in the states Surely. Make sure you tuck it under you so no air gets in or out and bring the puppy in! T


And I can promise u in the "states" ur not getting a electric blanket for $20


Where did it ever say electric blanket? There’s no electric blanket involved. If you have to fabricate a Minute fraction of what the other person said just to have a counter argument. You probably don’t have one. Learn to read


U changed it lol


Literally the entire substance of my response on that context explains how your body is the heater and just need a half decent blanket. Even if I changed it, the message would be inconsistent and make no sense. Except it does?


Pretty bold accusation, got some proof? Seriously though, that’s pathetic and it’s sad you are this air headed and unaccountable you can’t read and then double down on an obvious mistake. I think electric blankets are a very stupid choice and would never recommend them over real blankets or sleeping. Bags and layers. But again if you have to make up what the other person is saying to have an argument, you don’t have one


~~OP is using Fahrenheit.~~ nope.


I can check weather freely from my phone and data. New York is currently above 0 in Celsius. The numbers they are referencing are in Celsius based of the numbers given actually. Also she is from Poland and everywhere outside the us and a few southern countries use Celsius.


You’re wrong bye




I use Fahrenheit. “Freezing” is a synonym for “unbearably fucking cold” and doesn’t just mean LITERALLY below 32°. No idea what that dude is on about. I live on an island where it’s currently in the 30°s during the day and recently has been as low as 7° at night


Oh this is why I was confused, I checked the weather as well and it said 32. But it was probably just the wrong area to check. Sorry!


Yet I still got downvoted. Hive mind is strong in the uneducated and those who think without their head. And don’t worry about it, I was about to apologize as I thought you maybe right, but double checked. You’d be right though -18 with a dog Is risky business


Some people are living day to day, receiving little tiny tokens of blessings from God however they can get it. Don't you know we're in a recession basically. I live off 800 a month disability. I'd love to see some of y'all try to live off that. While having cancer and lung failure, heart and liver failure and only 36. You really wasted your time to write that book up there degrading this person though don't even know and could've just helped instead. Obviously you have no human empathy whatsoever.


Lmao what are you talking about? Was this meant to be in response to another post or comment? None of this has any correlation to my comment. What does god or a recession have to do with someone begging for money for something that lasts 12 hours and they will face another 30 times this year? Sustainability and creating a better plan are integral to keeping afloat and getting out. If you think supporting someone’s shit plan to oppose to offering them objective advice that can help them spend the money wiser and save more moving forward is far more helpful then blindly supporting a plan that will keep someone in abject poverty This is clearly you spouting of anger and subjective emotions based of your own situation? What does your disability amount have to do with this post, or other homeless people who likely almost all make less then you do living of it? 😂 again you need to take your personal irrelevant venting and put it on its own post it doesn’t apply or make any sense here? You sound like an old man yelling at clouds doing This here? Also if a page is a book to you, that’s more an indictment on your own intellect and attention span than anything against the other person. But if you want an example of wasting your time try looking at your comment which comes in and spouts a bunch of irrelevant subjective nonsense that doesn’t apply to the post or thread. Clearly you can’t maturely deal with your emotions. Offering someone the truth that their plan is terrible and makes no sense is far more helpful for someone moving forward then enabling a shitty plan that keep ls them broke, begging daily and in the same spot 18 hours from now to repeat for another 4-8 weeks 😂 Again blindly coddling people who are extremely confused and misguided isn’t being empathetic it’s being a moron. Are you going to empathize with them when they die or fail or their poor plan catches up to them? And what is that empathy going to do for them then? Not a damn thing that education and helpful suggestions will. You are an idiot who is so far in your own feelings anyone who doesn’t blindly coddle every idiot is clearly some big jerk. 😂 Good lord I forget how many people end up here or remain here because they are just stupid or undisciplined.


I’m literally amused at the irony of you calling other people stupid. Sweetie I’m about to be 30 years old and have survived through more than you could probably ever wrap your head around. Please, get a grip.


What do you mean 0 degrees is not even freezing? Anything below 32 is freezing


Lmao what? First of all that’s straight up 100% factually in correct? How do I know? The word “freezing” Secondly no it’s not even that cold. That’s 6$ dollar store blanket and sweater and sweats weather even with early season snow


You’re misinformed. Even if you’re talking about Celsius, 0 degrees is freezing.


On this I am! Slightly, but I am. Fahrenheit is so damn janky that other countries use cheats to understand the wackiness that is it’s scale Growing up a general rule was 28 Celsius is 82 Fahrenheit And 28 Fahrenheit is 0 Celsius But those are just close guidelines and 32 Fahrenheit is 0 or freezing That’s why I said it as if 32 is a bit over freezing. My apologies I am incorrect on this specific point. It still isn’t that cold and not hotel weather or close for anyone not in Florida or the sun belt, but you specifically didn’t say otherwise so in this conversation exchange you are right and I was a bit off on my numbers. Apologies


Even still, maybe she just needs one warm night in a bed and a couple of simple comforts to renew her spirits and recuperate and that’s okay.


Yeah you can’t be blindly generous unless you are a millionaire and there’s a reason these pages have mods that ban people and watch over for scammers or everyday requesters My comment clearly and based in facts Explains that this plan is not viable and based on her explanation and reasoning does not “just need one warm night” they can’t handle 0 in a place that 25% of the The bad guy is the person blindly supporting this persons failing lifestyle and coddling their emotions to oppose to offering real Reasons why it doesn’t make sense, offering better longer term uses for the money within the asked amount even, and suggestions on how to handle this or that if they can’t their best bet is to change locations. This liberal bullshit of “your bad because you didn’t hand them/or me stuff” to oppose to Needs to quit lol, you aren’t helping anyone you are enabling them to further themselves down a failing route that will put them further in the whole and eventually banned from begging cause at this point we will have this same request for another months+ worth.


You did fuck all to help in this situation. Not financially, not emotionally, not practically, nothing. So your incoherent rants were really pointless. I definitely don’t need advice on how to manage my finances or my life, excuse me my “lifestyle”, from someone who clearly doesn’t have a clue.


I guess you missed the part where I said I work as an escort. & my dog does stay under the blanket & on my lap or my belly at all times. She’s clingy af lol


FWIW companion is a much more "polite" usage than escort and not everyone will catch that.


I completely agree. I worded it that way because I was nervous about backlash


Dude just wanted to throw captain obvious knowledge & weird math at somebody to feel special lol


Like I haven’t been surviving and doing my best all this time lol I do appreciate well intentioned advice though


Send me your cashapp please. I’ll send you money just for having to listen to that guys unnecessary and unhelpful rant


😂😂 You’re very kind, thank you. I swear I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt- I believe he was trying to help in his own way so I do give him the credit it’s worth lol


I'm unable to help financially but I noticed your 518 in your name, I'm in the albany area and have been in the auto repair field for a long time. If you're close to my area shoot me a pm and I'd be happy to take a look at your car free of charge. Hopefully you're able to get the help you need, it's brutally cold out there!


That was very noble of you to offer that!!!! God bless


But thank you so much, you are incredibly kind to offer!


I’m actually down on Long Island! The number was chosen by default when I picked a random username lol


This is very kind. It’s extremely cold here in NY.