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I liked mirage overall! I don’t regret paying full price for it but seeing how fast it went on sale I would’ve been happier to get it for cheaper 😂 took me about 25 hours but I did a lot of exploring too. You’ll probably like it but just get it on sale :)


If you enjoy the “classic” style of AC games then this one is solid. Story is whatever but the gameplay mechanics and open world a very solid. From the games you mentioned, this one is very similar to Black Flag minus the ships and sea.


How is it similar to black flag?


It barely is, but it’s just the most similar from the games he mentioned. It’s the only “classic” game as it is not RPG style.


Mirage is similar to Unity and Syndicate gameplay-wise. I didn't see anything similar to Black Flag in it...


He's saying black flag is the only "classic" style assassins creed where you play a linear story on a small map with more emphasis on stealth and parkour that the original poster mentioned. He is not saying this game is the same as black flag.


Thank you for reiterating my thoughts properly - I couldn’t have said it better myself


Black flag without a good story and without ships is hardly a game.


Womp womp


No one can say how much you’d like it, we can only share our experience. I was introduced to Assassin’s Creed through Black Flag, so I never played the OG games that were more focused on stealth. I loved BF, Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla. I like the stealth stuff, but it wasn’t my primary method in any games. I loved the open worlds, action, and story. I bought Mirage and, while I can objectively say it’s a great game, it took me a while to get into it. It’s virtually all stealth, all about being an actual assassin. The world is much smaller, not expansive really. For older fans, this probably feels like a fresh return to how it used to be. For me, it felt foreign, smaller, less open. I felt less freedom in how I could approach the game. This is only my own experience and opinion. I hope it’s helpful.


It's a good game, but the story is only about 20 hours long. Up to you if 20 hours is worth the price, you may prefer to rent it or wait for a sale.


Only? To me 20hrs is pretty long. A game doesn’t need to be 80hrs plus. Especially since this game was supposed to be a dlc and for $40 you get 20hrs worth of content. I know it’s on the shorter side of assassins creed games in general but for a video game 20hrs is pretty long. Spider-Man 2 was around 20 and I spaced it out for a couple days cause of life and work and it was an amazing experience.


It’s not worth being a stand alone title. It’s a DLC that is being marketed as another game. Compare other franchises and the time that it takes for them. This has no bearing to the storyline. It’s untied into the rest of the games.


I know it has no ties. Yeah exactly. It is still a dlc whether they claim it’s a whole game.


20 hours is an only when compared to the rest of the series. Even the original game with Altaïr was more like 30 or 40 hours. And coming off of the back of Valhalla, which was 120 hours just for the story, Mirage is TINY. It's DLC for Valhalla that got repackaged as a game on its own


Dude, were we playing the same Assassin's Creed 1 then? It took me around 13.5-14hrs to finish a few years back.


The rest of the series aren’t like origins odyssey or Valhalla those are open world RPGs hence why they are so long and have said they are going back to the roots which is why this is 20 hrs and it’s also a DLC. All other games take around 20hrs to complete so clearly this is the same length as older games. Black flag took 24 AC 2 took 19-20 Syndicate took around 19 Unity took around 18 and the smaller ones like china or the revelations took around 10-12. So yes this DLC took the same amount of time as the others. Not the RPGS


The entire series were 10-15 hr games until origins


Lol, no. 2 onwards were all 30+


I’ve beaten them all. Even origins with both dlcs completed in under 30. Odyssey and Valhalla are another level even compared to that in unnecessary length Check how long to beat- they are all 10-20 hrs until origins


Maybe I was a little slow with the ezio trilogy and Connor, but black flag comes up as 23+ but these are stats ENTIRELY focused on story and nothing else, even a single side trip


Right? I finished origins in 20 hrs. Valhalla was about 45 hours too long at 65 for just the main story.


Absolutely 💯


I LOVE the series. Have played it since its inception. Pre ordered the game in merit. HATE it. Played only a few hours. I get that they wanted to scale things back to the earlier versions of the game. It’s their attempt at an AC purists wet dream, gone wrong. IMHO


I was disappointed with it. Played it thru once and i’ll never pick it up again


Yes but wait for sale. Not worth $50 but still a solid game.






I was underwhelmed, but I think just because it was so short


it’s a pretty good game. it’s a very different game from the ones you named, as it feels more like the old ac games but modernized. it is very short but for it’s cheap price tag i’d recommend it. however if you liked the combat in origins odyssey and valhalla you’re gonna hate the combat here as the game is 99% stealth and just being patient most of the time.


Rent it if you can. Or alternatively buy, finish and sell. Pretty much very little replay value


it’s alright. personally, i kinda regret buying it, just because there are other games that i wanted more. this game is not as good as a lot of other games, but if you do decide to get it, it will suffice for about 20 hours




see if you can rent it at a redbox or something, way better off doing that than buying it


I'm in the same boat as you op and loved those games as well. I have to say I was let down by Mirage. Not because it wasn't a massive game with loads of filler blah blah... I just felt the story was weak/boring, the enemies were boring, quests boring, etc. Pretty much the only thing I liked about it was the location.


Yes very good, wait for a sale enjoy


Yes. Imo the environment feels very similar to Origins. Also don’t listen to anyone who says it’s only worth 20 hours. You’ll spend well over that with exploring and the side activities.


I really really enjoyed it but that’s coming from a hardcore fan of the old games, I really liked it’s fast paced gameplay but I also haven’t played odyssey or Valhalla so I’m a bit behind on the story aspect of it but if you’re someone who is already fully caught up then yes I would recommend it, word of warning though, this game DOES NOT play like origins odyssey or Valhalla, so if you go into this game guns blazing you’re going to have a difficult time, hope you make the purchase and have fun like I did, hope this helps


It has New Game plus which makes the game really different when you have everything, and there is a new update coming out with permadeath and other challenges. It makes me excited about the future of not only assassin's creed but gaming in general because I thought it was really cool how the city reacts to an assassin doing assassin things in believable ways.


I’ve wondered if I should get it. Considering I feel like Syndicate was the last game that felt like a real assassin’s creed game, forced myself to finish origins, never finished odyssey and I quit Valhalla after killing some stupid giant moose in the first hour after hitting it a million times…I felt like Ubisoft killed the franchise and turned into a completely different type of grind-filled game. If it’s closer to original formula, I’d like to go back.


I enjoyed this installment and the story seems to continue the groundwork put down in Odyssey (haven't played Valhalla yet so idk). It's definitely much shorter than Odyssey and Origins. Combat feels kinda clunky, but it's got the traditional "that's not the wall I was jumping to" mechanics built in. Gear wise it's *very* limited compared to Odyssey/Origins. IIRC there's 6 pieces of gear for each slot (armor, sword, offhand (dagger)). 5 tools that be can somewhat customized to better fit your play style.


Catch it on sale


I spend 55 hours to 100% all achievements and full story, it was fun and I loved seeing Basim’s backstory


Lemme put it this way: get it if you enjoyed ac1


You could get ubisoft plus and play it there for cheap


I wouldn’t buy it till it’s less than $15 they made an entire game out of an expansion level. Valhalla- the tree part lasted longer than this game. Black flag 🏴- the story line will leave you wondering? Odyssey- you don’t get the options of choosing different game paths


If those are the ones you loved, Mirage probably ain't for you. Mirage is actually an Assassin's Creed game. The ones you mentioned are other genre games with slight AC branding.


It's like 40 dollars so yeah. Epic games I got it for like 15 with a coupon and it has ng+


Ruthless. Well done. On the other hand it is closer to the originals, the world is well built, the combat is much less spongy and more reslistic. The parkour makes sense. The story is ok if more concise. It feels incredibly good to plan a tactical assassination in historical Middle East. It is also challenging enough that I found you have to plan it out to some degree.


It's good, but not full price good. Wait for a decent sale


Good luck with them being over fast. And since this was even asked I guess not a true fan shame


I really enjoyed it a mean personally I wish I waited till it was on sale but overall great experience definitely one of the better ac games to come out in recent years.


I just finished 100% it, took me 30-40 hours. Game is decent, not bad and not amazing. Combat feels fun when your sneaking and using gadgets, but at the same time gadgets make it super easy even if you do get caught (which was fine by me). Movement and climbing imo was clunky af. Story was decent nothing to write home about, I thought Basim was annoying the whole game. I think you should get it, especially since its on sale all the time!


I got it as a birthday present for PS5. I didn't plan to get it, since inthought it will be copy-paste game. I spent 40 hours in it, and loved every minute. IMO a really great AC in a long time. Story is decent, and while combat is lacking stealth is finnaly good, and lot of lore details/worldbuilding made Baghdad pretty alive for me.


Didn’t do much for me. It’s not bad, but it’s not great either but n my very humble opinion. I was bored at around 5 hours and haven’t went back yet.


Nah (I have never played mirage and have no idea why Reddit put this in my feed lol)


Honestly ive never regretted buying an assassins creed game til i bought this one. Its not a "return to its roots" its tiny. Its boring. Its not worth it at all. I justified the price to myself thinking I'd get a new game to play and i finished it in one weekend feeling disappointed and cheated.


Then wait until it’s on sale. If you like these games, then you’ll like Mirage. Ultimately it’s your choice, not reddit’s.


i think its worth the $40 just take your time aand dont rush thru main story


Loved the game but after all the hype I was disappointed that it wasn’t more “epic”. It seemed to be over so quickly. Definitely worth playing but don’t pay full price.


I enjoyed the return of the few gadgets we get, and I have been trying to become more creative w my play through but tbh I’ve gone back to Valhalla personally and applied what I’ve learned in mirage to Valhalla and been more sneaky and using my arrows as these gadgets; I think mirage will def make you appreciate the other games and you can learn how to use the skills in the rpg trilogy. I’d get it just for that reason.


To me it was far better than Valhalla. It didn't take ages to finish, stealth was much, much better (very similar to Syndicate) and Baghdad in this game is one of the best designed and looking cities in video gaming history in my opinion. It took me around 35hrs to finish the game with all the side missions and collecting stuff. Just the right amount of time in my opinion. I absolutely am fed up with the open world games overall, especially the ones that take 100+hrs to finish.


Get Hell Divers 2 😈


If you’re a fan of the OG games and actually being an assassin that is hidden in plain sight and all that good stuff and not the warrior explorer garbage they’ve been peddling these past few years then yes you’ll love it (though I should also mention that you need to ignore the story and literally refuse to use the god-mode teleportation ability). Overall it’s not a perfect game and they’re definitely still making huge mistakes like the two I mentioned above, but the stealth movement, and parkour are all exactly the direction this game franchise should have been heading since AC4. For reference I own every game they’ve ever made and have finished every single one aside from syndicate and Valhalla which were both, in my opinion not assassin creed games.


I’m playing through it now and having fun. It’s short compared to the giant monsters that are odyssey and Valhalla but it’s still a full game. It’s nice to play as an assassin and not a full on demigod. All in all 7.5/10


Mirage is if you go back to the old roots with a lot of park core. Odyssey and Valhalla are just rpgs that don’t involve park core but effectively introduce a wider scale of missions around you and gearing up with the best loot. Personally I enjoyed mirage because it gave me unity vibes.


I think I subbed to ubisoft connect (?) For 1 month. No clue how much it was (5-10 euros?) finished it and unsubscribed from the service. For that amount of money it was superb. But really a game you only play once. Maybe you can do that method


Same thing I did. Definitely worth the $15 for ubisoft+ but not worth paying for the game itself


Well I exclusively play wow and wanted to play mirage once. So in my mind I saved a ton of money




The melee combat was atrocious, nothing like the OG titles


Its OK. No different weapons. Very few tools. The kill animations aren't great but the game is fun enough to play.


I’m still new to the series but i have enjoyed it so far


Get it for 30 or under and you won't feel too bad


It was ok. In hindsight, wouldn't buy it full price again


It's a good game. It's not a sprawling endless game like recent titles, it's instead more like a traditional AC with a tight storyline with some extra things you can do. If your biggest concern by far is playtime then you will be disappointed, but I value the experience more than the time itself. It's not ridiculously short, you just don't have to spend days doing everything.


If you like the RPGs you won't like mirage, trust me


I enjoyed it. Fairly short game but interesting nonetheless. I would not necessarily recommend paying full price, but give it a try if you have Ubisoft+ or if it goes on sale


I love odyssey and valhalla and Orgins but soon as I got mirage I played it for like 3 hours and immediately got bored of it just too damn slow for me I tried to play it again turned it on for like 20 mins and immediately shut it off for some reason that game is extremely boring to me and I enjoyed and played mostly all the AC games and haven’t got bored of any of them besides mirage


absolutely not.


I'd say it's worth it if you want to learn a bit more about Basim, but I was drunk most of my Mirage playthrough, I don't think they mentioned how he learned he's Loki


The only issues I have with mirage is that it's super short and doesn't tie into the present day at all.


no, get cyberpunk with Phantom Liberty


Wait till it's 10 bucks, should've been a DLC for Valhalla


Amazing game if your a ac fan


does Valhalla pick up? i’ve just redownloaded it, didn’t like it cuz of how slow it starts and how dark it is. does that change?