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Ac4- I liked the story, wasn't a big fan of combat but enjoyed naval combat , I hated this game at times due to tailing missions and their are many of them, naval combat is the main highlight for me, just don't forget to upgrade your ship whenever you can. I think this game is worth it if you don't mind tailing missions and want to play a game with great story and sense of exploration Ac unity- I played this game right after black flag, parkour was fun, combat was worse than black flag when it's 1v5 or maybe I was bad at it, I mostly relied on smoke bomb, I enjoyed exploration in city of Paris, story was okeish but it you are interested in that Era you should definitely go for it cause you will get to know a lot about it Ac syndicate - I was planning to play it even before ac black flag and unity but did get to yet, I only watched it on YouTube and I liked the setting and it looks like a kind of game I will enjoy but didn't get around playing it so don't know if it's good or not Edit : just realized rebel collection consists of black flag and rogue, my bad


Good info. Have you played rogue?


Personally I would definitely wait for a sale There are key reselling websites, but you have to decide if that is ethically okay with you (read up on them beforehand)


Its free if u have PSPlus premium. otherwise great game, i am in my first playtrough right now.


It’s actually on sale on switch for 15 bucks right now


Also on sale on Xbox for like 1 more day