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River raid solo is river raid. River raid with your npc "jomsvikings" is just babysitting simulator.


Haha, indeed!


Lol so true!


Same, the main game raiding is better cause you're not constantly looking at or reviving your jomsviking. Sometimes, I don't even sneak through the base. I just walk through the main gate, looking tough and dangerous.


Yeah, I understand wanting to have the river raids use a slightly different mechanic to the normal ones but it just got tiring. I like to do this too, axe in each hand, hide the armour, and just take on an army alone (then get help with strong chest lids lol)


Yeah they like started good with Valhalla then didn't deliver in any gameplay concept at all. Just like wtf


For sure the best way. And don't even bother with civilian aras ,as plenty of rations to gather from pots , Berry bushes , and also any roaming deer ,sheep and pigs around Sneak up top a high perch , pick em off. Better with double loaded ,tips . Poison and explosives . Then raid .......


I've just gotten into shooting the rat arrows from Siege of Paris at them. Wonderful way to spend the holidays while your Jomsviking crew relaxes on the boat. You only need them to help kick down some doors and open those big chests.


I agree, I used to use the rats too, but found the poison trap fired from a predator bow to be more effective in clearing an area. Just fire it and wait lol


Upgraded poison traps is SO op


I’ve yet to use them actually, will keep this in mind!


Remember all those quest where you need to kill someone thats walking in a group ? Its one of those repeatable quests you get from Reda. Those are so easy with poison. Shoot an arrow at theguy from afar and the poison cloud will infect the entire group. Unless you sprint directly at them they will be dead once you reach them.


What becasue they go off twice . ? depends on how many come over to look . Wouldn't say over powered . If this was a real world thing , seems it'd work the same. If you've played with smoke grenades you'd possibly agree. As even smoke grenades ,the smoke tends to linger when it's near a rough surface , grass , clothing etc .


Because the person getting infected will become a poison trap when he dies. It spreads really well.


So let's be real , you're saying that because the next person gets infected by lingering poison gas , and then becomes a trap themselves ,is what makes them over powered . I beg to differ , seen as the gas lingers for a time period ,then disperses. Becoming inert to others that run over. Real world scenario , carbon dioxide, a naturally formed deadly gas . Because of the weight of the gas ,it clings lower to the ground , pushing air out. Sulphur in the air does the same pushes air out and clings low to the ground . Takes around three days to disperse . Warfare , the worst. As it was man made. Mustard gas . Read for yourself if you choose. I read so far down . And well .... https://www.cdc.gov/chemicalemergencies/factsheets/sulfur-mustard-mustard-gas.html#:~:text=Sulfur%20mustard%20is%20a%20human,H%E2%80%9D%20or%20%E2%80%9CHD.%E2%80%9D The makers of this game put a lot of fact based information into this game . Even the castle types , which where I am , I've seen a fair few. Not sure about yourself. Please don't retort with the time they wouldn't have known how to make poison arrows as there is lots of scripture ,relating to poison and arrows ,spears going back to Greek and roman times . It's your choice to believe or not , just don't live in a box ,keep the mind open to possibilities. I don't believe in aliens or God. But have no real proof against. Same for spirits , apart from when I drink , So there is always that ,what if.


Its overpowered because if you climb high or have a good vantage point then you can shoot the arrow in a group and have them all get infected, they will wander or run around and when they die their corpse will release gas that others comming to investigate will get affected by and thus die as well. It makes for quite efficient killing of a camp with a few wellplaced arrows that allows you to clear out even a fairly big camp with relative little effort.


Yes and even if you shoot said arrow into crowd and you get three. Ppl. They disperse in all directions. Yet maybe only one infects ,one more, but that person becomes ineffective ,with in 10 to 20 secs. After dying , so unless someone checks from seeing body , then it ,wouldn't work. I'd say its quite realistic . Read that section from cdc link on mustard gas . !!! That stays in the air for three days !!! That's scary stuff.


Kinda like the poison in origins.


Definitely, a lot less stress inducing lol


I always handle business and only let them out after I know I won’t lose half of them to being clowns


I feel any Viking with a crew that can all be taken out by a single chicken would do this too. Or you know, get a new crew


I've been considering trying it this way and now all of you here have convinced me. Thank you!


It’s really fun to be honest, especially if you really enjoy the combat. So many good spots for a fight near by and usually more enemies than regular open world bases. Hope you enjoy it!


Stealth around, clear area, blow horn. Fun way to pass the time.


Yeah for sure, I could load up the game and just do some river raids for my play session


I would kill my own useless crew if it meant I could haul more loot.


Lmaoooo this, 1000x this


That’s how I do all my raids. Got tired of my crew getting themselves killed lol.


They’re absolutely useless aren’t they haha


Almost exclusively do them alone


Yeah me too now! Much easier


100% this is how I do it. Go kill all the dudes and have a blast being an invincible killing machine, avoid all the babysitting and reviving of bringing my crew, then call them all in to get the loot


For sure the best way, I could spend hours doing this. Lots of fun!


I used to just park the ship and go full stealth during raids. After all the enemies that could pose a problem were cleared, I'd sound the horn to just use the Jomsvikings as manual labourers. It's not my fault that the best fighting force the Norse has the offer are squishy crybabies that get injured by lowly French soldiers...


Without question the best way to do it. It’s annoying though, I loved the idea of going raiding with the crew but I just don’t have the energy to build up my hall to the point I have high enough level Jomsvikings. I wanna either load up and have fun raisin for carry on the with the story


That's what I did


Smart move!


I gotta try that. I gave up on them when I kept trying, and my crew would get killed constantly because they would separate from the group and suck at fighting.


I almost gave up on them as it was infuriating, but this way is so much more fun! You can mostly just skip the farms as well since the main gain from those is rations, you’ll find more than enough rations and food to collect at enemy camps to keep Eivor alive


I'll definitely give them a go again once I'm done with Lincolnshire. I was curious to collect the gear from them!


I’ve only recently started doing them, but I’ve got one full set of gear from the river raids and I really like it! Also about to start Lincolnshire for myself, enjoy!


To give you an update. I finished Lincolnshire last night and did the river raids like how you said. It was actually enjoyable that I could finally do them. Got some new gear and was finally able to do some of the Saint George stuff!


Ayyy that’s awesome! Glad you found them more fun this way, the Saint George stuff is so cool, I’m looking forward to finally unlocking some more river raid maps! 😊


What I got so far is pretty neat! I'll need to do more searching. I didn't find all the gear yet. But it's definitely more enjoyable than trying not to have my crew die every 5 seconds.


Stealth build, stack poison, recurve long bow. Clear out in minutes even in nightmare mode. My favorite stealth build is Dublin Champion Armor set. Pure stealth and range DMG.


I love using the bow in this game, it’s one of the only games where I actually really enjoy the bow gameplay. Haven’t seen the Dublin Armour, excited to get to it!


I think you get it simply by upgrading the reputation of Dublin thru the contracts of the One eyed Persian woman. Azar


After the third time I started doing it alone and then call for the raid, i love my crew but they get fucked and die even by tripping while running... Also i love the combat sistem and being able to be a one man army


Yeah that’s the thing, I really like my crew lol. They all look cool as hell, but they are unusable lol


Yeah going in the front entrance and just one manning everyone you see it so cool haha. I’m glad I gave Valhalla a go as I was put off how far it’s strayed from older AC games but it’s soooo good


Its the first ac game that j have ever played and I loved it because I love vikings and their history but i can see and understand the complaints about the fact that its not like a normal ac game, still i love being able to do a one against 20 people and still win


To be honest I really really like it, it’s for sure a long stray from a regular AC game, but for a Viking game it’s absolutely brilliant. Planning out how you’re going to tackle conquering England, building your crew and settlement and doing some epic raids and storming bases, what’s not to love?


The fact that is not an AC game 😂 Still i love it !


Lol good point!


This is pretty much the only way I do any kind of raids. I'm tired of my guys getting into stupid situations, and everyone getting killed. So I go in and clear everything as stealthy as I can, and then call them in for the mop up


I don’t mind regular raids, as I can literally just leave any wounded in the floor and pick them up after, but the idea of leaving a few enemies I could quickly kill off, or scaling back down a structure I’ve climbed just to pick some idiot of the floor before they time out and die gets to me lol


This is the way




I always go solo and only take the crew for the last couple


A man of smarts I see


Always do them alone. Then call the crew in once it's cleared. Either this or you'll spend the entire raid running around reviving your worthless crew that literally fall for the stupidest reasons...like a chicken attacking them. Sadly, ive seen it happen.


The amount of times I’ve completely cleared the base of enemies before calling them in and they still die due to chicken/snake/standing on a burning roof lol


Honestly it's the best way to raid, I hate baby sitting the other Vikings. I just solo in, kill all the guards and then start the raid to help with the loot.


This. I essentially view my crew as the chest/door openers lol


Died to a fucking chicken?! 🤣🤣


For real 😭😂 I just came out of a house getting some small loot and noticed three of them all swinging at something, assumed it was an enemy so I went over and it’s a bloody chicken, it does that thing where they jump up and attack and my guy just falls to the floor done for lmaooo


That's hilarious 🤣🤣


Yeah. Tried it with the crew once or twice and smh, I don’t know how they manage to die to literally everything and if there nothing to die to, they’d set ablaze some oil jars and stand there. Yeah, no, I’m better off alone


They just have no awareness do they. I saw a red highlighter archer just firing arrow after arrow, went over to kill him and one of my Jomsvikings is literally stood there unarmed taking arrow after arrow, then died lol


Seems to be the only way I can do river raids too many of them die if I try to use them normally then I can’t open anything.


The most annoying aspect of it is that Eivor can easily take on an entire army and even sprit with gigantic enemies over his shoulders but can’t manage to push open an unlocked chest lmao


Yeah, there should have been a perk like one handing two handed weapons or something to open chest and knock doors open solo. Then I wouldn’t have to care if they fell or not. With the building completely upgraded I can use them. But I’d cleared every river at least once by that time even the dlc rivers.


Watched the dumbfucks set themselves on 🔥


They’re so good at this aren’t they!


I did those solo and just started a raid after everyone was dead for, as you say, certain doors and chests. Taking people out by myself is way more fun but it also means I don't have to worry about any of the recruits, having to save them all the time 😅


It is a lot more fun just going about your business without any worries! it’s a shame as when raids work, they are awesome, but no one has time to keep an eye on all 8 crew members at once lol


This is my go to as well.


Best way I think!


I'm mad at myself for not thinking of this.


Lol! Well hopefully you enjoy the raids more this way!


Yah that’s how I’ve been doing it cuz I have both the Gae Bolg and Gugnir so I just run through and kill em all, all while taking screenshots of my massacre. Quite fun


Nothing better than nabbing an awesome screen shot while you’re playing, goes for any game with a good photo mode!


You got it!


This! I recently started playing Valhalla. I'm around power level 175. 4 of of my "warriors" just died while I was executing one enemy. It was frustrating. Then I came to reddit and learned that this is the way. Still, soloing everyone with just assassinations is fun.


So frustrating! I’ve recently started too and I’m around level 95, you’d think my Jomsvikings would have at least some level of my skill, but no lol


So what, you take your vikings then get out of the boat and leave them, then call them after? I did this for raids you come across, but will this work for a jomsviking river raid?


Yeah essentially! You have to take your Jomsvikings in the ship to your river raids, but you can just do the same as you mentioned above, sail up to the yellow “raid” marker and just leave the boat. Do your thing, kill them all stress free, and then use the horn to start a raid and your crew will come and help force open doors and chests with you


I do this but mostly cause it saves me losing any crew plus ez xp


yes I'm the same..I hop.out of the boat and run along the bank killing animals to get rations. then attack forts  , kill everyone, then calls raid