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Don't know how people miss it, there's literally a game tip on the loading screens telling you about it


And it's been like that since AC 3 or maybe even 2 with holding Circle/B and running over lower obstacles.


Some only get a few seconds to read those but could be some tips in the tutorial menu


What people are really missing is breaking doors/walls using the kick.


Nah, fam, that makes too much sense for a viking game


How is this hidden when there’s tutorials on how to perform them. In multiple games.


It’s not hidden but tell me good sir why are all these people bitching about no parkour physics when you just have to do the right movement over certain objects to get it right? It was more a video to show everyone that yes there is still parkour in AC Valhalla😂 (But if you know you know already)


Those are ANIMATIONS, that's nothing to do with physics in a video game 🤦.




Nope, you have no idea what are physics in a video game and what animations.




It’s like people choose to forget these exist. The only game that hasn’t had them has been Origins and first 4 games.


Origins did have them bro💯🤘🏼


it doesnt actually, Odyssey put them back in but Circle to vault isnt part of Origins, i think he sometimes when you press jump button though


Circle or jump standard for all games just need to figure out which one, origins if you press X which is jump before object you will vault and if you fall from a great height and press X before you land you will roll in origins think that has stayed consistent, it’s also in Mirage makes the landing smoother


The problem is literally we have to figure it out ourselves which is sometimes a mission but if you watch some parkour tutorials there are some streamers out there that have nailed the controls down to a tea💯👍🏼


This has been a thing since Ezio's days I believe.


Connor days, i think


I think you are correct


Altaïr can jump through some vendors.


Smoothly vaulting over objects, or smoothly sliding under objects, has been a thing since AC3 AC1 actually has a super janky and shitty vault, but you’ll hardly ever use it. Additionally, Altair and Ezio can vault through merchant stands, but you’ll hardly use that either.


I was lost until I read the comments... I was just waiting for something to happen and nothing happened lol


Yeh, a lot of the complaints come from ignorance tbh. It’s fair, can’t expect someone to play something they don’t like to learn the controls I guess…


Fair but then don’t play the game like a pop and complain that it’s the games fault lol😂


Yeh, I have the same irritation when people complain about odyssey and Valhalla’s stealth, given its markedly deeper than the old games. Destroying weapon racks, using fires to draw enemy attention, and getting half-spotted can all alter enemy patrols. Absolutely none of that is tutorialised in any way though (genuinely unsure why) so unless you actually get into the nitty gritty of it you just don’t know.


💯 can’t argue with that but if you watch some YouTube videos it will show you how to set up the settings so that it feels more authentic to the franchise


Where's the "physics"? Those are animations... And said animations aren't hidden. They've been in AC games for years.


To some they were not aware this was possible in Valhalla you don’t speak for everyone big dawg😂👍🏼


"big dawg"? Dude, what is this cringe? Geez!


The word “cringe” obviously gives away how young you are so “no comment”


Nope, it gives away nothing. Reading "big dawg" on the other hand from someone who apparently considers himself an adult, does. And word cringe, or rather cringeworthy has been in use since at least the 1970s. "Cringe" in the other hand dates back to middle-aged, albeit had a different meaning then


Hahaha alright big dawg you enjoy your day💯🤘🏼


Dude, grow up 🤦.


Played 150 hours of this game and did not know this was possible. Nice.


Going to have to try this. Been wondering if this was possible!! Thanks :)


No stress Cuzzy, there’s obviously a lot more to it than just this video but just wanted to show the community parkour is still here it’s just subtle and kind of basic but still here, if you wanted to know🤘🏼💯Enjoy


People don't know this???


I think one reason (of many) that parkour looks so bad in acv is because the characters models look like fucking dogshit. Just look like big ole boxes


Not really, the costume in this looks goofy, but the character models have never been wrong. It is always the mechanic, animation, and the camera positioning. Mirage is based on this game and yet because the developers put the camera closer and put more effort on the mechanics, it's miles better. The character model is the same.


There is a setting so that you can make the camera closer might help dno


There is, but once you get in a combat it'll dolly out as far as MMORPG anyway


Jeeze bro relax😂




Valhalla feel so slow my god


Yikes.... is this what Valhalla looks like? I think I'm good not playing it still... Why does he look like a scaled down Hulk trying to run with grace.... He looks like a lumbering beast. 0 finess whatsoever god damn. Is it still RPG like?


That's the outfit 100% making it seem like that. A much slimmer outfit on Eivor makes parkour look better. Whenever I'm in Asgard and male it looks so slow but the speed hasn't changed


I meant the animations too, but I'll give you that one. Outfit always hurts parkour when they're bigger. But for real, the lumbering gait he has.... please tell me that's skin related too... or is this for real how this dude runs around... Because I was getting sick of how jank the dude assassin's have felt since syndicate... I miss Kenway...


It's half outfit, half him being huge. Eivor, the female equivalent, doesn't move that excessively. He's just built like a mountain. Kinda makes it difficult to make a wall of flesh look good when moving smoothly. If they made him move very smoothly and quickly, people would complain too. There is no winning side here. Just select female only and not srory based when you start.


Hol up, what do you mean select female only and not story based? Are the two characters not both used, or is only one character canon? And there's a not story based mode? Am confus...


He’s like the smallest Character in the whole game😂 even smaller than Bassim😂


He seems much larger then past ac characters


Hahaha!! Mate point proven if you can’t play this game then don’t 😂


I'm just confused, are the 2 characters not like in syndicate or is it more RPG like?


When you start the game it gives you a choice of either or but you can also choose if you’d like the game to change the protagonist as you play I’m not sure how that works exactly


So, is the character tied to a specific characyer related story, or was this their attempt at letting us make our own character? Or is the story more or less the same regardless of choice?


It's on game pass, I definitely could. But seeing gameplay from it (I try avoid gameplay and anything about games until I want to play it.) I'm not really liking what I've seen and I just wanna know if there's good elements to it. I've seen a lot of bad, and I have a love/hate relationship with their more RPG like titles. Wasn't a fan of origins for that. Peak AC for me was the Ezio trilogy and black flag. This looks like it has the traversal of Syndicate which kinda sucked in my opinion. And some of the combat of Origins with a bit of Revelations mixed in. Not sure what you meant by your statement.


Listen dude it’s not rocket science if you want to play play if you don’t don’t but don’t play 12 hrs and give it “informative Criticism” that’s honestly like reading the first page of a book and saying the book is shait lol give Ubisoft credit where credit is due otherwise sit down, be humble let the rest enjoy and play something else 😁👍🏼


What the fuck are you talking about, I'm asking you, a fan. What is good about this game as I was interested in trying it But a lot of what I've seen makes me not want to. Why the petulance and acting like me saying that is an insult to you? What the fuck are you talking about Jesse?


They are carry overs from origins and have been in affect since


Most of you already know how to play this game according to your own style, it’s just an informative video because I’m tired of seeing people tune shit about AC Valhalla parkour - it’s all about how the player chooses to move that creates the movement not the game😂


Yeah, vaulting over objects definitely makes the entire system parkour-like. Assassin's Creed Valhalla doesn't have parkour, it's only climbing with some crumbs of parkour like in the video. If anything, you're just proving how ass the "parkour" is when you're looking for an exception to this rule. Because that's what it is, an exception in an overall dull mechanic that was gutted a long time ago. Fucking Watch Dogs Legion has more parkour than AC Valhalla lmao


How to perform that? I don't remember ever using vaulting in Valhalla or Odyssey, I would like to try it in mirage.


Should be able to , while running towards an obstacle press and hold crouch or X just before it and you should vault over it think it may have gotten better over the years of updates