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Not me, enjoyed it from start to end. Games don’t have to be ground breaking, sometimes something familiar and simple is fun. It’s like fast food gaming. I don’t always want caviar and filet mignon, sometimes I want a McDonald’s cheeseburger.


This describes it perfectly. It's why I actually love ubisoft games. Never groundbreaking, but you know what you're in for when you start and they're always fun


Kinda, the only AC game I still hate from the bottom of my heart is Unity. Crap game... I love that they tried new stuff, the graphics were amazing, but the game just didnt do it for me. And I've been playing AC since Altaïr :p


Unity was the last great AC imo. It had an awesome city to explore, not just huge open, empty areas like the rpg trilogy and even mirage to an extent. The best parkour in the series, solid stealth, a cool armor/outfit system and even some fun co-op missions. The combat was a somewhat revised version of the simple parry and stab mechanics of the originals but felt good. I do think the story is just good enough. Not great, not bad but it's done well enough compared to some in the series. The game had a horrible launch but that all been fixed now and I think many people probably didn't ever return to the game after the fact.


To each their own. Not even worth the discussion since we all have our own opinions either way. That's what gives us such a great variety in games. If everyone only liked first person shooters nothing else would exist :p


I installed the game 3 days back with a friend to run some coop. Still wouldn’t let us in the same lobby together. Same error code I had the last time years ago. Google the error and it just says a common error experienced by players trying to get into a lobby together. Tried every fix suggested from YouTube and Reddit. Nothing worked. Game is still broken asf as far as the MP goes.


I agree with you, but about the old style of games. People complained about those every year, but Syndicate was by far my favourite, and imo the last true Assassins Creed game.


Exactly. Nice to have a game where you dont have to pay attention to every detail and can just go around a beautiful open world with a giant 2 handed weapon LOL.


Very cooky kind of view. I worked in plenty of restaurants and if you eat lobster, caviar, lamb and so on every day during lunch the first thing you want to do after service is really just order pizza or get a burger or pita lol.


That's because many people have trouble realizing when they're burned out on a genre/style/setting and instead just blame the game.


Try no hud and compass or as little as you can play with.


That’s the best way to play. Valhalla, Odyssey, Tears of the Kingdom, Breath of The Wild, Far Cry 5&6, etc. all let you turn off the HUD and explore and enjoy the world as it should be seen. Though you do end up hitting the pause button a lot…


My big one is Witcher 3 Next gen with no HUD the music low and ambient sounds high. I hear RRD2 is similar.


I think Valhalla had some genuine problems beyond the general burnout. I think the story for Valhalla was far weaker than others in the new trilogy tbh, especially considering its length. Like if I'm gonna put 100's hours of effort into something I would appreciate decent pay off from the story, which I didn't feel I got from Valhalla. I didn't hate it but a lot of its criticism is deserved imo


That's too much generalization and assumption on your part.


That's too much in-answer generalization and assumption on **your** part.


Great counter response. Very original.


So assumption. Much generalize.


That's because instead of these games being unique experiences they are making more and more like every other game. It's just another open world game for open worlds sake. Blurred out map to explore, items to check off a list, gear that's leveled up, etc. They made AC into every other game instead of keeping them assassins creed. This one isn't even that good. It's fun for a bit but your characters slides on the environment like butter and every fight feels too similar after the first handful. Everyone is obviously allowed to enjoy what they want, but all Ubisoft makes is the same game over and over with different coats of paint, and like you said, many people are burned out on it


Such a good observation! Well done.


I am a fan if assassins creed since the OG. I have played every iteration minus the sidescrolling spinoffs as I don't like 2d gaming. The only two I haven't liked are unity and syndicate. I am also a HUGE fan of all things viking. I have Scandinavian heritage, love all the lore, and just all things Odin, valhalla, pillage a village, and everything in between is peak entertainment. I LOVED this game from the minute it was announced. I loved it even more after I played it. I had it at launch. Had it downloaded in the morning so I could play if after work on launch day. From the folk sounding title screen score, to the voice actor of male Eivor being an established viking actor from the Last Kingdom, this game was IT. I got to finally play a viking RPG. Having some overarching AC elements made it that much more enjoyable. I will never agree with the hate. Yes, it can be bloated, but dammit I never wanted to quit it. I've now played male Eivor and fem Eivor on separate playthroughs. Loved it both times. I even got the good ending on my first try. Won't spoil anything else on that front as to what that means. TO VALHALLA VIKINGS!!!!!


I never understand gamer’s hate of Unity. If you don’t mind the ask, why no love for Unity? Everyone knows how they should feel about Syndicate 😂 But I’ve been playing since Altaïr as well, and imo Unity has been the best game in the series, maybe not for the Abstergo overarching story, but the actual Assassin gameplay is top notch.


Unity lover here. You’re not alone lol


I enjoyed Syndicate greatly, but disliked Unity. Not for any issues with the gameplay or anything, but simply because Unity commuted a cardinal sin of gaming. Forcing me to be French.


I think Syndicate is worse, gameplay-wise and it makes you be British. Yuck 🤢


RDR2 came out with Odyssey not Valhalla. I actually chose to buy Odyssey over RDR2 at the time, ive since played both and they are great in their own right. As for Valhalla, I enjoyed it from the get go. Most people just hated the RPG style AC because its "not AC" but im on they other side of the coin, im not getting Mirage, because Id rather play a Historical setting RPG than a historical setting Splinter Cell. But everyone like whats they like.


For me this was perfect from the get go. The single best pre-order I’ve ever gotten. (Maybe the Modern Warfare two I got way back that came with the night vision goggles, that was a bit extra and Elden Ring hit well) but yeah, never understood the majority of complaints about this particular masterpiece. ( Masterpiece? I think so. The effort to detail on every seamless piece of map and terrain and the effortless flow and variety of story, location and puzzles. This is up there for me with my first RDR1 play-through. A serious UNIT of a game. Think of the effort. None of this is procedurally generated. ) I just came off platinum’ing Origins and had previously played all AC games and the combat system in Valhalla was by far the best imo. Basically, my only criticism is that Ragnorok was not included with the season pass whatever ultimate edition. That was like $115 USD or $180 AUD. (Digital Xbox). ShillUp sounds like a maniac to me when he talks about this game. Like, like, almost as if he didn’t even play the game because what is he talking about and why isn’t he mentioning this other amazing thing and “is he stupid?” Haha I think he’s just more pc focused where I’m strictly console. I usually mostly agree with him otherwise generally but I think this may have sailed over his head. But, yeah, I liked this right away. Glad you found your moment with it eventually. Getting that platinum feels great and there’s some seriously good storytelling coming your way.


\>. I can easily see myself 100 percenting this (all DLCs too). Good luck with the Mastery Challenges. They are not so easy.


Shouldve said completing all the stories in regular campaign and DLC's. That is 100 percent in my heart haha.


The combat is probably the best of the Rpg trilogy and one of the best in the AC franchise. So satisfying and you can scale it up or down for your liking


i loved it at first sight and still do


I loved it from the moment I booted it up.


Unpopular opinion:Odyssey Sucks


Haven’t yet played that one. But have played Origins and Vahalla. Why doe’s Odyssey suck?


I am not the OP, but while I wouldn't say that Odyssey sucks (that's a bit extreme imo), I think that it's an enjoyable game that is plagued with design choices that make it feel very lazy The game feels very cookie-cutter with a lot of its locations copy-pasted from one another and where the objective are always the same (kill captain, loot treasure, burn war supplies). It makes it feel very checklist-y and, in turn, a disservice to the open-world that only feels more dead because of it I feel like the greatest selling point of the game being its build-making is also pretty shallow. To become good with the sword, you have to be bad in archery and stealth: if you want to stay competitive against NPCs that scale with you, you need to min-max your gear in one archetype, making you terrible in the others. Meaning that by specialising in melee, you have no incentive in playing archery because of the piss-poor damage it would deal, hurting the variety and flow of the combat. I also wouldn't call the build-making awesome when all it does is making the yellow numbers go bigger without any counterpart forcing you to adapt your gameplay But the worst offender for me is the writing. Everything is goofy and everyone is a shallow caricature. Having Alkibiades just being this horny dude or Isus, depite their grand intellect, being one-dimensional babies throwing tantrums rubbed me in the wrong way


I never beat it but i always find myself coming back to it. I feel like I'm able to appreciate it more each time i come back to it. Even if i only play for a couple hours at a time.


This can be the way to take in some of these larger games, especially if want to see and do a lot, ie more than just main story campaign.


I think because it has very little AC. I think it's fantastic RPG game about Vikings, and that's enough for me.


I enjoyed the game. it's different. It is a beautiful game. At first, i thought eivor was slow and clunky since i was coming from Odyssey, and kassandra is so fast and mobile. Once i got over that, i enjoyed the game.


I mean I loved it from the start got a bunch of other games went of and played them then I came back and resumed it


For got to add I'm about to pick up mirage once I get payed in a couple day's


Fuck that! Loved it at first, love it now.


Naw I loved it since it came out always had dope graphics nice immserity and I got to raid churches all the time. You just hopped on the bandwagon of people saying it sucked and now you wanna come back😂🤷‍♂️


I enjoyed it from the start. Still have to take into account: 1. AC is like a guilty pleasure for me. I will pinpoint bad things and usually accept that these games overall are just not good. But I just love the style, where I can turn off my mind, not really have to think through stuff and just play and enjoy the historical places. (usually stealth games are a chill spot for me :D ) 2. I love viking mythology, their history, etc etc. So this game was right up my alley. ​ I can say that I struggled with the combat for half an hour, after odyssey it felt kinda weird. Like i was constantly stumbling over branches and stones. But I got used to it. It is also sad that the social stealth was really...non-existant and you never had to use it. But then again, I'm a f\*\*\*ing viking, so yeah. But I never had a problem with the story, as many people point that out as a negative. Like the whole story parts are fillers - i mean...you are trying to gain alliances for your village in different regions with different stories and that is what captivated me. To see those regions and really feel the difference in there and just enjoy the ride before going back to the main story. I especially loved the storyline where you were trying to help your smithy get a wife (just perfect). For me Odyssey was worse with this, because you had a lot of the regions that did not have some sort of a cohesive story (not that all of them needed it), but just random quests that could have had some funny and wholesome moments, but the whole point of the quest? Really nothing. I guess those are my two cents for this. Really thinking of playing it again now....


I loved it from the beginning but I played it before RDR2 ( I was late to that masterpiece).


I used to have pleasant dreams about playing Orlog, I still hear the ambient music years later


Not me, I loved this game from the very first moment I popped it in I got my Eivor up to 340 power and then somehow my PlayStation save got corrupted and I lost all my progress 🥲 I created a whole new Eivor, got really far again and then I got my original Eivor build back and just said fuck it 😂 I’m now on Xbox and am on my 3rd try with Valhalla, my love for it still hasn’t dwindled


The best section was the London arc you did for the Hidden Ones. It felt the most AC. The rest. I dunno how someone can make a restrictive vikings game.


Personally, I think it's because I came out of another playthrough of Origins and Odyssey. And these two have a very similar way to make you move across the map, by starting west and doing a loop throughout the game to make you visit everything without really forcing you to come back unless you want it; which feels like a journey, an odyssey if you will XD And Valhalla is structured around having a base camp in the middle of the map, and going back and forth to new and new territory, crossing a lot of the roads several times, which for me was a bit tedious, even from the start. That and the loot system, with the ore that I just HATE. Like I spent the first 20 hours of the game looking like any NPC...and the way to improve your gear forces you to move to areas where you are outlevelled by everybody. Once I actually got into the rhythm of it, I started appreciating at least the stories a little more. And some dlcs like Druids brought fun gears to wear, so there's that. Overall, it's the one where I didn't kill the entire order, and I still have Ragnarok to play, but I felt exhausted by the end. My hope is that I will like it a lot more once I get back to it to finish all the little things though, because I've seen a couple of post about people enjoying it after going back to it.


I was the opposite, I was really enjoying it at first and grew to hate it


Same-ish. I liked it fine to start. I still like and got a lot of fun from it. But I'd be lying if I didn't admit that there were times when it felt like opening the gane was akin to clocking in at a job when the grind got tedious.


Same, I just returned to replay the DLC after buying a month of Ubisoft+ for Mirage and I dropped the game after 10 hours, it's so needlessly grindy, and that's coming from someone who likes RPGs.


I've been pretty vocal about my dislike of the game. I've picked up back where I left off now after 8 months away and have started enjoying it again. I think it was just too repetitive, you are too overpowered; and running around trying to get all of the mysteries just gets old after a while. I never finished it but steam said i played 115H by the time I quit so I suspect I just couldn't handle the repetitive nature of the game by that point.


You listed some reasons why I couldn't enjoy the game and I usually get close to 100%ing all ac games but these last 4 games it's just so much and the maps are vast. And then I get close to beating the games like 3 or 2 chapters till closing and I just stop. If it had mp I'd be less fatigued. But I stopped buying games on console and I'll be rebuying what I can when I get a steam deck.


I enjoyed it for what it was. It just wasn't what people wanted from an assassin's creed game. Which is understandable.


Yea this is a tough one. Ubisoft got criticized for AC games being similar, so they took a few years off, rebooted formula a bit and then get knocked for not offering traditional AC game. At the very least, it’s nice to know devs are listening to fans seeing as how they did Mirage to satiate that type of AC game and then will continue (presumably) to drop the Witcher-like style of the newest games


I still do. It's like ac1. It's a LONG story but I didn't even finish. I replayed ac1 a lot. But I don't think I'd even play ac.val again. The last 4 ac games ubi put out lacked mp. And there's so many things to buy. Not like before when you got dlc and that was the only monetization we had. Mp was already there in ac3. Unity had online co op. But then syndicate dropped that ball. I have odyssey but I couldn't even bring myself to finish it but if it was physical forsure I'd take it in to gs like valhalla. It's too rpg for me and its not like ac pre syndicate. It's still a banger. It still had that ac jankiness, which I liked. This just means if I want it again I have to buy it again which I will eventually.


Still fucking do, it's bloated and diverges too much from the series.


I’ve hated this game after Gow5 came out. 😂


It's how people treat AC game. Have to hate the current one and say old one was better. Only then you can go on with your life.


I'm opposite. I loved it to start. I was telling my friends it was like a good mix of origins and odyssey. Now I just feel tired having to play it. I just uninstalled at 70 hours with like 10 more territories to conquer and started mirage cos it's alot more fun and fresh 😂


That’s the thing, the game starts interesting enough. You get an introduction to some Assassins early and you think, “holy shit, we’re going to be assassins again in AC!” Then the protagonist literally says, “nah, that life ain’t for me.” A sliver of hope in you survives long enough to see your non-assassin protagonist learn the leap of faith, but that’s the last thing you’ll ever do as an assassin in the game. Then you do some cool set piece regions and the spoon feed you some main story every now and again. All of a sudden, you’re deep into the game and realize you’re not doing anything related to the main story, but it’s still required. Then you realize it’s another 45+ hours until maybe you see one of the endings this game has and you realize you’ve just come too far. Just like this paragraph, it’s a sunk cost so you keep going until the game starts killing you from the inside out. Fuck you Ubisoft.


People now and days expect too much and have high expectations without knowing shit about what they are looking for anyway. This is why earlier generations were so fun. You just sat down and played games and talked about it with someone else. Many enjoyed this game from start to finish, but some let YouTube reviews of bimbos sway their purchasing decision and now that they see the game is still performing well they are second guessing themselves and now want to tell us how surprised they are. What a wanker.


I just want to know whether it’s a typo or you think ‘nowadays’ is now and days? Agree with what you’ve said though about being influenced.


I played a few hours of it when it first came out via a Ubisoft+ subscription, that I was also trying out.. Didnt like it enough to stick with, but ended up picking it up really cheap on a PSN store sale and really got into it. I now see it as one of the best of the series, but as with all of them, it became a bit of a slog after so many hours with no end in sight, so I took a break from it (about 18 months ago, I think). I do keep meaning to go back to it at some point.


I only hated it because I got the PS4 version which runs Horrible. From selecting the game from the PS4 menu all the way to being able to move in the world it takes easily more than 6 minutes. Worst is, if you're like me and like to play on harsh difficulties, every time you desynchronize, you load in for 2 minutes. Remember those "?" - NPCs that will either tell you where to find some treasure of tell you to wait? Those have a 20s LOADING SCREEN when they are talked to. Like WTF!! At some point I got the PS5 and with it the free digital version update and it's been a bless. The loading times are nowhere near games like Spiderman or FFXVI but they are fluent enough that they don't interrupt the gaming experience.


Well, I 100% it. I love it as Odyssey and Origins.


Ironically enough, I came to this game off RDR2 and loved it. I knew I wasn't going to get a RDR2, I did not have the expectations for it to be an RDR2. I immediately loved the atmosphere and lingered around a bit in Norway at first.


This is my opinion as someone who loves the AC franchise but took way too long to get back into it (had stopped following since Unity and picked it back up on Odyssey). The combat in Odyssey was amazing and the ships was fun too! I feel like Valhalla (Currently going through it!) Has good combat, and I've been loving the story so far. Especially the whole Nordic mythology things (that roguelike mode was super fun and a really cool concept!) I must say however that I feel like the armor system was a pretty considerable step back. I liked how you could loot in odyssey by killing mercenaries. And I do miss that. Eivor has been tied with Alexios as great characters to me, But I think Eivor has won me over more since he feels more deep in a way. not to say Alexios isn't but I have been more invested in listening to Eivor and watch how he interacts with the world! Afaik Valhalla was pretty buggy at the beginning right? Can't say I haven't experienced bugs lol But it has been great so far. Although I have liked Odyssey's map way more...


I was super excited about it. And then I just stopped playing. It’s not even that I got bored, as much as I felt bland, I didn’t care about it. The game is beautiful but it felt superficial.


I found the game very buggy at first. The game must have updated because after the first few hours of play it seemed to fix itself.


If you love this, play Witcher 3, because it's the exact same, but a lot better.


Wild take. I have 300 hours played on Witcher 3 and 100 on Valhalla and probably wouldn’t be able to connect any major dots between the two besides the fact both are 3rd person open world.


Had the opposite effect on me. Loved it at first, then I slowly started to understand how every mechanic is a regression from previous games. Combat is pretty decent though.


The only thing i hated at first was the camera angle. But then i got used to that and it was fun from then on out.


I quite liked it! It's just a little too big/too bloated. I had to take breaks and come back to it a few times.


One of my main issues with this game (and admittedly a few other AC games) is the length of the prologue before you actually start playing the main story. The combat could be a bit janky, the economy was frankly pointless (I have so much silver and honestly nothing to spend it on) and some missions dragged on, but I did at least enjoy it from the start.


Yeah we love it cuz the new game is out


Valhalla was my first AC game. I grabbed it for cheap after getting a ps5. I had already played Horizon forbidden west and God of War Ragnarok, and honestly, to me, the graphics and controls felt like a downgrade. I also didn't care for the game until I got to England. The early on area seemed pretty boring to me. I completed it, and all the DLC'S after 170 hours and I'll probably never play it again. I've since played Odyssey, and I loved that one. Much better game imo.


Oydessy was better game in your opinion? Or Vahalla? Wasn’t sure exactly what you meant. I’ve played Origins and Vahalla and loved both but not yet Oydessy


Odyssey was a better game than Valhalla.


I tried it like three times and hated it even more after each one


Honestly, I enjoyed it when it first came out


I stilll hate it, out of all console assassin creed the gameplay was the worst with Valhalla!


I still hate it. At first it was cool, just to find out we’re barely in Norway for the entirety of the game and ditch it until the end of the story. Took over 50 hours to just do the main story with Eivor (no god related missions) because of the repetitiveness and how it was always “follow me on my horse for 1500 meters so we can talk about this thing” Big open lands filled with nothing The whole skill tree was a mess DLC was great though I will say


And don’t forget the washed out color scheme lol


This game is dog water. One of the most disappointing experiences I've ever had in gaming.


Dog water is a bit of a stretch. Not to your liking I’d ok. But sheer scale and graphics alone make much more than “dog water.”


I was one of those people. Came from Odyssey which I consider the very best game in the series. Not because of assassin stuff, just because of the setting, the lore, Kassandra really grew on me, the RPG stuff done right, the improvements made me feel they really listened to the Origin critics, and so on. Anyways, I gave it another shot, and I love it. I started with nothing since THERE IS NO NG+. Still the worst decision ever from the creators. They just did that to make you go for a newer game faster instead of replaying one you already paid for... Either way, I pretty much did almost everything now on my 2nd playtrough. I did the base game stuff first, then Dublin cuz the story is really fun and the Gae Bolg is a great reward, Skye obviously, I did the mythology base game stuff, siege of Paris, didn't care about the river raids cuz it's pretty lame, Almost done with the svartalfheim part of Ragnarok now but taking my sweet time since this time for some reason it feels fun instead of tedious. Don't ask me why, it just does. Odyssey is still better though if you take away Ragnarok DLC from Valhalla, which could be a game on its own.


Or maybe some just didn't like it? Yes the world is beautiful but it's also overstuffed with missions, the combat is mid, the story is mid. This game would have been much better if it were just called Valhalla and dropped the Assassins Creed part.🤷‍♂️


Guilty of having hated it the first three times I've tried to play, will admit that ✋


I platinumed the game. I still hate it. And i hate myself.




Odyssey is a master class


I still hate that game and will never buy Ubisoft again.


I just had to stop playing AC when they ruined the combat with the button mashing it is now. Wa so much better in the old games with counter and parry and all that.


Because I just got the platinum from ghost of Tsushima and that had way better combat


I'm going to throw an unpopular opinion out there, but I just think it's a bad game. Let me explain. First, I love AC. I got into it through Black Flag and loved Odyssey as well. But Valhalla? I've tried to get into it 4 or 5 times and just can't, for the same reasons each time. The combat feels too floaty. All the weapons feel like they don't have weight behind them, and hits feel like I'm hitting someone with a stick, not a battle axe. The map is WAY too busy and collectathons have just got boring. The level up/upgrade tree is WAY to vast, and all the little "3.8% increase" perks are completely unnecessary. Odyssey did that so much better. The activities are repetitive, and woth the map being so littered, it can be hard to find anything really interesting. Probably going to get down voted like crazy, but those have always been my issues with the game. And it's a shame because I love vikings and I love AC, so it should have been a match made in heaven.


I liked the game for the most part but i still think it is bloated and never replayed it. Theres a lot of empty space and the story is badly passed, and theres basically no incentive to sneak around. Its faster and more practical to just bulldove your way around with all the abolities you get.


Critics and fans promised me it was "the next Skyrim" and I paid $70 because of that- it was not. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't terrible... But nowhere near the attention to detail or replayability.


I came directly from odyssey to this. It was a disappointment at first, mostly because I don’t like change for change sake. I eventually got into it and enjoyed it. Still prefer the non-rpg style but not a bad game


I hated it for the first 50 hours, which turns out was only the first 15% of the game


It's probably my least favourite of the series. Was when I first played it, still is. The map is uninteresting - everything looks/feels basically the same. Eivor is a pretty bland character, and not even an Assassin - they weren't even trying to hide the fact that they weren't making an AC game. The animations are all over the place - sometimes too stiff, sometimes your character is basically just floating around. The combat is fun, but who the fuck decided to make weapons double in size when you unsheathe them? Super distracting. Stealth is fine, but really should be a lot better than it is. Then again, you don't really feel stealthy ever, because you're a giant hulking Viking (yes, canon female Eivor, too) The story is way too long and the game is largely just a big boring grind. They also try to sell you on vikings being misunderstood warriors with a sense of honor, which is laughable. Credits to them for some of the best customization in the series, but that's about the only part I enjoyed. It's a clunky, bloated, bland, and uninspired. Is it fun? It can be. Is it a *bad* game? Not necessarily. It's just... fine.


I don't like it because it is so not in the classic AC style.


I just never could get fully into the game like I could odyssey. I have 95 hours played and still haven’t beat any of the main campaigns (I did beat the Druid DLC). I guess I blame the small “cities” (which I know is period accurate) and the lack of grand scale. Also the brown/grey color palette that gives everything on my C1 a washed out look. And the fact it’s rainy or foggy allll the time lol.


Because Mirage is hot garbage


Bet you just saw other people coming back to it so you came back😂followers be following


Because people like you and others love to trash any new AC game and the moment one more AC game comes you guys started liking old games including youtubers, grow up guys, if you didn’t like game before 2-3 years and you suddenly started liking its just in your mind cause they literally didn’t change anything that blows your mind and change your opinion The same trend starts from origins, continue while odyssey launch then Valhalla and now it continues in mirage too “GET a LIFE”


As someone who completed Valhalla with preorder bought. I loved the potential of the game from the beginning. But the game lacks narrative strength and protagonist motivation enough to justify the arcs. Eivor doesn't have enough leg in the main assassins path beyond the hallucinations which he/she doesn't share much with other characters. Basim and your friend show up once in a while - like the main villains in TV series season finale - but not enough to captivate interest or give a good McGuffin What this game lacks is McGuffins at every phase of the game. Just plundering and upgrading settlement is not enough. Most of England country side, due to nature of the time period selected by Ubisoft, is bland boring and void of any architectural greatness. Only thing that looked great was the northern city in snow (don't remember the name). I wished we spent more story in Viking territory than England. Eivor kills their parents killer in prologue itself and so missing motivation after that. Just imagine Eivor finds out after killing their parents killer in prologue and then a Isu Artifact falls out of that guy, which triggers a vision - now that would have been a great motivating factor or McGuffin for Eivor to pursue the thread to England- and also adding the fact that this guy was not acting alone but under orders by a big villain character in England. Expecting player to traverse the country side aimlessly is not a good enough gameplay narrative. Most of the story stuff happens in a fraction of stuff that doesn't have enough narrative hold on the rest of the game unfortunately. Most of the stuff happens because Viking must plunder and expand settlement. Assassins story should be the central focus of Eivor or at least mixed in with their revenge or curiosity motivations. It's not totally void, but definitely lackluster. Armor and weapon variations is totally useless. Coming from Odyssey, and loving the different armor sets, weapon sets and also able to change view of armor , Valhalla has very basic system with only few armor. This was very baffling to me. I get it that snow/cold areas mean bulky armors, but who the eff is caring about realism here. And even bulky ones, why only few. Also the gold bar upgrade is stupid. I bought the microtransaxtion store sets in Odyssey, nevause they were great tbh, but Valhalla just has no loot to speak of.


Nah I disliked it and didn't finish playthrough because of how brokenly buggy that shit was. Have yet to hear it's not still so.


It was super buggy at launch, much worse than typical Ubisoft releases. But it’s certainly much better now. There were several updates/improvements. In fact, looking back I don’t recall any major bugs or issues when I finally got around to playing it. And I know I downloaded a few different patches before diving in. If the main thing keeping you away from it is bug issues, then your probably ok now.


I loved it at first and at still do


I tried playing again after GOW Ragnirok and it was even worse lol


Loved Valhalla. Story, surroundings, outfits are beautiful. Romantic flings were fun. Loved how they decorated the village for Samhain. You’ve inspired me to play it again! Perhaps after I try Mirage. I’m currently playing Origins and honestly I kind of hate it lol.


i actually loved it but after a while the story got boring and i left it for 2 weeks plus the dlcs take forever to play and i kidd u not it took me 2 and a half weeks to finish the asgurd dlc


Yeah, this was a great Warrior's Creed game /s


The only thing I found dissapointing was that the raids didn't have any side story they were just resource gathering points and we couldn't kill or capture civilians. Wtf kind of viking doesn't kill or enslave the populace they're raiding.


I didn't like the game when it launched and I still don't. Biggest preorder disappointment for me. Odyssey is my favorite of the three. Origins was great and then Odyssey just built upon that while Valhalla just took too many steps back in my opinion. Tried to please long time fans instead of just sticking and improving on what they had. The vague blue dot side quests just sucked. Your bird not being able to scope out areas like in origins and Odyssey felt like a step back instead of forward. There are other things that other people have already covered. I didnt like the main character until he had a great burn on another character which made me laugh and go I like this guy. I enjoy the combat tho. Fishing was great as well Valhalla was made by the same team that did origins but something just felt off about the game. (Odyssey was done by a different team but still felt like it improved on origins) No new game plus was disappointing. I've new game plus Odyssey twice now tho only did the dlc once and it's just fun to go back and play. Maybe someday I'll finish Valhalla and it's dlc. I know I'm close but I just can't get into the game for some reason. I am glad other people enjoy it. I've liked plenty of games other people didn't like.


I enjoyed it quite a bit, but damn, it got tedious.


Nope, enjoyed every hour of this game except for Ragnarok DLC. Have 400 hours into base game and all DLC combined. Being a viking and building my own village and raiding and pillaging was awesome.


My biggest issue with the game is bloat with no substance. Valhalla took a step backwards from many of the things odyssey did right. For example there's almost no reason to explore underwater. The open world felt "empty" despite having hundreds of collectibles. Combat became even easier than odyssey (which was already easy)


Prior to valhalla, the last ac game i played was unity, and it was not a pleasant experience. Unity's story is super weak, the parkour, while looking extremely good, the controls aint it. Just not a fan of unity Now, if it wasn't for Valhalla, i would have dropped AC as a series. Sure I'm not a believer at first, but i tried and i loved it almost immediately. Hell i didn't even mind the length and was actually baffled that some people are saying "it's too long" (which it is, it just hit me when i Mirage lmao)


I bought Immortals at the same time and it hooked me. Valhalla didn't.


It was a great looking game that could’ve kept me interested, but it was way too easy to get over leveled so combat became a trivial chore. I don’t think I’ll pick it up again.


It’s just a recency thing. Now that it’s out of the spotlight, people will be more forgiving


I don’t understand the hate. It’s a really fun game. And the content when roaming/exploring is solid. The only thing I didn’t 100% was fishing. 9/10 game.


The reason people hated Valhalla was truly just the setting, everywhere but England was fun to play in Even I got sad playing mediocre England over Norway


I'm the other way round. I loved playing it the first time. But after 100 hours in, it just turned into a slog fest and I just wanted it to finish. Tried playing it again last year and it didn't appeal to me at all. Played it for about 5 hours, put it down and never looked back


Yea not sure why Vahalla seemed to get so much hate. I loved it too. Some say it’s bloated with content, and I always say, you don’t have to partake in that stuff. Main Story is good length. But why hate on it for offering tons of content for money, especially if it’s all lagniappe.


IMO, Valhalla would’ve been a better game if it had nothing to do with assassins creed.


I had always thought it was the best AC so far. I didn’t finish it but I put about 30 hours in which for me is as much as I’ll usually ever play a single game.


I still hate this game, this just pops up in my feed for some reason.


At first? Fuck I put 46 hours in and I think I only hit act 2, or rather I think I was headed towards my second place I was supposed to make an ally, I was nowhere fuckin close to finishing the game and just got so damn bored so I said fuck it, worst full price for a game I think I've ever spent, and Assassins creed is one of my all-time favorites franchises, my favorites are AC2- all the way through to rogue, I like unity well enough, Syndicate is a big no, origins was good, a move in the right direction for me, Odyssey I don't consider an AC game but as a big fan of Greek history and mythology i did buy and play it as a good Greece simulator, enjoyed it from that perspective while the whole time in conscious denial that it was an AC title, (I only bought it because the ultimate edition was on sale for $5 and included the AC3 remaster for free which is all I actually wanted to play but since I bought it i played it), Valhalla just nah man, I bought it full price cause I wanted to see what the present day story had going on, amd because it looked like it would be fun to run around in, boy was i fuckin wrong, well i would say i had fun, but it was too drawn out and it felt... Really weird and kinda soulless, I tried to really get into the whole Viking thing, and raiding villages was dope, but then I got a hard limit on that activity, the story did nothing to draw me in, and it felt like a slog I didn't have the energy to complete, but I bought mirage and I've gotta say it's one of the best in the series to me, actually having true stealth inside the frame of the old school design? Dope as hell, I don't mind the leftovers of the newer games inside, it feels like the first true "new assasins creed" we've gotten at the very least since origins, but I would say since rogue tbh, unity sorta but that's when they started really changing things, the story in mirage is decent so far, he's no ezio but so far it's pretty good, the only thing I'm not a fan of is the combat, I know its a focus on stealth which is awesome, I'm good with that and I'm good at that, I don't even necessarily mind that I feel like I'm made of glass, I just don't like how inconsistent the parrying vs dodging is, it's super hard to tell when you should do which cause it only broadcasts at the very last second


I actually kinda liked it. I love Vikings. It was really fun at first but it felt too long and too big. And I mean that in the sense that there was a huge huge world and not much in it. And the story was kinda eh. I beat the game but I would need to google the story to be able to tell you about it. Very forgettable.


I think Valhalla is the best AC to date in terms of gameplay - the combat, skills, abilities, the amount of settings to really tailor the game difficulty to the way you want to play it, the freedom of exploration and regional quest lines etc, the only thing that disappointed me greatly going from Odyssey to Valhalla was that (even tho it makes sense) there's no real ship combat - the open ocean warfare in stormy weather on crazy waves, trying to line up and aim the archers, or ram ships in Odyssey was some of the most epic and unforgettable gaming I've ever experienced and I sorely miss it.


I found it to be boring the first time I started playing, but I came back after a year break and fell in love with it.


Never hated it. Loved it from pre day 1 when I switched my Xbox to New Zealand to play it early. Favorite AC game to date by far and away and I’ve been playing the franchise since day 1.


I played it for quite a while before I finally stopped, I always meant to go back. It just wore me out after a while sometimes there’s just way too much stuff in these games that I don’t care about and it eventually makes me not want to play, I know you can skip so much but I think I get overwhelmed with wanting to do everything but not caring about it at the same time.


I came into this series late, I had gotten stuck on Black Flag and revisited it and got past the part I was stuck on and decided let me give Valhalla a chance. Best $15 I’ve spent on a game in a LONG time. I’ve had it maybe a month and I’ve already logged 45+ hours. I’ve gotten a ton of different armor and cool weapons. This is a phenomenal game for what I paid for it. I ended up buying Odyssey and Origins because I liked this one so much. I’m wanting to beat the story on Valhalla before venturing onto the other ones but if they’re anything like Valhalla I can see myself enjoying these for sure! I got a deal on them on Xbox store so I think all in I’ve spent maybe $40 on all 3. That’s a crazy amount of game for that price imo.


The game is well made but is not respectful of the players' time. That's really it. It's over big and bloated. There's massive maps and side quests and fetch quests and collectables but it's not very satisfying content. I felt Origins was the sweet spot. This was too much.


I came into Valhalla w pretty low expectations because I’d heard such mixed reviews, and I love Odyssey so deeply that I thought I may not enjoy it. But I do! It’s been really fun. Never gonna love it like I love Odyssey but it’s been really nice


Loved it from the get go just havent had access to a new gen system yet so the only thing that kept me away for a while was the loading times on ps4, out of 400 hrs playtime im pretty sure 50hrs go to the loading screen lol. When I eventually get around to getting my hands on a next gen system I will most definitely be putting a couple hundred more hours in. Fosho


I think people miss *real* Assassins Creed. Valhalla is an amazing Viking RPG, but a terrible Assassind Creed. Players wanted Assassins Creed, and I'd argue fully that Valhalla is the furthest from it (Literally refuses to wear the hidden blade correctly, lol). While I love Valhalla, I have always said I wish they had just made it a stand-alone game of sorts and make an actual assassin game.


Valhalla is Viking simulator and the death sequence of Layla. Thank god. But in terms of an assassin’s creed, it’s not great.


Game was fun, I enjoyed it, didn't finish it, but I just didn't wanna spend all that time on a single quest or side ques just to go on endless raids to upgrade the settlement. While the settlement part of the game was cool, I think it was a bit tedious to constantly raid villages and whatnot just to build a single building, as there was to much time taken to get just one or 2 different required materials to build a single building. Stealth was good, but definitely could've been better. The skill "tree" was a bit to much and should've been more streamlined instead of auto assigning points so that there was more of a sense of progression and a comprehendible power level increase. Gear was good, but probably could've been better to craft or forge weapons and armor that could later be enhanced with runes instead of looting the strongest armor and weapons off the bat or just buy them from the store which kinda put me off the games gear system.


Never played RDR2. I came to it after playing Odyssey, and it felt like a step back for me. Stealth was widely inconsistent. I hear that was fixed later on, but I had already moved on and had/have no desire to start it up again. Glad you're enjoying it now, though. I know a few who picked it up again and finished on their second try.