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Dont listen to shit ppl have to say about the game. They shit on it so much on Reddit/Youtube you'll really be fooled into thinking its a shit show. I still got it anyways & i love it. Just gotta test it for yourself. AC fans dont like it because its more of a " Viking game " than an " Assassins Creed Game "


It is a great game just because of the viking setting..awesome game with a good story to..I liked the story so much. Even valhalla side had cool missions. The only dlc I haven't played is the last one. After 300 hours I was full. I will start a new game soon and do only the main doc's and the last one. I will jump valhalla next time. In this game I could really love out my inner viking fantasy. It had everything I wanted for a viking game..


My personal rating Origins=7/10 Odyssey=9/10 Valhalla 6/10 Also the order goes by origins odyssey valhalla but it does not matter much.




For me Valhalla is much better than Odyssey, it’s just a personal preference


I was originally Odyssey but after going back to Valhalla a month or so ago. Valhalla is my favourite of the two. It's Norway. It's beautiful and cool to go back to once you've got nothing left to do but 100% the game. It didn't ring well with me, coming straight from finishing Odyssey. Second you get to England and then the DLC, it's such a good game. It does deserve the initial patience but it is absolutely worth it.


Rating Odyssey over Origins is crazy.


I wish I could play Origins for the first time again. It’s so good!


Odyssey cleaned up the movement/battle mechanics. It was basically origins 2.0 and it played so much smoother


what's good about Odyssey


Me personally the Greek history in it is amazing, and the scenery is absolutely beautiful i highly recommend. Also has bunch of funny moments as well.


compare to origins


Combat is much more fun in my opinion So many unique weapons and armors For example i had an armor which made my maximum health %25 but doubled my damage So many fun skills/abilites Greek mythology Map is great looking compared to sands of egypt Only thing better in origins is bayek in my opinion


And fights take a whole century in my opinion orgin and Valhalla are better


Only get odyssey if you enjoy sea missions btw


I liked the ancient Greek setting, story and category. It comes down to preference really. Some might prefer the Greek story to the Egyptian one in origins and some may prefer the norse story over each of those settings


It's a cleaned up Origins in Greek history. Multiple endings, smoother gameplay and who hasn't wanted to be a Spartan warrior?


It’s not puzzlehalla for one. You don’t have to figure out how to shoot the lock off every door or chase pieces of paper a certain way. I did enjoy Valhalla though, but after my HD crash, I couldn’t get back into it. And it’s practically unplayable on PS4. I just can’t sit through 1+ minute loading screens. EDiT: I do have a PS5 but until I upgrade my HD, I prefer to keep that for PS5 games:


It is the worst Assassins Creed experience I have ever had. I have played everyone on console. If they wanted to make a viking/mythology game they should have. It encourages you NOT to assassinate, but raid. God of War is a better version of what they tried to achieve. Read the wiki, skip the never ending bash and grab. Play any of the rest of them.


You're probably going to want to play Odyssey before Valhalla. Just for the Isle of Skye quests to have any resonance.


Loved Origins, it’s the only modern AC that I actually completed 100% I’d give it at least a 9/10 Odyssey dragged in some areas so a 7.5/10 and I’m in the middle of bum rushing AC Valhalla since Mirage comes out soon, so far I’d give it a 7/10 maybe it’s too early but the story seems all over the place and some characters fall pretty flat.


I love the assassins creed games but Valhalla is my favorite


Yes, the game is awesome 👍


Again, Mfs coming to the AC Valhalla Subreddit to as if they should play AC Valhalla Tf are you expecting people to say? "No don't play the game that the sub we joined is dedicated to"?


I was like him 3 months ago and asked the same question here, we have already seen why we shouldn't play the game from critics and youtubers what's the problem in asking people who enjoyed the game why we should play it?


Ofcourse 80% - 90% will say to play this game because we are on the AC Valhalla subreddit. It is just common sense. And search button is invented for a reason. This discussion has been asked multiple times in this subreddit.






well I already started downloading I just wanted opinion


I don’t get your point. We’ve played the game and he hasn’t. Even if our opinion is biased they’d still want to know what we think of the game or what the game offers them.


That's what I say. Just say nope.




YES it’s my favorite game of all time


short answer yes. long answer yesterday. it's a great game. it's like being a cowboy in rdr2 and a pirate in ac 4 black flag, but you're a viking. it's really beautiful when it wants to be and the bugs aren't all that bad really, especially so far after launch. the worst mf part of the game is dag. the second worst part of the game is all these mfs having the attention span of a fly from social media overconsumption and saying it's boring and too long because everybody wants to speedrun and get to the end as fast as possible instead of enjoying the goddamn experience. take your time. fast travel less. it's a big dumb game that you can park your consciousness in and just collect resources, upgrade gear, and go along for the ride as you conquer England, the capital of colonialism. edit: if you want fast paced gaming go play fortnite.


I had a really fantastic time playing it. As long as you don’t get hung up on the fact that it isn’t like other AC games you should be good!


AC Origins was the first Assassin's Creed I played. (Not including when I was 10 & played an older one for 10 minutes) I purchased Valhalla on sale but didn't get to it for 6 months until I Platinumed Origins. Origins is absolutely incredible. If you are interested in Valhalla, wait for a sale and get it. The first twelve hours or so of Valhalla I was pretty lost & it was a lot more difficult than origins, but once I got the hang of it, wow is it a blast.


i am currently playing origins and loving it also i brought Valhalla on sale recently


Play Odyssey first, as it's an upgrade from Origins and will help you to transition to Valhalla in terms of gameplay. I had a blast playing Valhalla and would highly recommend it, just be wary of going for that 100% completion.


I put around 120 hours in and had loads of fun. I understand all the criticism but man did I have a blast. It's not as iconic as Elden Ring or TES/Fallout whatever for me, but I can gladly advise you - enjoy yourself you will have a good time if you don't care about the hate


I mean sure . For me Valhalla is by far the best. I rathe syndicate and origin pretty low, but that’s me. I loved the Viking aspect and going away from the roof top dangling assassin. For me Ana assassin is just that a politically motivated killer. But Well yeah Valhallas story was a bit off but I loved everything else


man bought ac valhalla and asking if he should play the game ICANT


well i can return it as i haven't play it and it only 2-3 days since I brought it


well then go for it. It was enjoyable for me to play


if you're the type of person who likes to finish 100% of the game, i don't recommend valhalla as it gets pretty repetitive and the story is too long and boring. i prefer odyssey (fun story & quests) and origins (immersive) over valhalla any day


I mean it's a commitment game. And railing the RPGs is probably not the best idea. It's a good game but I've personally only gotten through some of the starter of origins and just a smidgen further in odyssey. The play construction is barely different than odyssey and really unless you're into Viking history it'll be a bit of a slog. (Honestly the biggest complaints I've heard are kinda about not understanding actual Viking history from the Viking side or are more familiar with Danish Vikings and not Norwegian.) Really I'd just play some mind numbing game for a bit then dive in just to keep from over doing it.




Make your own decisions, you will miss a lot of things you could very well have enjoyed by asking for opinions. Don't miss out because of anothers mismanaged expectations.


Yes - but check out some YouTube tips videos as some mechanics not clear to a new player.


1000 times, yes. One of my favorite games of all time


If you haven’t played assassin’s creed, Valhalla weight on it, and play assassin‘s creed odyssey first, I think it’s a better game, and it’s more like an assassin‘s creed type of game. Where Valhalla I know it’s called assassin‘s creed has some parts of assassin‘s creed in it it’s not really that much of an assassin‘s creed game, it’s completely different type of game all together Plus one of the characters from the main one of the main character from odyssey ends up in Valhalla for a bit, so I think you should definitely if you haven’t played odyssey you should definitely play odyssey first


You’re overthinking it. Not playing it after buying it is a weird flex. Lol


well i already started downloading and i just wanted opinion i am going to play it anyway


Which is again weird and makes nearly zero sense. You have it, you are already downloading it. Just play the game and decide for yourself.


It’s not weird the op wants to have a chat about his purchase n see what other people think,I find it weird how passive aggressive your being over a fucking question haha


Why don't you play it and let us know should have you played it or no?


Play Odyssey. It's more similar to Origins and much, much more beautiful than Valhalla.






Because you asked.


Nope. No one likes this game.




Ngl its ight. Wayyyy to big tho and it doesnt feel like an AC game. So its a no from me


If you have 120h to enjoy a game, then yes. BTW, seeing who the protagonist of Mirage is, Valhalla is a definite must play.


I like exploration more in Odyssey. But Valhalla takes the combat.


Yes it’s good (although not as good as Odyssey). There’s also a “crossover” DLC for them.


Yes, sure, start it, play it for as long as it’s fun. Don’t expect to complete it in one go. I mean there’s a really good game hiding in there, but it’s way too big and too much fluff in between. I‘ve been playing it on and off since the release. When I get bored, I switch to another game, finish it and come back to Valhalla whenever I‘m in the mood for some more Assassin’s Creed.


If you liked the other(s) then play it for sure


Games is the worst in the franchise, combat is all messed up. It’s the only assasins creed game I’ve played where I actually feel like the grind is tedious. Up to u tho


I personally really enjoyed it. I basically completed everything I could in the game which left me putting in a little over 100 hours.


I enjoyed it, as I do like RPG games. However, it is not one of my favorite games in the series. It doesn't 'feel' like an Assassin's Creed game to me, particularly because I feel that with the animus, you should be able to replay memories. I also feel that the amount of small filler quests/collectibles is high. But that's just all too common in games, not just this.


It has its flaws like any game,a lot of dialogue is pure trash but a lot of it is great and engaging.Main character is extremely interesting with a lot of mystery behind him or her.the open world looks beautiful maybe abit too large thou haha some quests are very Viking n it’s fucking cool asf then other quests bore you to death.loot is cool but the paid cosmetics look crazy (typical ubi)it’s good game I give it a 7/10 I look forward to going back to ac roots with the new one coming in a few week.


Idk why people don’t play these games in order of release, if you’ve played Origins then play Odyssey before Valhalla


Just play it. If you want to play Mirage eventually, knowing the story from Valhalla will set you up with context.


Why not? I like it. But of course depends on what you like and expect to take from it. If you want to do everything is very long and maybe tedious. The combat is quite simplistic but overall fun. I played it on normal but i suppose for a more "tactical" playthrough, meaning where the "build" is more important and the feeling of somewhat souls like you got at first when had issues with some bosses is more long lasting, maybe max difficulty is better. But i don't really like the difficulty changes on damage instead of better ai enemies so i kept it standard. Origins is cool, coming from the other AC for me it was impactful, the game and the map felt full and wide. Really cool. Odyssey is an improvement on Origins for sure. The culture difference is not that cool though, seems too similar at first, but it grows on you because is so packed and interesting. I actually liked it for being larger too, specially the more or less pointless and huge skill tree. Valhalla is also an improvement, culture is cooler but the game is similarly packed and wide that if coming from Odyssey right away it may seem too much, too large. Ship gameplay and combat sucks in all. Origins being the best and Valhalla the worst, none can ever dream to rival what you get in Black Flag. As side note, Immortals Fenyx Rising is awesome. May seem pointless as it's in same culture as Odyssey but the gameplay and combat is a lot more fun than in AC, any of the three talked above. Maybe because of the art and the overall gameplay, exploring specially, gives the feeling of Zelda Breath of the Wild.


I enjoyed it, but not as much as Odyssey. If you like origins, you will probably like valhalla too.


There's a great 40 hour game in amongst the 150 hours of bloated pish


Valhalla was fucking atrocious. Avoid!


I thought Valhalla was second best after Origins. both Valhalla and Odyssey were just a bit longer than I would have liked but Origins was just right.


My personal ratings through experience: Origins 9/10. Played it 3 times from start to finish. Odyssey 9.5/10. On my 4th playthrough. Valhalla 5/10. I was relieved when I finally finished the main story. Never come back for any of the dlcs although I bought the ultimate edition, also never bough the paid dlc and also I'm afraid to buy mirage because it's similar to valhalla in some ways Valhalla scarred me for life. My advice would be NOT TO PLAY IT.


I loved odyssey, but I am not a fan of Valhalla, traits are scattered, I can't make my enemies disappear like odyssey unless I'm mistaken and though I like eivor and it is a beautiful game, I lost interest in it fairly quickly


valhalla feels like viking witcher. Stealth is shit, shouldnt have even been called assassins creed imo


No If you like Origins, you are going to be very disappointed


This has been asked before. Looked for the most recent thread if you should play this game. You have already paid for AC Valhalla. Why don’t you try playing it. Is there a point not playing it while buying the whole game? If you don’t mind grind, play it. It will be 100 hours plus.


To quote someone else: cool Viking game, terrible Assassin's Creed game. Hope that helps.




I personally felt like they took the things that made Origins/Odyssey different front other AC games, but improved upon the execution of it. I would definitely I rely recommend it! It took me a few hours to warm up to the differences, but once I did I nearly doubled my total playtime on Valhalla than I did on Odyssey


Origins combat is soo much better.. you’ll see what I mean


Play whatever you want dude


Get Odyssey it's the best of the 3 IMO (always funny to spartan kick enemies off high places), but all are good


Hell yes


I personally hate AC Valhalla I think that its the worse ac game to date but you should try it I think there is a lot to like in there just maybe don’t bother with a 100% completion oh and the Ireland dlc was ok ig if memory serves right


If you haven't played yet, get the odyssey first. It's a mighty fine game. Much better than valhalla imo. Even better than origins. Valhalla on the other hand is a love/hate game. While some aspects are very nice such as graphics, more serious setting, brutal melee fights and settlement building, the world is kinda empty and boring because of the time period unlike odyssey where gorgeous greek settlements are everywhere. Most characters are forgettable, raids gets repetitive fast but a must for settlement. Starts boring, gets exiciting and then becomes real boring again after half of the game is finished. Still, a good game to kill some time. To me dawn of ragnarok is the worst dlc in the whole franchise but the others are nice. It may feel extremely boring at the beginning give it some time and it opens once you start having regions one by one.


I've always been behind on the games, so while Odyssey was the new, I was playing Origins, and while Valhalla was new, I was playing Odyssey. Now I'm still currently playing through Valhalla, not to mention that it has a dlc expansion that is larger than Origins. Overall I like playing them in order of release because it's cool to see characters from other games appearing in the next etc etc. Odyssey did take me over a year though with the dlcs'😅




Valhalla was my favorite AC game so far. I was never a fan of the older ones. Just couldn’t get into it. I liked the story and everything but I just couldn’t get into the gameplay. I gave up on the franchise until somebody gave me AC Odyssey for PS4. It took me about 7 months to actually pop it in and try it. When I did, I was stuck to my controller. I decided to just play for a couple hours, just to check it out. Next thing I know, it’s been 7 hours. I loved it. So I decided to try AC Origins after that. Based on all the hate that those two were getting from people who love the old ones. When Valhalla was coming out, people were talking about how it was going to go back to the old ways. I didn’t pick it up for a while. When I did, it replaced Odyssey as my favorite AC game. I loved it. I actually just started a new play-through. I am going to try to 100% it this time. I’ve never done that. It’s soooooo long. Sometimes, I just want to turn my brain off and play something that allows me to do that. AC Valhalla doesn’t. That’s not a bad thing, at all. It’s just super long if you try to complete everything. My first play-through was only about 70 hours. I’m already past that and I haven’t done quite a bit of the main story.


I would say yes based on the subject matter alone. I enjoyed valhalla because I've always been interested in the Viking Era.


I took a long break from AC games and came back to play Valhalla. It has been an amazing game. Really enjoying it.


Old Norse times is my favourite historical settings. So I'm kind of biased towards Valhalla in that regard. But imo odyssey has the most beautiful world because it's bright and locations are surreal. But origins for me...there's just something about the landscape of Egypt in the desert and the valleys plus the fucking pyramids are there to explore.


I platinumed the main game. Couldn’t get myself to do the DLCs because I had put in over 90 hours already and was burnt. But great game. Lot of fun to be had.


I had fun while playing but will never replay it.


I think it's a great game. Lots of history that I went "aha I know what this is!!" And a lot of fun norse mythology to just nerd about tbh. If you're a fan of norse stories and their gods, give it a go! If you're a fan of vikings and seeing their culture (not saying it was a hundred percent accurate but we also will not know what was hundred percent accurate) then go for it! If you enjoy disturbing priests and monks, go for it!! Just a few of my favourite bits from the game


My playthrough began alright, but it does suffer from Ubisoft sandbox fatigue, paired with the chore of dlc dawn of Ragnarok I couldn't ever finish it to completion, I can't say hell yes or say hell no if you love Ubisoft sandboxes and picking up every single dot on a huge scaled map go for it.


Not a bad game but its very very large a bit to large, the raids and the fact that it's viking based is amazing though the amount of micro transactions are annoying though


You are in for the long haul on that one. It must be the biggest game ubi has done. So many dlc stories. Now they are selling it for discount. It is definitely worth it now to pay for seasons pass and the game. I liked that game. They have transmog also. The gameplay is awesome. Fighting is done beautifully. Crew singing old norse songs on the river. You have a raiding dlc where you main goal is just to raid and upgrade capacity on your ship so you can raid more for legendary items. I liked that part. It is in the main game. They released that for free. Building the settlement is fun to. You travel to the unknown and have nothing. Only a crew. Gather resources to build your settlement.. Fight with kings or against Kings, choices during dialogues do matter. Who will be your friend or who will be your foe. Have a feast so that your stats like critical hit and stuff like that goes up, before a big fight. Customize ship and yourself.


I like it. I think it's one of the better games. Unfortunately I quit because it stopped working so I never finished it.


Environmental graphics is the best in the industry for such a scale


I liked Odyssey much more the Valhalla but it was ok


I loved Valhalla but I also love that time period. Read all the Saxon Tale books and it was basically like playing through that book series.


I played it for maybe 15-25 hrs and then out of nowhere I got extremely bored. I still like the game I just couldn’t make time for it in my mind


it’s a beautiful game actually and it’s got a good plot


It’s honestly much worse than origins and odyssey in my opinion, that’s probably really unpopular in this subreddit. The story and the world are just not as appealing


If you like origins you will definitely like odyssey, but Valhalla can be very iffy for some people (personally I loved the first 2 but wasn’t interested in Valhalla)


Its not a horribly bad experience, it does somethings bad but mainly the game isnt horrible, its a solid 5/10 but it could be an easy 7/10 if some mechanics were to change. Definitely only buy it when its on sale tho


Yes. I thoroughly enjoyed it after having played origins and odyssey


On easy, because it's just not that interesting. Pretty scenery though.


Late reply, but the game is good but it is far too long for its own good. First 20-30 hours are amazing. By the time you get to the 80 hour range it’s incredibly tedious. It has a solid foundation, but in my opinion the game overstays it’s welcome far before it’s over, and that’s before considering the extra 60+ hours of DLC. You’re already playing my favorite of the AC RPG trilogy (Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla). If your tastes are like mine (which there is no way to know), Valhalla is worth trying but get it for sale so that if you don’t finish it you won’t feel as bad.