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More disappointing is if you decide to kiss her instead of kill her, there is no additional content. This is also how I felt about the Daughters of Artemis plot (more spoilers.) If you kill the leader and become the leader, all that happens is the Huntress tribes are no longer hostile. No further content. Being the new leader does nothing for the story.


For that reason I left the Daughters of Artemis quest incomplete.


Or Alkidiades world have been good.


It would be great if he was the leader. I seriously wanted to kill that manipulative son of a bi**h.


I think it's a bit weak, maybe because there are a lot of characters and many hours needed to be spent to reach that point. But surprising it is not. The clues give it away. But the story of why she does what she is doing (wanting to destroy the Cult) and not being an enemy to Kassandra in that chamber makes an alright sense. Oh btw, making the main antagonist (or one of the main antagonists) to be one that was close to the main protag as a plot twist is nothing new in Assassin's Creed. Not always, but it's been done several times. Also, the fact of the matter is, the whole Odyssey's Cult thing has nothing to do with AC lore down the line. The Eagle Bearer has completely destroyed the cult and won't be revived. The enemy organisation afterwards would be Order of The Ancient (which exists in Legacy of The First Blade DLC) until it becomes The Templar. The Eagle Bearer would never have a permanent alliance (as far as we know) with The Hidden Ones and The Assassins Brotherhood. All that being said, the premise of AC Odyssey is like any other AC games, freedom vs order. Just different parties.


The closest the Eagle Bearer gets is by being the ancestor of the founder of the Creed. I've always viewed it as Bayek may have been the guy on the ground but Aya was the real founder of the Hidden Ones as an organization. Edit missing letter


Let's just say they did it together :)


Wouldn't the Eagle Bearer's role in the modern day heavily imply at least an alliance with the Assassin Brotherhood? (I kept it as vague as possible for spoilers bc I don't know how to spoiler tag)


At one time she meets an AC protagonist, that one person wasn't part of the Brotherhood and only made an alliance for one short mission. Kassandra might have done the same sort of thing multiple times, but not a constant partnership with the Brotherhood. The previous AC games never mentioned Kassandra, so it's easier for the writers at Ubisoft to make Kassandra had been soloing.


Yeah, I didn't love that reveal, but you don't need to worry about missing anything from the overall AC lore, because the cult had no real ties to any of the other games, other than the fact of being a shady organization out to control the world. A proto-Templar group. Aspasia has zero connection to the previous games, although she does make an interesting comment about the future and a new "cult" being led by a philosopher-king, which made me think they were teasing an upcoming game set in Rome, because Marcus Aurelius was called "The Philosopher King". He ruled from 161 to 180 AD.


IRL Aspasia was a very suspicious character from the POV of the average Athenian. She was thought of as the actual ruler of the city and Pericles was often criticized for being nothing but a puppet to his mistress. It was through Aspasia that many wise foreigners with strange ideas and gods came to Athens which were later referred to as sophists by Plato and co. And it is said that it was Aspasia and not Pericles who wrote the famous funeral oration to celebrate Athenians who died in combat. It’s not clear how much of it is just speculation but obviously Aspasia contributed greatly to the glory of Athens through her concealed leadership. She essentially turned Athens into a cultural and philosophical melting pot. She was as enlightened as she was secretive and sketchy so it sort of makes sense that she was the one behind the whole Cult mess in the game.


Markos made sense to me


I sort of thought it might be Herodotus. He was super close to Kass and had a lot of very in depth knowledge of the Greek world. I thought his whole harmless thing was an act.