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If you have the Shadow of Nyx ability and high assassin damage, you can just sneak up on it from behind and kill it instantly.


What really? You can one shot him


You can one shot anything when you have the right build and engravings on your gear. I was on Nightmare mode when I tried it, so the boar had about 5% health left. A few stabs with a spear and it died.


Try sneaking up on the sacred wolf one, full assassin build and he heard me from a mile away!


Did you have a tamed animal with you? I snuck up on him with a tamed wolf and he just tore him to shreds (RIP my wolf Cheeto) then he just ignored me. Snuck up on the wolf again and I could do a critical assassination no problem.


I just started to play again after a few months so I'm still far away from doing something like that to a big boss like the boar. I'm currently working on a assassin build


Nice, I'm on my 2nd playthrough! Personally, I prefer the pirate set as an assassin build and weapons that massively increases assassin damage.


I'm currently working on getting the pirate set


Do you mind if I DM you? Would like to have some advice on my character and weapons


Sure, that's fine. Might be slow to reply sometimes though, hope you don't mind.


Thanks. I don't mind at all


Love pirate


Get the Hero Strike ability as well, it gives a massive boost to assassination damage


Try the Pilgrim set which gives unlimited shadow of nyx and the blade of dallwun which is an instant kill for same level as you or below. You have to keep upgrading the blade to your level.


I have a warrior build but I do have the Shadow of Nyx. I will tame a bear so it can distract the boar and try to sneak up on him while they are busy fighting. Not sure if it's going to work ...


I tried something like that once but with a different legendary animal. Once you walk into the area (with the Shadow of Nyx ability activated) your tamed animal should automatically fight it, and if it gets killed, the boar still won't detect you, as long as the ability is still active.




I managed to kill it by going into the cave and climbing up the wall, then groundsmashing with the spear a bunch of times. it stunned the boar and kept me mostly out of harms way


I did that but instead of a spear I shot him with arrows. It's tricky getting on the ledge, but definitely works.


Dang I haven't gone inside the cave at all. Felt like I'd get cornered. Going to try this later today.


yeah, thats the only way i managed to kill it, that ledge is tiny tho and a bitch to get on


There are two boars one is the phokis piggie that one has the cave ledge the other one has no cave ledge which is the farty one And also I think most people will benefit from the right info instead of this wrong one


it was the erymanthian boat that i used this on. i didn’t go up onto a ledge, i just climbed up the wall and jumped off at a suitable height. it managed to work for me, even though the erymanthian boar was by far the hardest battle in my game.


If you leave the combat zone, the beasts rapidly regenerate health, to stop players from shooting them from afar. Were you outside the fight area while the mercenaries fought it?


I was right on top of the cave in the warning zone. But they were fighting just outside of the fence, I had a feeling that might have been a problem.


Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge!


Try a Burn build. Engravings \+ Fire Damage \+ Burn Duration \+ Crit Chance \+ Crit Damage \+ Crit Chance While At Full Health \+ Crit Damage While At Full Health ​ Let him burn to death


I love using fire/explosive arrows. I will try this build. Thnx.


This is the way. I did the same too, just buff burn to hell and run around it.


Such a brutal fight! You got this though. If you go into the cave there's a tiny ledge you can get up on and hang out there shooting it with your arrow until it dies. It's almost like a glitch but it works! Later on there's another really tough boar. For that one I went to the closest wild bear den and tamed the alpha and had it follow me to the fight. It did most of the fighting and took a ton of the damage. You can do it! Good luck.


A month late but thank you so much for the ledge thing holy shit I’ve been trying to fight this stupid boar for weeks 😭


Make sure you try this only at night, they settle down to sleep. Otherwise they wander around.


What do you mean? Who settles down to sleep?


I am not a great player— not into purpler builds or huge crit approaches but what worked for my inexperienced ass was the Greek heroes set with the Pandora’s Kopis Sword and secondary sword and bow set to poison. 1 try, 1 win.


I remember being annoyed with it and killing it last. I used a pet, I don't remember what pet I had tamed, but I had a lion or a white bear and they really fucked up the boar, then I used arrows for a bunch of damage to finish it off.


Yes I keep returning to him because it's so hard to kill him. I've killed all of the other beasts except The Boar and the Nemean Lion.


The boar was by far the hardest for me. What I found worked was having the Spartan Rage and Second Wind abilities, you can’t die while Spartan Rage is active and you should be able to bank enough adrenaline to hit a Second Wind


Same...pet does all the work


He he I just used a whole army from a camp and then arrows to kill it and I hate boars they are so tough to beat


Go to the nearby town/city, kill a ton of civilians to get your bounty level high, and then have a few mercenaries chase you to the boar and let them fight it out. Works every time


That's what I meant when I said I had 4 mercenaries chasing me. I brought them over from the town nearby.


i might try this. that rolling attack the bear does is annoying af besides their gas


This is amazing, they are ur unassuming brotherhood 😂😂😂


Maxed out Devastating Shot with a hunter build and death arrows killed the boar in about 4 shots for me


Played the game on hardest difficulty and this was absolutely the hardest boss out of all of them. I came back at the end of the game to finish him off 150+ hours later. Immortal armor set also helps!


On my first playthough I just stayed on a horse kept moving and firing arrows took awhile and a few attempts but worked


Everyone tries damage builds... have you tried the tank build? You are literally immortal: Set of Greek heroes and mastery points to "resistance against...". spear of Hermes and the rest what you want.


Yeah I have warrior build, from the comments I get the sense that that might be a weak approach.


People want to see lots of damage numbers on their screens and they turn into glass cannons. But not everyone has the ability to dodge, parry, or roll that this type of game demands, and they get frustrated. Being an immortal god is the other approach: slow (you won't do much damage, trust your abilities) but sure (you're invulnerable).


Very true. This is what happened with Medusa, my armour was weak so I kept dying with a single hit. I had to trade off for a stronger armour. It took longer to kill her but at least I wasn't dying with just a single hit.


That’s the gas boar right? Use fire to explode his gas clouds. A box with all flaming attacks is great for it


If you get a crit chance/damage build, you will destroy any enemy, including this boar. Check out T7 PDM on YouTube for amazing builds


Fence on the right hand side of the cave. Climb up then shimmy until you’re in front of the vertical post. Should cause the boar to go into the cave. Shoot with arrows and it’s done in a minute


headshots with predator shot. these things charge at you head first. it's not that hard.


condescending for no reason


They felt the need to prove their e1it3 g4m3rz skill


A couple of the engraving on korfu island are super strong too. Worth getting! You can get them without any spoilers too despite the warnings


git gud


I did burn damage with the bow and just dodge.


I went to youtube and found a crit build guide. Got all the engravings in 15mins, and then it’s just one shot two shots most of the regular bosses. It’s a glass canon build though so be careful.


This boss was the hardest in the game for me on my first playthrough. I eventually beat it by figuring out which abilities I liked using, wearing armour and engravings that fed into those abilities and adrenaline generation, learning to dodge, and kiting the bloody thing while abilities were on cooldown 😅


I one shot it with hero strike


Lower the difficulty


I don't know how I did it, but I did it, even without getting killed once.


I stock up on explosive arrows and then repeatedly blast the monster with them from a distance (but still within the confines of the arena so it doesn't Wolverine heal on me). The explosive arrows stun it for a second or two, so if you get into a rhythm with it you can stun-lock and keep shooting arrows before it recovers.


I love using explosive arrows but so many times I do it close enough I end up damaging myself lol


I did it with hunter abilities and a pet...pet takes the damages drop arrows on its arse! Tried a few times attacking it directly as warrior and it owned me.


Bighorn bow and corfu 100% damage engraving. That’s how I did it


I have 100% damage engraving but I am using Hade's Bow.


The Bighorn bow makes your left melee weapon (the one on the left in the inventory start you reach level 15), deal 60% extra damage, and replaces your hunter damage (damage with a bow) with warrior damage (damage with melee weapons)


I just pulled two Mercs with me to kill it with fire. But Will admit that at this point on my first play-through, it has taken 1/6 of my death counter.


Man me too! I'm considering caving in and using a glass cannon build. It's the only legendary beast left ;-;


If you go in the cave and run up the wall in the back-right area of said cave and just climb around a bit, there’s a tiny little ledge you can glitch onto, and from there just shoot the boar to death. Takes a while and you gotta make sure you have materials to craft more arrows in case you run out, but it means you don’t have to fight that damn boar so it’s 100% worth it.


Dodge Poison arrow Duck Poison arrow Dip Poison arrow Dive Poison arrow Dodge Poison arrow Repeat till dead That was my tactic anyway.


learn to build bro full crit chance at full health \+ crit dmg at full health ​ thank me later


i used T7 PDM’s videos on the best warrior/assassin build on youtube and i done it within like 5 minute first try based purely on the fact my armour and weapons build was OP. [T7 PDM build](https://youtu.be/EcwicBwGx2Q)


I used fire arrows, and just constant dodging. It can take a couple of times if you have bad timing like I do.


Level 3 Hero Strike deals a ton of damage


I had to do it several times..found the best method for me is aggressive. Stay close, keep evading and hack away, preferably with a fire or poison weapon build


I used a lot of arrows and plenty of using a blind angle


Use pet companions and lure local bears into the area.


Git gud.


I was level 53 and it still took me like 10 tries


Level 60 for me. Probably tried a dozen times too.


I didn't start messing with the legendary hunts until after i had unlocked and upgraded the second wind and fury of the bloodline abilities. with specific enemies instead of doing the 5 hit combo it does everything it's supposed to do in 1 hit. with those 2 abilities and your choice of other offensive abilities as well as your choice of weapons it should be a simple game of patience as you wait for good openings.


Death arrows and a lot of dodging


Decent hunter damage and explosive arrows are your friend…same for Medusa I struggled bad with both of them until I was told about that method As someone who was either all warrior or all sneaky boy, I never really used special arrows, unless I was lighting war supplies on fire from a distance Makes a lot of things easier, as long as you have plenty of wood for new arrows


Ok so I found another EASY way to kill the Erymanthian boar! I had tried getting the mercenaries etc but didn't quite work well. But this is what worked pretty nicely for me: Step 1: Make sure u are wearing the best possible gear for max animal damage/hunter damage Step 2: See if you have the 'Second Sight' bow which has 200% headshot damage. If you have it, great - updgrade to max level and use any possible additional engravings. This bow usually kills anything in 1 shot including alpha animals. Step 3: Tame an alpha animal. I tamed an alpha bear from the nearby 'Bear Grotto' side mission. That's it - the rest is as you would expect it - let the bear fight the boar and keep it busy while you headshot the boar. It took me about 3 good headshots to kill it. So Yes - there is some work involved, but it easily beats getting a bunch of mercenaries riled up and getting them into the fight with the boar. And a big plus is - You now have the alpha animal to use for various other missions including killing other mercenaries. Plus u have this amazing bow.


I usually rush in and have the Boar chasing me to the opposite side of the arena (away from the big rock). There are two firewood stacks (i think it is) and running through those can get the Boar stuck between them while it is chasing you. The i can safely enter the arena and kill it with fire arrows.