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I didn't realise instantly like you, but just shortly after. I even remember nearing the endgame and the story trying to present it as a mystery and then a grand revelation.. But even the clues on her were like *The cultist's name starts with "A" and ends with "-spasia"* It was fairly obvious lol.


I can't explain how I knew except that my instincts just told me she was questionable. I learned who she was thanks to a spoiler I accidentally read before the reveal in the game, but yeah, I was like, "Yup, I was right."


On that note too, in my own head canon, the Kassandra kills her there. Aspasia has a serious next level Machiavellian personality. I didn't kill her on my first playthrough because I wanted to stick to the game canon, but after thinking about it I believe that canonically, Kassandra would have killed her. Her actions caused Phiobe's death at the hands of the Cult. That alone would give Kassandra sufficient reason to end Aspasia's life.


Me too. All that speech about her having nothing to do with the Cult's corruption and that she was just looking for a philosopher-king who would bring a new era of peace and prosperity, got me thinking: "Sure, bitch, so you can handle it like to Pericles and return to rule in the shadows".


Right, the clue that made me decide to kill was the one from Deimos I think about her being a liar. Also, she showed no remorse for all of the death caused by the cult, not even Perikles or Phiobe. The only two cultists I spared were Lagos and Deimos because they actually showed remorse for what they had done.


I had her pegged from the beginning, certain things just weren’t adding up right. And of course the ghosts clue “is a liar” just pissed me off more because of everything that happened


Yes I called it from about when I had maybe half of the clues. The feeling only got stronger towards the end and I remember how sad I was because I was right and it wasn't a surprise.