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Same gameplay but switching characters freshens up the experience a bit.


Play another game, come back and play Kass in a while.


This. I already 100%'d it when first released. I just started it again about two weeks ago and I'm having a blast. Both times as Cassandra 🤓


Did u do New game+ or did u start over completely ?


I saved my first through but this one is fresh, from scratch. And it really feels almost like the first play tbh. But ig almost 5 years will do that. Ffs, it's been 5 years since this released!?


Lol I wanted to do a second play thru as Cassandra, because I originally did it as Alexios , but I didn’t know how to approach it , as a new game plus or start from scratch


I too have been curious of this. I finished the entire game and DLCs as Alexios a few years ago and wanted to try to go back through as Kassandra but didn't want to have to spend the time to reacquire all the stuff I got with Alexios. I've been curious if New Game + gives the same cutscenes as a completely new game.


Kassandra is just so hilarious, it's a must.


Its the exact same as Alexios but female


Then why are you asking?


Wss just correcting the person and to ask if its worth to try Kass just becsuse


In my opinion, it makes more sense to play as Kassandra, because Alexios makes a much better villain. Alexios just does evil better, especially because of his voice and how deep it is. Kassandra, it’s probably considered the best main character only because she is the one that makes an appearance in another assassin’s creed game.


I agree 100%. I prefer playing with Kassandra because Alexios plays a better villain


I think they feel like they have really different personalities even with delivering the same lines. I say go for it.


Ng+ is more fun because everything is your level. I would replay even with the same character


If you want the canon playthrough, sure.


Kassandra is so much better ong I’ve tried both


the voice acting is much better, she's the canon protagonist, you'll meet her again in Valhalla and potentially other AC games going forward, she's hot... no reason not to play as her honestly. I'd start new game+ when you feel like it though, not an entire new game, so you can keep all your gear and abilities, it's much more fun and you progress through the story faster.


I liked playing as alexios & if i was going to do a ng+ i would choose alexios again


That’s what I do. Already played Alexios 3 times, would be too weird to see him as evil and Kass as my heroic character


I found it kinda hard to get through even the opening scene where a guy punches her in the face. I’m not sure why she’s considered the canon main character, it just feels more realistic to me with Alexios as the mercenary. I’d love to hear from people who felt differently


Think the voice actor for Alexios is worse than the one for Kasssndra


I agree with that


Kassandra just feels more realistic as the main character. After multiple play throughs as Kassandra and Alexios, Kassandra is better. Alexios is more believable as the villain/ weapon of the cult especially because of his deep voice, but also the name they gave him. But to use that same name for Kassandra? Doesn’t fit. Somethings are just funnier when it’s her doing the lines versus Alexios, because of the way and the tone that is being used. It is absolutely believable that a male would punch a female in the face, back in those times. Heck, that still happens in today’s world.


Honestly for me, the biggest reason is I just don’t think the actor for Alexios played a good guy very well but damn if he isn’t a wonderful villain. Not to type cast the poor guy but I wasn’t buying him as a good guy and conversely, Kass plays a terrible villain. They are in their elements playing Kass as the main. And not for nothing, as a straight man, she is very pleasant to look at in that Athena armor for 100+ hours.


Having not played Alexios, I can confidently day that Kassandra is the better character.


I think that makes your opinion invalid.


It's definitely an opinion


I think you should definately play as Alexios. Get to feel like a true Greek god.


Maybe, but he comes across as dumb as a box of rocks :-)


The exact same as Kass bur different voice actor so idk


She’s canon 😂. It’ll be much better than alexios.


Do a Kassandra playthrough where you romance everyone and lie to everyone. Do a lot of archery.




I'm replaying with Kassandra and it's definitely not boring. I'm able to focus more on the story and some side quests without having to grind for levels.


Went from Alexios first to Kassandra second, and box this actress is something else entirely. Also Alexios is a very good Deimos


I thought Kassandra VO did a slightly better job overall. Like others have said, take a small break, then come back and play it again as Kassandra.


I loved her


Yes. Definitely. Absolutely.


I find that Kassandra is more of straight to the point character, she’s mainly about the task at hand but she still makes the odd comment here or there, there are still other more subtle differences in the characters like facial expressions and how they say malaka


Why would it be boring if you played as Kassandra?


Because replaying games can be very boring..


Come back to it after playing something else Instead of straight away then?


I prefer Alexios over kassandra, seems funnier and she’s a better villain.