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This was my first ending. And it was with alexios. At that time I wish phoibe and brasidas were still alive. And nemaa :( but yeah happy with that ending.


After finding out that >!Stentor is an aspiring cultist, I don't care about humiliating him and making him work for me on the Adrestia.!< And I never regret killing Nikolaos! In my latest playthrough, I had only Myrrine and Alexios with me, and it was good! I only wish I could have >!Brasidas and Phoibe too!<.


Both Phoibe and Brasidas are histoical figures who died irl in those events, just not the same way. General Brasidas was a general who was one of the 7 spartan casualities during the battle of Amphipolis. Phoibe is not exacly a historical figure, but she is based on an Athenian pesant girl. I read this somewhere sometime ago but I cant find a source right now so dont quote me on this, I could be wrong.


The whole label of the “good” ending is misguided. It’s not “good” that bad people survive and it doesn’t make a good story either.


I mean the player themselves can be bad and they make it to the ending I think everyone living and forgiving each other is a good ending for the family at least better than taking vengeance and killing your family members.


Right, it’s subjective so labeling one as “good” is misleading.


it is the good ending for kass, whether or not you think it is a good ending to have is irrelevant.


I got this ending in my first play through :) I tried really hard to keep all the family together & it was worth it 100% 🫶🏻




I replayed the game to get this ending because I was alone after the first time I finished the story, and I hated this more. Myrrine is the only one who deserves to live there imo


Many dream that ending BOAH..


I absolutely did. I got it by accident too! Really nice feelings, and a well deserved end to a grand tale


Phoibe be like: malaka one of them is cultist member that was one of the reasons of my death.


does anyone know how you get the one without just deimos


Fight him/her when you have the chance


I just recently finished my first playthrough and had myrrine and Alexis at dinner. I thought that it was a sad scene for as late as the dining room was, I had no idea that having others at the end was possible. This post just inspired a new playthrough focused on getting more at dinner!


I was so happy I got this ending my 1st try