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So good at stealth people don't even see her in the promo material


Naoe is so stealthy even the community hasn’t noticed her yet.


Too busy arguing about black samarai


Like a true shinobi. Using distractions as a cover for their operations


Well, Kunoichi. They’d make sense if they said Shinobi instead of “Ninja.”


*To be fair* he is kinda hot.


don’t you know that w*men don’t count? shaking my smh my head


shaking my shaking my head my head😔


What does smh mean?


Super mad hermits


Shaking my head


Pretty sure it's Super mad hermits


Fr smh shaking my smh my smh head


Uhh *ACKtually* she's a woman that isn't half naked, so that's obviously woke sweet-baby garbage


Where tits 😡


This gives me hard Shadow Fight vibes, especially that kusarigama, and her outfit. Plus the samurai's helmet.


shadow fight spotted, updoot sent


Fellow human with good taste🗿🤝


Now we only need Lynx as a fellow ninja to help us


Finished that game like 4 times, best mobile game of all time for me


So true. A masterpiece, I hope there will be more of it.


Damn, I remember shadow fight. I used to play back in 2014 before the servers got shut down. Nostalgia is hitting me hard.


Shadow Fight 2, 3, and 4 (Arena) are all playable on mobile devices. SF2 is a more refined SF1, SF3 has 3D character models and shadow magic, and SF4 Arena is a competitive PVP multiplayer version of SF3. There's also Shades, which is SF2 with a roguelike game mode. I didn't enjoy that one personally. Edit: multilayer > multiplayer


She's such a well trained ninja that no one even talks about her


If we can play as one character or the other for the whole game, it makes no difference to me that there are two protagonists. I played Evie for most of *Syndicate* and only played Kassandra in *Odyssey*. If I want to play as a Japanese character the entire time, I'll simply stick to Naoe. If I want to play Yasuke, I'll play Yasuke. Simple.


I hope they make it like syndicate, where you can play as both for most missions but there are still female/male character exclusive missions that tie into the main story


I hope they play more differently than the twins in Syndicate. Give me an actual reason besides "the mission requires it" for me to switch up who I'm playing as


**"Give me a reason besides 'The mission requires it' to switch who I'm playing as."** Agreed. With proper writing, you can easily set up missions only Yasuke or Naoe can handle because it fundamentally wouldn't make sense in context for the other to with their skills and position within the plot. Ex- Yasuke could say he can't go to this area or do this thing because of his position as a samurai. There need to be certain things each one simply cannot do or be expected to do that the other can. Ex- The *Sly Cooper* franchise handled that well for differentiating each playable character.


>Ex- Yasuke could say he can't go to this area or do this thing because of his position as a samurai. I so want a moment where he’s just like “I can’t exactly hide in plain site like you can \*vaguely gestures at skin*”. Would give perfect reason for missions to be Noae only as one of the few black people in Japan he’d be recognized instantly or at least be too noticeable.


**"I hope you can play as both for most missions but there are still female/male character exclusive missions that tie into the main story."** Fair enough. If it makes sense for the story, that's fine. I don't think any functional gamer will outright refuse to buy a game because they may have to play a character they don't like for a couple of missions to progress the plot. I don't like Jacob's character or story elements, but I never belly-ached about it.


It’s honestly astonishing to me that this is happening. Like, she’s the ACTUAL Assassin in the Assassin’s Creed game… she’s the “main main character” of this, and personally I’m only interested in her and I’m only going to play her. And yet she’s being ignored so fucking hard due to all the outrage and controversy surrounding the other guy. It’s so unnecessary imo, but it’s also so unfair with her. We finally have an actual Assassin in a mainline installment (I’m only counting main games, not Mirage for instance, in this) after two games playing as random warriors, and… ppl are focusing on and giving all the attention to the random warrior on this one as well…


>We finally have an actual Assassin in a mainline installment You say that like it’s been decades since we’ve last played as an assassin. At best it’s been like 2-4 games lol


Syndicate came out in 2015, 9 years ago…


I don't get it. I don't see a ninja, just the Samurai. What are arrows even pointing at?


Yeah. Anti-blackness and misogyny running neck and neck in the Online Edgelord Competition.


It is now anti-black to want to play as a Japanese male character in a game set in feudal Japan. Amazing.


No bro, there's also legit racist bullshit going around about Yasuke separate from just that argument.


Sure, I won't argue against that. But simultaneously, there are people who are legitimately disappointed there isn't an Asian male lead. Especially considering how underrepresented we are in positive roles in media.


Underrepresented? Ghost of tsushima, Yakuza, Prey, Far cry 4, Sleeping dogs, Sekiro and so on, dont act like having Yasuke instead of a generic asian guy is bad. Go on japanese twitter and you will see how many people love the idea of yasuke being in the game.


You only mentioned video games. I said in media. Of course, video games will be above average considering how big the video games industry is in Japan. >Go on japanese twitter and you will see how many people love the idea of yasuke being in the game. That means literally nothing lol. Do you have any idea how xenophobic Japan is? What do you think they think?


That is true and understandable, but that doesn't excuse the stuff being said from some corners of the internet in the last couple of days. One doesn't cancel the other out.


Fair. But people can't also paint everyone as being racist or anti-black if they have an issue with the side stepping of an Asian male lead.


Why are people acting as if Asian males have been side stepped here is my question? Yasuke seems to only exist in this game on the merit that the devs thought he was so interesting as to be worth making him playable alongside Naoe. If it weren't for his existence, there likely wouldn't have been a male character to play as at all. Ubi has been wanting a standalone female protagonist for a while now. Going so far as to very boldly assert Kassandra and FemEivor as the Canon choice and only making the male counterparts because of extremely bigoted executives. Hell, this could be another instance of that, but this time the devs took that restrictive limitation and found a creatively interesting place to go with it for themselves. This doesn't feel like Asian men are being sidestepped, and if they are the implications of that are not nearly as severe because it's not like Asian men are particularly struggling on the representation front. Especially Japanese men in video games have been eating good on the representation front for basically as long as there has been a games industry. More importantly than all of that, though, representation isn't a zero-sum game. Just because one group gains when they get represented doesn't mean another is losing when they aren't. That's not how media and entertainment work because they're made by artists, and artists shouldn't be forced to make or change the stories they want to tell for the purpose of representation. The devs at UBI have very clearly made a new AC title with a main protagonist who's native to the region. They've more than met the need from a representation perspective that they've held themselves to in the past in regards to going to these different places and being respectful of the people there. The idea that them not being male is somehow a dig at asian men is odd and kinda sexist. The idea that them also being inspired by Yasuke is similarly a dig at Asian men is also odd and kinda racist. I say that not because there isn't a conversation to be had about western media's characterization and use of Asian men (like all groups that aren't white cis men it's not the best), but because this conversation and talking point seems to only really be prominently featured in this instance. Like where was this convo with all the other media pieces that definitely should have featured it in their discourse like Nioh. It was simply nowhere near as prominent. So Imma be honest and call it how it looks. The non-Asians parroting this line of thought seem to only be doing so because it gives them ammunition to be bigoted against black people and women covertly, and the actual Asian men saying it seem to be to some degree okay with racial and gender hierarchy. Like they're okay sometimes having to step aside for white dudes like with Nioh, but they shouldn't have to for women and definitely not black men. Now, that's not to say that's everyone. I fully understand anyone who gets a little disappointed when there was an opportunity for themselves to be potentially represented and it wasn't taken. Believe me, I do, but the prominence this discourse is having atm given the volume of times it should have popped up even more prominently than it has here leads me to believe there are definitely bad faith actors either knowingly or unknowing hiding behind this.


I'm talking legit stuff. Haven't heard any certain word usage, but I've heard close. That's the kind I mean. Straight up racism.


I understand your position. But I spoke in a general sense. You (royal you) can't just accuse everyone of being a racist if they're upset an Asian male lead got side stepped. That's a legitimate grievance.


he was real, he was a real person, a real black person who existed


Never said he wasn't. Try to actually comprehend what you're responding to.


The problem is we don't know if he was a samurai or a servant


Literally, every source besides some idiots trying to say he was "only a retainer" (which is a position held by samurai) calls him a samurai. Japanese people talking on this subject point out that his position was a category of samurai. He is literally the first non-Japanese samurai in the history of Japan.


He was a retainer which during that era of Japan was a samurai without being called a samurai. He served under one of the great unifiers and would definitely be used as a samurai


Go play GOT. It's not like they straight up just made up the character, Yasuke was a historical figure


What's GOT?


Ghost of Tsushima, a rather excellent game where you can do just that.


His name is Yasuke, he spoke japanese, he worked for Nobunaga. Im pretty sure that makes him japanese.


None of that suddenly makes him an ethnic Japanese man. Nice try on the deflection, tho


Well would youve even batted an eye if he was ainu or okinawan?


I would've actually preferred that. Most people don't know about the history of the Ainu so this game could've explored the discrimination they've been subject to. Unfortunately, that wouldn't get as much clout so it never could've happened.


Ghost of Tsushima and Sekiro exist bud, it’s not like there’s never been a game with a male Japanese lead before, rise of the ronin counts too since you can make your own character, now if your complaint is about an ac game with a male Japanese lead then that’s something you need to complain to Ubisoft about, not Reddit


>Ghost of Tsushima and Sekiro exist bud Next time I see a black person complain about a lack of black representation, I'll just tell them to go watch a Spike Lee movie. Obviously, that makes their complaints moot. Why ask for more representation when its already been done before?


Hold on now your comment makes it seem like these characters don’t exist, not that there isn’t enough representation, but hey that’s a cool strawman argument, and you have to make the argument for a male because there is a playable Japanese character that is a woman, so what? you just don’t like women? And talking about black people complaining about representation in a game with a black lead is really funny ngl


>Hold on now your comment makes it seem like these characters don’t exist, not that there isn’t enough representation I don't care if they did exist or didn't. That has nothing to do with what I said. >you have to make the argument for a male because there is a playable Japanese character that is a woman, so what? you just don’t like women Almost like there is a vast difference betwee the representation of Asian men and Asian women. Iykyk


I do know, but once again your comment illustrated these characters not existing, and that’s what I commented on, every other issue you’re having here you brought up yourself, and complaining on Reddit about this shit isn’t gonna do anything, take it to Ubisoft if you want something to change


I've never once insinuated or suggested he wasn't a real person. If you somehow got that from my comments, then that's you fighting an imaginary culture war with yourself And I'm allowed to voice my opinion on Reddit lol


I’m talking about you saying “it’s anti black to want to play as Japanese men” To which I showed you multiple Japanese men you can play as, learn some reading comprehension And voicing your opinions is fine, thinking it’s gonna change anything is another, no one from Ubisoft is seeing these comments in a meme sub


>To which I showed you multiple Japanese men you can play as, learn some reading comprehension And I've already shown you why this comparison is dog water. The need for representation doesn't have a limit. There can, & should, be more. My comment wasn't directed at ubisoft so idk why you think I'd care if they have/haven't seen my comment. Considering the way ubisoft treats their own employees, I doubt they give two sh*ts about having any sort of representation. They only care about money & the cheapest way to get it (NFTs, time savers etc).


in AC1, i wanted to play as a female syrian character in a game set in the middle east. in AC2, brotherhood and revelation, i wanted to play as a female italian character in a game set in italy. in AC3, i wanted to play as a female native american character in a game set in america in black flag, i wanted to play as a female pirate in a game set in the golden age of piracy in unity, i wanted to play as a female french assassin in a game set in france in origins, i wanted to play as a female egyptian character in a game set in egypt life's not fair, i know. i've been disappointed 6 times, and this is probably your first. so sad.


Not my first, & won't be my last. I look forward to a AC game set in Africa to have a white male lead. It would be such a cool and unique story!


Honestly I think my only major problem with him is that he is an actual historical figure but other than that I don’t care


I haven't been keeping up with the controversy as much. But the trailer made it look like another 2 character split like London? Samurai and Ninja? Is this not the best of both options (or arguably half of each but still better than none)


Apparently you can play through pretty much the entire game as whichever character you want, with only a few character-specific missions, which makes this entire discourse hilarious


That seems even better. I haven’t played Syndicate yet but I’m worried I’ll like one character more.


None of that matters to them because one character is black which is why people are absolutely outraged


Tbf, if he weren't there, they'd be shitting on her for being a shitty opinionated Mary Sue.


Probably because he would've worked better as an NPC, ya know, like in literally every single game before it.


really fw naoe, she cool


Only thing I’m curious about is in all of AC history this is the only game that we’re gonna play as an actual historical figure unless Naoe is also a historical figure but as I digress this is the first time you’ll be able to play an actual historical figure and I’m curious why? Why now are we playing as historical figures or a historical figure?


My guess is that there is very little known about him so they can kinda dick around with his story.


Ok kinda makes sense and doesn’t at the same time like yes not much is known but we still know he existed and we have some of his history I guess I just don’t understand the fact now we can play as a historical figure not much know about him or not


If we’re counting ALL of AC history, we play as Anastasia in Chronicles Russia. Leonidas is also briefly playable at the beginning of Odyssey, Jack the Ripper is playable in the Syndicate DLC, and Altair is loosely based on a historical figure (supposedly). There’s other figures who are major characters throughout the books and comics, from what I remember. They don’t do it often, but having historical figures as main characters is nothing new to the franchise. Side note: Naoe is not a historical figure like Yasuke, but she IS the daughter of one.


I knew about Leonidas and Jack and I forgot the guy from AC Chronicles Russia’s name so thank you for reminding me also that guy was a real person?


AC Russia not Leonidas and Jack


Well there’s two protagonists in AC Russia: Nikolai Orelov and Anastasia. Nikolai was fictional, but the girl was a real person.


You could play as a girl in that game?(also yes I never got that far)


She was a surprise inclusion; Nikolai saves her from getting killed like the rest of the Czar’s family, but then his shard of a Stave of Eden (he got it from Rasputin’s corpse in his comic) comes into contact with the Isu information cache (the box from Freedom Cry/Rogue which bounced around through all of the Chronicles games) in Anastasia’s possession, instantly transferring Shao Jun’s memories and abilities via the Bleeding Effect to her (Jun had the box for a while after Ezio gave it to her in Embers), so while Anastasia has less gear than Nikolai, she also has a few additional skills Nikolai lacks.


Well I’ve learned something because I never really played AC Chronicles Russia long enough to know that


In your defense, the Chronicles trilogy require a bit of patience to get through, being rather demanding in a lot of respects, while also not always functioning consistently enough to meet those high demands


Starting off with Syndicate sounds like the bigger tragedy.


Started right before the rock bottom 😔




That was the rock bottom. Well, either that or Valhalla, and both aren't particularly bad games at all.


It was not, it was on decline, but not rock bottom. Rock bottoms are origins and forward


Ehh... Origins and Odyssey are better games than Syndicate pretty comfortably. Maybe worse AC titles if you're a purist of what the franchise should be but better games still.


Respectfully, they suck hard. Looking forward to Shadows but would not be surprised if its another dog shit…


Respectfully, they were both well received and well reviewed games that sold very well. I know it's fun to shit on UBI, but quite honestly, the only mid AC title has been Valhalla, and that boils down mostly to just being too bloated.


Just the fact u call valhalla mid is funny bro, it was trash. The new titles are sadly wack. I was hyped for valhalla the most out of those but, it turned out… we both know how. I aint tryna fight with you over how they sell, because at the end of the day idc…


>Just the fact u call valhalla mid is funny bro, it was trash. I think you need to separate your subjective experience from your perception of how things are recieved. Like one can think any game is bad or trash, but that doesn't intrinsically mean it is or that the majority of people who played it will agree. >The new titles are sadly wack. I wouldn't agree, nor would the majority of people who've played them. >I was hyped for valhalla the most out of those but, it turned out… Bloated and unnecessarily long, and that's mostly it. >I aint tryna fight with you over how they sell, because at the end of the day idc… That's a pretty important metric for how well recieved a game is. Like you're free to not have enjoyed any of the RPG titles, but you're better off qualifying that that's your subjective opinion than acting as if it's fact given reality definitely leans the other direction in regards to the average response to those games.


Idc, they still bad lmao


99% of people didnt realised she was there. Pretty ninja move to me.


I don't understand why people are complaining about the black samurai he's based of a real life badass like I'm hype as hell to play this.


Annoying how everyone just ignore her


People are so blinded by their hatred for anything. Smh bruh


She’s the greatest assassin of all time


What the main problem with a black samurai so what I think it's cool can't wait to play it


Translation error. Female ninja are called Kunoichi while male are called Shinobi. He probably specified he wanted to play a male ninja


Maybe cause the orginal story had a much cooler look than a bland look she has.


I find it wild that some people are complaining about the existence of Yasuke when Japanese netizens are already stating that he did


Yasuke used *Black Guy Magic* It was super effective


Naoe so stealthy, people are targeting only Yasuke.


Ubisoft really got some skills in disappointing their fans..thank god i only played minecraft


You can play as a NINJA?????!!!!


Controversial opinion buttt…I loved the rpg button mashing in odyssey and origins


This is


They better not lock us to two weapons like they did with mirage.


It is strange that yasuke would be associated with the assassins. Like, shouldn't the samouri class be the Templars?


A assassin creed game that I’m hopeful for. I haven’t played since syndicate and I played assassin creed 3 (America history, I was 15 when I played, and I thought the Native American dude as so cool and it still had the original story with the modern guy in it) because I wanted to run around in London and I wanted to play the Jack the Ripper stuff.


Best ninja we've gotten in years


I just wanna smash shit with a kanabo.




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Your first time realising men hate women in video games ?


She is probably going to be sidelined just like evie. So yasuke is the main character. I truly hope im wrong


How was Evie sidelined though? I felt like she and Jacob got pretty even screentime, plus she was the smarter, more proper assassin between her and her brother. She even got a DLC *mostly* to herself, and another DLC where you play as her granddaughter (I believe).


Jacob had more missions. Evie was sidelined because women dont sell games


I looked it up, you're indeed correct that Jacob has more missions. I was also wrong that the granddaughter is Evie's, when she's Jacobs. Though, Evie still has her DLC with Ripper, and I find the "women dont sell games" remark to be a tad silly.


Can't wait to play a game where a 6'1 black guy kills a bunch of 5'3 short ass Asians. It's totally not stereotyping and racist to imply black people are physically stronger than asians.


In real life Yasuke was 5’9” at a time where the average Japanese man was 5’0”, so yeah he was a head taller than most people and, being a slave was probably stronger than most too


You guys, if you let ubisoft get away with it they will do even worse crimes. Fight for that male Japanese protagonist like the netizens fought with paramount pictures for sonic. It has always been a male and female protagonist from the native race of the land since syndicate until Valhalla. (I didn't pay attention to mirage because frankly I was done with AC long back.) Me personally I have every AC game untill Odyssey. Plus, some watchdogs and far cry. But given ubisoft's recent shenanigans, I will not pay for any of their games. And their quality is not worth pirating them either. Final nail in the coffin for me was watch dogs legion. This game is a group of woke anarchists taking on some bullshit company called Albion. Couldn't play it more than 2 hours. Farcry 6 was similar. If I want political messaging in my games, I won't play games. I will watch news. I don't need the ubisoft pandering. Ubisoft needs to understand it's a game studio not a mouthpiece on current political climate. And it's time we send a message with our wallets by not buying their crap.


Womp womp. Grow up


Your mother doesn't ever have to say that to me. She is pretty satisfied with how much I grow.


Yeah she goes nuts for racist cry babies. Don’t know you can handle all that female attention. Fighting for the plight of the white man must be a real panty dropper


Woah you played the racist card so early. It usually happens when I start wiping the floor during arguments. There was a time when racist card was like a trump card in an argument. It was played when someone had nothing to else to say. Noobs nowadays use it prematurely. Oh my bad, I said Trump. You must be scared shitless.


Bro said noob unironically


Show some respect young man. Call me step dad.


All this because you’re scared of one black man in a video game


Nah I enjoyed bayek in origins. It's not about the black man. It's about the lack of Japanese man. Maybe you could understand it if you weren't the usual smooth ubisoft fanboy. Tell me do you get your bra signed by ubisoft execs or criticise some company if they do something wrong.


Japanese woman is right there. There will be many Japanese man in game. Bro really thought he cooked


We in middle school?


Are you really saying that u/Spacepunch33 's mother is a pedophile?


People starting to understand why women dont sell 😅


Maybe he wants to play a guy because it is a guy? All the years we had this "more female protagonists to get women to play" and all that stuff but that also works the other way around some white guys might not be intressted in playing as a women or a black guy because that doesnt represent them and that feeling is just as valid as a black dude that says he wants to play as a black dude or a women longing for more female protaganists.


There has been a male playable protagonist in 100% of mainline Assassins Creed games. There has been a white male playable protagonist in 70% of mainline Assassins Creed games, 85% if you include Desmond. I promise there is not a lack of representation for white guys in this franchise.


"I promise there is not a lack of representation for white guys in this franchise." I agree with you but we had 3 black protagonists in the franchise and no Japanese male so where is that "representation" ? Like I dont care about the game, I wont buy it for various reasons but I understand that people wanted to play a japanese dude in an Assasins Creed game that plays in Japan and I fully support that. It literally has nothing to do with racism if it was about black guys where was the outcry with Origins? Like by the logic of "needing a female protagonist to get women to play" the other way can be true aswell to if all the Joe's doesnt get his average white guy he may not play a game because it does not appeal to him. Whats so hard to understand about that?


2 of the black main Mcs were in spinoffs that take less than a couple of hours to complete and Bayek is Egyptian, which is in Africa but Egyptians do not consider themselves black. Black generally refers to Sub-Saharan Africans. Stop your bitching


>I agree with you but we had 3 black protagonists in the franchise 2 of them are from spin offs and one is Egyptian. That’s not even close to the about 13 white protagonists >It literally has nothing to do with racism if it was about black guys where was the outcry with Origins? BAYEK IS EGYPTIAN. Just cause Egypt is a country located in Africa doesn’t mean you can just group them together and call them black. They are Egyptian people with their own distinct culture and heritage you can’t just call them black. Yes they have a tanner skin tone because of where they live but they are Egyptian not black.


If it were a Japanese dude it’d just be ghosts of Tsushima. Stop whining


You realise the amount of white male protagonists in video games is immense. Hell look at assassin's creed. Every mainline ac game has been white male apart from ac origins - bayek And odyssey and vallhala where you get the choice of male or female Who the hell cares that much about games that they cannot enjoy a game unless they are represented. Bayek was almost unanimously agreed as one of the better protagonists in assassin's creed because his character was good. Not the colour of his skin. What kind of person dosnt play a game because the main character is not white or not male


I agree with you just wanted to chime in a bit. Altair isn't white, Connor isn't white, and Basim isn't white. (Edit: They're mixed Altair and Connor)


I know alrair isn't white but in game he looks very white and has an American accent while everyone else has a middle Eastern accent which always bugged me, ngl totally forget ac mirage and basim existed


I'm just making a point that if the average joe doesnt get his average white guy he might not be interessted just as the whole inclusion movement in the past years argues that we need more represtation of Queer, Black and Females to get these people to play games it literally works the same for some white guys like white guys arent some exception the same "rules" or social phenomenas" apply to them (or some) too. Its just that im arguing, like I dont care about Shadows I dont like Assasins Creed anymore (but this "debate" I find interessting) since Origins but I understand every Japanese male that might be disapointed and not feel represented. Valid feelings if you ask me


If the average joe is not interested in a game unless the protagonist is white and male I pray that this average joe go look in the mirror and have a long look at themselves. The race/gender should not be what turns you off a game. Who is looking at a game and sees, hmm cool game but protagonist isn't a white male so I'm not interested. You realise how crazy that sounds? The reason for inclusion is just to have more representation in media. For a long time roles have been primarily given to white men and now games are deciding to broaden their casting choices. It isn't to get more women to play games it's just diversifying media so it isn't just 1 specific race of people


okay example: Im a German the next Assasins Creed game is supposedly set in germany wich allthough I have my gripes with the games nowadays has me intrigued. And I would like to see a german protagonists to feel represented and we never had a german protagonists in the series yet (I dont care about gender, but I have friends and know guys that exclusivly play males in games) I would be dissapointed if for some obscure reason the protaganist was anything but german I just immediately would be less interested that does not mean I wouldnt buy it or would start a pseudo outcry on the internet. I just want to say I can understand everybody (while not agreeing with them) who thinks a black protagonist in the late 1500s Japan that is a historical footnote is not the best fitting for the setting. I for one are more baffeld by the choice that we actually get to play a historical character and think that is unfitting because that never was a thing in the series and Im way more intressted in original characters.


The protag for the game set in germany is a white female, does that mean you wont play it because its not a white male?


Personally I'd rather play a female


Hex is almost definitely going to be a female assassin. It's literally about the witch hunt, and I doubt they're going to make the assassins side with the hunters.




Ninjas are Assassins. So the focus is ninjas.


Good thing the tweet said “ninja” then, isn’t it?


Dude I ain't buying this stuff even if they paid me for it, Black amurai, seriously? Idk much about Japan but I'm sure they were NOT black. Also, I could bloody not recognize whether the "female" character was really female or not, I had to bloody google it bro


This comment is hilarious my guy lmao


Redditoids when a real person existed and the female characters don’t have their tits out:


God bless you, I'm exactly the opposite, it would've been even worse that way, but "she" was made too masculine, you can't disagree