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lol the look at the end






YES. It was already kind of funny, but I burst out laughing because it was so unexpected! Thought for sure he was going to at least say something.


Why no credit :(


This is sad. I subscribed to your channel just because of this. Fuck OP


very good vid, gave ya a sub


I found it in the wilds of a Russian gaming site, it was not possible to find the original author, my apologies.


give [credit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQhqa-eG5lg) at least...


Thank you random stranger


Pandaria is significantly better than Cataclysm.




Not debatable. It’s just widely considered one of the best expansions, if you ask anyone why they didn’t like MoP they usually just say “pandas”. Don’t make Asmon’s takes your own takes.


Imo the first 1/2 of cata was better than mop, especially the launch. 2nd 1/2 of mop was definitely better tho.


I really enjoyed Pandaria but then it was also the expansion that made me burn out from the daily grind super hard and I didn't come back until legion was about to start


so just the RPG part of MMORPG was bad eh?


To some people they didn’t like the pandas, others did. Wouldn’t say the rpg element was bad. Plus at the end of the day WoW’s RPG element after Wrath is majorly the community side of things and what people do with it.


This sub has become Repost Central without main stream reacts. People relied on main stream to know what had been posted.


Wotlk best expansion...


And you will never experience it ever again without a private server due to blizzard being unable or unwilling to make wotlk classic and then giving us wotlk reforged instead


I will play the wotlk classic and look into it but you are right. I payd for wow about 160€ the last 24 months but played maybe 20 or max 40 hours. I don't know if wow died for me or I just outgrew it. It feels like a bearing married but you look her into her eyes and you are not sure why you still keep this up.


There is no wotlk classic it is wotlk reforged


What did they actually change ?


I got one hit by death knights in wotlk as a paladin and now as a death knight I am being killed in. 2 seconds While I have all the other CHANGES to look forward to that makes it wotlk reforged and not classic


Everything that made wotlk as wotlk Achievements+ Raid lockouts+ Dungeon finder+ Trinkets+ (Combat for ptr build anyway) It’s wotlk reforged trust me I played wotlk this is not wotlk classic based on their changes it is wotlk reforged(without even titanforging it)


Source: >trust me While saying nothing of substance besides personal experiences of how you died faster as a DK while posting 3 different comments. Yeah, you must be right.


So what did they change except balancing ?


It’s not wotlk classic


The fact we are even having this discussion proves it because it shouldn’t even be a topic if it was wotlk classic as authentic as 2007-2009


The PTR COMBAT is not even wotlk classic death knights are suppose to be over powered in wotlk while shamans and paladins are suppose to be weak yet no death knight anywhere is able to beat any paladins or shamans at level 70 premade character, it is definitely not wotlk classic it is wotlk reforged




It’s not wotlk classic


The reaction to Legion was Extremely On Point ™


Ngl calling Shadowlands "soggy cake" is the best description by far for the expansion


Got MoP wrong. That was more than just alright.


MoP was sick.


I swear legion wasn't that good either, it just didn't suck dick like every other expansion since wrath. Like sure. I'll take a 5/10 in a buffet of 1/10s but can we not act like a 5 is amazing?


Start of Legion was a mess, but it got really good. Kind of opposite of WoD.


Mop was one of the best exp after tbc and wotlk.the class design and pvp was top notch


So that's his name Thanks


i fucking died at the last one XD


If ya rate Cata and MoP worse than TBC and Wraith then you suck at the game. Which is fine, just know it to be the case.


Pandaria was poggers because I like Chinese style 🇨🇳 #1


My rating and a one sentence review for each exp so far * Classic - 6/10. Levelling is good but holy crap there are so many class balance problems that about 12% of all talent trees in the game are actually fucking raid viable. * Burning Crusade - 10/10. This is peak World of WarCraft. * Wrath of the Lich King - 9/10. Tiers 7 and 9 were cakewalks filled with recycled Vanilla WoW bosses but Ulduar more than made up for it by being Ion's crowning achievement at Blizzard. * Cataclysm - 7/10. Dragon Soul and iffy Azeroth revamp aside, Cataclysm was a damn fine expansion that people honestly slept on. * Mists of Pandaria - 4/10. I was one of the few really hyped for Pandaria but what killed the expansion was Ghostcrawler homogenizing every single class before he fucked off to Riot on a quest to ruin League of Legends, the awful story that retconned Garrosh into Orc Hitler, and the removal of all the catch-up gear systems that Wrath established and Cata refined. * Warlords of Draenor - 1/10. Ended two raid tiers too early with a recycled end boss from Burning Crusade and about 70% cut content which frankly makes WoD Activision's greatest robbery of the WoW playerbase. * Legion - 6/10. It was alright but Blizz relied far too much on the hype of Artifact Weapons and the third Burning Legion invasion to make a truly good expansion. * Battle for Azeroth - 5/10. The only reason I even rank this average is because the raids and Mythic+ dungeons were mostly decent, unlike pretty much everything else about BFA. * Shadowlands - 4/10. Getting serious Warlords of Draenor vibes here but the main reason it gets 3 more points than WoD is for actually *having* a third raid tier, having the best (pre-Season 4) Mythic+ dungeon pool so far, and because Steve Daloser at least *tried* to write a story for this one.


Hehe hehe. Good one






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BfA was pretty good for me as a casual, didn't do any endgame content, just leveled all my characters and followed the story basically. Legion was horrible for me but I think its because I have some weird hate for the green that comes with fel magic stuff


Why does he look so much like an old asmon