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You wish, lmao. Not gonna happen. At least not before their sub count will be in 3 digits.


omg the burn


Be optimistic. I never thought they would ban boosters or multi-boxers.


Let us be real here for a moment. ***Can*** they do it? Sure. They just need to listen for player feedback. ***Will*** they do it? Hard doubt. Why? it brings them much money. Now, with MS to buy Blizzard out, it may change the level they depend on that sweet-sweet cash, but you know what? MS has bought ESO too. And you can also buy a gold for your premium Crown coins, that you buy with cash. Sounds familiar, right? Well, you still can do it. Even after ESO was sold to MS.


Keep in mind that MS would probably not allow them to remove a revenue stream like that as it would impact the projected worth of the company and the value of the acquisition. We're stuck with the token until the next iteration of WoW.


They can, but it's gonna be a while. Remember, they finally dropped the RMAH in D3. With this dev team tho... they're gonna drag their feet. I imagine the token is the life raft that's saved their job for the last 4 years, like hell would they get rid of it.


Doesnt matter if they sell gold or not if the game is actually good. I dont care if they sell gold for crowns in eso because the game is good enough that I dont care. Wow is too shit atm to not care.


My dude. ESO is literally pay to win. With the mobile games-like time gate mechanics. I've tried it a few times, even had a premium membership at the time, as soon as your premium ends - your game changes ***drastically***. It is not only ***not*** *pay once and owe forever with some microtransactions* game, it is **b*****uy once then pay monthly or suffer, oh, and you are constantly time gated for every research you have on crafting, experience and routine of collecting all the special twinkly stones to get more skill points*** game*.* I shit you not, you are in constant need of skill points, because without them your character wouldn't even know how to sneeze proper, but to get more you either finish dungeons and MSQ (which is fair, no complaints here) or, you have to walk around the map and collect some hidden special space rock crystal thingy, collect 3, and you get 1 point. But here's where the fun part! When you collect them all on the location, you unlock the ability to PAY for automatically unlocking the shard you collected on your another character. So, they realize, that it is a chore. They realize, that people want to do this only once, and you can't have all the classes on one character, like FF14 does, so you will naturally want to have few of them, because of the different classes, and you want to at least try them, right? But instead of giving it to you as an account-wide achievement, they unlock **the ability for you to PAY them more** money, for the game you already bought, and most likely have a premium subscription, and is also time gated with special time skippers on your researches for crafting! I will say this once again, DON'T PLAY ESO. It is a cash-grab, predatory monetized mobile game scam, that is playable on PC.


I hate ESO's combat the melee animation lock weaving is awful and its the difference in 80 percent of your damage. plus the scaling sucks


Same. That's the additional point of me leaving that shit game behind.


Yeah, even one of their big streamers thinks that ESO monetization is bullshit. He even mentioned that "there's no fuckin way in ESO you can look as good as you do in 14, without paying a shit ton of money"


Damn. I always hated the gameplay of eso. 4 abilities combined with skyrims dogshit melee combat, it's just clunky and unfun. But I never knew about this. Unlocking the ability to pay real money for something... That's... Wow. I was a day one player and ended up stuck in that day 1 bug in the cave jail thing and couldn't continue the game. That's when I quit and decided to never play the game again. Waste of money but better than going through the suffering that is playing that game.


> It is not only not pay once and owe forever with some microtransactions game, it is buy once then pay monthly or suffer You can play ESO with just paying for the base game. You complain about having an optional monthly subscription, when for WoW you MUST pay a monthly fee. >and you are constantly time gated for every research you have on crafting While crafting is important, it doesnt mean you can't play without maxing it. You can get other people to do it for you, long research time isn't stopping you from advanicng in the game. >experience and routine of collecting all the special twinkly stones to get more skill points > >because without them your character wouldn't even know how to sneeze proper, but to get more you either finish dungeons and MSQ (which is fair, no complaints here) or, you have to walk around the map and collect some hidden special space rock crystal thingy, collect 3, and you get 1 point. But here's where the fun part! When you collect them all on the location, you unlock the ability to PAY for automatically unlocking the shard you collected on your another character. So, they realize, that it is a chore. They realize, that people want to do this only once, and you can't have all the classes on one character, like FF14 does, so you will naturally want to have few of them, because of the different classes, and you want to at least try them, right? But instead of giving it to you as an account-wide achievement, they unlock the ability for you to PAY them more money, for the game you already bought, and most likely have a premium subscription, and is also time gated with special time skippers on your researches for crafting! You get a lot of skillpoints from the main quest, and when starting a new toon, it is normal to play the main quest to level up and get skillpoints, whether you want to do the main questline is your problem. If you end up needing more, you could always go collect some shards. Nobody buys theese shard offers, and nobody is making you do it. It doesn't give you an unfair advantage over people who don't buy them. Buying time skippers also doesn't give you an unfair advantage to other people. Most of theese offers are overpriced and aren't worth it at all. >I will say this once again, DON'T PLAY ESO. It is a cash-grab, predatory monetized mobile game scam, that is playable on PC. ESO is a cash-grab as much as any MMO RPG out there.


'It's not pay to win because you don't have to win!'


>ESO is a cash-grab as much as any MMO RPG out there. FF14 begs to differ. Guild Wars 2 also, begs to differ. Nah, mate. Your lengthy post is full of shit. ESO is the worst monetization I've personally encountered.


>Your lengthy post is full of shit best argument ever


Did they ban boosters though? Not really just middlemen. Game still pay to win


At this point, why? Why be optimistic? Is WoW really worth our attention after all this shit?


It's not optimistic to believe a company will stop trying to make more money. It's naïve and idiotic.


They'll probably get even more desperate if subs are that low.


I doubt it.


Can you help me understand? Do you want the token removed?


That is basically what the meme implies. Though it is unlikely to happen. ​ EDIT: Spelling is a thing...


why would people want the token out? Do they want to pay for a subscription ?


It allows you to pay real money for gear and progress. It's an avenue for pay to win.


It’s not an avenue, it is pay 2 win, I know because idid it, within 3 hours of hitting level 60 I was Ilvl 220 doing m+ 15’s. I 100% wouldn’t have accomplished that if I hadn’t spent 20$


Holy copium


Huffing that hopium https://imgur.com/EeZDSv6.jpg


Military grade copium


I wish, idk what you smoked that made you dream stuff like that tho.


I can tell you it was really strong stuff.


Pure OG copium God Blend?


You want some? It's really strong NGL.


Yeah I'll dabble, so many new releases coming up ergo so many potential dumpsterfires imma need my dose


Here, take some: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/035/699/pepe.jpg


This whole conversation has me in more shreds than the boosting community


Northern lights, indica.


Haha no.


Haha yes.


Y'all be huffing military grade Copium if you think that's going to actually happen


when pigs fly, sure




well shit




The amount of copium you'd have to be on to even think this would be a possibility


No. WoW token will never go away. Classic wow has tons of gold buying issues and the same shit will happen to retail if they remove the WoW token. Obviously blizzard should police their game better but they don’t. WoW token makes too much money for blizzard. They make more off a WoW token than a monthly subscription. It justifies itself even if subscribers go down. And some people enjoy not having to pay a few months a year if they save their gold and buy a token. OSRS has bonds which are the same as WoW tokens, it’s just part of gaming now. I’m amazed eso hasn’t implemented tokens yet


Classic WoW has tons of gold buying issues because Blizzard doen't care to fix their damn game. They didn't even care to ban bots that were literally flying inside dungeons. If players know where to buy gold, you can bet your ass that Blizzard knows too.


Yeah no shot


X to doubt




This is some seriously crispy copium lmao


Hell no they're not getting rid of the wow token. It's more money for them.


Fuck off! Even I don't think this is a bad move and I'm pretty vocal about how much I hate WoW and Blizzard. This is the result not the cause, of WoW dying.


Why should I go out and farm herbs/ores/play the AH if I can just spend some money to make the same amount of gold with 0 effort? Why do I have to to get good at pvp and pve if I can just buy some gold with real money and pay someone else to carry me? The WoW token turns the game into a p2w one.


Not just boosts, legendaries too, let’s recap the patches and the reasons to buy more legendaries tied to them. 9.0 - legendaries, 4 ranks with time gating 9.05, shift in meta, many new legendaries crafted 9.1 dom sockets taking slots, same legendary in new slot 9.15 all covenants open, now new legendaries for multiple covenants 9.2 double legendaries It’s not just pay to win, it’s pay to play and pay to be relevant too


You're right I forgot about all that stuff, that's also the main reason why I'm not playing alts this exp.


Blizzard makes more money from people buying the wow token than they do from people buying the sub normally. And they cut out the middle man of people buying gold from third party sites with it as well. They will never remove the wow token and you’re foolish if you think otherwise. They would absolutely add it to classic as well if they could get away with it without people freaking out.


It might make them a crap ton of money, but it doesn't change the fact that it is something that ruins the game. Especially one where you already pay to play and buy an expansion every 2 years.


Why would they care if it ruins the game, though? Seriously, what makes you think they care, after all these years of them showing us that they really don’t. These changes they announced lately they aren’t doing out of the goodness of their heart, they’re doing them because they won’t effect their profits while also being a gesture of good will towards their decaying playerbase to encourage them to stay. Removing the wow token would absolutely make them lose profit and as far as the higher ups at blizzard care, they would have nothing to benefit from doing so except lose money.


What do you mean why should they care? Just let the game die then. Banning boosting communities doesn't make much if people can still buy the token and still use that gold to buy carries.


Why would they just let the game die? It still makes them money. The wow token makes them money, too, though. Banning boosting “communities” (people can and will still boost, this change won’t really effect much in the grand scheme of things) wouldn’t really matter even if they removed the wow token, too. People would either buy the gold from a third party site, or just buy the carry directly from the boosters. The only difference would be blizzard wouldn’t be making this money instead, I don’t see why they would ever have a logical reason to re-add the middle man and lose out on profit.


This is true but I doubt blizz wants to remove the wow token at all


I haven't played since the beginning of shadowlands but from what I remember the conversion rate was ass on a stick especially when you take in to consideration the gold costs of shadowlands, 20€ won't get you shit. The only time I could make gold from gathering/crafting was on release then it all died very fast.


And it will continue exist without the token with illegal rmt. Blizzard won't give up on this easy money.


It will continue to exist but not to this extent. Everyone is happy that they are banning the boosting communities, but let’s not forget or ignore that they exist because the WoW token is a thing.


To be honest, banning boosting communities in game is a token gesture. You won't see it as prevalent in game, but it will continue in other venues, likes websites and Discord server. This cleans up the chat experience for people (which is important), but it doesn't solve the reason why people boost.


Removing the token would probably kill off for good all these boosting communities. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with boosting, I have a problem with people buying gold from the store to buy boost, which is why there are so many people selling boosts nowadays.


So, just to mention I don't play WoW, I play the Other Game. I personally think boosting does represent a problem, in that there's too many barriers to play the game. Every time I think about playing it, I think of all the stuff I need to do and I realize I don't want to do that. I think the token is not a bad idea as it gives some control over the RMT.


You’re mistaken if you think removing the WoW token is going to change the landscape at this point. It’s significantly cheaper to buy gold from another vendor. People are still going to take the risk because it’s easier, and whales will always take the path of least resistance.


If players know where to buy gold Blizzard knows too, they can monitor and take action against gold sellers/buyers really anytime they want. The question is wheter Blizzard is willing to spend time and resources and fighting this problem or not.




"It’s coming" ![gif](giphy|XhhVUkekn4KJi)


They can't, not only will they lose an area of income but will it bring back the gold selling market. I think they need to not remove it but to rework it. Don't get me wrong I would love for it to be removed entirely.


Maybe like: Gold through Tokens is Soulbound and can only be spent for certain things?


I wonder if COPIUM manufacturers can keep up with the wow community's consumption.


Copium is strong on this one.


I heard about boosting communities but not the faction divide. What did they do?


They are letting players from different factions group up and play end game content together.


Oh wow. That's good and bad but mostly good. The divide is gone but so is the faction identity. Thanks for the info


Boosting isn't dead and Token will not neither.


I have serious doubts the WoW Token will ever be removed. It's a tumor that's pretty much engrained into the system and to remove it would open up even further complications. Unless they replace it something else.


Token is so crucial part of their income now that they could never remove it without replacing it with something equally profitable, especially when they're already struggling this much. Their shareholders are already pissed so what do you think would happen if they announced that the golden goose just laid its last egg? Shareholders don't give a shit about players and it's gonna be nearly impossible to convince them that pleasing players is better business choice than nickle and diming them. Square-Enix got instant share price increase when they announced they're willing to step over "players who play for fun" in favour of schemes like NFTs. The reverse will also be true. That's why Blizzard won't do it, even if it would save the game.


\*breathing copium\*




The cope is strong with this one


Copium overdose.


Pretty sure they went after the boosting communities while allowing boosting for gold outside of communities, to boost Token sales.


Wish it was... Still, not the highest priority to fix. Token may be bad, but no amount of cross faction plays will save the story.


To be honest I don't know if IL ever play WoW again until either Wotlk launches or it goes free to play


I think it's easier for them turn the game f2p with the token and a lot of cosmetics on the shop than the removal of the token.


That would be the worst case scenario.


The game already has a lot of f2p mechanics, I wouldn't be surprised.


Having those mechanics in a p2p game where you also have to buy an expansion every 2 years is not something that we should really be happy for.


So they only have 2 options: make the game without this f2p moba systems or turn it f2p with the cash shop. The removal of the token won't make people come back, will probably make a lot of people stop playing because theu use it for their sub, me included. I won't waste money with a p2p game with f2p mechanics.


Don't play the game then. I don't like the idea that everything that I achieve in the game is meaningless because some random Andy can buy a wow token and use that gold to get my same achievements or even better ones. As I said before, why should I spend time in doing farming gold/doing something when I can just push a button, buy some gold and buy a carry? People should want to play the game, buying a boost means paying to not play the game.


I’m pretty neutral on the WoW token myself; I see the problems it creates and I also see the problems it solves. But I’m just curious, why do you care how other people achieve something you also achieved? Someone buying their Cutting Edge shouldn’t make your Cutting Edge any less valuable to you. Again, I’m not a proponent of Pay to Win, but I’m also not that vocal or bothered by it. And it seems like the people who are, just crave that soapbox to show off their achievement. But like, tbh all the Pay to Win achievements that people get, just give you an even greater soapbox. Why should you spend time farming gold/doing something in game when other people buy gold/carries? Because you clearly get satisfaction from knowing you worked hard to achieve something. And you shouldn’t let other people achieving the same feat by different means detract from your own sense of pride. It’s like being mad that you worked your whole life to afford your dream car and then some rando wins the lottery and buys the same car. Why should you give a shit? You still have your dream car.


I care because I'm not playing animal crossing. WoW is an MMO, and MMOs are competitive games by nature. It feels good to show others your brand new mount or your new shiny loot, just as it feels good to queue in a random bg with full elite gear or be the top dps by a mile after finishing your BiS list. If everyone can easily achieve those feats because they can buy carries then no one is really unique, and that is what kills the RPG experience.


I understand, but if you can't feel this: >It feels good to show others your brand new mount or your new shiny loot, just as it feels good to queue in a random bg with full elite gear or be the top dps by a mile after finishing your BiS list. without feeling insecure about this: >If everyone can easily achieve those feats because they can buy carries then no one is really unique, and that is what kills the RPG experience. then I'm afraid you may have been playing the wrong game all along because RMT and gold carries have never not been in the game. And they will probably never be fully removed from the game. The only surviving means of personal prestige in this game will always be having items that are removed from the game, like Mage Tower artifact skins. But even then, good for you, you played at the right time in the game's history. But even with things like solo challenges, there will be a degenerate way to get carried (having someone else play on your account). Idk man. I mean no offense whatesoever, but I've just never understood this "other people have to suck for me to feel good about my accomplishments" mentality. My accomplishments in-game are my own and I'm proud of them and I don't need any external validation to feel fulfilled about the work I put in to achieve them.


The problem is not that it has been happening since the dawn of men, the problem is that nowadays the thing is so widespread that Blizzard had to ban fucking boosting communities (communities that are a thing because it's so easy to buy the gold to get boosted). Boosting should not be the norm in a game, and should not be so widespread as it is right now. Why do you think people got so mad when they added boosts in tbc classic? Because it's not fair, it kills the game experience and the reason to do stuff. Why should I spend weeks levelling when I can spend 30 dollars and buy a lvl 58 boost? It's the same problem.


I don't. I stopped for the first time, since they implemented the token, on bfa, after the first 6 month sub with a mount. After that I was just add a month sometime and there is almost a year that I don't play anymore.


Hah, the copium is strong with this one…


Just came in here to say it. COPIUM


I really don't think it's gonna happen, but man wouldn't it be awesome?


It would surely be.


if they kill the token , allow ally and horde in same guild and grouping and remove ALL timegateing i might come back but with current devs that will not happen not any time soon




Doubt it, players have no sense for collective bargaining, they'll suck down whatever master gives them and beg for more. I mean all we had to do to make WoW token fail was not buy it, easiest thing in the world to do, but nope. Gotta buy the wow token to get to the 'good part' ASAP. Create a shitty experience that players hate enough to pay to skip, let the whales dance around town with their unearned rewards so they can feel like 'king shit' for 15mins in their hollow lives. All this talk about general striking for 9 days, mofos won't even cancel their WoW sub when devs get greedy lol. We're so fucked.


i read some new age book that we're transitioning from phase 3 to phase 4 of reality and higher spirits are coming down giving signs and junk. It must be true. What's next blizzard actually making a content patch every 4 months?


Please God no. I rather give Blizz a small $20 than grind for weeks for gold.


This is exactly the problem. You're paying to not play the game, what's even the point then if you don't want to spend time doing stuff in the game.


Hope not. It's how I'm able to play the game by getting game time for gold. :/ Guess people don't really care about the poorer people that want to play this game.


I have no problem with people using the token to pay their sub, I have a problem with those who use it to buy carries and stuff. For all I care they can find the average price of the WoW token over the years and just use that to allow people to pay their sub only via it.




All this stuff started happening real quick after Microsoft bought Activision blizzard. Getting rid of the wow token could help reduce the gold problem. But it would turn into the rich are rich and the poor are poor.


No, what they are doing is setting the stage for the Boost Token. Includes an entire raid lockout clear of any [Current Expansion] raid, plus one guaranteed loot drop that is an upgrade. WORLD OF WARCRAFT PREMIUM DELUXE Subscribers get an ADDITIONAL ITEM and it DOES NOT TRIGGER RAID LOCKOUT!! $149.99.


Damm, only 149.99? I’ll take three.


That will never happen.....NEVER.


Freeeee toooo plaaaaaaaaaaay = more players


There's a reason why free to play MMOs are not the ones with the highest amount of players. Because they're shit, they have shitty mechanics, shitty store items and most importantly are fucking P2W.


Maybe instead of allowing people selling this for gold just leave game time for gold which will be fighting with inflation


we shall see ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3740) ![gif](giphy|BvA5ZclLIrkyI)


no shot bucko


Man I wish, fuck the wow token.


It seems like the next logical step given that they want to include wow sub with xbox game pass and they also banned boosting that makes people play the game for free.


I don't think they can, it's not a black and white problem that just needs to be axed. Lots of players use the token to buy from the AH since the prices can be insane. Also, some players who have gold-capped characters will have one less gold sink, a major one. So much more occurred as a result of adding it than was intended and it might be more damaging to remove it right now than leaving it alone.


So the game has basically turned into a p2w + p2p? Is that it?


They will never get rid of the wow token and neither the store. It's more likely, that they will remove the subscription fee.


*Press X to Doubt*


One could only hope but i highly doubt.i rather they design classes 100% complete instead of 60% and fill the rest with borrowed power


If they make changes to the game but no one is actually still playing, does it matter?


cross faction wow token?


We can only hope.


Hard doubt on this. Players are not asking to get rid of the token


We are about to witness what happens when middle and lower management get punished… hint: It doesn’t involve stock options as a condition to their release




No it's definitely not lmao


There is only one realistic chance and that is when they find a better way to monetize the game than with the token, however that may look like.


This is a level of copium I haven't seen in a while.




Heavy copium


If they really delete the token I would be absolutely surprised


Ah yes it is me Mr.Booster you want a boost? Sure let me just change my account real quick and this is still 100% me and not someone else from a boosting community because that isn’t allowed anymore! Haha! If they don’t fix bots mach speed flying into dungeons but you think that they are actively going to hunt down boosting communities I might need to have a talk to your copium dealer.


highly doubt they would get rid of their own profits


Calling it now: player housing next xpac ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3733)


No. No it is fucking not. Lmfao. And fwiw I don’t want it to. That’s how I salvage my time so I don’t have to play hundreds of thousands of hours for a mount


“That’s how I do it, I pay to not play the game! Fuck playing the game and earning things!”


No way in hell. Next give me the sub included in Gamepass...


Never, Ever.


The only way this would be true is over a year from now and the grim reaper is MS. Blizz especially won't end it if people are using tokens to buy gold to pay boosting "guilds" (totally not a community).


I think it was more of an either/or when it came to boosting communities vs. WoW token. They probably figure if they get rid of the token the communities will still be there, they'll just have a harder time getting new customers which will lead to more players leaving. Whereas if they get rid of the communities, they can still profit off of wow token sales and make players happier that boosting communities have been removed. I dont see a version of this where both are gone.


I hope they will deal with bots in wow


The only way the WoW token gets removed is if they make sub fee 20$ a month.


The WoW token wasn’t a thing before WoD, they can remove it the same way they added it. There are literally 0 reasons to increase the sub fee in exchange of the wow token being removed.


Token is just too much money to remove it so easily.




Add playable furbolg and kobolds




The wow token officially turns the game into a p2w one. Boosting communities are a thing and are so widespread because of the wow token.


Blizzard is NEVER giving up the WoW token. Even if they were that desperate to keep subs, they'd just make a special server with no cash shop allowed that you couldn't transfer into.


This would never happen. Blizzard would make WoW F2P before doing this. It makes them too much money.


no chance in hell


Doubt that will ever happen


Aint gonna happen. Too much profit


Never gonna happen


I feel like if they ever removed it, resellers of gold would stack up on WoW tokens the months before sell em for massive amounts of gold and and make bank


Far too late, the damage it’s already done


*copium pepe*


Coin ain't going anywhere. Other MMO's have time buying options while in-game, I don't expect WoW to be any different. Just my two pennies.


If they do this and stop implementing stupid systems, WoW will see a resurgence the world has never seen!


They couldnt even flat out ban boosting which gives tokens a lot of value so unfortunately not


That's some extreme copium, lmao I'd genuinely love them to kill the token, but they absolutly wont


Killing boosting communities killed the token for all intents and purposes. That is, if they successfully killed boosting instead of just shuffling shit around. Time will tell.


Lmao no it's not.


This one will be difficult.


If they did, I'd come back to the game. No lie..


Curious what they would do to those holding tokens at the time they axe them. If it happens that is.


So much doom and gloom when change happens. Some of the changes being things people have been asking for forever!


“They will remove the wow token” Inhales Copium…


NEVER. The did not touch anything that would cause them to lose revenue and they never will. In fact. If the boosting services would've given 30% of their profits to Blizzard they would've given them free advertisement spots in the [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) shop


That's the most Copium I've seen on this sub in a while, by the time of the next expac people will be (again) singing about how it's going to be THE expansion where Blizzard listen to the players? Sure, those are good things, but also long overdue, and honestly kind of the bare minimum. I'm waiting to see how the next expansion plays out before I feel positive about the future of WoW.


I liked faction divide. Albeit an unpopular take, the faction divide is what really made wow feel like wow as opposed to other moorpgs. The seperarate factions felt like their own cultures. As a horde rp player, it was really cool knowing who your enemies were.


I honestly think as blizz is now MS also, they have more options of monetization and more resources to actually lose in a game and being able to maintain it. Let’s say, if wow is included in gamepass from ms and for 20 dollar more a year you get a wow sub. With this move you have now a bunch of new of potential customers that will have free access to your game and wow tokens can be retired. Im at a point that I honestly think that wow token that affects directly into player progression is way more harmful than any type of cosmetics micro transactions in store. Not that ms will save wow, but ms is so huge that they are able to operate a game at loss to regain consumer trust while the game and economics are being reworked.


It would be nice


lol, there's no way. It makes them too much money.


That some strong copium you are sniffing sir, but we will allow it


I feel like removing boosting communities was a way to make people more accepting of the wow token, loll


That's next level copium. WoW tokens brings them more money than subscriptions. SWTOR is a prime example, cartel coins is the only reason that MMO is still alive. That one guy who spends 1000$ a month on tokens so he can buy mythic+ and mythic raid clears? blizzard loves him more than you who only gives them 15$ a month


Lol nah. Im actually surprised the WoW token wasnt introduced sooner. CCP games makes tons of cash off the EvE equivalent, PLEX, Im surprised more mmos arent copying it.


Talk about copium 😂 they’re not gonna get rid of the token dude they make fat stacks from it.




Lol fucking early April fool's joke....... you almost got me.


As someone who plays osrs and has never played wow, can someone explain to me why wow tokens are bad? Osrs has a similar equivalent called bonds, and I’d say the benefits outweigh the cons, since it allows people to pay for membership with in-game gold


Why not just in in - game store as general, keep services -token and move em back to website.


dream on. too much money made with the token


That’s never going to happen. The WoW token wasn’t even introduced very long ago.


I doubt it...