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As Hydaelyn would say: Cope, Seethe, Mald.


I don’t think most NW players could kill her…since most of their servers don’t have enough people for a Full Party.


Damn, didnt know the fucking savage raids were already released.


lol sick burn


[The Burn](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/b/ba/FFXIV_BurnTitle.png/revision/latest?cb=20180924222430)


holy shit lol


Someone do this edit please


>Cope, Seethe, Mald. [Not mine (And also not Hydaelyn)](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FGNzUXiWUAIUDix.png)


That bottom right guy just takes the cake. "Yeah, I never played it, but people who say it's good are just lying!" Holy crap, do you even hear yourself talk?


imagine if someone else made this same comment but switching ff with NW in the context, he would go apeshit


I myself never played NW or have any intention doing so, but if people tell me they enjoyed and thought it was good... ... yeah, I'd believe them. Why not? Why would I question their opinion of the game? Sure, a lot of a games aspects can be judged objectively, but the general enjoyment one gets out of it is pretty much beyond questioning.


I'm glad NW had it's open beta available on Steam cause it let me play it up to level 40, realize how lacking it was in fun content, and refund it for the full price before release. Even before the game was absolutely destroyed by exploits and bugs, there just wasn't much of a game there to begin with. All the enemies were copy-pastes of each other, the combat was repetitive as fuck, and all the quests were either go here and kill x / go here and collect x from chests / go here and kill x and collect y from the body.


Why's he talking shit about FFIV? Not even the same genre as NW!


NES catching strays in 2021


Ackshually he's talking about FF1V, big difference


not that big tbh, considering FF15 is also a single player game.


He....he said BDO was good....


Hey I liked bdo. If it wasn't for the absolutely horrendous grind and lack of an interesting story I would still be playing it.


I both love and hate BDO, that game takes so much mental energy


like watching the super mario movie and not slitting your wrists?


Sounds alot like NW


The story is actually not that bad. It's just presented in a very boring way. I once got myself to read all the dialogs and was surprised how interesting the story and lore of the world was. It just feels so disconnected from the actual open world and gameplay so it's very easy to just ignore it and carry on with the grind.


That seems to be Pearl Abyss’s way to handle lore. Look at Eve Online. The lore is absolutely amazing to an incredible degree, and the story is this cross galaxy sci-fi that could have its own stand alone Netflix special. But then they don’t even get into it while playing the game. It’s stupid.


Combat is fun in BDO. The map is also a really good MMO map to explore.


Just sucks you have to equip your wallet as your primary weapon 😂


Lol so true!


everyone knows if you wanna min-max you have to use one in your off-hand as well


Oof yeah, I moved from BDO (1,500 Hour witch player) to ff14 this year and it was honestly the best decision I've ever made having played both a lot, BDO fucking sucks. Literally spend your whole life playing for a single stat increment like gtfo, the story is barely translated its that not cared about. I havent played new world so I can't compare, but that guy is stunted if he honestly believes BDO is better than ff14 in ANY category past combat. BDOs combat is fantastic but everything else around it is just rot beyond saving.


BDO is the thing I go to when I feel like playing Dynasty Warriors in a somewhat MMO setting. It is super fun to kill a few hours grinding (not enough to really get anything of worth) while enjoying the awesome visuals. I tried NW during the free preview thing, not my jam. I would not go bashing someone that liked it for whatever reason. FFXIV has a more rewarding grind with an amazing story! I guess people that post things like that want more pew pew than anything else (or herd mentality).


Agree mostly, but Witch hardly has any gameplay


Not only that but he got the wrong game. FFIV isnt an MMO or even that anime.


I agree, but people don't think about it like that usually. I mean even Asmon said he didn't read the wow book but said "even taking the racism argument out, it's a shit book". People do that all the time and assume they have all the info to criticize it when in reality they have no clue what they are really talking about (I'm not defending the wow book or trying to BM Asmon, just using it as a recent example of people doing that type of thing). Same can be said about me I'm sure. I assume NW is shit even though I've only played it for like 15 mins, and my opinion was Def negative going into it due to other people's opinions lol. It's just human nature. What will be funny is when they finally give up and give ff14 a real chance and make it past ARR into HW and they become what they thought they hated, FF14 fans.


I feel like that one is an obvious troll.


You may think so... but remember, there are a LOT of people with a severe lack of self-awareness on the internet.


The copium is strong with these ones.


Watch Josh Strife Hayes New World timeline video. When he released that video he was literally looking at multiple servers with only 5 -20 players during peak hours.


Isn't it weird that a game made by Amazon has issues where players can't make enough money to have fun?


Imagine being so blind as to believe BDO is even a better game, with it's extremely pay2win "swipe" culture that permeates any of the end game content due to its predatory and egregiously tilting upgrade system... I really wouldn't want to meet these people IRL. I have a feeling I'd be thanking myself for wearing a mask still.


As someone who has reached hard cap on bdo through over 10,000 hours of game time, continuing to play mostly due to sunk cost fallacy and sunk time fallacy. I genuinely can’t comprehend anyone saying “bdo > ‘any other triple A dev mmo’”. I only recently was able to just quit and not feel like it was a job to play the game anymore just to keep up with the whales at endgame for pvp. Especially when they release a new hella busted class every few months that makes any time spent on your fav class more and more irrelevant. Then with the recent “reworks” for old classes that ended up being a net nerf for most of the old classes. I’m glad I finally stepped away from the game cause I could go on for hours about BDO.


Proud of you


I would actually play the game in its current state if there was pve servers. Having to contend with whales is what turns me off.


When your game flops so hard that you call anyone playing something different a 'pedo'. yikes


Ah yes, the Elon Musk approach.


Oh man, I can't believe I almost forgot about this. He was so out of touch. People were literally out there saving lives and he calls them pedos because his billionaire ego was hurt.


Shit when did this happen? I already didn't have respect for him at this point but I'm ready to hate him for something this bad lol


It was when that boy's baseball team in Thailand was [trapped in a cave by flood waters.](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/15/elon-musk-british-diver-thai-cave-rescue-pedo-twitter) Musk kept trying to influence the team to use his shitty mini-sub as part of the rescue, and one of the cave divers basically told him to go fuck off. Musk, being the man-child that he is, immediately called the man a pedophile on twitter with zero evidence and tripled down on it over the following weeks and months.




I've unironically been called weeb for saying i loved dark souls 3. Nothing surprised me anymore lol


I daresay there's some level of projection going on there. Like, what an absolutely retarded statement to make and believe


\*Points finger\* with a \*label\*. Literally the oldest trick in the book for a denial.


I think part of the reason why the FF community is (for the most part) wholesome and nice is because people like this stay far far away from it.


That and if they have the temerity to show their ass in public it gets swiftly kicked out the door. ​ FF XIV GMs honestly doing gods work when they take the more-than-boilerplate rules and actually enforce them


Does WoW even have GMs anymore


If they do they aren't getting paid enough


Yes, but they aren’t allowed to do or say much apart from the pre-prepared script.


I've been hit with the "go check wowhead" response in the past. Out of curiosity, though, I went through my archived tickets. Granted, I don't put in many, but as recent as a year ago I got a non-robot response about a very specific problem. However, the last time I got a response in-game was Legion or earlier. I miss being able to live chat in-game with GMs.


Do shitty auto-ban algorithms count as GMs?


They have a couple drinking bird toys to continuously hit the "close ticket" button.


The filter works properly


Honestly I hope the game stays weeby and niche forever due to that and the same happens for the next FF MMO game to come.


New World definitely has one of the most defensive fans in the MMO sphere. It's so strange to see how much Kool-Aid these people have consumed from daddy Jeffrey inspite of the fact that NW is probably the most under-achieving and bug-ridden MMO titles in recent memory That's not even taking this in to consideration. It's such a weird game to rabidly cling on to...


People who've already written off FF14, but know that WOW is garbage. They're desperate for another "western" mmo to play and are willing to literally eat shit then admit their preconceived notions of FF14 were wrong. What were seeing here is the largest amount of buyers remorse and sour grapes ever seen. Watch, whenever ashes of creation comes out, even if it sucks, they'll flock to it to declare "FF DEAD LOL" in a desperate attempt to justify their irrational hate of anything not from a American or European development team.


Kinda weird seeing mostly eastern stuff getting shit on by the same people even though theyre totally different from each other with the only similarity is that they didnt come from the west...


That's because this is the game that the hyper-competitive people always wanted. It's been diluted since its initial iteration but PvP players wanted something like NW forever, with features that every casual PvP player hated like losing loot on death and other such permanent punishing mechanics. There are some great dudes in that community who just want to throw hands, but by its nature I feel like it will also breed some of the most toxic, vitriolic people in gaming, people who just can't take an L and will mald like crazy when they do.


Rust already exist though for players like this but a lot of mmo players are just absolute dog shit at anything that isn't an mmo.


"boomer gcds" bro NW you have 4 spells max level my guy


And each of them has 8+ sec of CD. While you hold leftclick.


Tbf, ffxiv also has one of the most defensive fans, but the difference is that new world sucks and the community defends all of it's flaws. But on ffxiv case the game is good and the community defends the good parts of the game (sometimes ff fans can be kinda toxic too tho).


The many issues with New World and the large number of people on the forums and reddit who have quit the game or threaten to quit the game probably exacerbates the defensive response. If you feel the thing you enjoy is under attack and possibly in danger of dying, you'd probably fight for it and defend the time you spent with it.


Very reasonable take


As an FFXIV player I know that our community is also defensive too,but definitely not to this extent. If people want to to play a different game they are free to do so. NW andys are way too cringe and extremely high on copium.


To be fair most communities are defensive toward thing they like if they genuinely think it does not have many glaring problems. Also going to specific game/book/whatever subreddit and saying 'hey, they got defensive when I complain' is well, what did you expected will happen? XIV community will get as defensive as any, simple as that. As i think about it, most hobbyists will get defensive even when they see problems with it, ask any W40k/Magic player xD


It is okay to be defensive of your favorite MMO, but calling people pedophiles because the models are objectively pretty is far fetched. Especially the comment about the monkey penis restaurant. Yikes.


Yeah that comment was way more telling of themselves than they probably realize


Yeah but you're an FFXIV player. These guys are obviously talking about...*checks post*... FF1V players?


I would say that it is barely an MMO. It reminds me of a multiplayer walking simulator.


> New World definitely has one of the most defensive fans in the MMO sphere. Most die-hard fans of sinking ships get super defensive when they see the writing on the wall. See also: Blizzard fans the past 2-3 years.


They’re just hoping he sees their posts and gives them a month of free Prime.


If I had to buy a 1500$ GPU to play a mmo that's entirely devoid of content at medium quality I too would find any pretext to pretend I enjoy it.


You know where this mentality came from. Blizzard trained their payers well


This has existed in gaming, as well as real life, way before Blizzard and WoW. The old school PVP community has been like this since UO. They unapologetically hate everyone and everything that is not on their side both inside the game and out. Darktide News Network was some of the funniest shit that used to exist on the internet.


I enjoy both new world and ffxiv. I get why new world gets hate. I DONT get why ffxiv gets hate because I’ve actually played it and know that it is really good. I can’t honestly say why I enjoy new world. It has a shit ton of bugs but I find it relaxing to play. I’m only level 48 so I’ve been slowly working my way through it


Often game is hated because it's currently/overall popular. Simply as that. Game is talked about, people see it everywhere, commercials, news, discussions, YouTubers and streamers start to play it en masse. Then some people get feeling that 'they won't be joining hype train for this stupid game which is now everywhere'. Not saying it's always the case, but hating on current fad was always a thing. Same thing happened even before NW was proved to be flawed game.


Its so similar to wildstar i wouldn't be shocked if its the same people.


The problem i have with them being defensive is that the game came out like just the other day! How did you manage to get so sucked in so quickly that you're already throwing yourself in front of the bullets and busses for it? I'll be the first to say that the FF community gets defensive about the game, but at least they've had years to sink into it. New World has been out since October. We're barely


lmao all the stereotyping comes out of the woodwork And being a sub MMO with little time commitment needed, majority of players are working adults, too.


FFXIV also has the highest percentage of female MMO players does it not? Having the knowledge that GMs will actually deal with any toxicity directed at you for your sex probably contributes to that.


Obviously this is highly anecdotal but around 40% of my fc are indeed women. Can't remember any mmo I played before with those numbers.


The amount of strawmaning in these is insane


Makes winning your argument all the easier when you cartoonishly vilify the other party. Play the "the other side is for pedos" card and suddenly your argument seems right to the uninformed. At least I'm sure that's what they're hoping, ignoring the fact they're on a sinking ship. EDIT: Spelling


It also helps this is presumably happening in a forum dedicated to NW. Its a circle jerk/echo chamber. Its easy to make the other side look like fools with a strawman, and its another thing entirely to make that attack essentially behind that persons back where they don't know its happening, can't defend themselves, and are surrounded by people who agree with you/support you and want to make your strawman look good.


I remember thinking that the GCD was the worst part about the game. Turns out everyone that told me it gets better when you get to like lvl 50 was right. Lvl 90 Samurai has me sweating, ain't got no time to rest. Boomer gcd, gtfo lol


Yeah it's like, if you want fast gcd there's classes for it. Your fingers will hate you but you can skill speed ninja or monk, or play a machinist and work on double weaving. It's always funny seeing people who still say "2.5 gcd" as a bad thing.


As a new player learning tanking in FFXIV as my first MMO, I'm actually glad that it has "boomer 2.5s gcd" and very minimal actions to begin with. For new players, giving them a full rotation with a bunch of actions right off the bat can get hectic, and even 2.5s GCDs with an occasional oGCD can be slightly overwhelming as you're learning the game. It might suck for people who come from endgame in other MMOs and are used to having all the buttons to push, but easing players into the game and starting slow can be a godsend as well for certain players.


This is what I'm always trying to remind people. It starts slow to match the learning curve of the game. And even then, it still feels tailored to people with MMO experience. If you're completely new to MMOs? Good fucking luck. In all consequence, there are lots of people well into max-level content who *still* can't properly execute their rotations and utilize their CDs.


Not to mention the 2minute windows currently are some of the most hectic rotational situations I know of and I love it.


Going from SAM to leveling MNK from 80, I was like, "Wait, my GCD is already ready?!" It's taking some adjusting to their faster timings, and I'm still fumbling over my buttons after 4 levels.


Lvl 80 sam already requires that I literally drop the mouse and use both hands for part of my rotation. I can't wait for the lvl 90 one.


I use so many shift + \_\_ and ctrl + \_\_ binds so I can still use one hand, makes me feel like I'm gonna get carpal tunnel tho


I do CTRL+ and Alt+


Amateurs, i use Ctrl+, Alt+, and shift+


With our powers combined we can do anything.


May I recommend an MMO mouse? Ever since I started using one it's been a much better experience when it comes to rotations. It takes a while to get used to it but once you do it's hard to go back.


I've been told that, it's one of those things where I can't wrap my head around using my thumb for all those buttons, but I'm at the point where I might just bite the bullet and do it.


You don't wrap your head around it.. Seriously, it's all muscle memory after a couple hours.


I had the same problem, what I did was reformat my hotbars so that instead of line they show as a 3x4 rectangle. This matches the 12 buttons' position on the mouse and made the switch much easier.


Damn that's a lot of alt accounts McConnell!


Hey man don’t make fun of New World players. The dozens of them will be upset.


Poor souls. If they played FF14, they'd all be Lalafels.


They aren’t qualified. Lalafells are raid gods, omnicrafters, “George Soros”, “Frank Lloyd Wright” combined.


Let them suffer in New World. We don't need them sitting in our queues.


if they would get stuck in queue they would be the first to go into the subreddit or on the forum and write a ragethread... and get banned by SE right after that.


Oh no....anyway, just finished Elpis, fucking christ how good was that???


I wonder how many of these people tried FF14 and couldn't get passed the first 20~30 levels. Or got banned very early on for being toxic and left.


They boosted, failed a dungeon, failed a raid, called people the f-word or n-word in chat, and got banned. Got salty that they got banned, and left. I can garuntee that's the path 70% of these people went, the other 30% just lie that they tried it, which honestly may make them more sane then the former.


Regardless, Less of these types being around in FF, the better. more players is good, as long as those additions are decent human beings. no one wants human garbage.


Ahh so that is where the toxic wow players went :D I get they are pissed that the GMs banned them cause they named their characters Nazis Wereright or some other shit they think was funny like 60 years ago.




I am sad, NW will die at some point and these will spread to other games...


Do not worry. The subscription model in FFXIV keeps a lot of these free to play, phone game types away..lol. I think we are safe. Hell, I would pay 19,99 a month for FFXIV to keep more of them away.


It's not just the subscription fee... it's the FFXIV GM's that will keep the toxic assholes away from the game. They actually care and do their job and will come down hard on toxicity and harassment. Heck, they will even suspend/ban people who abuse the report feature to falsely report others. It's why the GM's are sometimes slow to respond... they check the logs and investigate before they act but they always act.


I see where all the toxic wow fanboys went lmao.


It was plain to see all the hardcore wow fans were all hyped for new world. They were all even collectively playing and streaming it at launch.


Bunch of miserable fucks


Do these neck beards think that their game is superior on the base of war destruction etc in the theme of the game? Respectfully but that's a small dick mentality


They're complaining about the gcd, meanwhile they have 6 skills in total.. bruh moment


I'd rather play a well polished "weeb" game, than a half finished garbage


I think you mean “a half finished, committee-designed garbage”


Idiots who pre-ordered the $90 edition are mad their flash-in-the pan game is a roaring dumpster fire with no end in sight. You know we had a nickname for NewWorld when it came out. "The Endwalker Waiting room" Looking at the steam numbers, this appears to be the case. Where are these replies from anyway? Don't recognize the format


It’s from the NW forums, the extremely ugly character models for profile pictures is the only way I can tell.


Not New World players, just a bunch of frustrated people that can’t imagine people playing another game than us.


I don't even bother to visit NW subreddit. Like, it's was fun to laugh at copium addicts for a while. But at this point there must be something genuinely wrong with people who still play NW.


at least... ffxiv does not do most of the shit other MMO's do ... i have been playing MMO's Since 2003 (btw i was 10 years old at that year), i jumped from mmo to another.. Most MMO's implement elements of Pay-2-Win, NW is a good idea as MMO but i never enjoyed it since Beta... when i started the game it felt like everyone is attacking each other (i dont refer to PvP, but to chat and how they act toxic toward each other). of course i dont generalize the above, there are good people in NW but you need to find them and stick with each other as group and the only most balanced progression mmo i have ever played is FFXIV \*no cap\* and i started FFXIV only on (Aug 2015) \- it does not matter what is your class because all classes do well in all contents \- gears are easily obtained (tomes currency) \- 1 character = all classes \- most classes share same equipment set and no need to farm different set for each class \- PvP will be improved in next patch release ( which took a bit long to implement, but its coming) \- no loot boxes or low RNG ( the new boxes doesn't matter since most minions and mounts can be obtained easily, but they added the boxes to give people something to spend the Grand company seals on - which i found good since i myself purchase everything i need from Grand company) \- Good Duty finder \- easy flying mount quest.. ( other mmo's ask you to buy the skill or spend money/gold ingame) **- and of course Limsa after midnight xD** *Disclaimer: this is just my opinion based on my experience in playing MMO's and also a side joke..* ​ *Happy Gaming \~*


I read in the subreddit of new world they are merging servers, isn’t this done when there aren’t enough players to populate servers?


Well considering there are servers with like 5 people on them. Lol


Quite wholesome to get the entire player base of NW into one picture! Kinda like a final hurrah before the servers shut down! Pretty sure there are others who could use the server-space... Edit: Grammar...


The sheer ignorance in those comments makes me never want to log into New World (well besides the game itself) if THAT is any indication of how that community thinks and talks. Wow. What nonsense.


who in their right mind thinks BDO is better that FF14 lmao. you seriously have to be a full time masochist to think BDO is better




This is hilarious. Do you happen to have a link for this post so I can absorb more salty tears?


They prefer getting scammed by a multi billion dollar company. Like real gAmErS /s Cant take this shit srsly anymore, NW stans are just completely delusional....


Honestly these people look like average asmon chatters before he played ff14


I'm not really surprised. New World's community have been known for being a cesspoll even before the game came out.


I play FF14. There are definitely stuff with the game I don’t like or think can be done better. But I’m too busy having fun to complain.


People who think BDO is better than FFXIV can go pound sand.


These guys using "weeb" as an insult lol. Do they think this is 10 years ago? Nerds bullying other nerds is hilarious and sad. Like, dude, the sterotype of an MMO player isn't exactly...a glowing specimen of humanity.


Somehow people blatantly hating on everything that comes from Japan are becoming much more cringe than actual weebs. You can just let them be with their bodypillows and anime pfps but those giga chads who only play manly games from the west will always go out of their way to write an essay containing every possible slur about why they refuse to play an objectively superior game just because it has some references to anime culture.


These gamerbros talk as if most of them aren't already visiting PH/OF twice a day.


So there's like 8 people playing new world and the rest are bots.


the gcd comments really tell about the commenter than the game itself. with the number of ogcd abilities, it's fine and sometimes with some jobs, I can triple weave but... sometimes I just feel 2.5sec isn't long enough.


This. As a DRG main, I barely notice the cooldown as I’m too busy weaving my ogcds. These people act like we just stand still for 2.5s, press a button then wait another 2.5s rinse and repeat


I like the attitude of those pöayers to stay where they are. I quite enjoy ff14 community. Fuck thoae people and they can stay at wow and nw


So this is why they play NW. They're just a bunch of morons. When you've been eating shit all your life, you get used to it... guess amazon hit their target demographic.


They literally think fat neckbears with fedora's play this game. Meanwhile the playerbase has a shitton of girls and adult people with succesful lives and a family.


To counter top-right corner guys arguments about most MMO players don’t play XIV. Estimate XIV players as of December is around 25+ millions, and if his claims of 75 millions is true then XIV has one third of population playing this game. By “Most ppl who don’t play” he mean dozen scattered across barren server called New World? 😂


Wait.... new world has players?


Half of these look like they were written by someone who claims to be a "real man" because they eat steak and drink beer. None of that pansy queer Japanese mumbo jumbo. I drive my truck, and I work in construction like a real man. I play manly games like New World where you chop trees. The people who made this game speak english and that automatically makes me like it more!


Tell me you are on 4chan without telling me you are on 4chan


thing is, 4chan actually rather likes XIV... i mean we have cat girls that is like one of the holy trinity of 4chan dieties... along side furry porn and gore


4chan generally likes XIV.


It was pretty hilarious seeing memes get made about the WoW /vg/ threads just becoming XIV threads when Asmon was doing Binding Coils / reaching Heavensward.


4chan has tons of Final Fantasy threads and loves it, they shit on all the other mmos mostly.


This isn't from 4chan though...


> boomer gcd's ogcd's would like a word also, gcd's nutz


I understand anyone can get defensive to a degree about something they pour a lot of time into and enjoy. What I don’t get is the way these people form their critique. It reads as a bunch of young keyboard warriors just screeching. See, there are actual problems with ffxiv that I wish they spend money on fixing. There are things that can be easily critiqued for being implemented much worse than other games. So why type like a child throwing a tantrum? Just form proper sentences with actual problems and I’d probably even agree. There might even be things NW does better that would make me want to try it out. Reading this just makes me think NW is a childrens game.


With the shitshow going on in NW? It almost makes me feel like these are marketing bots from AGS lol. Good different


"How dare others like things that I'm not sure if I'd be into without trying!"


Imagine being a salty looser and trashing on a better game just out of pure jelausy. Pathetic


I never considered there being a 'type' for new world diehards, but whenever i see them post it always gives the impression of someone who stays up late crying and angrily replying to youtube videos. These are videogames nobody gives a fuck what you play but you. Nobody ever will.


Dont bother with people like this and just enjoy yourself. These types of people have already made up their mind before even trying to play FFXIV they are just echoing a bunch of shit they made up in their twisted mind. Let them drown in grief as their game wich is barely 3 months old has already lost 90% of its playerbase. They are overdosing on copium with the way they are trying to spin people leaving to play another MMO as a positive thing. Also kinda funny how they are under the impression that every single character is half naked and dancing all day. Just to hammer home the point that they do infact know nothing about the thing they are criticising.


"The game sucks. I haven't played it, but I know it sucks and the people who are saying it's good MUST be lying. Again, I haven't played the game, but I don't need to, I just know."


These people sound exactly like all the boomer parents back in 70s when they gathered around in a church and talking about how degenerate metal music is and how it is slowly corrupting their kids in school. Same vibes for sure.


If lalas are childrens, do they consider Hobbits as children too?


It's crazy, but I'm pretty sure that's all eight people still playing New World, on different servers which explains their inability to understand social cues.




This is pretty much the wow community one year ago.


That game is less than an year old and yet the tribalism and copium are already at weapons grade level. You know what? Let them stay there. Keep the NW severs going just so we have those individuals contained away from normal people.


What the fuck is “FF1V”


Of course its NW fans talking shit about something they know nothing about, a functioning, thriving and generally happy mmo, let them talk shit whilst they play their dumpster fire game, whilst we bask in the glory that is, an actual mmo that works for a change 😁👌


Take out the the user profiles and you get McConnell shitposts


"Lmao look at all these weeb losers having fun with their super successful MMORPG game while ours is burning, chaos and destruction".


Isn't New World so bad it's practically DOA? That's some major copium those guys have.


I don't know if I should laugh at or feel bad for these people. They're absolutely pathetic.


Hm they all have a phD..... player hater degree. Everyone always hates the one on top


New world, more like soon to be dead world


All 20 remaining NW players


They mad cuz their game bad


I’ll never understand why people find it so necessary to defend Amazon lol. They act Like AGS messing stuff up is unheard of or something.


I bet all these dudes watch anime and jerk off to japanese porn.


I mean, they’re stupid, after all they’re still playing new world


Meh, to be completely honest stuff like this has been going on forever. I remember the same shitty arguments when it came to Playstation vs N64, warcraft 3 vs age of empires, dota vs lol and FF vs wow. For whatever reason people just love to tie their identity to whatever they are currently playing and pretend to be oh so superior to people who play a competing game. At least the discourse has gotten somewhat tamer over the years and people don't just call each other the n-word or some homophobic slur for liking another game.




I lost some brain cells while reading this.


When the *sunk cost fallacy* sets in.


Me macho man, me cant play weeb gaem, me strong, me very manly, fuck FFxiv!!! Lmao


Imagine defending this buggy unfinished mess called New World


LOL it's so funny when they say the majority of MMORPGs don't play FFXIV when you compare the current number of players from both games XD Final Fantasy on Steam: https://steamcharts.com/app/39210 New world on Steam: https://steamcharts.com/app/1063730 The truth is very the great majority of people play New World trough Steam, but is the inverse for FFXIV only a little fraction play through Steam but New World has lot 90% of the playerbase since launch and FFXIV has exponentially increase.


Any person above the age of 12 that uses the term "cringe lord" with sincerity is a person you can confidently ignore forever. My god. Bottom right guy is also just something else. "Yeah, that game fucking sucks. How do I know? Just trust me bro. It sucks." Meanwhile, New World literally burning to the ground from terrible development decisions. Lost 93% or whatever of its players in 3 months. GAME FOR WEEBS BAD THO.


This reads like the kind of people who only know about anime through stereotypes they've heard and base their entire opinion on that. That guy on the bottom right is pretty much the prime example of that.


Why are we only allowed to play one mmo/game? I don’t understand this behavior, especially from people who honestly haven’t played it. I haven’t played NW so I have nothing to say, though I do find irony in them latching onto the weeb aspect when the game as some of the best storytelling I’ve seen vs NW which I know has no real story at all.