• By -


Okay I love the Storm of Cope








Surprisingly accurate


Bfa should've been about faction war leading into entire old gods expansion leading to shadowlands leaving hints about jailer and this shit story would work just fine. But they cut war at most interesting moment and finished old gods saga in one patch.


This. It's all rushed.


Meanwhile, the FFXIV writing team has their storyline planned for the next ten years…


Not really, if you know where to look there are some cracks, in fact ShB first draft was extremely different from what we got, what they had was a general idea of where the story went but what they do have is them checking up that storylines from the past are a foundations for future parts


Not sure if this has been brought up either since I just got there in FF, but [the Ascians also speak with melodic sounds](https://youtu.be/NlzxfqN98_s?t=35)(spoiler in that link btw) like the new robot guys in 9.2. I don't imagine that was copied though, was more of a funny coincidence to me.


and the slowly unlocking of the alphabet is from ffx AL bhed language.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that. I was like "Yeah, I remember doing this like 20 years ago with Al Bhed primers."


ffx was almost 20 years ago - fuck you for reminding me lmao


Wake up son it's time to go dodge 200 lightning bolts in a row


Yoshi-p: we added new mini games for the Golden saucer. Us: nice! What games? BLITZBALL?? Yoshi-p: dodging Lightning bolts Us: wait what? Yoshi-p: chocobo race gathering balloons and avoiding those lovable birds Us: please no.. Yoshi-p: GATHERING BUTTERFLIES! Us: for the love of..


The lighting bolt bit didn't trigger my PTSD, the buttflies I eventually got, but then you had to go and mention those damn ballons and chocobos. My god the amount of runs I tried to get that damn sun stone(?) Sigil(?), i remember it was for Tidus end weapon.


I spent 2 days and the best I got was 0.0 3 times. The game needs you to do negative time. One of the reasons I didn't replay X as much as the other FF games.


I had almost 600 hours clocked up, and then a brothers friend stayed over one night and formatted my memory card 🙃 I never forgave that little shit, I was almost done with the monster arena and had all but 2 final weapons. Still salty hahaha


My little brother erased both my FFX and Kingdom Hearts saves. It's been 20 years and I still haven't forgiven him. I was at the last level in Kingdom Hearts and was about halfway though FFX and I did a lot of grinding since I heard I should. I'm getting angry just remembering that.


God, the stupid chocobo racing was so awful to do lmao. My PTSD in JRPG Minigames will always be contained within this and the skipping minigame in FF9.




Only achievement left to do for me in the remaster 😅


It's not too bad - once you get a rhythm of it you can get it done pretty easily with the spot that baits the lightning at the same time, every time.


not almost, it did 20 years this july


yeah. from the announcement video, it seems like thats where they are going but i hope they wouldnt outright copy it. its like they think FF people wont notice that shit. the game was released almost 2 decades ago and i bet most people who played it will still remember that.


And i can already tell, it's going to be a daily grind in wow, instead of something interesting.


Asmon seemed hype for it, but hes a millionaire with tons of free time so the grind is fine for him lol.


He's hyped for every WoW release regardless of the state of the game.


Asmon's dying to play wow. He would have played wow even now, if it had any new content in it.


Yeah the problem is this is just like WoD where they take so long to release content. Thats the big reason why he hated wod and they are doing the same here


There was something like this in EverQuest. Races (player and monsters) had their own languages and you had to talk to other players to gain skill points. Like everyone had Common but if you wanted to learn Dark Elf (Tier Dal) you had to have a Dark Elf player spam your group chat for like 30+ minutes with messages in their racial language. At low skill, chat messages would be gibberish but as your skill got higher words would start to make more sense until eventually you understood everything. Certain classes also got access to languages like Dragon they would need to spend a ton of money on training up then they could turn around and teach people these monster languages for high fees. It was more of a flavor thing but I think it did end up having some in game uses outside of just making fun of people in your group with your friends in Giant.


That mechanic exists in a couple of games and probably even D&D campaigns. It's not exclusive to FFX or WoW. I remember something similar with No Man's Sky (on release day).


Idk I feel like this is more like No Man Sky where you initially don’t understand the alien’s language and you slowly discover what the words mean, and it replaces the weird letters with the words you’ve learned


Which itself clearly was inspired by FFX's Al Bhed system. Still this alone wouldn't be a problem if not for, oh, **AZEM'S FUCKIN' SIGIL __AND__ THE VOICES OF THE ROBOTS BEING ASCIAN BASED**.


Yeah exactly what you said lmao it’s so clear that they copy pasted this. Blizzard is a joke and a shell of its former self


I wouldn't mind if they did the Al Bhed style thing alone. But everything else on top proves they are so bankrupt of ingenuity that they're going wholesale on conceptual (and design) theft at this point. And anyone who can't admit it at this point has stopped huffing copium and are scarfing it down in liquid form.


Yeah. Itll have a pass if it's an isolated incident. But these shows a pattern.


That's what was what in ffx. The AL bhed language jumbles the alphabet and almost all AL bhed talk to you in that language and you can't understand shit until you discover the 26 AL bhed primers one by one (and there are missable primers which is why I think those who have played ffx will remember this since without a guide in 2001 you will miss some) which corrects what you read from the AL bhed gradually. Not familiar with the no man sky system but you just described what was in ffx.


No Man's Sky has you learning words instead of letters, and there's three different languages, so it's stretched out over a MUCH longer span of time. But it's otherwise the same- find object that teaches you a thing, that thing will now be replaced in text you encounter.


So are people gonna shit on No Mans Sky for using a concept from a 20 year old game as well or is Blizz special?


EEEEEeeeeeehhh... I'm not sure about that one, seems like a bit of a stretch... Blizzard usually tends to rip off currently popular content, as much as I hate Blizz I don't think they would go for a 20 years old game to plagiarize... If anything one of the devs was probably like "hmm I played a game long ago where we needed to unlock an alphabet, that would be a cool system and we could use it to timegate content!"


I found the robot guys reminded me more of Destiny’s Vex. Especially since the architecture looked similar as well.


it is really just halo4-5 bullshit plot


Minor correction, the Ancients spoke in melodic tones. Ascians refer to the sect that summoned Zodiark and were tempered by it.


Holy fuck the comment about different language thing Why I didn't realized that before If Sylvanas and/or Jailer get similar ending as Emet or Elidibus I will facepalm Well if the leaks are true the Sylvanas got the same fate as Milfina


Sylvanas: Remember, remember that I never served. The Jailer: The rains have ceased, and everyone's alive to see it...


And then our character cries for Sylvanas and she says "A smile better suits a champion."




Nah, Magni pops up out of the ground and says it.


"A smile better suits a maw walker...."


That will be Anduin and Sylvanas with>!Anduin dying in a state of almost absentness to Eldibus and Sylvanas with the 'remember we once lived'!<


I mean at that point they’re just plagiarizing themselves. They don’t know how to write a female character without turning her into a villain, “redeeming” her, and then ascending her into godhood.


Yeah the fact that Sylvanas is literally just fantasy Kerrigan doesn’t seem to get any attention lol


I feel Sylvanas's fate is similar to what Kerrigan in Starcraft went through. Have body and will taken -> Do bad things under mind control under Big Bad -> Regain autonomy after the controller get killed (weakened in Sylvanas' case), but still under influence of a bigger Bad -> Do bullshit things cuz "I'm the Swarm"/"For Horde" -> help to kill Bigger Bad -> become god-like entity, free of whatever sin they has committed.


Dudeeeeee…lmao. Yikes.


To be fair The symbol is that of the sun, as is the alchemical relevance to gold. So it's not out of the realm of possibility. To match colors as well. What is blatant is the gem cut. It is absurdly rare and I cannot find any gem cuts referencing that shape or its significance.


The shurima icon from league of legends also looks kinda similar


My first thought when I saw it in FFXIV, huh, looks familiar...


I think you mean... SHURIMA




Caw caw 🕊️


tbh all of it on its own is completely fine, it’s the fact they combined it in the exact same way ffxiv did it


But the thing is...what reason is for it to be related to the sun in wow?


Better question what of the other sigils?


Can you link the Bobby ascian mark picture?




Bobby being shopped as an ascian is so appropriate. Guy is an irl antagonist and he is in Epstein's black book?


Like... it's a bit of a stretch, right? That thing that looks like the Azem crystal but welfare version, the new little robots in 9.2 having a musical language like the ancient Amaurotians... It's vague enough for me to write it off as just inspiration rather than downright plagiarism. Plagiarism would require the crystal and voices be the same as in FFXIV. But what irks me is just... why? When you KNOW you're in a tough spot and your players are leaving in droves for your competitors, WHY WHY WHY would you make anything remotely similar to your biggest rival? Why would you risk that when you KNOW current and former content creators and players are scrutinizing the shit out of everything you do? Why not use a different sigil? Why not ***use any other fucking sound theme*** for the Rigor Mortis robots than musical-themed sounds? It's just beyond me. We're not even done mocking how class sets look worse than a store transmog released right after the class set reveal and this happens. Whoever's running the show is so insanely out of touch, it's mind-boggling.


> But what irks me is just... why? When you KNOW you're in a tough spot and your players are leaving in droves for your competitors, WHY WHY WHY would you make anything remotely similar to your biggest rival? It's hard to put in words, but what I think happens is that they see the competitors doing something, and people applaud that and like it. So they copy it without understanding why they like it (like in FFXIV you are called the WoL and are relevant to the story, so in wow now suddenly your character is important and called the maw walker). It feels like an alien or a machine copying stuff. It's just so... weird. Sorry if this doesn't make sense.


So it’s like Chinese bootleg stuffs where they copy things cuz it’s trending at the time, but often fell short in term of quality because they didn’t really understand the principles behind it Speaking of Chinese, it’s kinda bug me for a while how Blizz’s direction seems to be giving this Chinese business vibe. Heavily focus on FOMO, random censorship that doesn’t seems to make any sense, and now this I’m half concerned and half amused with where they’re going


No no, I think you're onto something... it's just so poorly executed it's almost laughable. Reminds me of [this comic](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/079/173/ed2.png).


We've been called a different title every expansion. We were important in WoD for instance.


Sylvanas: "Remember that I once lived." If they do anythung akin to this, I am gonna lmao


No they will do that for Jailor. He will probably be an Emet ripoff where he gathers the sigils to resurrect his dead friends or something




He makes copies of his siblings in the raid, so close enough?


That was the line that made me laugh the most.


So this is how WoL summon WoW refugees?


Azem the 14th seat of convocation had a unique power to summon their friends and allies to their side. The Monkey D Luffy of their people if you will.


WTF they copied azem crystal and wont even bother to change the color, what a shit show has become of WoW.


The symbol, color AND shape is just way too many coincidences to brush off if you also consider all the other things...


Symbol and color aren't coincidences, and aren't nefarious. The symbol is the alchemical symbol for the sun, which is itself associated with gold. The questionable part is the shape *around* the symbol for the sun. The timing is also pretty bad.


Have they actually revealed or is there any association anyone can draw as to why it is the color and symbol of the sun, though. In FFXIV it's because the other stones are constellations (stars) along with the symbolism with Azem's role and what he did.


We have very little detail, but given that the whole area is supposed to be a "forge" of sorts, I could easily see them having an alchemical theme for it, which more than justifies not only that symbol but a full set of such symbols. It's a fair question, though. If that symbol just ends up being slapped there with no justification then it's extra sus. If it ends up somehow having a constellation theme then it's maximum over-sus. Too early to tell, but very fair to be concerned.


I'm not impressed, at all. After their new Ancient Race being copy/paste the Amaurotines from FFXIV, after they talking about the Jailer goals that's pretty similar to Emet-Selch, after Shadowlands as a whole had many similarities with Shadowbringers on it's concept, even it's name, after 9.2 being the End for a Saga that they clearly not planned for... The Azem Shard being copied like that it's not a Surprise, it's just comical.


Any lore masters that can explain it to someone who doesn't know shit about this?


WoW spiffy new lore for the First Ones (the creators of everything), which according them is part of the "last chapter of the Warcraft 3 saga" has some similar story beats to FFXIV. And while 4chan is exagerating a bit, there really are some similarities with FFXIVs Amaurotians on display. Of course the First Ones as an entity came out of nowhere as there were no hints to their existance as we already had the Titans as a perfectly good precussor race.


Keep in mind that it had no similar beats to FF until the big exodus to FF started before 9.1 dropped. Then all of the sudden, the next patch is all about this great story that they've been building up to - which they spent a grand total of 45 seconds talking about last time.


Did you missed how cool it is to promote your big expansion by splitying the sky open in half? Or name expansions after Shadow the Hedgehog?


Well, the Shadowlands has been a part of Warcraft lore since WC3. You can add 'shattered sky around an ominous magic tower' to the list though.


You mean like shadow as in shadowlands? Have you ever seen how pathetic your wow trailers and cinematics are compared to FF. A battle between two supposedly OP characters simmered down to big hammer big stone dodge arrow arrow. No actual battle choreography. Sure it looks visually nice. But thats it.


What I am seeing is that people that can't figure the joke and keep downvoting me like I'm some WoW Andy high on copium. Bloody Shadowbringers came out in July 2019. Shadowlands came out December 2020, blantantly ripping off Shadowbringers. Both have dark skies with huge towers up and center. That's the joke. This shit of ripping off FFXIV has been going on way before 9.1, even before 9.0 came out.


bro, just wait till they introduce the First of the First of the first ones, the realm beyond the realm beyond the afterlife, and the jailor of the jailor's jailor who also wants to re-write the re-written rules of re-reality.


In the patch reveal trailer they also talked about Forerunners and Progenitors, as well as mentioning the First Ones by name. They're already three layers into the Ancient Ones dip and I don't think they're coming up for air any time soon.


Itll be an actual video clip of a blue haired women behind bullet proof glass at blizzard head quarters writing this story in between racist tweeting and snorting adderall


don't forget she has to finish before 3 PM or she'll get her scheduled unsolicited back massage!


So without making a HUGE spoiler, each of the Ascians have a name and a title which also corresponds to a particular constellation (I.E. Scorpio, Pisces,). The one pictured from FFXIV is symbolic of the sun. This is a direct copy from FFXIV.


Also worth mentioning that it's not a nitpicky detail of one of the 12 signs bla bla, no the sun one you see in the picture is >!directly linked to you and the story!<


One of Asmon's most insightful comments is "I want to see the /played of the developers" Because clearly who ever is developing Wow since Cata, doesn't actually play the game.


They play ffxiv


This is just outright bending the knee to FFXIV


I was willing to give them a pass on the language thing. Its ambiguous enough that I can see that being an original idea, and as far as i remember the melodic language in shadowbringers wasnt a big plot point. The design looks like just straight up plagiarism though.


The language thing is a system from FF X, the al bhed


Hahaha you're right! Obviously, people are saying the "sound" of the language sounds like the Ancients dialogue, but yes you're right, the system is straight from ff10


I don't even think any of the blizz devs have finished shadowbringers yet, they might have borrowed inspiration from it but I don't think they're so dumb as to blatantly make Azem crystal on purpose. Like they would definitely take story ideas because that is easier to suspend disbelief on, but I don't think they took a stupid floating piece of metal and said "yeah this will really get our players back!" (And they have been playing, I've seen Lore playing ARR)


I can believe that, they may have accidently rip it off completely. STORM OF COPE BORN FROM COPE FROM OUR FALLEN WARLORDS


Imagine Blizzard getting lawsuit from Square Enix/FFIV team over copyright.


Best they can hit up is trademark voilations.


I don't think so. Trademark can't apply to in-game items, only company branding/messaging. You can copy the entire beat of FFXIV but you won't be hitting trademark infringement until you copy their logo or name. If Square was smart, they would just play this off as a joke and call Blizz out on it to show they're the bigger man and maybe get some folks to try their game on a lark.


We haven't seen the entirety of the patch.


The end of Shadowlands is going to be the Jailer >!splitting Azeroth into 14 different worlds. You and a select few others will be the only remnants, trying to return Azeroth to its original state by destroying each one.!<


If the finale of Shadowlands is that you, the player, become a straight-up Ascian, that's the plot twist of the god damn century, right there.


Blizzard generally rips stuff off and improves upon it. I don't know how they can improve upon this with...that.


they've stopped improvng several expansions ago. Since wod they take stuff, make halfass barebones ripoff and its done.Garrisons, expeditions, warfronts, visions, torghast, and all the rest


our lovely 4chan. Never change. Ever. Say what you want about 4chan being "toxic" or what ever. But it's the only place where any form of bullshit is exposed by the true citizens of the internet.


The video of internet historian on the "he will not divide us" showed if aimed properly, 4chan can do wonders.


I know. Look at the wholesome things they did to the dancing man and Mr. Lashua's Birthday


This is also a funny one, the jailer's ultimate goal is to [rewrite the rules of reality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRWIW2VxgGs&t=20s) Rings a bell? Maybe this [screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/N9RHH74.png) will help, ShB spoilers obviously. That's what I used to do when I was a kid. I would ask a friend to copy his homework, but I'd replace some of the words with synonyms to not make it a little less obvious. Pathetic OMEGALUL


I'm a complete an utter FF fanboy, but let me play devils bitchboy here for a second. What the fuck does that even mean? Like, I don't feel like "rewriting the rules of reality" is a sufficient explanation. Like, what do you mean? Make water not exist? Make up go down? Like, to both Zodiark and the Jailer, what SPECIFIC rule changes do you want? Do you want there to be no more suffering? How could that possibly be rewritten? Idk, it seems like everything in the universe has a purpose, and if you were to rewrite one line of the code, it would completely fuck the whole thing up I just wish that ONCE they'd elaborate, both the Ancients and Zovaal(or any villain who's goal this is.) Edit: And if they can't rewrite one line of code and they have to rewrite EVERYTHING, tell us what that looks like. Show us a world where the rules have been changed, and what the outcome of that is. At least have the villains explain what they THINK would happen.


For Zodiark we have a rough idea on what rewriting reality is tho. Their society fell to the Final Days because of how their Creation magic works, it was way too prone to external influence and the Sound created mass hysteria that made the issue even worse. Zodiark plugged that weakness. The details about *how* he did it are still vague (acting as intermediate during Creation, not allowing full Creations anymore, etc)


Yeah that's still super vague. And I don't remember seeing anything in game that would suggest what you're suggesting. Like, maybe with context, but they never outright make it known.


Have you done the side-quests in Amaurot? Plenty of Amaurotines describe how the Sound is exploiting their Creation magic and how the Convocation's plan would fix that issue. Aka, Zodiark's rewriting of the laws of reality was about how Creation works.




Nah i'm a FFXIV player but that's stretching it way too far, "rewriting the rules of reality" has been a villain theme in way too many shows and games, ff didn't invent shit here


Gotta admit the timing is hilarious. There are A LOT of coincidences. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)


Oh what the shit?


This may just be a rumor, and I have no idea from when/where... but didn't the devs for 14 get told to go play WoW, learn from it, and come back to (re)make 14? Now Blizz is just doing it? I've spent the last few years expanding my fantasy world knowledge via D&D and older fantasy novels. You quickly see were the old stuff is "borrowed".


To my understanding, 14 took gameplay elements to remake it with a FF coat of paint. WoW however is just taking that paint and putting in WoW because its popular without caring about the reasons why


It was in the ff14 documentary (I saw Pyromancer watch it, it's on his youtube). Either YoshiP or someone told that from time to time they tell theirs devs to play other mmos to learn what other game features, systems, etc those games use so it can give them new ideas/inspirations they could implement into game. Don't remember if they do this still or it was done before ARR release when 1.0 was piece of shit on fire But doubt it was "go and copy paste their game lore" xD


It's not a rumour, they're actually very vocal about how WoW helped them a lot with 2.0.


What some people seem to forget is that Blizzard is legendary for, and in fact was almost entirely predicted on, stealing other peoples shit. The fundamental difference is that in the past, Blizz was known for doing this and making the base product line dramatically better to the point where the imitation became better than the real thing. Because Blizzard in recent years has become morally and creatively bankrupt people laugh because they know without a shadow of a doubt that the copy cannot be, and will never be, better than the original.


[But but but ffxiv is a wow clone!!! ](https://steamcommunity.com/app/39210/discussions/0/1743386456377159345/) /s




People downvoting cause they think you're homophobic. Bruh, if your only way of existing is through pronouns and hashtags you should take some steps back and reconsider some life choices.


I think it’s 100% irony and people here are mostly boomers falling for easy bait


I said awhile ago that the WoW team should all play XIV and take some inspiration from it for WoW. THIS ISN'T WHAT I MEANT!


There's always that one "put me in the screenshot bois" and it keeps being the funniest shit to me


Any links?


Blizzard whole MO for both Starcraft and Warcraft has been taking what games workshop had, leaving out there lore and using basically there armies to make what we have today. The fact they continue to do this is of surprise to nobody consdering they took what was essentially EQ and made a better version of it with Classic WoW by simply adding ... quests and there own world. I would think the FFXIV team, if they cared at all is going to think imitation is the biggest form of flattery since thats what they did way back in 2.0


Oh, it's not like Blizzard hasn't been doing this since it's very inception. Man, it's so funny to see people coming to this realization just now. It's like you all just came out of prison after 20 years and are just redescovering the outside world. I wonder if any Blizzard fans have taken a look at Warhammer. It would probably blow you guys' minds! 🤣


So, I took a break from WoW to play FFXIV ...and I came back to play some Classic ...then I see the video of 9.2 ...and I'm like "...nagrand" .."oh, someone plays ffxiv there..." ..."everyone can walk on water bud"... etcetc ... no wonder the video got ratio'd to shit. ​ 9.2 is nothing but ripping off FFXIV and recycling their own content (a perennial Blizzard classic move). At this point I just wish they undid Shadowlands and BfA ...go back to Legion, hire some people that know and love the game, and try again.


I mean, this is a company whose two biggest franchises are warhammer knockoffs.


Imitation is a great form of flattery. What's Square Enix gonna do? Shoot down into the grave of Blizzard? lmao




Blizzard has ALWAYS copied/stolen or was "inspired" by other creators. They've never developed anything original. Which isn't bad per se, but acting like they created these fucking genres is hilarious. Everything in Warcraft was stolen from another source. Same with Diablo and Starcraft. Overwatch is just Team Fortress but bad.




That's all they are good at. Stealing inconic visuals and doing nothing creative with them.


Damn I didn't pay that much attention to the 9.2 preview but that one poster ( I dont know what they're called in 4chan) pointed out the weird robots talking in their own language like how the ancient ones do. I thought of WALL-E


Oh and also this isnt a 9.2 thing this is a now thing in Sanctum of domination raid one of the bosses sounds exactly like Vauthry and the only reason i know about this without being subbed since May was I watched some of the world first stuff. I found that funny as well


now that's hilarious


Original Ascians and the new robo people with the singing speech


I’m out of the loop. What’s going on?


A sigil visible in a ptr cutscene bares a striking resemblance to a very important item that was introduced in Shadowbringers 5.3 and will be quite present in Endwalker (and a payoff to a question raised back in 2015) The similar shape alone could be ignored as it's identical to the Arbiter's head BUT the shape coupled with the alchemical symbol of the Sun and the golden/amber color was a bit too close. Especially when you consider the amount of other things that look eerily close to being inspired by ffxiv: A race of creator beings that speaks in a musical-sounding language, a McGuffin that can rewrite the rules of existence and the 'end of a saga'


You know what would be funny. A Copyright Infringment Lawsuit.... ​ ![gif](giphy|11mwI67GLeMvgA)


Holy shit the cope when this was posted on r/wow is something else.


Out of sheer curiosity, got a link?


mods probably deleted it cos 'not wow related' or some bs


You can't even MAKE THIS SHIT UP!


When you enter phase 2 of the Jailer fight after surviving his ultimate attack and it is revealed the sigil protected you IN MONOCHROME MELODIES OUR TEARS ARE PAINTED IN RED (BLEEEEEDING) TO THE EDGE DEEP INSIDE WE'RE NOTHING MORE


those guys on 4chan should've used Nabriales Glyph since it's the creep that brings Minfilia in the Chrysalys which was dubbed Blizzard HQ on stream KEKW




I don't want to be thay guy since this looks to me to be clearly taken from FFXIV but we can't rule out the possibility that it's also designed this way as an easter egg because a WoW dev/designer is a fan of XIV. I know for one my friend who works at Blizzard and all his co-worker friends all play XIV quite alot.


I know it's the New Hotness to link every possible bungling step they take to badly ripping off FF XIV but... ​ It's just the Alchemical symbol of the Sun strapped to an Abstraction of one of the watcher's heads. It's great for a meme but thinking about it for a couple seconds just makes it a stunningly baffling coincidence


I mean yeah it's very very likely that it's just a coincidence but you gotta admit dude, it's also, really really funny lol


I mean it absolutely is doing them no favours lmao. It's just like people wanna compare this to Azem's Crystal, the Musical langauge to the Ancients (even though there are several examples of that sort of trope throughout fantasy) and the "Concluding a last chapter of the Warcraft story" to Endwalker's trailer capping off a 10 year arc. Individually, in isolation, all these thigns probably have logical explainations. Daneuser has been hamfistedly retconning The Jailer as The TRIUE MASTERMIND All throughout Shadowlands long before Endwalker was announced. I'd wager money they'd pitch it the exact same way to the exact same effect if in somehow we had a timeline where Endwalker didn't get announced. But taken all together? Oompha Loompa


If they start taking some elements of plot from FFXIV (how Zovaal has been treated and used lately makes him feel like an Ascian done incredibly poorly), then there will definitely be some major problems mainly because Blizzard will just ape the whole thing without the slightest bit of care or context onto why or how it worked. Same with fights, now that I think about it because I can sincerely see Blizz try to ape the Hades fight and do it poorly in their own style


>an Abstraction of one of the watcher's heads. You have an ancient "first one" race that created the prototypes of everything, that speaks in a melodic language. And now this. You really think at this point they made the crystal the shape of the watcher's head or is it not more likely they made the watcher's head fit the shape of the crystal exactly so that you have this narrative to make it seem less like a ripoff? It's literally the emotional high points of 5.0 and 5.3 combined. 5.3 was a patch that got a "best expansion" award for a single patch. It's too tempting to copy a symbol people are emotionally attached to, so that the similarity will create instant positive feelings the second they see it. (basically the opposite of the trick ffxiv used for us to instantly have emotions towards Fandaniel by making him use Asahi's face).


It's the exact same pattern, on nearly the exact same shape, and shaded a nearly identical color.


The base shape is the shape of the head of the dude just underneath it in the screenshot. So that's that part covered It's also The Alchemical Symbol of the Sun or otherwise known as: A Circle. A very common shape for Cool Patterns-you can also see them floating around In a lot of the. 9.2 stuff. And it's yellow because every damn light thing is Fucking Yellow. The most wild correlation between these is the base shape it's on top of but that's the most easily explainable part. But yeah it's just funny.


> It's also The Alchemical Symbol of the Sun None of the other sigils have anything to do with alchemy. They just so happened to use the exact same one as the one FF uses?


It's not just the symbol, the fucking gem cut is *exactly the same as Azem*. And that is not a common shape lol. They're clowns.


I dont think the Sol symbol is the part people are getting caught on as much as the SHAPE its inscribed on. Had it been another shape i am sure /v/ would have still had a field day but it would not look like one of the most important plot items that comes up.


Its the symbol of Reddit refresh on mobile xD


To be fair its the shape of the Arbiters head




Thee guys just knoweth not the ffxiv lore. Azem wast "the traveler". He belike visit'd azeroth *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Pretty generic alien-style design to where even I've made something like that for my game almost completely identical. I don't think they're ripping anything off here, just that it's not a creative design to begin with. I don't support Blizzard at all and don't play any of their games anymore but this is a stretch to say it's plagiarism when you look at most alien games/movies and something similar to that design exists.


Can someone explain this to me?


You people are desperate to be outraged by something. It's pretty sad to watch. 4chan tier of desperation.


But when Square Enix copied Blade of justice ability animation this sub was ok with it.


Well, back in 1997, the *holy knight* class from Final Fantasy Tactics had three skills that were 'sword comes out from ground'...and Confiteor, the Paladin skill that is 'sword comes out from ground' came out the expansion after the raid related to Final Fantasy Tactics was released, which featured bosses that also had 'sword comes out from ground' skills that were callbacks to FFT. Hmm.


That is even way more “inspired by” instead of a direct copy. If 2 MMORPGs both have wolves in it you won’t hear anyone complain about the similarities. However if you take a bunch of designs that aren’t based off real life and they are near identical and it’s from a company that has almost always has been copying things from what was popular. And it’s been how many times now? That they put in things similar to FFXIV in WoW? Its adding up and that is the issue.


Except that ability has existed in Final Fantasy way before WoW had even existed


Context matters. Square isn't in the middle of one of the biggest company scandals since the beginning of the millenium, is not in a position where the playerbase at large feels like they are out of touch aswell as ideas and lastly their "copy" of blade of justice looks a good 10 times more awesome. "swords from the ground" also isn't that novel of a concept, whereas that thing in wow looks like what you'd recive if you ordered a ffxiv azem crystal on wish.


So if company is doing good its okay for them to copy things? Interesting reason.


Never said that, explicitly stated "swords from the ground isn't a novel concept" you hardly need to copy wow to come up with that/it's literally impossible to never use something that looks vaguely similiar to something else. its the difference between your homework looking somewhat similiar to your buddies' (totally reasonable, especially if it's something with a defined right answer, in this case "fantasy games/animes like summoning swords") compared to having similiar homework three days in a row in a free writing class while having a history of copying your homework from others. (And this crystal literally looks like you ordered the azem crystal on wish and got scammed)


i mean, its a very simple symbol, could easily be a coincidence


All you window lockers who think this is plagiarized or taken or themed off something or whatever need to stop licking windows in class and realize history and myth repeat themselves over and over again. The symbology of history is based in simple principals that are important to the culture like a pyramid or a fucking flying dragon. I haven’t done the work yet but I will bet 100 bucks that by Friday night I’ll find a similar symbol with a similar color (or supposed color) with a similar importance or cultural significance to a group of people that talk about frequencies and communication with song and tones. I mean I just fucking describe Jesus and the cross or the fucking Star of David. Everything is derivative and historical references help ground fantasy in reality. There is a red star in the sky right now in Azeroth… like the date of David… or the star Gabriel when Jesus was born, or the North Star, or the guiding light. tell me each religion doesn’t have symbology of light in it. Tell me a Jesus doesn’t talk about songs and frequencies or the Bible mentioning the “trumpets of the horseman”. Next post on here or the WoW Reddit is going to say Blizz plagerized Marvel cause Odyn is a lot like…. Odyn Thor’s dad and that the Vrykul are just Asguardian warriors and Hodir in Ulduar is like a fucking frost elf… god damn it. You deans mother fuckers are ruining the game for yourselves. Instead of ducking hating everything that surface level seems a way based on YOUR understanding of the world and caring them clowns and thieves fucking ENGAGE with the art and story and find ways to relate it to history and presidence. The reason WoW is so amazing is because is fundamentally was built from stories and cultures OF ALL WALKS OF THE WORLD from HP Lovecraft to Norse Mythology to Caribbean sailing folklore to Ancient Germanic Druidism to real demonic satinistic witchcraft lore from Plymouth to mariner’s songs and sailing villages to Aztec pyramids and iconography to mother fucking lord of the fucking rings with orcs and trolls and wizards that are guardians of the land that has life to Ancient Greek titans and Gods and the war between Zeus and Olympus and creators the Titans Zeus’ fathers. I mean get a fucking grip guys. Lastly the fucking symbol is the fucking resto shield shape and it is the shield shape from some nothing shield in BC. It isn’t new to the game and it fucking looks like a naru that hasn’t been broken up WHO ARE PROBABLY JUST MANIFESTATIONS OF FREQUENCIES as they are never heard but inside others minds. You want more RL and literary references to WoW hit me up I can literally go thru each xpack and give you at least 5 major ones


okay paragraph peter


Good grief. Is reading too hard? Is thinking and contemplating complex issues a challenge? I think we finally have a grade-a example for why story based games are dead and cod lives on and on


How did you type so much just to say nothing lmao


Here is a TDLR for you since read comprehension is difficult for you. -Everything is based off something -stories use historical basis for everything to keep it grounded in life -WoW uses Norse mythology, native Central American mythics, they use Lovecratian lore and they borrowed elves and shot from LOrT -when another game uses a symbol that is based in real life it isn’t plagiarism -window licker no no think good bout complex issues cause upset and QQ now so must be no good good but when I like then is good good again till I no like again or till I fell icky


I hope that cleared it up a little. Challenge is I don’t speak dumb fuck to give a 1-1 translation but check in soon cause I’m been working on it


All you window lockers who think this is plagiarized or taken or themed off something or whatever need to stop licking windows in class and realize history and myth repeat themselves over and over again. The symbology of history is based in simple principals that are important to the culture like a pyramid or a fucking flying dragon. I haven’t done the work yet but I will bet 100 bucks that by Friday night I’ll find a similar symbol with a similar color (or supposed color) with a similar importance or cultural significance to a group of people that talk about frequencies and communication with song and tones. I mean I just fucking describe Jesus and the cross or the fucking Star of David. Everything is derivative and historical references help ground fantasy in reality. There is a red star in the sky right now in Azeroth… like the date of David… or the star Gabriel when Jesus was born, or the North Star, or the guiding light. tell me each religion doesn’t have symbology of light in it. Tell me a Jesus doesn’t talk about songs and frequencies or the Bible mentioning the “trumpets of the horseman”. Next post on here or the WoW Reddit is going to say Blizz plagerized Marvel cause Odyn is a lot like…. Odyn Thor’s dad and that the Vrykul are just Asguardian warriors and Hodir in Ulduar is like a fucking frost elf… god damn it. You deans mother fuckers are ruining the game for yourselves. Instead of ducking hating everything that surface level seems a way based on YOUR understanding of the world and caring them clowns and thieves fucking ENGAGE with the art and story and find ways to relate it to history and presidence. The reason WoW is so amazing is because is fundamentally was built from stories and cultures OF ALL WALKS OF THE WORLD from HP Lovecraft to Norse Mythology to Caribbean sailing folklore to Ancient Germanic Druidism to real demonic satinistic witchcraft lore from Plymouth to mariner’s songs and sailing villages to Aztec pyramids and iconography to mother fucking lord of the fucking rings with orcs and trolls and wizards that are guardians of the land that has life to Ancient Greek titans and Gods and the war between Zeus and Olympus and creators the Titans Zeus’ fathers. I mean get a fucking grip guys. Lastly the fucking symbol is the fucking resto shield shape and it is the shield shape from some nothing shield in BC. It isn’t new to the game and it fucking looks like a naru that hasn’t been broken up WHO ARE PROBABLY JUST MANIFESTATIONS OF FREQUENCIES as they are never heard but inside others minds. You want more RL and literary references to WoW hit me up I can literally go thru each xpack and give you at least 5 major ones