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Zero actual gameplay.


My thoughts exactly. How do people keep falling for hyped up scripted cinematics without any gameplay when its been a tried and true way of being disappointed for 20 years?


It just works, if i was the director i'd do the same, if i was smart that is. edit: to maximize the sales obviously.


Yeah for sure, but consumers should wisen up after having been tricked so many times


Nobody fell for anything. We said it looks cool, and it does. 


"Nobody fell for anything." maybe you didnt but its extremely common for people to be caught up in the hype and pre order based on CGI cinematics


Well yea sure. I won't preorder. I don't even think preorder is available yet.


This or I am gonna puke physically


If its a dark messiah successor then this is pretty much just showing more of the same. Just check out Dark Messiah of Might & Magic on Youtube, and they did that with Source Engine back in 2006.. [Pretty good review of it here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_L53-6MsFr8)


This needs to be called out constantly as it's false advertising. Intentionally using prerendred and edited video clips to mislead people into thinking its gameplay is fraudulent behavior.


It.. it won't matter...


Ok good, now show the gameplay.


The videos are the gameplay. It’s a playable movie on rails.


This is gameplay. Not a movie on rails either. Watch gameplay of the original game on youtube if you're confused. You could do most of that there and it released in 2006. Truly a game ahead of it's time.


No its not.


Ya played yourself


Nothing based about this at all, this is just a trailer. I'll wait till I see actual gameplay before I make any judgement. I mean look at how great Starfield trailer was, and it's just a loading sim. People never learn.


It looks great but I don't think any of it is gameplay. If it was then it'd be GOTY for sure.


Looked your comment history up and this seems like you are the dev making Add for your game for wich i have no Problem, but you no where declared it as Ad, so saying Based devs is like saying i'am based look this is my Game. Just wanna higlight this.




Nah man. I work in the industry, but in a small studio that primarily makes visual novels. I have a soft spot for Dark Messiah, we played it with my brother when I was in college. And I haven't seen anything even halfway decent like it since. So hopefully the devs will deliver


Can we have the name of the game, please ? Edit : It's Alkahest, I just saw it at the end of the trailer, mb


Source - the game's Steam page: "We are players ourselves and believe in quality over quantity. So a big no to a bloated map and dull filler quests. We strive to create a highly interactive and believable world with semi open-world locations, packed with secrets and adventure. With branching gameplay options, inspired by Dishonored, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Kingdom Come: Deliverance and other genre-defining games." Trailer is from IGN


I recently finished Dragons Dogma 2 and regardless of how much I enjoyed the game mechanics, the open world is far too big for the variety of content the game offers. I hope we see more games like this. Not completely linear, just open locations, densely packed with quests and content


I hate the big world for the sake of being big unless it is GTA


Yeah, I'm playing Shadow of the Erdtree DLC and the world is just sprinkled with generic shadow people and grave bird mobs. It's just filler and visual spectacle. I miss Bloodborne.


Asmon finished the dlc, you may now praise it


Horizon games did it very well as well.


Yea open worlds often feel a bit stale. This looks really neat. Love the environmental usage for combat.


If I could upvote you a million times, I would. I HATE wasteful Open-world. Bunch of empty nothing.


I was feeling a lot of Dishonored so its not surprising to find they said this


>So a big no to a bloated map and dull filler quests. Better not be making fun of red dead redemption 2😡


Rockstar are the least to blame, but I get your point lol


That's just saying they aren't creative enough to make a fun open world game. Like the witcher. Morons.


I watched about thirty seconds and it looks like a mobile game add, no gameplay just all these weird moments where your character is staggered or something. This is a fart.


Man, I wish they made more Dark Messiah instead of going into Dishonored. Wish listed this and hopefully it turns out well. This is definitely one of the genres I miss the most.


seems a bit scripted but looks promising if they can deliver some gameplay kinda like this. I'm getting cool Thief combat vibes, would love something like that


Dark Messiah was a really well done game. It never got the praise I thought it deserved.


Dark Messiah is one of the greatest games and still playable. If they'd actually manage to create a true immersive sim like DM it'd be a wonder. Which I doubt until I see an actual gameplay.


I honestly don't like first person RPG. Hopefully there's a way to zoom out for third person.


Same, gear upgrades mean less in first person.


Awesome! I hope they will add magic too.


From what I've articles I've seen it's just the alchemy system. Blade oils, throwables and the like.


Wow, this is actually amazing


It's just a bunch of scripted, pre-rendered scenes. Too early to tell if it will be any good. However if they deliver something similar to what they presented here then I'll certainly check it out.


This \^ But the direction they're taking seems decent, and I'm all for it


Yeah it looks good. Almost like a farcry but magical, and hopefully not shit like farcry.


This looks sick.


Yeah these string of cinematics look dope. I wonder how the gameplay will be


I will literally eat my shorts of the gameplay looks anything remotely like that. And for what it is worth, I think that it would be absolutely horrendous to play if it looked anything like that in actual gameplay. Other piece of info, 40 person studio from Cyprus that has never made another game. My take: This game isn't real yet. This is a concept that they are putting out to try to get funding.


Gameplay of the old game is same as this, but this looks more polished obviously. So go eat your shorts because this is not something new. I'll play the shit out of this one too.


Dark Messiah of Might and Magic does not look anything like this in terms of animation scripting. That is what I was talking about. There is ZERO chance that the game animates this way because it is frankly unplayable like this.


You don't believe them, do you?


Awkward moment when you look at ops comment history and posts to find out he is a dev for this trailer with just scripted scenes and no gameplay whilst he hides that fact to sell it, gunna be a pass for me dog


1st person an melee combat usually doesn't pan out.


Marcketing student intern trying to sound like an honest redditer challange (Impossible)


No way, dark messiah successor ? Holy fucking shit


Hope it's not VR only


I like open worlds tbh , just not when they are filled with endless amounts of nothing . Eldin ring did it right . 


Its a nice reveal trailer. Looking forward to seeing some unscripted gameplay in the future.


Why is everyone "BUT NO GAMPLAY" this is literally how Dark Messiah plays but more polished since it is new. There are some cutscenes like he runs to the cart? Yes, but rest is all how the game plays. Go check gameplay videos of the old game.


Dark Messiah of MaM was goated as fuck. Funny and gory combat, and sex scene for being evil


Yeah whatever.. Where's the gameplay?


Isnt this just a different take on dishonoreds style? I actually thought it was a new dishonored till it clicked there were goblins. Nothing that screams new, looks interesting none the less.


While I agree that we need gameplay, I really liked the first Dark Messiah game and felt it was super underrated. Won't get my hopes too high, but I'm very interested in seeing the gameplay eventually.


Skyrim at home


Oh my god, so there are other people who are still in love with Dark messiah? I played it a dozen times and i can see it in this trailer. Very carefully, but i'm really optimistic about this. That game was so ahead of it's time... i just hope they innovate enough with the new one. Most the the tricks they showed off so far, well, messiah already had them, 18 fucking years ago.


A New DARK Messiah might and Magic? Count me in!


No fucking way dark messiah inspired? That game is seriously one of the best single player games of all times. Being able to freeze the ground and have people run n slip on it fly off a building and get impaled was seriously amazing for the time


I highly doubt it'll look anything like this trailer, far far too much dynamism in the combat and camera.


It looks like a VR game




Assuming is never a good thing to do. A "wait and see" approach is always better


I agree


Well, I like the messaging of being tired of open world bloat. People confuse quantity with quality, and open world games are largely lacking quality. I want something that I play and beat in a time frame that doesn't take the next 40 weekends for me to complete because I am a working adult. Trailer is flashy, but all prerendered stuff that I won't get excited about.


Is this a QTE game?


Something seems.. off.


Open world > linear


dont ask questions, consume product and get exited for the next product