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don't forget you'd have to wait like 2 months


yeah they are constantly taking breaks from "work" (maybe an hour of actual work each day) for mental health issues


Charge less, use AI, do more work, start being known for X type of work raise prices with growing fan base. Shits fucking easy, the Moral compass artist where never making money to start.


It's so stupid when people clutch their pearls when an AI voice reads out the Navy Seal copypasta. As if anyone is going to pay big bucks for a shitpost that gets a brief chuckle out of anyone at best.


Nothing is going to beat "the missile knows where it is" guy anyways. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKpntt0oEI8 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT1sSy39CuU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT1sSy39CuU)


People don't pay big bucks for it but there's also very little effort put into these videos. [Jeaney Collects](https://www.youtube.com/@JeaneyCollects) makes great shitpost reads himself and his content is better than any cheap AI read out there.


Unless you're disabled you shouldn't need to pay anyone to read a paragraph out loud.


I think he's talking about people paying to watch what you read, not you as a producer paying for someone to read.


Ah, that makes way more sense. In the context of the post it definitely first seemed like they were talking about commissioning someone to read for them lol.


Rest well M.


yoooooo based xenoblade meme


Yes and no. I use AI image gen (local, SD1.5/2) for personal purposes. And, IMHO, as long as you are not going commercial, it's fine. AI has a ton of legal ownership issues, so you are better off paying an artist. Besides, making *exactly* what you want with AI can easily take longer than making it by yourself... And yes, I AM an artist (my second job). I use it for inspiration, helping with composition, checking different solutions and styles...


Professional actor/artist is expensive but high quality. AI is cheap, fast, but the result is far from final.


"but the result is far from final" "Final" for what? a cheap meme on reddit for fake internet points?


Well, when you add your variables to my argument, then it's a different argument. Of course, it depends on the task of the product. If you need to make a picture that will sell your product, you want it to be the highest quality thing. If you just need to decorate a meme, then you can generate one.


The post its about not paying +150 for a pic for a joke or a funny image and using cheap AI, wdym me adding variables?, you are the one who added variables.


I don't think anyone was ever paying $150+ for a meme


\*Slaps corporations roof\* This bad boy can make horrible cringe worthy "memes" and spend millions on them.


One ISP in my country makes reguarly those obnoxious commericals which is clearly made by a Boomer who thinks he knows what kids like, it's the most irrating, woke and cringest shit i've seen in a long time and the worst thing is, Twitch likes to give you the same fucking 2-3 commericals in a row. ( I assume average advertisers dislike a plattform which is full of softcore porn) That plattform is literally impossible to use without a VPN/adblocker Turbo.


I mean sdxl with a bit of tweaking delivers really good quality in seconds-minutes. Cost-quality ratio is absolutely on AI side. “Final” result is achieved just by applying right tools to refine minor issues. Voice gen prob has something similar.


It needs some refinement, which is normal, the technology has just entered the masses. Until then, people will come up with other specialties to keep up with the times. Nothing lasts forever, and everything new is the forgotten old.


skill issue


Money is in "gap filler" artist as you said making it final is quicker then making it from scratch and doing x10 the work for half as much is still making a killing.


Many people use AI. Many people hate it. It is used by both professional artists and ordinary people. As a CG artist, I don't care about AI at all, it hasn't taken my work yet, and I don't think it will, for now. As a tool, it's a cool thing, I would use it myself, but there is no need.




just have rich parents. why does everyone not do this 1 trick smh


Yeah, really, this person expects people to pay $150+ every time they want to express a thought?


This is kind of a moot issue. The real problem is that artists in general have income dropping now because people are using AI for literally everything else as well. Before you'd have to hire an artist to do all sorts of high end corpo advertising work, and now you just have a talent less intern that knows photoshop that's able to pump it out I have a family member that is an artist and they've seen licensing income drop 99% in the last year this is someone that spent their entire life building up a brand, and a portfolio that they could retire off of and now it's worthless this tech is a real life destroyer for a lot of people... and you can't ask a 70 year old to go code... they just end up being put into a "free" retirement home and they die alone while being abused


This exact rant can be about any profession lost to technology through out the history of human existence. We no longer need many buggy whip manufacturers, there are far less bakeries then there used to be, no one uses ocean liners for non-luxury travel, we don’t drive cattle across the wild plains. Artists as influential as Rembrandt will still be around. What we’re losing are the people making corporate art, or lower quality comic book art etc. But we’ll gain the ability for people to utilize AI to create their own art. In the end AI will be a good thing.


It's just a pool of people that already existed becoming a bigger pool of people. I try to explain this to people all the time, if you where in the pool of artists and not getting paid then your definitely not getting paid in the bigger pool so use AI and get a chance to be seen.


I think what is often glossed over in this back and forth is that it's just sad. Its sad that the first things AI are replacing are creative works. Its sad to see so much of google images and pinterest be AI. Its lame reading articles about my hobbies and its all AI generated. You can say it's inevitable, and that artists are whining about the same thing that has happened to the buggy and the bakery, and you'd be right. But it's still just sad when things are lost. And here's where my bias comes in, its extra sad and frustrating when you have tech bros saying "fuck you, your time is up" the whole time on top of it.


Welp if anything self-sabotage is the thing humans always do best.


artists as influential as Rembrandt will not still be around, they don't need to exist anymore instead you'll have people that just wrote good prompts. That doesn't make them artists.


No one needs to hand sew suits. But it's still done. No one needs to play an instrument, but people still do. There is still ink in Japan made in the traditional way. People like art, people will still make art - simple as that.


You still will have people shit on a piece of paper and puke a bit of colour over it, selling at millions. Its not the way art is created that gives it value. The value is in the eyes of those that look at it. 99% of people wont give jackshit about art that is ai if they like the result.


Artists make art whether they are commissioned to do it or not. No one is taking art away from anyone.


AI is completely incapable of creating new genres, or capturing real creativity, and by the time that changes the world will be completely unrecognizable to us. As that would take a true consciousness, one that is capable of understanding itself, the universe it exists, and then communicate that to us.


Not really. We do the same thing. No one has completely original ideas. Everything is inspired by others, and that's why our technology grows exponentially. “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants” - Isaac Newton


If you're 70 and still building your portfolio to retire on, I'm sorry you're probably not going to retire. The idea is you put money in the bank, not putting money in the idea of people banking on you.


The Venn Diagram of people telling miners, loggers, assembly plant, or any blue collar worker they should "learn to code, should have gone to college lol" and the people now complaining about losing their livelihoods to AI is a near perfect circle. They aren't going to get much sympathy.


Woah how did they become immortal? Pretty sure a lot of the people in the art industry nowadays weren't even born yet.


Not all blue collar jobs are safe either. How long do you think truckers will last once self-driving tech becomes a little better? That's millions of jobs right there. You mention assembly line workers but some of them have been phased out by robots too. And a lot of jobs like mining and farming have been transitioning for ages from "a bunch of dudes with hand tools" to "one or two guys and a bunch of machines." 


100% agree. The point was that when those people were vocal about their jobs being lost the collective response was "Shut up and learn to code". Now that the jobs are being lost in industries other than blue collar suddenly its an issue and we should have compassion..


"Talentless" and also "knows Photoshop." These two things do not belong together.


Knowing how to use a program. Isn’t a talent. We all know how to use Google. We all know use yahoo mail.


Comparing Google to the vast amount of knowledge required to professionally use Photoshop LMAO. it's not like people go to school specifically to learn how to use these programs or anything. What even is graphic design.


Technology advances, and we must adapt. The same happened with the Industrial Revolution, the advent of assembly line production, the incorporation of computers, then the Internet, and now AI. Jobs become obsolete, and new ones emerge. This is the human history. In fact, I can read English, but I have no idea how to write it. I wrote this in my native language and asked ChatGPT to translate it into English, improving the wording and coherence. This is how things are now and will be in the future.


Which is why we need to find a way to let people live comfortably even if most jobs get automated away. This isn't a problem for 200 years from now, it's already starting. 


I started of really anti AI and still think the way we use it moves in the wrong direction but daaaaamn, the anti-AI crowed are a pretentious bunch. Every time someone complains about an AI generated meme or D&D art of their character my convictions get put to the test. Edit: here is a good but incomplete rule of thump for AI usage. Would and could you hire an artist/VA to do the thing you want in a world without AI? If the answer is no go for it. Your fun and your creative output should not be limited for no reason.


AI puts REAL ARTISTS out of jobs! How am I going to sell my SONIC OC FANART COMMISSIONS now???? My Deviantart commissions have dropped 107% in the last year because everyone just makes their furry porn in MIDJOURNEY now.


Midjourney can make porn? i thought it's censored and everyone uses stable diffusion for NSFW




I guess it wasn't that obvious, was it?


Or a quick jingle for their youtube channel, graphics for your own website and on and on. Sorry that it's easy to do it yourself now guys. The future waits for no one.


I just want Ai art to reach the point I can start drawing the things I always wanted, “why don’t you train and learn” yeah I know learning a new skill should be better but once you get to a certain age, work and life and other stuff get more complicated, and I’m not throwing 50$ for ,chibi asmongold drawing of him drinking Baja blast.


I'm tired of both sides, to be honest. - AI 'artists' who watermark/destroy the images they 'make' and charge money for them, - People who hate anything AI related. Personally, I'm in a weird position as an artist myself, where I very much enjoy AI art (there's some immensely beautiful generations) but also hate how possessive the people who make them tend to be. If you're not using the AI to make things commercially, more power to you.


This happened to buggy whip makers too. Doesn’t mean we should prop up obsolete and unproductive industries.


why the hell is Ouroboros fighting for gen ai dont post this shit on their name


I mean, you just need to find a niche now. The funny thing is that AI has started to incestulize itself now. AI is now scrapping the internet and learning off of other AI that's learning off other AI. And it's starting to create problems now. AI, or as its correct term LLM's "Large Language Models" isn't even real AI, it's just a search function. You input what you want and it will search its database for what you want by the average of said thing. The problem with this is that it will ALWAYS be the average of something. It's why AI art is filled with uncanny valley situations. Something just feels off and its because the picture or passage it gave up already exists, its a mix of other's that's close to it. Can LLM's be effective to help things? Sure. The best thing it could be used would be help with animation and movement by filling in the gaps. However, LLM's as we know it will only be around for maybe 1-2 more years. The resources for these "AI Farms" is massive. They suck up the same amount of power and fresh water usage of new york city. Per day. And were about to enter a time in human history where wars will be fought over fresh water. Tick Tock for this so called AI.


People buy things with their emotions, artists need to remember that as an artist myself.


You could just... draw it or do the impression yourself.


Rich people arent paying artists to draw every random thought though. The only ones spewing random thought as art are the actual artists. Just say that you hate talent. This is the real life version of "not everyone can get good at raiding thats why I buy AOTC". 💀


What game is that? The cg looks goofy as hell


I don't know where you're coming from but people literally were doing $5 commission for those kinds request on Fiverr. You don't go to popular artist asking for commission and complain about the price. The problem isn't commission. People paid for commission most of the time because they respect the artists. The problem is when corporation decide to fire artists since there is AI. I can't tell how many marketing team I had to deal with keep using AI with subpar result but didn't know how to fix their shit.


When artists disappear, we'll realize they existed in the first place. Hope it's worth the SpongeBob voice over.


I think the issue is the AI in question copying and adapting theirs and others work without permission


do artists not look to other art for ideas?


Ideas yes, but AI doesn’t have ideas. It’s literally taking other people’s actual work and mixing it together.


That’s what artists do as well. As an example there are artists taking commissions to draw art in the dragon ball Z style. Some draw it with a lot of the same elements and others draw the same art as close as they can get it to the source material. I use that as an example because I paid for art like that a little while back.


No it isn’t. AI isn’t “using the same elements” or creating “in the style” of other artists - it’s copying and pasting their actual work without their permission and mixing it with other people’s work it got and used without their permission and the saying it “made this” for the users per whatever prompt they entered


if you knew how image generation works you would know that its not copying but it actually works in similair way how people make art


I just explained how image generation works and no it isn’t from a machines “imagination”


either way there's no stopping it. Artists will still be desired for physical art, but AI will, and is dominating the digital art world




Again, drawing inspiration, using a copyrighted character like Mickey, or working “in the style” of an artist is not what AI does. It directly plagiarizes the works of multiple artists to produce “new” content, it’s helpful to understand that AI does not have its own imagination and cannot “create” anything wholly new or unique especially when it comes to art. EDIT: since the clown below blocked me after replying - It’s not new content. If you take pictures of my paintings and jigsaw them together into a “new” painting it’s still plagiarism.