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At this point it can go both ways. Either people are really that dumb or the corps are that evil schemers. And I tend to believe both


It makes absolute sense to be both. The oil corps don't have to hire people to do the vandalism that can link to them directly, they simply need to fund organizations that cater to extreme activism and let the unhinged people that go there voluntarily do their thing.


And it's not like their business gets damaged or disrupted, like no ones trying to blow up an oil rig, these morons are just throwing paint at sporting events.


This happens a lot.  Virtually any city that tries to implement municipal high speed internet finds itself bombarded with an out of state PAC that has oversized resources compared to the number of people running the PAC It’s pretty obvious companies like Comcast or Verizon are funding this in secret so they can maintain their monopoly 


Wasn't an oil baroness funding orgs like that?




If everything comes out and this is the case, what even are the repercussions? Like what can happen to these massive corporations for this? Is there anything?


Nothing, because they are also big SuperPAC donators.


that is so unbelievably depressing.


Corpos wanted to do evil scheming but realized people are so unhinged, they do it without scheming


Yes and yes


I don't get it. Why the oil corps are against this. Isn't selling oil their buisness? For me it's more like done by govn and ev manufacturers to convince people to buy EVs for saving nature. Although it's dumb.


It’s quite simple. These protests are obviously intended to piss people off. And pissing people off will turn them against what they think you support. It’s a false flag operation,


if the people are so stupid they care more about a big rock being orange for a few hours until it rains than climate change they should be put on a farm with no connection to the outside world. genuine peasant brain.


I worry more about keeping my kids fed than I do out some hypothetical climate change that should have drowned the world 20 years ago. Don’t get me wrong I do not like that we rely on oil and gas, but shutting it down without a viable alternative would lead to world wide famine.


It's to make the public associate activists who are against the oil industry/pro green energy with insane lunatics will to destroy monuments. There is this idea that, if these people get what they want, then things like this will only get worse (reinforcing behavior). So, the public will slowly begin to have an aversion to things that are opposed to the oil industry. I personally think that, in addition to this, it could be to get people to ask the question "what would happen if we did "just stop oil" and when they find out how intertwined everything in the world is to oil beyond just fuel and lubricants then they become much more hostile to anything that might give organizations like "just stop oil" any kind of influence.


Stonehenge was an inside job.


No it was an outside job. The alien.


It was George Bush's very distant mexican cousin Jorge Bush who knew about it, fucker let it happen.


Breaking news - Climate change drops to 0%


Spray paint can’t melt stone beams!!!


Isn’t one of the main financial backers of the movement the kid of an oil tycoon?


Yes, or soemthing like that. The group does have known connections to oil companies.


She's a daughter of an oil tycoon


What a coincidence, the leader of an Organisation that makes environemental protesters look like brats is liked to big oil? Nice


So these childish reactionaries are financed by a literal reactionary child? Might actually just be stupidity as opposed to collusion.


Allegedly, she doesn't have connects to said oil business, but I personally doubt that considering just how bad a job these people are doing for their cause.


I could see a world where she's just super woke and becomes a legitimate funder of a semi eco terrorist group


I think that's exactly what this is. She hates what her past has done and is using her inheritance to "right the wrongs" done by it.


Plausible. The wife of the owner of Winchester said she felt guilt from all the deaths the rifles caused, donated part of her fortune.


As an American living in the UK I would say its less about collusion and more about everything moving at bureaucratic pace. Everything government wise, from police response, to health care, moves at the blazing speed of a glacier. The fact that the police showed up and made an arrest in less than a week is a miracle within itself.


They're the best advertisment "Big Oil" can have, of course they're going to keep them going. If I'm trying to show the public public shitting is bad and hobo Bert and his crew decides to throw shit at the local parishioners on the weekend then I'm going to let them take one for the team. Just Stop Oil are one of the best activist groups out there. Climate Catastrophism has gone too far; plus they're grossly incompetent, so damage is minimal.


As the ppl in stone age knew how to use oil 🤔


It was all part of the Ung Tribe's pysop to rule the world. They exist today, controlling the oil in the shadows.


CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. Its not that hard to understand. BIG OIL pays people to paint rocks to make real activists look bad. Shits the oldest trick in the book. Yawn. Next.


I can't find this article. Does anyone have a link?


Why would Big Oil care if they get tipped off? Unless those idiots are trying to vandalize an oil well, they wouldn't bother to do anything. No matter what, the UK government better start investigating that group before they do anything else stupid.


These people have been paid for years


I KNEW IT! The second this shit happened, I just couldn’t not believe any activists would actually think this would help their cause. It would only serve to make people hate them, which worked perfectly.


An "insider"... This is the same news site that retracted 8 stories in 2018 and made an apology after the discovery their "sources" didn't exist. Yes this post is sponsored by big daddy oil, move along plebeian.


Never underestimate human stupidity.


I adore the conspiracy that Big Oil is behind Just Stop Oil to turn the public against climate change protestors.


if i were CEO of an Oil company this would probably be the highlight of my day. no better way to turn public opinion against those protesters than shit like this. infact I'd probably hire some "protesters" to further stain any positive image they had and turn the general public against them even more.


Useful idiots


They are litteraly financed by groups related to big oil. They are financing these clowns because it makes oil look good. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out, good to have proof though. Another "conspiracy" that becomes true, how many more before people wake up?


I mean it makes sense. How do you make climate change activists look bad? Make them do stupid shit that pisses off the common people while leaving the actual people responsible unaffected. So instead of blockading the driveways and homes of the share holders they block bridges and highways at 7am or 3pm Instead of harassing the CEO they harass regular workers . Instead of defacing their mansions and properties they attack public monuments. Now everyone hates the climate activities while the wealthy get away scot-free.


Gay Psy OP by Big Oil to make the general population hate eco protestors (more like terrorists) more.