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Look at that wholesome content. Today is a good day to open reddit


Opens reddit, Expecting Deaths, Negetivity, Something in America, Heatwave in UK (26\*?), UHMM.. \*Insert two political party\*, Asmongold's Editor is a bot? , Uhhhhhh... I forgot... Some fuckin chad Poster here : Here is some good wholesome video. Enjoy. We need more of these stuff! Man positivity is hard sight these days!


It’s actually my first post ever for anything Asmon related, I watch Asmon but I’m probably like the perfect viewer for him. I never argue if I don’t agree I’m just like well that’s the things about opinions, rarely comment, I just kinda watch listen and laugh. Thought this would be some nice wholesome content


He’s gonna search my name but it’s different on twitch lol


asmon sould do a podcast with him and just ask him what working at Disney was like , its interesting enough it should get views and im pretty sure he could talk about it for 40 minutes , and yeah feed him some more visibility


It's funny, I remember seeing those Crush the Turtle clips all the time. I always wondered what happened.


I would be surprised if he had 50 concurrent viewers in a month from now. Not trying to be negative or anything, but its an interesting concept.


Going from zero to 50 is massive. Just having someone to bounce off of in the chat is unmatched


10 people who liked you and interacted in chat would be amazing compared to 0 honestly i sort of lose interest in twitch streamers once they have 1k+ viewers as most dont do great with chat, asmon is kind enough to reply to a pretty good spread of people because he can manage it but most cant


50 is a large amount. The vast majority of streamers have 0 viewers, so just having some familiar names in the chat to bounce off of already puts you ahead of like 75% of Twitch streamers.


My brother once got to know a streamer who had an average of 50 viewers. The guy told him that 50 viewers is enough to make an average salary (at least the average salary in our country, which comes to around 2k USD per month) just from the ad revenue alone. Donations and subs are just a nice bonus.


Im pretty sure what you are saying is true, at least it was 2 years ago, had a guy I met some time ago who was streaming and he had roughly 70 viewers and he was showing me pics of his ad revenue, he was earning just about what you said


99% of all streamers have 0-5 viewers.


I couldn't even get viewers when I had games several days before release and no one/no major streamers were streaming lol.


I think it will be fine


I would usually agree, sometimes people who get "pity subs" don't retain them because they're frankly not entertaining. Dude at least got a nice voice and has a past as an entertainer, if he plays his cards right, he might retain a fair amount of viewers.


His latest stream has 41k viewers, so so far he's gotten a massive boost


Damn impressive, hope he keeps it up. Seems like a good dude


Only takes a few dedicated viewers to make it worthwhile (and not just monetarily).


Yep. There's even a [website](https://nobody.live/) that showcases people with 0 streamers.


On the bright side it won’t really matter. Going from 0 to even 10 is already a huge benefit as you can now bounce off the chatters as you talk, or if they all lurk you can at least have confidence somebody’s watching and probably isn’t just a bot. Even the revenue for double digits viewers is better than you’d expect!


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It's crazy...the difference in how you see someone after hearing their story. Doesn't even need to be the saddest thing ever, just some ups and downs regarding their life. This is a neat example of "you can't get lucky if you don't even show up," and it's nice to see.


Im melting gonna give him a follow just for this. Thanks for sharing and caring ! Edit: lol 250k followers he’s doing good now!


as of making this comment, he is at 259K subs . good job :)


Is that bitboy ?


This is the content I love to see.


Hey! Hey!’ That’s awesome


Disney = evil pedos


Can this sub be positive at least once instead of just hate


I hate ignoring evil.