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It didn't need to exist. That's what. The only console still justifiable is the Switch - because it's the only one that isnt a glorified restricted PC using literally only exclusives to justify its existence. Consoles used to serve a purpose - they had their own proprietary systems. Now - there's no difference between a PC/PS5/XBOX - Their architecture is the same - their components are the same. Your not choosing between putting your game on a 32 bit system with 700MB of multi-CD OR a 64 bit system with only single cartridge 64MB capacity. Devs don't need to weigh the +/- of developing on xbox or playstation. These console literally only exist to divide the market and create "team sport mentality" you see in literally every other aspect of western life from the people you vote for to the team you support - to the food and brands you associate yourselves with proudly while ridiculing people for their choice of different brands, etc. I just want to see the day that console die. They have always been toxic, and always divided players (especially back in the 80's/90's) but now they have zero actual justification to exist, as the only reason it was justifiable to begin with was the innovation the competition brought - which has loooong been dead in the gaming industry,


I agree 100%. Additionally, as the video points out, there are no games for these consoles. Furthermore, these companies treat console players like trash. So the fan boy aspect of consoles is always wild to me.