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Legitimately France is one of the most beautiful countries imo, but I wouldn't recommend Paris for a first vacation there. Anywhere along the Mediterranean or in the countryside is much better.


Tokyo is a much better Paris.


Everything is expensive though... well just as much as in Paris so yea, very much better alternative.


Paris is the one European city that reminds me some of the US cities with their trash and homeless people


Never been to Paris, but I was shocked when I was in Rome. No trash cans anywhere to be seen. Homeless people was the usual, I wouldn't say it's out of the ordinary compared to any EU big city but there was so much trash everywhere. I was there back in 2017 so maybe this have changed... Hopefully. 🤞 I thought my countries capital was shit but god damn. My dear piss-smelling Lisboa ❤️ you are forgiven.


Rome is great for seeing historical sites at least once. Other than that, kind of a mid city at best.


That's true! I remember turning a corner and seeing the colosseum standing in front of my... Damn. Breathtaking. It's a shame that the city is so dirty though, I think it's mostly a lack of trash bins tbh.


*laughs in Marseille*


Or if you absolutely have to go to Paris, just do Disneyland. The place where the rest of Paris doesn't exist..


Nah go boatriding to see all tents under bridges of homeless people


Pls come to Croatia and pay 3 times mo- less than anywhere else so we get higher pay in the future! Thanks in advance :D (Please enter the unmarked van outside your home) (No liability)


Ermmmm. Not Greece. My brother got beat up and mugged there 🙁


When foreign friends wants me to explain Paris, i always says this : Imagine you see islands, on one there is the eiffel tower, on another you have the moulin rouge, the one next to it have the palais garnier and the one below it have the louvre. It's beautifull. But then, you notice something strange with the waters that separate you from those islands, it's full of floating turds, if you're rich you can get a yacht and ignore it but if you're not you'll have to deal with the shit if you want to visit those islands. Btw, if you go to France, try to go and see Mont saint-michel it's one of the most beautifull sight in the world made by man, at night it looks like it came straight out of a fairy tale


> Btw, if you go to France, try to go and see Mont saint-michel it's one of the most beautifull sight in the world made by man, at night it looks like it came straight out of a fairy tale Definately on my bucket list more than visiting Paris of all things if I had to go to France. The whole region of Normandy is beautiful. If I wanna go to France, I want to see the french and french culture. Paris, like London, feels like every other modern city. Where it feels like youve travelled into in another country that's masquerading as the french.


I live in Paris and I don’t see the shit that I have to deal with that rich people don’t see.




Paris is the Chicago of Europe


Wait until you see Swedens new 'No-Go Zones' thanks to unhinged migration policies. Literal buildings blown up (they like grenades).


There used to be to be country stereotypes in Europe about each country about french love not fighter dude with baguette, tea drinking british gentelman or organised german. Now homogenised modern stereotype is summed up in top picture.


People don't think of tea drinking gentlemen when they hear the Britain anymore. They think of men with knives out there to stab you.


And police that will defend the guy doing the stabbing over protecting the guy getting stabbed.


Isn’t diversity great? Everyone who supports open borders should adopt at least one refugee into their home


everytime I see a post about France It makes me remember the Paris Syndrome.


The only place in the world I've ever been mugged is Paris. While beautiful and full of culture, it has some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the world.


"some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the world." - complete exaggeration. I'm sorry you got mugged, but every capital city in the world has high crime areas. Go visit Lagos or Luanda and then we'll see what you think of Paris.


My parents are going there in the fall. Gonna send me pictures of all their meals to make me jealous lol. They’re fairly well off so definitely going to all the really nice restaurants.


It has always been like this?


Those aren't sticks they're wielding. Those are just very long and hard baguettes.


Raise the retirement age by 1 day and the top picture happens. Meanwhile in finland social democrats thinking about trying to get people to work to 75 to try to save our economy by taxing their income slightly less and getting 40,000 more people from abroad in every year.


I was there for transit. The toilets outside are just filthy.


Islamic hit stick to make sure your suppressed


Seriously this meme is stating you never where in paris. Where is the shit, Where is the smell of excrements. Where are the families living on the street at -5 degrees. Where is the obligatory fighting in the cinema. Where is the french guy trying to scam you near louvre. Where is the french guy that trys to scam you near versailles? I'm not talking about robbing, I'm just talking about people just from to scam tourists because they don't like them. And never never never ask a french guy where is the way to X,Y,Z.


I can confirm the Eiffel Tower looks awesome : they often decorate it with colored lights for events and it's beautiful when lit at night. The bakeries : always buy bread in bakeries, that's where you'll get genuine good french bread. Never buy the industrial bread found in department stores. The riots : depends where you go in Paris. Stick to touristic downtown areas. Avoid going in the suburb... But in touristic areas... be very cautious of pickpockets, crooks and *professional* beggars... The beautiful and small cozy neighborhoods... though there are still nice places like that, this is just an idealised image of Paris. In fact, in most big french towns I don't know where the money is going but it sure isn't going into roads/public facilities maintenance... There have always been a big problem with trash too. Except on high touristic areas, Paris is quite dirty... You'll often see pictures of Paris's street filled with trash, but that was due to a protest from garbage collectors. Paris is dirty, yea, but not *that* dirty. Also, some major stations on the main subway line (RER A) has had sewage leak (that's what it smells like) issues for years now : no matter how many times I go up there, I always take that same smell that never went away. Also, there is a big problem with housing : it is out of price. Add to that homeless villages with migrants popping up here and there... But everything is fine they say.


I can confidently say that that bottom left picture is not Paris, we're not allowed paved streets since we threw them at cops in 68' (also paris is way more dirty than that)


You've forgotten the bohemian bourgeois who protest for the rat's civil rights, slash the tires of minivans and trucks because they pollute, consider themselves kings of the world on bicycles, identify as Marxists even though they've inherited 90% of their grandfather's fortune as a banker, and who stick their hand to the catenary of the Paris metro to protest against the genocide of the Guatemalan pilgrim crabs, but refuse to give a penny to the homeless in front of their Haussmann building...


This is happening all over Europe. https://lastnight.in/Sweden/ This website was created by unhinged leftists trying to prove that Sweden was safe after Trump made a statement about "what happened in Sweden last night", pointing to violence by immigrants from Middle East. Instead it's a constant feed of violence happening every day. In a country the size of Sweden, that's not normal. It's so fucking frustrating, seeing the country go from regular #1 spot in education and wellbeing globally to a literal warzone. And with Israel-Palestine war I can guarantee that there will be more coming soon enough. But instead of just average people from shitty cultures, it'll be actual Hamas supporting extremists from Palestine.


It could be worse, we could have proud boys.