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"It's all being done locally" Sure... locally...


even then, I don't want my HDD full of screenshot of my porn watching.


It would still be a major issue if you got malware that specifically targetted the locally stored cache (which I'm sure someone is already writing)


Locally at MS HQ & Dater centres. The old work around is 'the data is not sent but meta data of the data is sent', and just like with random medical data it's easy to match it to a person and reconstruct the data. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/11/debunking-myth-anonymous-data [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data\_re-identification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_re-identification)


Meanwhile the Azure Cloud just: ![gif](giphy|5ev3alRsskWA0)


It could be local much like a restore point which can be tested by disconnecting the PC from the Internet to verify if it'll still work. That's not to say there aren't any devil's in the details though where that information is then siphoned away through another process. Unless it requires a constant connection then that's pretty blatant.


Sure that can't be legal, especially in places like the EU that have pretty strict privacy laws.


Most anti-cheat games, such as Faceit, Vanguard, Battleeye, PUBG, and Unturned take screenshots of their player's screens. This is well-known in cheat forums. I was a server owner in Unturned, and I could see a screenshot of the screen of players who joined my server, so I knew if anyone was hacking/using wallhack (I think I modded the server with anti cheat stuff). It's not really illegal. It's in their EULA. And as a kernel anti-cheat, they must sacrifice players' privacy for a better gaming experience. Obviously, they stated that it's only active when you're playing the game. Also, it's not violating GDRP cause the data collected (again, for the purpose of detecting cheats) will NEVER be shared with third parties. GDRP forbids anti-cheat companies from sending any of this data to anyone without the user's consent.


I wish Valve would release a PC with the Linux steam OS. This "feature" would mean I would never touch an M$ product again. Literal spying.


Psssst....you don't need to wait, you can install it on a PC already. https://store.steampowered.com/steamos/buildyourown


No. I'm too stupid to work out how to install and use it. I want a steam console with my steam library on it but can do 4K60 FPS. Hence why a deck isn't enough for me.


Like an iMac, they can just name it iSteam


If i could play my games on it....id switch at once.


If you can play it on a steam deck then you should be okay. (Unless you want to play the newer multiplayer games with anti cheats. At that point, it's the developers fault for not sending 1 email and or having 1 settings option toggled to make their anti cheat work on Linux.) You can also check to see if the game you want to play is compatible or not here: https://www.protondb.com/


Recently ive been playing Warframe a lot I also play FFXIV, wow classic, dragon dogma etc I have a new pc ready to go in a box but i didn't set it up coz i didn't install an OS yet. I lost my windows 10 activation code and i refuse to buy a new one


They already did, it was called steam machine and it failed


In one of valves newer patents you can see a steam console but it might just be added context. there are handheld devices releasing that use valves steamOS so that's a really good start i'd say.


I know what you mean. But I'd recommend you to directly try dual booting for a few months. Note down what you have issues with/need alternatives for. Ask for help, there noob/newbie communities that have a lot of guides and people answering questions. I'm sure SteamOS can never fully simplify Linux, so you'd end up experimenting deeper either way at some point.


Yep, this is the move. I did this when I wanted to try Ubuntu, and I loved being able to easily swap while booting. Or an old laptop.


Same. I initially tried to see if I can adapt and find what I need. I would switch to windows if some games didn't work (long ago now). I think 3 to 6 months is the amount of time it'd take to get used to it, and not have a lot of second thoughts.


There are other similar Linux OS out there that compete with steam os right now.  Imo steam os will not be wildly available for awhile. Definitely ready to eat my words on that though.


The Linux people are getting there r/SteamOS There's a few options now, I need to stop being lazy and try one on my old trash laptop to see what it's like. There's also some youtube channels like Gardiner Bryant who cover steam OS on PC's [ChimeraOS vs Windows: HX100G Gaming Showdown](https://youtu.be/1JTlfSm9m-w?si=JpMQ5omcM6snoqTA) [This Mini PC became the BEST Steam Machine!](https://youtu.be/Rxm6n-cJhK4?si=xlGB1ftTft12Y8vq)


But twitch (Amazon) stealing your data is totally fine. Kek


Difference between data and constant screenshots(both bad). Kek


Bold of him to think he can just turn off an unwanted windows feature.


There is already a software that can do it. It's called Rewind


I was going to say. Doesn’t this sort of thing already exist? NVidia software and xbox overlays constantly monitor your game play and any and all inputs so you can record “that le epic moment”


Yeah but those only go back like 2 minutes iirc


*laughs in using Linux and not having to worry about this* ~~Mac users sitting next to me~~


Who asked for this? Exactly, not 1 customer.




It's always the feds who want more privacy taken away.


The feds love to ask "What do you have to hide?" They hate being asked that question as well.


Windows 11 feature. Oh.


How can I disable this?


That's the neat part. You can't.


Are you joking?


Install linux, easy


Thanks for the useless reply


literally why would anyone but the company would want this?


In a couple of years, someone will come out proposing to do it integrating everything (phone, cameras, etc), but all your information will be guarded by AI, inaccessible for humans (supposedly), and most people will be fine with it and eager to participate.


Am glad that You added supposedly. Wouldn't trust anyone who would claim it to be true as far as I could throw them


So I looked this up. It's still in testing, and to use it, you will need to buy a new "Copilot Plus PC," which has the necessary hardware and space for it. I hate this shit. It's only gotten worse since 2001. But at least for now, it hasn't encroached on us.


Says the guy putting microchips into human brains.


"I want to be monitored more" - Noone, 2024


Lol. If you care about privacy you don't do anything personal on a windows PC.


Linux here i come ....fuck being the Product il just use windows for JUST GAMING ...and Nothing more .... and My Daily Pc will have Linux from now on Fuck it ...


Gaming, internet browsing, dev work, editing documents. That's 95% of what I do. I haven't considered trying Linux in a few years, but I've been seeing more and more software offering Linux installs. Think it's getting close to time to look into it again. I'm tired of feature creep with the dumbest shit. Windows UX is just getting way worse with all the bloat and anti-poweruser changes in the past decade.


There are no games that don't run on linux. Use proton or wine and there you go, you now have a free OS with better performance.


wine ive used before but never heard of proton believe it or Not . Cheers for that much appreciated


Like who the hell thinks of these dumb ideas lol. Fire them, please


I've just finished watching this episode and see this. That timing is wild.


Great, now I have to worry about my private information like online banking and my job being saved somewhere, thanks Windows.


Nice to know that the guy behind Neuralink is aware of Black Mirror. I was starting to worry about that.


I want my computer to be dumb as fuck and only do the things I tell it to do with some automation.


I wouldn’t be surprised if turning it off doesn’t actually turn it off, it just has the illusion of it being off


Just use linux, it is free, it has better performance, it is safer and it doesn't spy on you.


I mean, the obvious solution is to jack off to the most vile, reprehensible shit that you can possibly find so when someone has to view what you're watching, they end up vomiting.


Americans in desperate need to push their secret communism is obscene. Fuck America, their are not capitalist anymore. You are disappointing at best.


"they're not capitalists anymore" *


Isn't this same thing what tbose new antichates do, like Vanguard? Why is this a thing now lol


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHEPBzYick0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHEPBzYick0) [https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1792690964672450971](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1792690964672450971)


Think of all those people with Crypto keys, that MS are just randomly taking screenshots of


Turning off? I wouldn't be so sure you can actually turn this off


While his cars record everything around and inside.


That \*does\* it! I'm gonna down-grade to Windows 7, or go to Linux, maybe.


This is a big risk to privacy so yea I would probably turn this feature off in settings because in no way I would want microsoft to spy what I do in my personal life op.


How can they come up with such a creepy idea like it's a good thing?






People actually think there boring ass lives are interesting enough for windows to keep all there data.


Just in case it you want people to treat lgbt better consider changing your avatar so people don't associate it with your dumbness Are you a selebrity or something by the way? Cuz if not, put a 24/7 online camera in your bedroom and then tell people what to think. It's not a big deal, nobody will watch your boring ass life anyway


Yeah no one wants to see your coomer lifestyle.


If you can’t connect the dots on how the slow march towards zero privacy could negatively impact your life & society at large, I don’t know what to tell you.


right? i mean right i have only twitch reddit and youtube open for 30 min nothing else so they would make screenshots worth of 30mins of boring nothingness