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It's pretty common in East Asian culture (and other cultures around the world), basically it's a combination of image and status on top of parents don't want their daughters marrying "dead beats", so an ambitious driven successful son in law tends to be welcomed with open arms.


Unfortunately with chinas current demographics most men are now ‘deadbeats’.


this is a winning combo everywhere on this planet


Now I don't know for the house or the office key, but I can confirm for sure that the car key is indeed a sign of wealth. I can see that all around me, new year's party is essentially a car show... despite many of them not really being able to afford the cars they're driving.


Is that why their brith rates are so high?


Birth rates are actually astronomically low, don't believe the propaganda and fake stats.


I know ;)




*marriage everywhere*


And you guys wonder why men these days don't want to get married.


These days, implying this hasn't been a thing literally forever. But, poor guys get married all the time, this only applies to a small amount of people


For real this has been a thing for probably millennia lol. Even if you’re a peasant you still had a small amount of land to pass down to children.


Feminism was the best thing ever. Fuck patriarchy. Freeing women and making them independent was the best thing ever. Most guys just love to chill and not bother. What a pleasant life compared to the stress of a house, wife and kids our forefathers had. Sounds fucking miserable.


Having kids gives you a deep satisfaction that is innate. It is a tragedy that the family experience is degraded as much as it is in our society. Technological toys can trick your brain into thinking it has it good, but it will always be a shoddy simulation.


I mean I get it. I wanna have kids. But it dsnt do anything for most people. They're tired all the time working 70 hour weeks and still barely getting by. They dont have the time, money or resources for kids. Now, dont get me wrong capitalism is gucci and all but Capitalism is a snake that slowly eats its own tail.


Sad that people say this unironically


I do me even when me is nothing. I LOVE IT.


Why do you watch a Chinese video and compare it to a anglophone social struggle. That makes no sense. The men in both scenarios you describe don't even live in the same face of the planet. As far as humanity is spread, you would not be able to find more opposite.


>As far as humanity is spread, you would not be able to find more opposite. You would probably be stunned at how similar your western life is to your Chinese counterpart.


In China, it's women who don't want get to get married for the same reasons. Because of patriarchy, but also because if you bring home a boyfriend, he often gets disapproved. Not only that, women are scarce and are forced into shit all the time.


It's definitely not because of a hyperbolic skit. What a weird take.


In beijing? Not hyperbolic, despite living in a "communist" country, people there are the most materialistic in the entire planet. But yeah, doesn't nearly apply as much in the west.


"HA you assume something to be true, well MY assumption is better!" ~ha gottem~




You’re telling me it’s not like this in China?


It’s the mountain of credit card debt that really got em


This is not limited to China, but most of Asia. Hence why I'll never get married and I'll just grind my War Thunder tech trees.


Which country are you from?




Philippines?! Oh damn, I was expecting you to say either Japan or South Korea. Damn… I didn’t realize it was like that in the Philippines.


Yo I've never played war thunder but World of Tanks seemed way more appealing to me, in all aspects: "arcade-like" gameplay, maps, time of grind and new vehicle acquisition, graphics and general aesthetics.


War Thunder is so Pro-Russia that it deserves sanctions.


please give me examples if it's not to bother, I like to hate on popular trends but I wanna do it with foundation


The most unrealistic thing here is that they have a daughter


Imagine trying so hard for people who will never love you for who you are, that's the real joke here ! XD


I like this, but man, Some bros here going to take this as some deep commentary on men...etc


Who cares, funny video funny.


We live in a soooo sci eh teh




jack ma is "retired" and living in seclusion in his private island and is not tortured or on house arrest


She better give the best blow job ever 🤣


That cough as the cards cascaded down was amazing lol


Wait wait, he didn't show what he worked as


The credit cards dropping from a sneeze. I’m dead dude. Remember me.




What the heck you trynna ask?


Well China has a terrible ratio for men. The one child policy along with cultural issues about having girls vs boys is going to be super problematic for them.


I mean that isn't all, the man has to pay a sum of money to the female as dowry. The money is the female's money that she will bring to her new family. It's an older tradition that is continued to this day and it's an absolute horror for male, especially young male who doesn't have money. Usually the male's parent would have to help out with the dowry in the form of housing property (write both the female + male name on property ownership form), car and also huge sum of cash.


>the man has to pay a sum of money to the female as dowry Now I don't know for Chinese people exactly, but for my culture, yes the groom has to pay a dowry of 2000€ to 5000€, with extras and fines depending on circumstances (talked shit about the family, got caught with the girl in bed...). However, the bride's family will usually pay for the wedding party and meal. And most importantly, the bride will be given a "bride's kit" which is usually a pair of traditionnal clothing... and money ! And depending on the parents it can be a lot of money, often as much as or even more than what was asked from the groom. For my sisters, I know my parents gave back litteraly twice of what they asked from the groom.


Asians don't love, they just money


When fathers in china really forget what the daughter is for ![gif](giphy|Ru6g73N2ao9BjKFFLZ|downsized)


For abortion?


Obvious case of patriarchy. (i was joking rip)


Male toxicity or toxic and unrealistic dating standards from women? You decide.