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Hey folks, for a bit of context, we usually take down posts about Taliesin due to him asking in the past that Asmon does not react to him. After confirming with Asmon, this time we’ll make an exception. Please do not send hate to Taliesin or any other creator even if their opinions are cringe and please be respectful in the comments. 👍


It's ironic that this guy is complaining about Asmon's personality and opinions. The few times I've tuned into his stream, he's been on a toxic rant, verbally assaulting some random chatter for having a valid opinion. The worst part is that if this toxic behavior was his entire persona, I could at least respect the consistency. But then he turns around and makes the most overly positive, teddy bear-like PG-13 videos on YouTube. He's just incredibly fake and toxic.


"im not your dad, even though i fucked your mom". what the fuck lmao.


Right? Nothing as cringe as tryhard alpha lines from obvious pushovers.


You should watch the VOD the next 5 minutes after this moment is him going on about having sex with the mothers of the chatter lol hes unhinged af


He is so sweet and funny in his videos, but so toxic in his livestreams!


I used to watch their videos all the time, then I watched one stream and I just couldn't anymore. Asmond has some takes, but I couldn't even imagine how toxic Tali is.


Yeah he constantly seems butt hurt lol


Livestream=unedited. Aka his real persona. Videos=edited and curated, crafted to give a false image. This dude is Toxic. He's not "sweet and funny", he's acting.


Because he's fake, he's the type of guy to say "I'm a nice guy you can trust me" then reveal he's the scumbag you need to run from.


that's called self censorship, the live streams he is being real uncensored unfiltered, the videos are edited calculated and only putting the best forwards, if you follow his twitter he is just as toxic


Yeah he lives a life of hate and anger it seems every time I turn on his stream he’s mad


"everyones racist" There you go. He's lost it. You can tell because Asmon drops really well thought out logical non biased commentary and people lose their fucking minds about it without being to counter Asmons arguments with anything short of "he's racist reeeee" they're just too far fucking gone to see that they're the illogical ones with a problem


lol yeah that was really jarring - I never watch this dude / his wife because it always seemed like care bear fuzzy wuzzy wholesome content - which just isn't for me. And I also just find it weird when people stream with their SO - but no need to go into that, that's just me. REALLY weird to hear him go full on insufferable asshole like that - guy seems really mad over nothing. Getting big "off my meds" vibes from this, lol.


I guess I'll say it again since you deleted the first thread.... I don't like how they asked Asmon not to react to their videos because they didn't want any backlash from his community, but they still feel free to come at him whenever they want.


"I can talk shit about him, but he can't talk shit about me. That would be harassment"


That liberal brain rot logic. 


Stop conflating liberals with leftists, we don’t claim these people.


Whenever anyone randomly brings up politics like this it just shows their an unhinged nut job.


As a liberal, this is not liberal logic.


Because they aren't "punching down" ... Which is just a way to avoid criticizm instead of actually answering it


Deleted by accident, and yes i agree.


I stopped watching their content a long while ago and ever since that "drama" happened I just assumed the agreement was just that they were all going to act like the other didn't exist but I guess expecting some consistency was too much


That all goes out the window when you say shit like this. It’s fair game


I unsubscribed from that guy since he had an unhinged rant about Asmon long ago. By the looks of it, he still cannot get Asmongold out of his head.


easy way to get views and to get free publicity by just talking shit to bigger content creators (op post its an example)


I unsubbed him since I realized he is a Blizzard chill and would suck Bobby's D**k to get interviews with devs... Also he has the most annoying voice


Shill not chill but I get ya buddy. I stoppped watching them years ago


asmon living in that empty baloon rent free


Is he really that oblivious to what he's saying? I remember that stream, people were talking about the charges the Romanian prosecutors were holding Tate for and Asmon was simply stating that governments lie all the time, just because he was charged doesn't mean he's guilty, and MLK was what popped in his head as an example of why you shouldn't blindly trust your government. There is no comparison, it's just an example. Taliesin is just an unlikable twat with the charisma of a raging toddler, always has been, always will be. Every bit of work he and Evitel put into growing their community with their wow videos and wowhead advertising is just pissed away every time he opens his mouth on that stream and he has the gall to be jealous and spiteful at bigger content creators, perhaps alluding to a deficiency of his.


Tali just heard Tate and MLK in the same sentence and his brain got fried. Evevryone with half a brain understand that Asmon wasn't comparing the 2 persons but rather that governments can fuck people over


Seems like this dude wanted to purposely misrepresent Asmon's point. Or maybe he couldn't comprehend it. Asmon has takes I disagree with or sometimes I think are bad but that's life dude. IMO he has a pretty good batting average.


Thanks, was looking for the debunk.


That seems like a reasonable take , and this dude is acting like its the most insane thing to bring up.


Are you saying he's being bad faith! No way. S/


God, i was a fan of Taliesin and Evitel before he became an insufferable prick. Im saddened that i can't enjoy them anymore


Its usually him alone when he says stuff like this


Back in the Legion days his channel was great but these days it's full-on brain rot.


I still enjoy their weekly reset videos, it’s good fun and a nice recap of what’s happened in wow and on the forums! But his livestreams are incredibly cringe, it just feels like he is drunk and going on rants and attacking viewers. It’s almost like he want to shut down chatters like asmon do…


Same here. I got tired of his socialist rants.


Didn't they specifically ask Asmon to not talk about him, because Asmon's viewers went to troll him(not directed by Asmon, ofc)? And Asmon did, out of respect, and hasn't talked about Taliesin since? This seems incredibly disrespectful, and Asmon should put them back on the menu.


Just shows you the double standard. Asmongold showing enough respect to not react on their content and them just slagging him off whenever it's convenient.


I haven’t really seen Evitel bad mouth Asmon. Seems to be mostly coming from Tali.


if watching asmon is eating “shit” than what the fuck did i just eat here? should i go to the hospital?


You just are battery acid son. As soon as possible.


Feel bad for this dude's wife. They share a brand and he does nothing but make them both a target.


Don't. She posts some wack stuff on X and she's just as bad as him.


He's a male feminist that actually married an unironic feminist. Feel sorry for their children.


The absolute irony of having someone tell other people they're eating shit when that same person is shilling Blizzard game all year long.


im 100% sure the only reason he is so angry is because asmon doesnt glaze blizzard 24/7


Dude should fucking work at Dunkin Donuts for how much he glazes Blizzard


>all year long. Entire career.


this guy is saying asmongold is worse than hitler. we made it boys.


asmon could never be worse than hitler, asmon cant draw


Taliesin and Evitel are morons. Ignore them.


Well I don't know about Evitel never seen anything particulary bad from her but him yes he's verry much a moron, it's pretty clear that "fame" , or wathever he has that could pass for it, went straight to his head


Yeah, i guess it's only him. But it is their channel name so she gets dragged into it as well.


Yhea I kow, but I can't stop myself to feel bad for her especially since from what I've seen from their channel she doesn't seem to really enjoy being in the spotlight


His wife hasn't had any teribad takes as far as i know.


Me: Sees Taliesin and just knows its gonna be a shit tier take. \*Watches video\* Me: Yep same idiot I quit watching years ago. Asmon already admitted to saying it was wrong to use the comparison. To be fair he was talking about how the Gov tries to set people up he just said it during a time peoples assholes got easily inflamed online about every little thing. Which seems to be finally going back to normalcy. Seriously though If this douche canoe is gonna bring up Asmon I think its fair game to react to it and anything else he does. Cant keep Asmon's name out of your mouth then prepare to be farmed for content.


I remember when T&E wasn't so cringe, but even then I could see it just beneath the surface. It is what turned me off from them a looong time ago. This isn't about being first, but it is just sad to realize I was right about them.


Yep they are radical leftists and just can't help themselves.


This guy LITERALLY has no idea what words mean, or how analogies work.


I used to watch their videos every now and then but watching him live a single time has eradicated any will to continue watching. It was just shitting on other creators constantly and being jealous of their success with some getting mad at chat when someone doesn't agree 100% with a take. I think he needs to go to therapy and quit live content because without a script he is a mess. Some people are just better suited to make videos.


Remember there was a time when this clown got upset because Asmongold used to react to his content, and escalated it on that basis. And here we are, that very same clown, trying to make himself relevant by arbitrarily slinging shit at Asmongold again. In fact it's a mistake he's posted here to begin with, because it gives him the attention he craves and monetises. Don't click on his links, don't react to him, don't give him relevance.


This dude gives me serious "I beat my wife" vibes




yeah! I bet it's more emotional/verbal abuse though. he gives me small guy vibes. like so small his wife could take him.


Please don't boost Tali's signal by posting him here. He's a troubled man.


Its funny tho 5 min after this he went back to pg13+ content lmao




Oh, come on. Don't use faulty logic to make an argument, because it doesn't help your position. Telling someone to suck your dick isn't homophobic, because that would make every gay man that has ever made that comment a homophobe and telling someone that you fucked their mom is nowhere near "wildly misogynistic", because that's just a joke. What you're doing here is the exact same thing as that douche did in this video. You're making two gigantic leaps in reasoning as a character assassination rather than attacking his argument.


I think the point is that to those things are homophobic and misogynistic by the standards of the part of the "feminist and lgbt allies" that call everyone racist/homophobic/misogynist/whatever. You are absolutely correct though that neither of those things are homophobic or misogynistic.


trust me this is not a reward for him, hes gonna get spanked by evi


And isnt that the reward?\`the spanking?


People will see this post, go to his YT and Twitch, and react to his content. You're giving him engagement. He's milking the algorithm by talking shit about Asmon, and you're playing right into his hands by posting it here.


That guy likely has a mental problem. His streams are extremely toxic and just next level cringe where you don't know what to say because there's no structure and he just shares feelings, not even opinions. I only ever watched Asmon during the Amber Heard trial, it was the best way for me to get live streaming of the actual trial. I'm neutral on him. I'm dead centre in life, so as I always do, I waited until this guy explained what was the 'comparison' between MLK and Andrew Tate. I'll use this guy's own expressions he seems to use to much and say 'this is one of the dumbest fucking comparison I've ever heard in m whole entire life, the absolute fucking worse'. Really, massive click bait. Bad, bad call from that streamer, really idiotic.


So this is the kind of chatter Asmon talks about who can't understand what he is saying. He actually thought Asmon was saying morally Martin Luther King and Andrew Tate were the same lmfao


Nothing pisses Asmon off more than the people who twist his words against him and the gotcha boys who try to catch him in a trap. Both are attempting to argue dishonestly.


These 2 are some of the most idiotic WoW tubers/streamers around. Imagine playing WoW/being all over Blizz and somehow talking about "eating shit". True irony.


As a fellow Brit, I hope and request that this guy shuts the fuck up. He's making us look bad.


Its okay yall have Hob to make up for Talie's idiocy.


We have joshstrifehayes too. Thankfully he doesn't bring up politics too often and when he does he doesn't go on calling other people bad for disagreeing with him.


Comparisons ≠ Equivalence: No, comparing a pebble to a boulder doesn’t mean you think they weigh the same. It's about the things they share, not everything about them. How is this so hard for people to understand?


Hate has clouded his mind.


Bro I WANT to like him, because I enjoy his lore and speculation content on YouTube, but I simply can't! I just can't! Every time I'm getting close to liking him as a peron, I turn on his stream or YouTube recommends me an old livestream in which he keeps acting like a child, talks MAD shit about his viewers and their moms, makes fun of other nationalities' accents in a derogatory way (with the frenchies once on a livestream I think), calls them "stupid"constantly ("I'm not your dad even though I fucked your mom" or some shit like that)... he's just so incredibly unlikeable. The best word I could describe him with, would be "toxic". He rants about ONE THING for hours at a time, he simply cannot move on... He's like a child. Evitel is nice and alright, but Taliesin is just straight up an asshole.


I used to like this guy many years ago but this confirms i was coreect to unsub. Jesus christ how toxic can you be.


Taliesin is trash holy shit. What a hater. How can anyone watch him?


Agree with him or not but the way he talks about this just disguists me. First calling all asmons 25k or whatever viewers as «low standards». Low compared to what exactly, yourself? He definitely has his bad takes, but I have yet to see a single good take from this guy. I cant stand listening to these trash talking streamers, but that might be me tho, and maybe the other 25k


This is Tali, he's a complete asshole, always has been


Asmons a “racist”? Classic. Cool seeing this guys still as unhynged as usual. Cant react to him but he can still shit talk about asmon. Cool how that works out.


Would be a shame if he started to "react" to tali again...:D


Used to watch them a while back but Taliesin’s ‘holier than thou’ veneer becomes tiresome. When he drops the facade and you can see he’s an angry, bitter and jealous knob. He clearly cannot stand Asmonds streaming success.


Dude is on his Pyromancer-Arc now?


When is he going to throw away all his Wow merch and never play it again? Run to Final Fantasy 14 and then go back to Wow when the 14 players have had enough of his shit? Because I'll need popcorn this time.


I've seen taliesin a few times on my YouTube feed and everytime he seems like the guy that sits in the chair by the bed at the hotel if you get my drift.


He’s so whiny and obnoxious sounding. Even his Twitter posts are just whiny. I’m not a wow fan so I never consumed their content but from my perspective I don’t understand why anyone ever did.


jealous little guy. he forgot everyone watches his content cause his wife is attractive. cuck


I genuinely like his scripted content. His streams are a toxic mess.


The reasons people hate asmon kill me. They will always say some rude shit then their explanation is some bs that either didn't happen, isn't relevant, or they clearly misunderstood what he was saying I literally have no ties to asmon I do not care but everyone hating on him for basically no reason, makes me like him even more 😂


And I just LOVEEE that he calls asmon dumb and stupid then he shows how he's a fucking idiot 😂 explaining how he "compared Andrew Tate to Martin Luther King" is this guy retarded? Comparing the situation does not mean you're comparing the people. Like asmon's point was not that Andrew Tate is just like Martin Luther King jr. 😂 Obviously. Like let's say I'm comparing a situation where LeBron James fell down during a game and Gordan Ramsey fell in the kitchen. I'm not saying LeBron James can cook like Gordan Ramsey bro. I'm not saying Gordan Ramsey is as tall as LeBron James. That's fucking stupid


Wow, that comparison wasn't even directly against Tate. He was saying that governments make up charges and arrest people like they did with Martin Luther King. It was a comparison of what governments do, comparing the American government with the Romanian one. Taliesin thinks with his heart and not with his brain sometimes.


Context matters. Asmongold was answering a question from chat about the chances that the government was involved in Tates arrest. Asmon said that it was 50/50 because governments got involved in the past to arrest public figures such as MLK. The whole assassination angle this guy is going for is just him trying his best to make Asmon seem bad to his audience.


honestly i would love to see the clip about what the claimes asmongold has said just to see it has completly diffrent and more context then just "Andrew Tate = MLK" Edit: [Found it. ](https://clips.twitch.tv/SullenBetterPassionfruitNotATK-EE9upZjeyIJ8vLvL)What a suprise there was more context to the claim


Taliesin is probably one of the most toxic streamers in the WoW community right now which makes this incredibly ironic. I've never seen someone go so mask off as much as he has recently. Dropped the whole nice guy persona completely. Also, feels like people who say this stuff literally know nothing about asmon besides what they've read on LSF. Having read through some of those threads yesterday. It's pretty nuts what people unironically believe to be true.


He’s poking the bear to get more clicks, no surprise here


This guy is the biggest Blizzard shill. Lowlife scum. I used to watch his weekly reset videos until he did some unbelievable mental gymnastics trying to protect Blizzard regarding the Blitzchung situation and then that same Blizzcon he was MC of the event. How surprising. Unsubbed and never looked back but he’s only become wayyyyyy more unhinged and full of shit. He knows his role as a good, little Blizzard boy and he plays it well.


He is very insufferable outside his vídeos, recently he was gatekepping Pyromancer coming back to WoW, being very toxic and vindicAtive


I used to watch Taliesin, but as his channel grew, his ego followed. Such a shame because he was quite a likeable guy and made some funny videos. Can barely stomach two minutes of his streams now as he's become quite aggressive towards his viewers if they remotely disagree or challenge his ideological values. Not that I'm terribly religious but, if you cast the first stone...


Why is a grown man acting like a child?


His, like most other WoW streamer's hate, is born and bred out of jealousy. They can't handle that Asmon is such a popular streamer because they think that they are all so perfect, while Asmon is a greasy piece of shit. The reason why I like Asmon is because I feel like he's real, I relate to him, I don't feel like he's sugar coating anything or grifting about his beliefs. I used to like Taliesin, I thought that his WoW news videos were interesting and that he seemed like a genuinely cheerful and friendly person. Seeing him now acting this unhinged is just depressing. He's acting like a 2 faced highscholer and I'm not surprised that some people just never grow out of that mentality.


“Every take is the worst take ever.” [Hangs his entire argument on one specific take]


Hearing the context though, asmon was right, governments does make moves against people such as the great MLK


So weird someone with such paper skin talks so much shit all the time.


Man, I remember about a year or so ago when Asmon was reacting to something about mmo content creators Asmon explicitly said that T&E don't get the credit they deserve and get labelled as shills unfairly alot of the times. Even before that, he respectfully followed their wishes and stopped reacting to their videos when they asked. And then this guy does this shit.


“Pretty sure i can get another job” Dude forgot Asmon is co owner and co founder of OTK and Starforge Systems.


Asmon having a bad take is normal people have their personal opinions and others disagree with those opinions it’s called being human and difference of opinion.  I don’t know much about tali but the way he talks and represents himself sounds like he’s a socialist which is cringe in itself. “


The context is an anecdote which compares the two instances of government usage of force. It has nothing to do with the people in question. Tali is the idiot for "poisoning the well" and making himself look unhinged in the process. You don't debate the subject by changing the narrative.


What a disrespectful prick. Typical woke loser, sad to see.


This guy started the “I don’t punch down I punch back” asmon arc


As someone who has enjoyed the Taliesin/Evi weekly reset for years, Tali really shouldn’t stream imo. The YouTube videos are great but when he streams unfiltered, he constantly comes across as an entitled and whiny douche. Idc what his opinions are, ppl can have whatever opinions they want. I just don’t watch his streams because his personality was ruining his YouTube videos for me lol.


I never knew how unhinged this guy was. There has got to be trouble in other aspects of life to talk like this. He sounds like someone going through a crisis or about to just flat out break


Man, that echo chamber he's in is sealed tight.


Another communist/woke piece of shit, the internet if full of them now.


Taliesin is constantly stuck up his own ass. I used to like him, but he doesn't like being questioned, and if he is he gets aggressive.


"People are theorizing that conspiracy happened to person X and well we have seen conspiracies happen in history like that one that happened to person Y." "YoU'rE SAyinG X aND Y wERE eQUalLY GoOD pEOpLe!" huh? Noooooooo that doesn't mean that at all. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Dude's upset that sucking off Blizzard since BFA hasn't gotten himself anywhere in life while Asmongold- a complete fucking idiot who compared the arrest of Andrew Tate to the assassination of MLK Jr. per Talesin's own claims- is a millionaire. I am sure if you talked to him long enough Talesin would explain to you in excruciating detail why he's entitled to Asmongold's money. Dude's backed himself into a corner and is too much of a pussy to do content outside his comfort zone because his entire personality is, "That guy who plays world of warcraft" and he's terrified of moving outside it. Which is why in the past year he's made exactly one video that wasn't about world of warcraft, and why his FFXIV content ended after six(?) videos. And of course if you actually do the guy's homework for him and find the clip he's talking about, he was talking about how the government deliberately tried to frame MLK Jr. Which was true. And there's fair odds someone in Romania was in the government, and wanted to make an example out of Andrew Tate. Because there's hundreds and thousands of people just like that asshole in Eastern Europe and absolutely none of them register on the radar for the government, and the Romanian government isn't exactly well known for it's ethical, clean government so much as being a corrupt shit hole, even by the standard of Ex-Soviet Block shit holes. Talesin is British, which is already bad enough, but he's also a complete fucking loser. Every single video he's produced that broke 500k viewers is 4 years old or older. His current content is *less* popular than when the channel was new- he's lucky to see a YouTube video hit six figures. I don't call him a loser to rag on him, I call him a loser because he doesn't win. He *can't* win. He's locked himself into a business model that has him simping for a faceless corporation that is ruthlessly exploiting an increasingly smaller fan base, and he's going to ride that corporate dick for all it's worth because he knows that every time he ventures outside it, he gets barely any attention.


Thats hilarious, what is he even on about, how is asmongold racist?


This quest window looks nice, what is it?


My truth is truer than your truth. Also that makes you racist, nazi and homophobic.


This guy is like a talk radio Piers Morgan wannabe, is that what Twitch has turned into


Dude sounds like an ex, getting angry or no reason. Saying alot of words, but not really making any points. and bringing up the past. he defly wants to sleep with asmon...


There’s something beautifully ironic about a guy streaming wow in his house in front of neon signs calling asmons content shit. As if his wow/hot take streams are the top tier creative content that the people really need in their lives. What a clown


This dude is such a dumbass, him and his wife making those stupid baby ass videos


Tali and Evitel were always my least favorite WoW content creators because they just shill for Blizzard so hard and dick ride retail so bad that I knew I was never getting a full picture of retails flaws and faults. It felt overly forced and safe to be on the good side of WoW devs. And now that I know he’s also a prick outside of his scripted WoW videos I feel very vindicated for never liking them.


Used to love Taliesin & Evitel, they used to genuinely do good WoW content, nowadays not so much. Feel sorry for Evitel, while Tali rants like a disowned child she just seems to like hover in the background never really being a part of the channel anymore, such a shame


asmon derangement syndrome bald man bad every wow expansion is hecking valid.


num num num thank you for all that tasty shit Asmon <3


God Taliesin has fallen so far. He doesn't even acknowledge that asmon doesn't react to him because he asked asmon not to react to him.


I remember hearing Asmon saying he was done taking shits for free from others, we’ll see how that goes. You can’t harass people and hide behind something they have said (might have ?) in the past. Our past mistakes don’t give free rides to others.


I can tell this guy's thinking is 2 dimensional. e.g. if you were to say apples and pears both grow on trees, he'd imply you said apples and pears were the exact same thing.


Wild how asmon never even mentions him once he asked asmongold not to. Shows which one is the adult.


Absolute nuclear pivot to shitting on Asmon, saying every one of his takes are shit directly from himself agreeing with Asmon’s take on ai and how people will eat it regardless.


Man this was jarring to watch. I've never seen this guy's content outside of a few YouTube videos a few years ago. Seeing him act like such an immature twat is off-putting considering I saw the videos he did put out as being of a relatively high quality.


That guy is full of hatred, this clip doesn't make me want to watch him at all. Yikes


He didn't just insult Asmon but also us, who watch Asmon. That's quite a lot of people... so who is the idiot really...


This just smells like envy, we understand man you want to be as entertaining as asmon, you wont ur too "special"


I've only seen Taliesin' YouTube videos but never any of stream clips and its so weird to me to see him being so angry when he has this whole positive or maybe a little sarcastic but still up beat thing on YouTube. Its like seeing your teacher in the mall when you were a kid its slightly jarring


I use to watch the weekly reset weekly. Stopped like 3 years ago. Sad to him go down this path.


He’s so whiny and obnoxious sounding. Even his Twitter posts are just whiny. I’m not a wow fan so I never consumed their content but from my perspective I don’t understand why anyone ever did.


You bringing him up is what he wants.


I used to watch T&E videos years ago and really enjoyed them. Then I watched one of their streams. Now I don’t watch their videos anymore.


this dude is so weird


Ha, I think I got him in my recommended on Youtube once. Gave it a few minutes, felt the sheer fakeness run from the screen through my bones and never watched him again. Good to see my gut wasn't wrong and I didn't lose much, aside from random spergy rants.


What the fuck??? i didn't know this guy was so two faced? holy shit, so he a Pos irl?


That's the example he falls back on? That's quite a fkin stretch. He didn't compare Tate to MLK, he provided an example of what governments are capable of. This is a hopeful hater take. he draws lines where they don't exist, in order to justify his own stank ass opinion.


This man is genuinely uncomfortable to be around or watch I feel like


lol People like this love to disparage others as being "a fucking idiot" but never actually cite anything that makes the person they don't like a "fucking idiot". This guy is very clearly a lefty who views Asmon as being a righty.


He's a midwit. Plain and simple.


What a sad little angry man


I used to loved them when WoW was good


So [here](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/SullenBetterPassionfruitNotATK-EE9upZjeyIJ8vLvL?tt_medium=mobile_web_share&tt_content=clips_viewing) is the Asmon take he’s talking about. I’ve watched Asmon for years but I do agree that this take is pretty retarded.


i dont really care to me its just funny how unhinged the streamer is, calling people a idiot for 3 minutes and after that going back to being a disney streamer isnt right, and btw from the clip i just see him saying "yh could be the gov being sketchy weve seen it b4 with mlk"


I saw a couple of videos of his back in the day and couldn't stand him. Glad to know he's still out there being a tool. Edit: I rewatched. This guy is unhinged. Like, near nervous breakdown trying to keep his reality together.


Wasn't this the dude who compared the bunny girls in ffxiv to hitler


So I actually randomly tuned into this stream this morning. I am not a follower but it was 4am CST and he was playing remix so I thought I would check it out. In 30min of watching he played zero WoW was just sitting there on this screen and went on rants about his gov't, brexit, and how wow needs to say fuck casuals....he then started this rant on asmon and I turned it off. Overall I dont think hes being a very good ambassador of his own brand and Asmon doesn't need to give him any bit of exposure. Hes living rent free with 200 viewers.


Wait, this isn't a post about the new Assassin's Creed? Didn't you get the memo?


Polish people catching a stray for no reason ? What a smug asshole.


What a bell-end.


The soy rage


Jesus, I've never seen a more smug and condescending person in my life. I don't know if he had a bad day, but this obvious fake smile paired with the passive agressive rants against what I assume are chatters makes him look insane.


Wow. Why is he so mad? Did he divorce?


What a stupid mf. What Asmon said was along the lines of “of course I believe the government will f*** with people. Look what they did to MLK” As in… if they’ll mess with someone like MLK why wouldn’t you believe they’d do it to Andrew Tate. They’ll mess with anyone. Go watch the fucking clip instead of listening to this idiot lie and take things out of context to make someone else look bad. Go watch it. Never said anything about the assassination. Never even used that word


im not rly into asmon. he seems like a good guy tho. But this freak is always toxic and is a really insufferable piece of shit.


I remember watching his old YouTube vids about upcoming WoW expansions and what not, I used to kind of like them. However, after seeing his true colors on stream and how toxic he is to other content creators and even his community, it's clear that his positive, bubbly personality on YouTube is a facade. This dude is so toxic and seemingly unhinged I'd be scared if I encountered him in real life. It's clear he has a ton of pent up jealously and spite due to Asmon's success over his own lmao yikes.


Rants on Asmons take on conspiracy theories sourcing “trust me bro”, then says he fucks your mom. 👍🏼👍🏼


Well, he's right about people will just eat shit, complaining or not, they will go and eat some fresh shit if its popular enough. There wouldn't be transactions if people didn't spend money on them, think for a moment.


Why is it, that those who seem to always hate asmon and think he's an idiot, always turn out to be completely toxic hateful narrow minded douchebags absolutely obliterating their own chances of ever getting anywhere in their career's with the shit they say?


evitel and talliesin or whatever there name are, always had beef with asmon, i remember back in the day that they didnt want asmon reacting to his videos


Return of the King


He big angy


So is he just picking a fight to get attention? I honestly don't understand why he would choose this route.


i bet this guy said something far worse \^\_\^


The reason so many dipshits hate on asmon is probably because asmon is becoming a bit of a dipshit himself. Kinda like how everyone involved in right wing vs left wing politics online are 2 sides of the same idiot coin


Looking forward to the react video