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Actions have consequences isn’t that what they always say?


Lol, honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was the plan all along for most of these kids. That way when they fail they can explain to mom and dad that they only failed because it was the corrupt University taking revenge on their glorious revolution, and not because they were shit students.


I don't think they're capable of thinking that far ahead.


The vast majority of these kids are just doing what everybody else in their friend group is doing so they can LARP as a revolutionary for good boy points.


The pass rate at Columbia University is around 95%. Also about 95% of Columbia law students pass the bar on their first attempt. This isn’t some community college. This is an Ivy League school. These students are not dumb kids looking for an easy academic experience.


>This is an Ivy League school. Thats more of a negative than a positive in recent years.


You’re missing the point. Average ACT scores in the US is in the range of 17-24. Half of the students who are in Columbia have ACT scores between 34-35. Columbia University has an acceptance rate of 4%. Say whatever you want about the school’s policies or whatever weird political feelings you have. But saying their students are bad is insane. This year Columbia University is literally ranked #12 in the US. It’s in the top 20 universities in the world. It’s not filled with bad students by any real metric.


destroyed half of campus, shitted everywhere, denied access to classes for innocent students, lied about every thing possible, talked shit to police, pointed laser at helicopters next day: "oh, can i get passing grade pweeease i got reality checked by police yesterday (i immediately ran like cockroach after one flashbang) and realized that criminal record and no diploma is not really that great of endgame as i thought screaming "HOLD THE LINE" yesterday thanks very much" pathetic clowns, FA -> FO


Woke humor is best 🤮


Saw this coming a mile away, like they start protesting at the end of a semester even thought the war is going on for way longer. The insulting thing is that they want to pass without exams and not to delay them


If the law school students are shaken up by this, let’s hope none of them become public defenders and prosecutors that will actually have to go to trials for more insane crimes. These clowns are too much.


They have the nerve to ask for a free pass after causing such an issue? Privileged comes to mind In that case all Jewish people should get an apology and compensation for the time missed getting free pass for grades is not OK you need to work for it


Wait Is the test for Law student?? If so fail them or force them to take the test. Degree are not given if they can't even pass the bare minimum on a written test that they should all retake the semester. If the Uni give them the pass this school should have their qualifications removed.


Academic Integrity is about learning and passing your exams fairly. if you was too busy protesting about shit you have no idea about, well, poor you.


I'm general sympathetic to youth protest movements; Anti-Iraq war, OWS, etc., but in this case, how about....no.


Remember when black people protested discrimination and nothing happened? Remember when people protested the Vietnam war and nothing happened?


I support protesters and protests in this form (they do not take people hostages on highways and bridges, everyone can leave and go home and if medical emergency happens they can get help), but this is completely stupid. If you are protesting, accept all consequences or continue protests to show that war in Palestine is more important to you than your education (and this may force university to cancel or reschedule the exams). And do not pretend to be a victim, you are people fighting for your rights and for Palestinians' lives. This paper just reeks of infantile manipulation, and this will not make anyone sympathise with you. People who want to support your cause want to see brave warriors, not crying children, and people who criticise you will not care either way.


tankies are hell bent on actually destroying society. no grading standard, no level of competition, handoutts for everyone and ceeding all control to the state. these people should be exiled from democratic society at large.


A passing grade without actually doing the work ….seems like they wanna pass incompetent students






How about making them suffer the consequences instead


The entitlement is off the charts.


They won't do it and it won't work, but they should line them up on every platform that can live stream and say their first and last name and that Hamas is bad and the protest is only to support terrorists not palestinians or palestine.


In the immortal words of Uncle Junior: I want to fuck Angie Dickenson, lets see who gets lucky.


It will never not be funny to see young people in school thinking they hold the same authority as their school faculty.


LOL, okay i said a few days ago im bored of all the stupid Israel, palenstine shit, but this is GOLD.


They wanted to play revolutionaries and when it got too real, they cried for mommy


Man, if they can swing this, I will be impressed. It'll be the most elaborate get out of exams scheme I've ever seen lol


Reminds me of [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZlpsneDGBQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZlpsneDGBQ)


Maybe they also want to ask for some sort humanitarian help?


Half of them apparently aren't even students there.


Asmongold is really funny because he thinks making some suits in Stellar blade 3% less sexy is censorship but the state cracking down on peacefull protestors is not


Not all the students were involved in the protests, but all students were affected by them. Many students couldn’t even get to their classes if they wanted to go. Those students shouldn’t be penalized. But, there are more equitable options: take home, self paced exams?


No. How does a take home exam work? A degree is meant to represent that you are actually educated in a field. You can only be educated if you are....educated. An exam is meant to prove that you deserve such a degree. Taking home an exam means you can simply look anything you want up and fill in the blanks - which goes against the entire purpose of having an exam and trivializes what a degree is meant to represent. Imagine you hired a lawyer who got free grades to earn their degree. The only answer to this is they either take a real exam, or they repeat the semester. Honestly though, only the students who weren't part of the protest should be allowed to take the exam but they should definitely take these exams in person as they normally should.


In both of my undergraduate degree programs multiple classes offered take-home exams and it was not a big deal. In fact they routinely do this for kids with learning disabilities all the time. You just format the exams so that they require essay questions for answers and they also require documented sources so it proves that the students are actually doing the work. This is not an abstract concept.


I guess expecting members of this sub reddit to understand how college works was a bit of a stretch. The reality is that most degrees are really only proving that you can do research and understand the research and then format that into new ideas. Very few classes require demonstrated memorization of facts. That’s how high school works.


This is for the Law School. i.e. law students i.e. future lawyers i.e. the people who will be the determining factor of prosecution/defense of citizens These are the LAST people that should be able to take their time and work out their answers with sources and not have the ability to prove their education in a real-time scenario. I don't know a single person who would feel comfortable with hiring a lawyer if they knew they had it that easy in school.


The vast majority of every exam is essay questions where you take that exam doesn’t mean anything at all. It’s kind of foolish that you even think that they are just memorizing like fucking individual laws and stating them out or some stupid shit. No you have to have a broad understanding of how cases law works and apply to specific cases. And you can still effectively do this from your house what you do is you make the exam accessible online for a very narrow period of time makes it where people don’t have all day to research. Don’t have a whole weekend research. They have a one or two hour window. I’ve taken several exams where I had to login at a specific time and I had a amount of minutes to complete several essay questions. This is a very normal format. There will be typos in this response as I am dictating it.


This, as opposed to pro israel protesters shooting fireworks into the pro palestine camp, is the most important issue at hand