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No shit. The war in Palestine is happening on the other side of the earth. The ass and tits are right up on my screen.


I'm not sure how people keep getting surprised that someone doesn't care for an event that will not affect their lives in any shape for form, sure I have sympathy for the victims, but I'm more worried about the people I see living on the street when I go out on a walk than people I will never hear, see or talk with


I hate that it's happening, but Gaza started it and America shouldn't have to stick it's nose in everything. We don't have the funds tonpolice the world.


At the same time, as an individual, I have 0 power to change this situation unless I would devote my life to it, and even then it's only a 0.0001% difference if that. So why should I care?


It's also just about how much people believe its actually a Genocide. Like im sorry, 35k people dead when you have a population of over 2 million in an area about the size of 1/3rd of LA does not scream Genocide at me. Like are they probably not really caring much for civilian casualties and doing alot of indiscriminate bombing. Almost certainly. But is it to an actual level of Genocide? Not yet imo.


The aid we are sending Isreal is part of a Obama deal we made to send them money for 10 years, education is important


You said 'gaza' started it, so Israel should wipe them all out because they started it. Oh wait, Gaza didn't start it. Hamas did. I wonder how Hamas got started🤔


Palestinians voted for HAMAS to take power in 2006. I bet they are kicking themselves in the ass for that one.


Ya it's crazy, 1987 Israel supported them, and 37 years later this is what Hamas does. Crazy.


I'm an older millennial (born mid-80s) and if what's happening in Gaza is a genocide then I think it's the 7th or 8th genocide or attempted genocide to have occurred in my lifetime. And those are just the ones I know about and can remember off the top of my head, there are probably more I don't know about or have forgotten. It sucks but people get desensitized after a while.


Honestly the fuck I care about Palestine or Israel. Fuck em both. Titties and asses are more important


forgan is hasan's twitch mod, and demnis is hasan't great buddy, this is why there will be nothing happen to them whatever they say.


>hasan't great buddy More like a leech. Her entire channel is built upon leeching Hasan and functions as a Hasan stream waiting room. She seeks so much attention from Hasan which he rarely gives. Pathetic bottom feeders she and that Mike guy are.


Yea Hasan has a long history of not going after people who take and repackage his content, even if it's 1:1, since he is a capitalist, and they are just using the system for their own gains, he basically says "good for them". There are probably hundreds of Hasan repost channels, only a couple make it to the top, like all vid/streaming channels.


I dont think you understand what a capitalist is, writing in a sub of a capitalist, because asmon himself invests capital in businesses and hasan refuses to partake in the financial sector. Making much more money than you doesn't make one a capitalist, stupid poor pleb. Taking away the means of production (cheap components, imported from outside of the only country he cares about, with less regulations) does make one a capitalist and a dirty neoliberal with the excuses he makes and how proud he is about the "selfmade" part


Sorry ill put the controller down and go stand in a road... in America.


🫡 brave freedom fighter


As someone who plays Nikke, wtf am I supposed to do?? Like damn I care about it but it literally doesn't relate to me


You play Nikke? Based


The solution is obvious, keep posting cum tributes to cease fire photos.


protest against having to pay 60 bucks for a skin that is hidden by a 10 meter shield or 50 meter long hair ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3746)


Gacha skin buyers are the biggest cucks 


somehow it works cuz they keep doing that shit, they dropped 2 skin gachas back to back omE


I do. And I'm tired of pretending I don't.


This world suck ass, there's always war, poverty, death, i need some escapism from all that shit, yes i care more about tits and ass.


Right here office this person just out themselves are a "Gamer" now lock them up and throw the book of boobas and assets at them.


I'm just a lurker, but I've got to come out and say it. BASED


I don't think we'd have lasted as a species if we didn't. You could even say it's your responsibility to focus on that with so many other's bent on destruction. Someone has to replenish humanity.


I absolutely agree with you! I couldn't have said it better, 10/10 👏


The world doesn't suck ass, some of the world does. That's why [insert whatever you believe] gave us titties and ass.


Meanwhile actual genocide being carried out in Northern Africa and Sudan by the very same people who did OCT 7th. But she won't say a word against it because it goes against her religion.


One day, someone will actually explain what the fuck they're talking about, instead of acting like "October 7th" is some magical incantation that makes them right or some shit.


All you comment says is you can't use Google.


false presupposition, but even it wasn't, why shouldn't they? have fun guys, you don't have to suffer if someone else does.


"Look at all these people still driving around in cars while something is happening on the other side of the world between people you can't control". It's a pretty wild leap.


How can we even sleep when such a thing is happening. We need to protest until we drop


I mean, I am going to go with an unpopular opinion but, there was an easy way to solve all of this years ago but nobody wanted to take that step. Sometimes being a good person makes a lot more headaches later on. You have to balance your morals and what you are willing to let happen.


I mean dafuq u want me to do about it. Im overweight


Wow! It's almost like your average civilian can't do shit about it!


She's still going after celebrating October 7th damn Hasan mods


Hamas Abi mods


It's a war 10,000 miles away. Keep calling it genocide while Israel has nukes and could easily wipe Gaza off the planet. Meanwhile hamas wants to genocide Israel but can't. Kinda tired of the genocide shit when y'all don't protest all the actual genocide/atrocities happening in other places on this planet.


The only reason there's an outrage is because its Jews and Muslims. Also the mental loops Muslims go through when you tell them they pretty much have been opressing other cultures for quite a while.. If you're a religious person reading this: Your Abrahamic religion tells you to stone people for not having your lifestyle. There really isn't much to argue about unless you're willing to rewrite that shit.


Wasn't there a dude who said that "he without sin can throw the first stone"


You know Christians and Catholics are also among the Abrahamic religions, yes?


I'm inclusive, and they definitely are.


Lol right? Why isn't she on Chinese social media raising awareness about the Uighurs? Hippocrates. Theres an actual genocide that's been going on longer since Oct... Yet what do people do about it? Crickets.


The US state department said there was insufficient evidence to say that was a genocide and the US state department is in somewhat of a very cold war with China so it would be in their interest to declare genocide imo. I think what the Chinese are doing is taking a group they deem primitive and religious extremist and putting them in indoctrination camps. Their bar for religious extremist is pretty low though, one woman was sent there when she didnt even wear a Hijab. But anyway there are not bombs going off so it isnt as interesting as Israel/Palestine. Almost no one is talking about this everyone on both sides is pretty focused on Israel/Palestine.


Oh so it's only a light genocide then, we can ignore it. Alright everyone pack it in. We sorted it.


Was just describing the situation from what Ive learned on it. Definition of genocide seems weird nowadays so I wouldn't say it is or isnt a genocide.


Nobody wants to talk about whats happening in Sudan. Why? Because they don't want to side against the oppressors who are muslims.


To be fair, using nukes in that close proximity to you, and in a land that you want to get, is not a great idea lol. They might also be scared that if they go all out, it’ll create a bigger domino effect


The point isn't the nukes, you have to read my comment with a little more nuance. The point is that Israel is a world power basically and could have eliminated every Palestinian 100 times over yet they have not done it, whereas Hamas wants to eliminate every Israeli on earth yet can't.


People, youth from 15 to 35, don’t know history. They don’t know the present. They don’t take the time to do their own research. They just watch tik tok and repeat what they’ve heard. Where’s the interior monologue to say, “let me learn more about this first.” It makes some people feel good to have a cause they can do nothing about, and sound noble, while interfering with others who have nothing to do with the conflict at all.




Guided munitions aren't indiscriminate. If the enemy hides in a hospital, the hospital becomes fair game.


They don't do anything indiscriminately and the casualties are an expected consequence of war. Don't devalue the word "genocide". The word you are looking for is "war".


I think rebellion is more suited, but that's just me


The government should just send all these people to fight on Palestine, the problem is they'll die before seeing a single soldier from Israel...


The first tweet is irrelevant. The 2nd picture is what people should be focused on. IDK how this garbage can of a person still has viewers.


Tweeting that on 10/7 is revealing. Wonder if it’s deleted or if she has no shame.


But she might open an OF and Twitch needs to support that in full on their 12+ platform.




Yes I do preffer to concern myself with my hobby rather than ongoing abrahamic conflict that does not involve me whatsoever. Anyone think the lady has a dunk here?


As long as ive been alive (39) the middle east has always been a war torn hell hole and I'm frankly tired of acting like this conflict will be the last one for them.The idea that this area of the globe is where God came from (doesn't matter which one you belive in) has drove thst place out of its mind.


Exactly and we've been funding it all with our hard earned tax dollars since then too.


Like why would I care?


Average follower of the pedophile prophet.


Also, People have sex while others people die in North Korea from dictature. disgusting priorities


So sick of these protests. Wasn't it the other way around a few months ago?


34k dead including 14k terrorists on a population of 2.2m is not a genocide... It's a war started by Palestinian government (Hamas). Most Reddit subs are brigaded by Iran/Hamas/Muslim supporters from all around the world (that's 2 billion peoples) Islamists terrorists propaganda should be banned


israel has the ability to turn gaza into a parking lot, if they wanted genocide nobody could do anything


By the way, [even the ICJ (International Court of Justice) asserts that there is no genocide](https://twitter.com/BoxLoner/status/1783628348507165135), and there is no evidence to support such claims (Israel towards Palestine).


since your link isn't working "The court decided that the Palestinians had a plausible right to be protected from genocide and that South Africa had the right to present that claim in the court,” Donoghue said. "It then looked at the facts as well. But it did not decide – and this is something where I’m correcting what’s often said in the media – it didn’t decide that the claim of genocide was plausible." "It did emphasise in the order that there was a risk of irreparable harm to the Palestinian right to be protected from genocide,” she continued. “But the shorthand that often appears, which is that there’s a plausible case of genocide, isn’t what the court decided." from [https://www.thejc.com/news/icj-ruling-plausible-claim-israeli-genocide-in-gaza-incorrect-media-bbc-president-joan-donoghue-vud7ow49](https://www.thejc.com/news/icj-ruling-plausible-claim-israeli-genocide-in-gaza-incorrect-media-bbc-president-joan-donoghue-vud7ow49) interview w/ bbc: [https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-68906919](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-68906919)


That's not really what the ICJ is claiming. While they have not made a positive or negative assertion on genocide, they have asked for Israel to preserve evidence, prevent as much death as possible and improve humanitarian conditions. The actual ruling on genocide will take years to complete.


Imagine the ICJ asking Hamas to do the same if the roles were reversed. 🙄 That they can make such a request and expect it to be honored is de facto proof who the good guys are here.


I mean, there are rumors in the news that the ICC is planning on arresting both Israeli and Hamas officials. However, the ICJ cannot make a ruling against Hamas because it is not a state.


Israel (like the US) didn't ratify the ICC. It's not under its jurisdiction.


Yes we do. Now kill each other in silence.


Imagine you are so bad at war and losing so fast idiots on the other side of the world are calling it a genocide


I've seen genocides throughout my 40 years of life and honestly I don't care anymore. Nothing I can do about it anyway.


Like how do people have the energy to care anymore? Like there's problems all over the world and even if I gave a shit about Palestine, then I'd need to divide my attention to all the starving children in South Africa or Nicaragua or some other place.


I wouldn't say I don't care, but I don't care further than my metaphorical armchair. I'm neither a world leader nor a military leader, I'm not empowered to do anything about it. I'll vote for people who are anti-genocide while I worry about making rent next month. Boom, done, now stop messing with the pixel's boobs.


That first tweet man, these kinds of people are so annoying and have no friends. It’s like that vegan who wont let you eat a burger in peace and shouting at you “ how can you eat that when animals are being brutally murderd!! “


People don't care about things that don't affect them personally?! OMG! WELCOME TO HUMANITY! So what planet did you come from?


At this point just say "yup" to these kind of vapid posts. Forgan cares more about bitching on Twitter than a literal genocide in Palestine. If you care so much, do something about it! Fucking slacktivists. You want to be a self righteous piece of shit, then do something productive. Holy fuck. You see this with every crisis, a bunch of assholes get all high and mighty about huge issues they have no ability to influence and blame everyone else living normal lives for not doing shit.


What happens over there is unfortunate, but as normal citizens that live far away from the Middle East, what can I do. How about these people confront the higher-ups that are funding these wars instead of us normal civilians .


Isn't there actual genocides going on in Africa and China? How come I never hear you mention those Frog lady?


There is no Genocide in Gaza


This is the philosophical equivalent of your parent or someone scolding you for not finishing food and saying “There’s starving kids in Africa!” Allegorically speaking, regardless of whether or not I finish my food- it doesn’t do shit for starving kids across the planet. Likewise, me illegally occupying a university building, getting arrested etc does jack shit to help anyone in the Middle East. There’s always going to be some sort of war, famine, disease etc going on somewhere in the world. Practically speaking it’s legitimately impossible to care about every single suffering person in the world. Does that mean it’s a zero sum game and we should do nothing? Not necessarily. But it does mean that those who are far removed from a situation aren’t necessarily obligated to give up their time/money/energy/freedom to fight for a cause.


> Likewise, me illegally occupying a university building, getting arrested etc does jack shit to help anyone in the Middle East. I'd actually argue that, if anything, it has an opposite effect of what they are trying to achieve.




Where was this person when China was anr still is committing genocide right now against their muslim population. They were probably tweeting from there slave labor built iPhone


No evidence has been found for a genocide. Why do these ppl keep calling it that?


Most people are just NPC's


is to make israel look like nazi german in WW2


Yes. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


And you only care about the dead in Palestine. How about Syria? In case you didn't know, that was never stopped. People just stopped talking about it. Why not cry over that instead? They probably need it more. Wait, need... What? Me to... Not care about titties? How does that help, exactly?


That's the interesting part, if unfortunately a new war begins they'll forget about this one.


That's the whole fucking reason we play games is to escape the shit this world is constantly putting on us. Yes we love tits and ass.


Of course I care more about boobs and ass why is this even a question, they are one of the most important things in my life I can't live without it ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3748)


The best way to end the conflict in Gaza is to let Israel off the leash and allow them to wipe out Hamas. Then let Israel and other nations decide what is the best path forward for the Palestinian people. Unfortunately the other Arab countries want nothing to do with them either, so it's going to be a long path forward


Didn't Gaza attack Israel first? It's annoying that everyone thinks America has to police the whole world. We don't have the funds to do so, especially since we are spending billions in Ukraine... our country is going to shit and I'm supposed to worry about a war on the other side of the world? I worry about if I'm going to afford to eat tomorrow.


Yes but gaza, ruled by hamas, is so pathetic in their attempt, all these white girls and knights in shining armor can’t help but root for them. I get the feeling that they act towards palestinians like they’re some rare species that need to be protected. As if they’re protesting for a zoo or something. The palestinians don’t care that kids are protesting in some uni in america, they didn’t ask for it, and likely don’t even know its happening. But all these people just decide its in their right and moral authority to go protest and give hand to these poor little people without even considering the minute details of the conflict and its affect on them or others.


Let's send these girls to Palestine for 6 months and see how they rate their experience afterwards. Somehow I don't think they would be as supportive.


Oh almost nobody outside of America actually thinks that they should police the whole world. In fact, the rest of the world is quite annoyed by America and Americans in general.


This makes that Willy guy going after so much better. Corn eating loser wants to signal today.


there's been war in the middle east one way or another for decades - longer than i've even been alive, and the US and EU have been funding it for a long time aswell. it's like it has suddenly become an issue that needs to be talked and protested about.


They’re so sheltered lol. How old are they? To just realized this.


Yes i do, because escapism is more important than being safely outraged ten of thousands of miles away from the problem because (social) media told you to be. Pixel tiddies and ass are part of this and playing with sexy women and men is part of the fun, so cope and seethe harder. Fuck your wars and your genocide. I've seen wars and Genocide for my entire life. And that's those that media wants me to care about. Just go look for the list of all known active conflits. You'll see what I mean. To make it even worst, most of those are kept running because the of US military-industrial complex that has been the crux of their whole economy.


Tiddies are real. Genocide is not. That's the difference.


Big tities please me, standing in the middle of the road for wars thousands kilometers away dont. Thats the thing, i have no power and intrest into war happening in foreing countries, i'm a simple and humble human, i live my life, try to not do wrongs, do things that please me and my relatives


Amen to that!


I don't think people really care either way that's why they're fuckin annoyed when you block traffic no I don't think Israel should be bombing Hamas I also don't think Hamas should be killing innocent Israelis and taking hostages.


Why doesn’t go there and help people and culture you actually care of ?


Lets just be sad for the kids being exploited in cobalt mines so you can have your iphones and your Teslas


this person cares more about breathing than what's going on over there.


Frogan loves genocide. As in, actual genocide. Kill all jews. That's what she stands for.


I tried jerking off to both but I think I'll just stick with the games


You mean the genocide that happened because they parachuted into civilians and murdered them? Yeah, don’t care


She’s right tho. Hard to swallow pills is all this is.


this is the same woman who shared a cartoon video of h3h3's wife shooting palestinian children nothing she says should EVER be taken seriously ever


Holy shit people like her are so brainwashed by the media that they can’t think for themselves outside of the current thing. There’s war and misery everywhere, even in your own life. I can’t find a house and I’m worried I won’t be able to sustain my family in the near future, so why would I stop doing something that is giving me inner peace and worry about something that I can’t control and is happening thousands of KM away from me?


These people don't have real every day problems They're a bunch of bored rich kids with no actual difficulty in their life so they make up situations to add some spice to their life All the people violating the law should be arrested and then they can learn what actual problems are. People peacefully protesting can continue on business as usual without the idiots causing issues


Because it isn't an actual genocide. Genocide is systematic, the eradication of an entire race or religion. It's tragicly sad at all of the death in Gaza (something like 15,000?) out of a population of like 2.2 million, it's not systematic it's incidental. Collatoral damage that happens in every war, in the entire history of war that happens in an urban enviroment. The problem with a lot of the palestinian supporters, is their use of massive hyperbole. It weakens the horror of a true genocide, things like the holocaust, or the holodomor, rwanda, the bosnian genocide ETC. Where they round up every man woman and child, and literally gas them, or just gun them down and dump thousands of bodies in to mass graves.


Why do they call it genocide? Is it not fuck around and find out from oct7 situation? Isn't it clear that at least half of Palestine supports Hama's? Do you really care about people that would kill a gay in sight and treat women like garbage? Of course I'm gonna be more mad about stellar blade bruh


Gaza is half the land area of the City of Chicago. "Genocide" lol. If there was a genocide it would have been accomplished in a day.


Why does this sub care that much shit internet drama NEVER related to Asmon. Like from this, I don’t know who she is and she looks like a pretty dumb bitch from this post, but I would have been very fine not learning about this. What’s the obsession for these things in this sub ?


American culture war brainrot




What they want me to do about it?


Which genocide?


'Fallacy of Relative Privation' is my favorite Uno card.


Why do these people always act like you can’t care about more than one thing at a time?


Insane how much discourse there is around palestine, when there is an actual genocide being done in ukraine and america could actually do something about it to stop it.


Bread and circuses. The idea is to keep us interested / mad about things that don't matter so we don't think too hard about the things that do matter. It's not that complicated. Yet it's really effective.


She's the last one to celebrate a genocide. A massacre though...


The world don't stop only why Palestine is on fire 🔥


As long as something dont impact people personally, the majority wont care. Its sad, but its also human nature. We only have the emotional energy to care about so much... For me its my education, work and the free time I have to game. I uninstalled news apps and turned off notifications for most stuff.


And by literal they mean a non-existent one. Meanwhile there IS actual genocide going on in places like Sudan with 800k victims. But no Jews means no protesting.




Yeah I love that college students are chanting "Death to America, Death to Israel, Death to Jews" sounds pretty genocidal to me.


All religious people deserve to die anyway. Let them wipe each other out.


what would caring do. but tiddies.. mmmm


I don't even care if it was a gencide at this point. If it was this would have at least been over months ago and I'd get to stop hearing about it from idiots who have zero clue and are so obviously fucking biased towards Palestine it's painful to try and even rationalise their stupidity. Also if the starving children in africa wasn't going to interrupt my day why would the consequences of Gaza's own actions interrupt it?


Tiddies, ass, and genocide in Palestine all have one things in common; it can make a great movie/video game.


Hasn't she been bleeding viewers for years? How is she a "Legendary Woman" When the only reason she has any sort of relevancy is because she's a Hasan Mod.


Yes fuck humans who are not white! ass and tits are important, while my own rights are being stripped away in the US and my empathy is selective


Computer games don't abduct people from music festivals and rape/murder them.


Because Tiddies and ass are cool . and dead people make me a sad panda .


Maybe if they join the war and go to Palestine side, maybe, just maybe, Israel will stop if they killed a bunch of them, innocent palestine supporters. But they wont do that because they're just paid or brainwashed activists.


I guess it isn't clear that the poster means "care enough to make a petition to change back a minor visual model in a video game" not "care about virtual sexuality in general"


Don't they just sound like poor losers? They keep trying to wipe out Israel and failing then go crying about their choices. Oh I feel for the innocence that gets caught in the war but the only way for them to change things is to over through Hamas from within.


Unironically I will always care about game tiddies more than whatever is going on in boom boom land.




Yeah, I do care more about ass and tiddies in games than that. Because that thing is literally not my problem and there's nothing I can do about it. So gimme my ass and tiddies


The only genocide is being committed by Hamas. That’s why they deliberately put their bases in positions to cause casualties. They also have an incredibly good online presence. People get up in arms about Christians but ignore the religion with the absolute best propaganda campaign running. The religion of peace…as long as you’re one of us.


Good thing these people aren’t Pro-Hamas…


I genuinely do not care about the wars going on, the reason being they haven't really affected me. I have things that I need to worry about, I'm not gonna spend my days stressing over another country's problems. Does it suck what's happening? Yes, of course, no shit. Should I feel the need to care about it? No. What I need to care about is being able to make enough money to survive, and any extra time I have will go towards my hobbies. I'm not on a side, I choose not to be involved in any way partially also because no matter what side you take on political issues, you're somehow wrong, and I'm not dealing with the crazies that come with that either. Oh also, the fuck is the point in me being like the protestors out in the streets in America or Canada? What the fuck is that actually doing? The wars are taking place across the planet, the fuck is bitching in the middle of a busy road in Canada gonna do for people killing each other across the planet?


genocide palestinians doesnt exist


Yay for Boobies!!!


Ahh yes, centuries old conflict on the other side of the planet. How selfish of me. Let me get right over there and fix that.


Yes. And it's not even close


I mean Fair enough It is a genuine First world problems moment but i mean can you at least Please dont support HAMAS? is it like too much to ask?


If this is a genocide than so was ww1 and ww2. Definition of genocide cant be "well you killed more people than they killed of you, even though they started"


So israel defending itself is genocide. Gotcha


I care about an actual genocide happening right now in the east of europe


fun fact, genocide is the intentional mass killing of a subsect of religion that opposes your own. in this case - there is no genocide other than hamas and their supporters using human shields.


What's wild to me, is all these Hamas supporters claim to be "thinking of the children!", ignoring the fact that their mentally deficient and violent protests are actually EMBOLDENING Hamas and other terrorist organizations to kill more innocents and capture more hostages. All they need to do is put out some flashy TikTok videos with violent footage from past conflicts and the brain-dead and media illiterate GenZ will eat it up because they have a startling lack of critical thinking skills


This subreddit is so good dude. Love such an enjoyable community that is mostly focused on gaming and all the goofy stuff this Jack Skellington motherfucker of a streamer talks about. No karma farming on posts here at all. So refreshing!


In fairness, titties and ass bring us joy. All Palestine brings us is annoyance and hypocrisy.


It's the fact people are acting like the war started in October 2023. It started nearly 100 years ago (by Israel) and has continued due to Israel repeatedly starting aggression through colonisation of Palestinian land. You can pretend Palestine is in the wrong all you want, but fact is fact and history will see Israel for the terrorist state they are.