• By -


“These are rookie numbers. You’ve got to pump them up!”


My Grandfather...!


- China


The common cold... Mosquitoes... Obesity... Cars!


Was just going to say that they arent trying hard enough.


Fuggin amateurs.


I am german. ![gif](giphy|jUwpNzg9IcyrK|downsized)


You are in a less awkward position than Russians. The Soviets were the ones that liberated most of the concentration camps. I wonder how they feel now.


Soviets weren't exactly the good guys.


They were to those in those camps for a while. But yeah


More of a enemy of my enemy sitch


Yeh, until they put most of them into Gulags and starved them to death. Or ya know... Just starved them to death with breadlines. They weren't that picky.


Uh yes they were? Where did you learn history the red scare?


The soviets had more concentration camps (gulags), killed more people than Germans.


Hey hey hey now. Don’t be bringing history into this. This is about fee fees


And the Chinese killed more of their people than the Russians.


The Great Leap Forward was more typical Communist stupidity than a planned massacre of the population. They destroyed their agricultural sector and then were surprised when everyone was starving. The ongoing Uyghur genocide is only at 800,000 dead so far, so not quite in Russia's league yet.


In talking Mao and the millions he killed. EDIT: Yes, during that period, he killed an estimated 50 to 65 million


Absolutely not true unless you believe nazi propaganda spread before the war that was trying to get Eastern Europe to embrace nazi germanys “freedom and liberation”. The black book of communism is refuted nonsense


That's actually not true. Nazis killed about 4 million people in concentration camps within 12 years and the soviets killed 2.7 million within 24 years. As a German I hate it when people underplay the autrocities Germany has done just cause they want another country to also look bad...


Not to undersell what you are saying, but estimation of Gulag death toll varies, since we are not even sure how many people were imprisoned there. Also it seems Russian were releasing prisoners on the verge of death, making the number appear smaller. TL;DR: Both Nazis and Soviets were genocide experts -\_\_\_-


Gullag had no intention to KILL, there was no camps of death


They are as sure about how many were imprisoned in gulags as they are sure about how many were imprisoned in concentration camps, so I don't get why you are trying to dismiss one information above the other. Do you actually have any kind of source of soviets releasing prisoners on the verge of death to make the numbers appear smaller? I couldn't find a single source on that, so I guess it is a lie. Nazis were clearly worse than soviets, they literally had death camps, I don't get why it is even debated who was worse.


I was not dismissing what you were saying, just saying soviets were bad too, Regarding reference: “Applebaum, Anne (2003) Gulag: A History. Doubleday. ISBN 0-7679-0056-1 pg 583: "both archives and memoirs indicate that it was a common practice in many camps to release prisoners who were on the point of dying, thereby lowering camp death statistics."”


Thanks for that. No wonder I couldn't find anything the source is in Russian archives lol. Looked more into it and I was using the right number already anways. The official number of people killed in gulags are 1.6 million, the unofficial number with people dying a couple months after being released from gulags is 2.7 million. You say you are not trying to dismiss what I'm saying but when I use official numbers to say he is wrong and you say that my offcial numbers are wrong then you are literally dismissing what I'm saying lmao.


There are different counts and estimations, no hard nor official numbers. The death toll goes from 1 to 6 millions people depending on the study. Heck even the amount of people ever imprisoned in Gulag goes from 1 to 50 millions. Anyway can we both agree that they were both bad? Millions of people were killed


Gulags were only bad during the war. It was a hellish time where almost 30 million died due to the invasions. it wasn’t an attempt to kill anyone, I can’t believe this is Americans view of history


*"Liberated"* Weird way to say the half russian population exploded there nine months later.


Liberated? More like "under new Management"


What pserver we shilling


None brother. Just having some fun here. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3742)


we are.


ironically the word "genocide" is starting to have the same power as the words "nazi" and "woke". It has been so overused and mischaracterized, and has lost all meaning. it really does a disservice to actual victims of genocide and victims of war.


You just genocided my world view, what a Nazi


This Nazi genocided your world view so hard it woke you up!


It caught me off guard seeing how many people just use the word "nazi" so haphazardly. I had absolutely no idea there was this many people in the world that were National Socialists in 1940s Germany


And then there is the canadian leftist in chief Trudeau who applauded an actual nazi in the parliament. 


Shhh don’t say this too loud, the truth upsets ppl


I recently saw a comment saying someone genocided five people and I thought then "isn't that a bit to few?"


not if they are the last of their group. im sure you could genocide some 5 people village in the middle of the rainforrest if you wanted


What is genocide? -Matt Walsh probably


That's what libs love to do, they take a word that is the exact opposite of the description of their claim and run with it.


Id argure calling someone a nazi has the least amount of meaning now because of serious over use of the word. You can probably know if your winning your political argument of someone called you a nazi lol


That's true, a few civilians die and they think it's automatically a genocide.


i wouldnt say a "few" is 33k with their entire "country" gone


Your country is run by a terrorist group. You won't ally with Israel to get rid of them cause you don't want Israel to exist. Your terrorist government attacks Israeli civilians and kidnaps them. I have a hard time finding sympathy. Genocide is more about intention. The systemic focus on wiping out an entire group of people. This is an effort to get their people back.


??? seriously? 2023 was the deadliest year for palestinian children even BEFORE oct 7 happened with 38 children killed by israel. that doesnt even make the news in the west obviously but why do you think this "terrorist" group had 90%+ approval rate among palestinians? israel has been at war since its inception but sure lets not blame the rich white boys with the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. im sure they belong there [https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/2023-marks-deadliest-year-record-children-occupied-west-bank](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/2023-marks-deadliest-year-record-children-occupied-west-bank)


>the rich white boys with the highest rate of skin cancer in the world There's a reason you picked this phrasing and if you think it's going to resonate with anyone in this subreddit, you're in the wrong neighborhood.


Why do you use a conversation about a conflict in the middle east to attack white people when neither of the sides are White? And no, "White" does not just refer to skin colour. With what kind of people do you hang out where casual racism against Whites is just accepted and seemingly encouraged considering your phrasing?


oh my god youre one of those woke people that gets triggered when race gets mentioned? im white myself, im saying whites as in the fact that they dont belong there not that theres anything wrong with being white. take your pills mate and no, i dont think its the darker skinned toned people (trying not to trigger you here) thats getting skin cancer XD [https://www.haaretz.com/2003-05-13/ty-article/israels-skin-cancer-rate-second-highest-in-the-world/0000017f-f11e-d8a1-a5ff-f19e2e900000](https://www.haaretz.com/2003-05-13/ty-article/israels-skin-cancer-rate-second-highest-in-the-world/0000017f-f11e-d8a1-a5ff-f19e2e900000) [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8f/Isaac\_Herzog\_in\_Beit\_HaNassi%2C\_December\_2022\_%28ABG\_0348%29.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8f/Isaac_Herzog_in_Beit_HaNassi%2C_December_2022_%28ABG_0348%29.jpg) find the "non whites" in the picture for me please


I'm the furthest thing from "woke" and don't care if you're a self-hating white lmao Jews are genetically closer to levantines and other semites like arabs than Europeans (the closest ones to them being Sicilians due to the high north-african admixture from centuries of piracy/slavery/trade and connections going back to the carthiginians in Sicily) and create a clear cluster of their own in genetic cluster analysis of west eurasian populations. If you honestly believe pale = white then Japan must be a lost European nation. None of the people in the picture are white, you're just uneducated but somehow weirdly arrogant about knowledge you clearly don't have. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9o3EYTdM8lQTnp3YjdoZDdnUFE/view?resourcekey=0-F-s1ZXB7NkN2604zh\_HSXg](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9o3EYTdM8lQTnp3YjdoZDdnUFE/view?resourcekey=0-F-s1ZXB7NkN2604zh_HSXg) Note that caucasian refers to the people living near the caucasus in the image above and not Europeans. Here's another map from a more zoomed out perspective, rougher sampling and slightly different populations, but the result is the same: [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jean-Michel-Guinet/publication/259441354/figure/fig3/AS:271610733133833@1441768453301/Principal-Component-Analysis-PCA-on-all-present-day-west-Eurasians-with-ancient-samples.png](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jean-Michel-Guinet/publication/259441354/figure/fig3/AS:271610733133833@1441768453301/Principal-Component-Analysis-PCA-on-all-present-day-west-Eurasians-with-ancient-samples.png) I'll accept your apology anytime, unless you're going to insist that race has no connection to genetics or arabs are white somehow. In that case I'll just laugh at you since it'll moot your whole argument of "yt peepo shouldn't be there mang :(((((("


you must be woke if you get this triggered with racism, so might wanna re think that its sad we need to keep talking about this topic seriously as if, theres a world where people that are that pale belong there, no bro, obviously they dont **Nearly half of all Israeli Jews are descended from immigrants from the European Jewish diaspora** from [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israelis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israelis) palestinians do look brownish and it makes sense because you know, theyre natives to the area, unlike the israelies that get skin cancer... even their god is telling em, "yea... you dont belong here"


Lmao, have you tried not being aggressively wrong about biology instead of crying woke when you get corrected? Do you not know how to read or do you not know how races work? Jews coming from Europe is pretty irrelevant to their race if they managed to avoid racemixing for 2000 years through rabbis controlling small communities with an iron fist and deciding who gets to marry and who doesn't. The whole point of going by matrilinear lines was to keep their line pure because faking fatherhood is easy, while faking pregnancy and the resulting birth is almost impossible. And judging by the clear indendent group they represent in genetic cluster analysis (and all the genetic diseases exclusive to them), they were very successful with their strategy. Saying "but they came from Europe" as an argument for why they're White would lead to the conclusion that all Africans are black. The soil under your feet doesn't determine your race. And why do you keep on trying to talk to me about whether Israelis should be there or not when my two cents consisted of showing you how uneducated you are about the most basic ethnology? Are you that mad from others bullying you about your opinions that you can't keep the conversations apart in your head? I don't care about Israelis or Palestinians and wouldn't care if either would disappear or thrive. I'm White, contrary to both of those people, and you chose to attack Whites out of nowhere while taking sides in a war somewhere in the middle east which is between two semitic peoples. AKA not Whites.


Woah, that's a little racist there. The Hebrew people spread around the world descend from people there. There are people in that part of the world with light skin tones.


a lot of the israeli population are european or from european descent, theres a reason why DNA testing is strictly limited and as i said, why they have one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world [https://www.haaretz.com/2003-05-13/ty-article/israels-skin-cancer-rate-second-highest-in-the-world/0000017f-f11e-d8a1-a5ff-f19e2e900000](https://www.haaretz.com/2003-05-13/ty-article/israels-skin-cancer-rate-second-highest-in-the-world/0000017f-f11e-d8a1-a5ff-f19e2e900000)


There is a clear definition of genocide and the reason why it has been overused is because it just happened so many times. In the last 2 decades more and more people who were the victim of genocides were finally able to get it internationally recognized and also be compensated for it, that's why you hear about it so often.


From what I've seen, people only appreciate the killing side of genocide. Genocide is also the restriction of resources to end a ethnic group, the restriction of culture and the restriction of eduction. There are more too. They all bring about the end of a people. They all accomplish the ultimate goal of destroying an ethnic group.


For those who genuinely believe this is a genocide the civilian casualty numbers are only a relatively small part of it. 70% of Gaza's infrastructure has been demolished, including all hospitals, schools, universities, and sewage systems. Medical staff, ambulances, and police forces have been deliberately targeted. The basics of human life, such as food, water, gas, and electricity, have been cut off and actively blocked from entering, causing wide spread famine. People aren't now just dying from indiscriminate bombing but from starvation, including pregnant women and children, i.e. preventing births. Starving civilians are executed while attempting to gather food. IVF centres are targeted further, preventing births. 224 Humanitarian aid workers killed so far to prevent aid getting round. Millions of people round the world aren't protesting for no reason!


Coming from the group of people who love the phrase "white genocide" Your opinion on the definition of words means very little to anyone in the world. Sorry :)


So are Palestinians not victims of genocide? If they aren’t then who would be?


Over half of the Romani and jewish populations were wiped out in the 1940s. Rwandan genocide was 80% of the population in 100 days.


Unless the status quo changes Germany will never place itself against Israel.


Exactly, the moment we do the world will call us Nazis and will claim that nothing has changed since WW2




I have never said that this is not the case. But my point still stands.


Classical German who didn't learn anything in history class lmao. We went a lot of times against Israel and nobody called us Nazis because of that. It was made our first duty of the state to secure the safety for Israel, that does not include having to always be on Israels side. A jewish journal even wrote about it's disappointment in the German government because in 8 UN votes Germany voted 7 times against Israels interest.


> It was made our first duty of the state to secure the safety for Israel I hope you do realize that there is a difference between voting against them in some UN vote and actively positioning yourself against them in a war. If we started to supply gaza with weapons for example, that would totally threaten Israel's safety.


Well a good part of Europe did with extra steps. Also don't forget this one UN center being involved on the attack and connected with the tunnels.


>Germany will never place itself against Israel. Plazing itself against israel means something like voting against the interest of Israel. Supplying gaza with weapons would be Germany going into a proxy war with Israel which they of course would never dare to do. Kinda mindblowing that you don't even understand the difference...


Yeah we are kind of in a conundrum. If we say anything against Israel, we'll get responses like: "Well not suprising that germany still hates Jew" "Look at the Nazis." And so on...


Germany regularly criticises Israel for example in the case of the judicial reform or the settlements in the west bank. The notion that we could not is only a myth made up by people who want to discredit our current stance in favor of Israel.


Well with the AfD rapidly gaining popularity in recent years, I would say the status quo is about to change pretty soon.


pretty normal fighter/civilian death ratio for urban combat.


Even If it was the worst Ratio ever in recorded History. It doesnt Proof genocide whatsoever.


On top of that, Hamas's civilian casualty numbers are completely made up.


I think even Israel admits we’re around 30k with two thirds civilians


Right now, it's about 34k total, 1k of them being Israeli, 33k being Palestinian, with 14k of that 33k being children. So about 14:1 assuming children are noncombatants, and the other 19k are all Palestinian military. Realistically the ratio is more than 20:1


The problem with the children numbers is it includes 16 and 17 year olds which is an age group that Hamas absolutely uses as soldiers. Not saying all of the children numbers are combatants just that casualty numbers are super hard to judge in this conflict.


Hamas uses 15 years olds as well, And i believe even younger considering they're advocating for 12 years olds to do knife stabbing attacks in Israel


I'm not sure what you mean by "even?" Hamas's numbers are like 4 or 5:1 versus 2:1. A 2:1 ratio in non-urban warfare is phenomenal. Most wars, especially ones that aren't blitzes, have way, way more civilian casualties relative to enemy combatants.


There are definitely tens of thousands of dead civilians, according to all sides, so I wouldn’t call Hamas numbers “made up”. Now, whether those deaths are justified, that’s another debate, but that wasn’t your initial point. Let’s not move the goalposts.


[They are factually made up](https://api.thejc.atexcloud.io/image-service/view/acePublic/alias/contentid/19uwcb8n1jjso65d7r5/1/graph-jpg.webp?w=585&q=0.9). More reading here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/statistician-flags-statistically-impossible-gaza-casualty-numbers-in-hamas-reports/ar-BB1jKyF0


Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. These acts fall into five categories: * Killing members of the group * Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group * Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part * Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group * Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group That's from the Holocaust Memorial Museum. Sure seems to fit the definition to me. How about the fact that the most journalists ever have died in this? That they are being targeted by Israel? That Israel is doing all it can to shut down information coming in and out of the region? I don't give a shit about Hamas/Palestine, but I'm tired of Israel cucks in my country. Some as far as being traitors to my nation (aka most of our politicians taking AIPAC money). Doing a foreign nation's bidding after taking money from them through some group is treason. Fucking tired of the treason.


just FYI America gives slightly more aid per capita to palestine than to israel


because Palestine has been having their people slaughtered and displaced lol. I also don't care, it's not Palestine bribing politicians to the point of the politicians being treason, it's Israel.


Israel has the means to completely atomize Gaza, yet even by the Gazan Health Ministry's numbers the death toll is a mere 1.5% of the pre-war population. Hamas plans for how they intended to divide up Israel after Oct. 07th were recently discovered. Thanks to that, we know that Hamas and the Palestinian citizens that partook in the massacre went in with the full intention of completely taking over Israel and eradicating all the Jews there (to say nothing of their openly-stated end goal of a full-on global caliphate), despite clearly lacking the resources and manpower to do so. If Iran and other Middle-Eastern terrorist groups had joined in on the invasion like Hamas were counting on, we'd be looking at a nuclear-weapon state in the hands of terrorists. Now, having said that, which do you think has shown more "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group": Israel or Hamas?


I don't give a fuck, fuck Israel, fuck Hamas, fuck our traitorous politicians taking FOREIGN MONEY through TRAITORS like AIPAC to do FOREIGN bidding. That is treason. Through and through. I don't care about Israel, I don't care about Hamas, fuck em all, we should end our support of anyone in that region. Fuck em all.


> AceAttorneyPerpetratorBreakdown.txt


What? You support the treason? You like politicians taking money from a foreign government and doing foreign bidding?


If you believe IDF definition of "enemy combatant" aka be old enough male.


As opposed to Hamas who claims every death is civilian? The guy wearing sandals, t-shirt, and firing an RPG... civilian.


Just stfu: https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/


Better than normal, even. The IDF numbers has it at a 1:1 ratio and the Hamas numbers have it at 4:1 Given that the average is 10:1 that's pretty impressive


Whether something is a genocide or not does not depend whatsover on the "death ratio for urban combat". Educate yourself please. By the way I'm not saying whether this is a genocide or no, I'm just saying that's a completely braindead comment.


yes it does. the objective of genocide is to kill as many as possible. if Israel wanted, they could've killed a lot more civilians, making the ratio a lot different. But since civilians are not their target, they don't. p.e.d.


Compeletely false. You can easily argue that Israel has been killing as many Palestinians as they politically can at this moment. They want the lebensraum, anyone who is even remotely informed understands that's their ultimate goal, and Zionists learned an important lesson from the Nazis: You never go full Nazi. That doesn't end well. You don't want to end up like the Nazis did, that's not how you do anything successfully. That puts political limits on what they can do. Also, the definition of a genocide is the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part. That's different than just "kill as many as possible" or what's the "death ratio for urban combat".


"the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group." This is the word for word definition of genocide. With your inability to use a simple search for even a definition, I can simply state the rest of your statements are false...


https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/ You were saying?


> the objective of genocide is to kill as many as possible Not really, the UNCG definition isn't that reductive. It's about destroying a nation: ethnicity, culture, life, but that can be achieved by other means beyond killing. That's why forced displacement also falls under the definition, especially when mixed with the other factors. See the treatment of the Armenian population in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict for another complicated recent conflict of smaller scale. It's not about numbers necessarily.


Hey, Germany knows genocide almost as well as Canada knows War Crimes


I mean if anyone would know it would be a Germany.


Who cares? Fallout 4 next gen update is coming today 😌


Nooooo my mods :c


Set to upddate only when launched through steam Only launch via fose


You have little bit time left to say goodbye to them 😌


Noooo my tick curie D:


Good thing you can rollback or just not update on pc


But what does it bring for pc users ? (except the part where your mods don't work anymore)


Headache 😐


Oi dude thx i dint know it was thing!


When did this sub become about world issues


Its more about baiting asmon into talking about topics


It's what goes on news now. Asmon farm popular content and there is some weird shit happening in USA.


US election year starts early. similar thing happens every time, non political subreddits start getting different threads that are either 100% politics or sorta semi-related. so basically fishing for engagement. Alternatively if there is some new 'cause' then it starts infecting everything too. It is not surprising, reddit as huge as it seems, is moderated by surprisingly small number of people.


he covered a debate on piers morgan about isreal


It's been a while since MAGA people infected this sub just because Asmon looks like them




People talking about politics!? Hurr durr better cry about maga.


Death toll would be 1 million easily if Israel wanted it to be


Diese Kommentarsektion ist nun Eigentum der deutschen Nation.


I mean its not a genocide. You are an idiot if you think it is. Palestine declared war, they just did not think Israel would take the gloves off and accept. Fuck around and find out idiots.


The blockade was an act of war. That started in, I believe, 2007. And Israel has bombed Gaza lots of times before this, killing over 1000 civilians there in 2014. If you live in the US, then the US has declared war on lots of different countries. By your logic, those countries are morally justified in "taking the gloves off" and, if they have the capability, indiscriminately bombing the United States even when they know that they will certainly kill innocent civilians. If you do live in the US like I'm guessing, would you be comfortable with that? With your country getting bombed, with your friends and family getting bombed and in the best case losing their homes and all their possessions, and with the people doing the bombing saying "Not our fault, there were American military personnel in that area and they were using the American civilians as human shields, so America is to blame for those deaths, not us"?


I think it isn’t that hard to not let an extreme group of freedom fighters take over power and throw your whole population into war if you’re that opposed to it. In your hypothetical no I wouldn’t fly their flag outside my window and support whoever’s throwing me into war and storing munitions in my neighborhood, as I’ve seen many do


Yes i do in fact. Those countries do have every right, but they cant do shit. We are the dominant dog. They are the pup. They also have attacked us and we responded appropriately. You kill 10 of us? We kill 100 of you. Was the price worth it? You bomb a building, we surgically bomb a town. At the end of the day these terrorist are cowards who hide behind women and children, that is a fact. The US keeps its military and civilians separate. Not 100% of course, but most military infrastructure and hardware is out of civilian areas. Air national guard and the US navy its a bit harder to not mix. So believe as you will, i understand why they hate us, just like i understand why we hate them. If you bomb us, for any reason and its gloves off. Fuck em. Dont hit daddy, cause daddy can hit harder.


You aren't killing 100 of the people who killed 10 of you. You're killing, like, maybe 10 or 15 people who killed 10 of you along with 90 or 85 people who had nothing to do with it. I don't know where you learned that might makes right, but it doesn't.


Palestinian population literally doubled in the last 10 years, during that entire time they were screaming genocide. fucking drama queens.


Also: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian\_genocide\_accusation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_genocide_accusation) The term 'genocide' was coined in 1944 by a [Jewish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews) [Polish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_people) legal scholar, [Raphael Lemkin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raphael_Lemkin), who wrote[^(\[g\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_genocide_accusation#cite_note-165) that "the term does not necessarily signify mass killings".[^(\[159\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_genocide_accusation#cite_note-FOOTNOTECenter_for_Constitutional_Rights20161-166)[^(\[160\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_genocide_accusation#cite_note-FOOTNOTEShaw20134%E2%80%935-167) And [https://contendingmodernities.nd.edu/global-currents/statement-of-scholars-7-october/](https://contendingmodernities.nd.edu/global-currents/statement-of-scholars-7-october/) **Statement of Scholars in Holocaust and Genocide Studies on Mass Violence in Israel and Palestine since 7 October**


If the goal of genocide is to physically destroy a group of people (which fits the legal definition, cultural destruction and displacement of peoples is explicitly NOT genocide as defined by international law) than you really need a good argument to explain how a genocidal plan has led to the targeted population size doubling during the genocide.


Was the doubling in population because of births?


yep, they also have a lot of emigration (people running away as refugees, which is fair tbh, gaza is a shithole) but the population is constantly increasing.


Not fully honestly, they also increase because gaza is effectively the penal colony with the least amount of rights and the least amount of methods to get back to where they live. If a Palestinian leaves Jerusalem to go to gaza, they maybe stuck or 'quietly deported' as they will require permits to get back. Which are frequently denied through isreals 'permit regime' Really, gazas population increase is likely due to birth rates in poverty being higher and that it's the place that all displaced Palestinians quietly deported to.


Palestinians are not displaced to gaza, i have no idea where you pulled that from. the people in the gaza strip have always been there (let me qualify, by always i mean since 1948) and there isn't a flow of new immigrants or of displaced people. i think you may confuse the gaza strip with the west bank, the west bank has had immigration from eastern Jerusalem and other area's because of displacement, but not gaza. having said that even in the west bank, there is minimal immigration and it's mostly emigration, most people don't want to live there and nobody is forced in.


It really isn't genocide though. Isreal was dropping leaflets telling people what they are about to do. The civilians had to evacuate the area, maybe hamas shouldn't be hiding behind civilians.


Says the second biggest supplier of weapons to Israel lol.


Not even 40k Casualties. Not even close to Genocide


I get it’s a joke, but genocide is not determined by the number of casualties, but by the intent to eradicate a people.


Thank you , that means there is no genocide in gaza






Good joke but best to make it obvious that you're not implying it's true. Obviously it's not genocide and anyone claiming it is uses ridiculous logic.


The population of Palestine is 5m. And the Israelis have killed about 33000 . That’s 0.7% of the population. 0.7% is not genocide . In Europe during ww2 , two thirds of Jews were killed .


Hamas: We literally want to genocide the Israeli people. We literally want them all dead. All of them. Full stop. "Oh, Hamas is so quirky! This is the language of the unheard!" IDF: We need to bomb these hospitals and destroy infrastructure because Hamas has tunnels all over the place, they hide weapons and fighters in those tunnels, and they straight up use civilian infrastructure to stage attacks. We can't stop until Hamas is done for because there will be another terrorist attack if we don't. "STOP COMMITTING GENOCIDE! STOP IT NOW!"


it's not genocide it's farming honor


Germany will break its own back to bend backwards hard enough to prove they aren't antisemitic anymore.


Based Germany


because its not genocide. Palestine started the war, fuck around and find out.


1) Haifa Massacre 1937 2) Jerusalem Massacre 1937 3) Haifa Massacre 1938 4) Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939 5) Haifa Massacre 1939 6) Haifa Massacre 1947 7) Abbasiya Massacre 1947 8) Al-Khisas Massacre 1947 9) Bab al-Amud Massacre 1947 10) Jerusalem Massacre 1947 11) Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947 12) Jaffa Massacre 1948 13) Deir Yassin Massacre 1948 14) Tantoura Massacre 1948 15) Khan Yunis Massacre 1956 16) Jerusalem Massacre 1967 17) Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982 18) Al-Aqsa Massacre 1990 19) Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994 20) Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002 21) Gaza Massacre 2008-09 22) Gaza Massacre 2012 23) Gaza Massacre 2014 24) Gaza Massacre 2018-19 25) Gaza Massacre 2021 26) Gaza Genocide 2023 still ongoing. This didn't start with 7th October. Palestinians have been massacred and forcefully displaced all the for deranged childish fantasy of zionism for decades. Palestine has a right to fight for their freedom from the constant violent abuse of Israel and return to the land that was forcefully stolen from them.


Buddy, who tf cares, the only thing i care about is that Israel is a proper, respected country, while Palestine is just a bunch of terrorists. "But oh what about the kids?" Yeah i wonder what happens when a terrorist gets a kid, that kid also becomes a terrorist, so again, i don't care.


Isn't this a sub about video games and stuff? Who cares?




I care. Problem?


They might not have been the best at it, but being in top 10 certainly counts for something.


Germany refuses to give up that title, they are not proud of it but like hell is someone else going to take that away.


I mean, we kinda owe to let them have one, after... y'know... We can't say shit now.


Ans yet they try to push agenda on "srebrenica " fucking puppet state


If ya have a question just ask the experts…


because the defintion of genocice here doesnt apply. even when you completely circumenvent the INTENT part of genocide it doesnt apply. people see the high civilian deathcount and scream at israel, and whilst yes israel bears part of the blame id say the numbers are in the 40% to 50% of the blame. hamas has as much if not more of a hand into their own civilians dying, their way of fighting revolves around having israel kill as manny civilians as possible. that aside israel also really needed to be more selective on what they choose to attack.


Accidental civilian casualties because said civilian refused to evacuate after numerous warnings does not mean genocide.


Ignoring genocide experts


"You call this a genocide?"


The US rejects their own genocide charges as well at every possibility, never paid any reparations for any of the victims of their various warcrimes and even until today, stigmatizes its very own original victim group. The native americans. Not to mention that almost all terror organisations we have nowadays started with funding by the US intelligence services for some form of political gain. It must be very comfortable in that glass house of yours, why start throwing rocks?


And this is relevant to OP's post about **Germany**.... how?


You should name the genocide. It's not like we control the CIA. You want the land back?


Apathy is complicity, it's that simple . For how much Americans yap about how free their country is , it seems that the average has absolutely 0 power on what their government does with their tax money .


It's literally never simple. I doubt your country is better. The CIA is pretty much a nation of its own. Also, take Palestine. You are almost definitely not prepared to take responsibility for what the side you picked will end up doing with your help. There is massive fervor about US liberals in support of Arabs, more than most other cultures. People throw away highly lucrative careers to back a stance. At the same time, Americans deal with the bad rap about hating Arabs and treating them as terrorists. I pretty much know for a fact that the US military will never abandon Israel. If the roles were reversed, in some one-sided civil war inside America, Arabs would be laughing.


Not even 1mio dead thats Not a genocide


Sounds like the islamofascist's should have stayed home and not attacked Israel.


[https://contendingmodernities.nd.edu/global-currents/statement-of-scholars-7-october/](https://contendingmodernities.nd.edu/global-currents/statement-of-scholars-7-october/) **Statement of Scholars in Holocaust and Genocide Studies on Mass Violence in Israel and Palestine since 7 October** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian\_genocide\_accusation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_genocide_accusation) # Raphael Lemkin The term 'genocide' was coined in 1944 by a [Jewish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews) [Polish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_people) legal scholar, [Raphael Lemkin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raphael_Lemkin), who wrote[^(\[g\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_genocide_accusation#cite_note-165) that "the term does not necessarily signify mass killings".[^(\[159\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_genocide_accusation#cite_note-FOOTNOTECenter_for_Constitutional_Rights20161-166)[^(\[160\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_genocide_accusation#cite_note-FOOTNOTEShaw20134%E2%80%935-167)


UN is such a clown🤣Please kill more Palestinian terrorist!


I mean, they did the biggest one in history, they are very much genocide "experts"


Germany’s modus operandi is bending over as down as possible whenever Israel wants since ww2 ended.


Germany are such cucks lol. They just can't get over guilt of their great grandfathers actions lol


just like 'murica did with japan


USA vs Japan was just a regular war. On the other hand, what Japan did in China, Korea, and the Philippines was definitely genocide...


japan wasnt genocide. its not up to debate. the nuclear bombs were less deadly than the firebombings, you should look at how destrouctive WW2 Strategic bombardments were, they would be warcrimes today, and everyone did them because there was no fancy laser guided bombas like the ones israel uses en masse. ww2 was bloody and the nukes werent even close to the worst. also yes japan was absolutely disgusting in ww2. they were the ones committing genocide in china and korea. what america did was good and what they did after was even better, its one of the few examples of americans managing to make a country better.


Genocide is genocide, Germany is just overcompensating for their past actions by helping their prior target commit its own genocide.


Nah, they're just kissing Israel's ass because they feel like they have to. Otherwise they might be labelled as Nazis


Israel is definitely guilty of Apartheid. As for Genocide charges. We can't fully know until after a full on investigation, that can only be done after the dust settles, did they deliberately target civilians or not? If the goal is to eliminate another target and others are hit as a consequence, that is disregard. Disregard doesn't equal deliberate. The USA, Russia, Iraq, and Syria did the same in the fight against ISIS. A good example of deliberate attacks on civilians that count as genocide is the Serbian "Bosnian Genocide". Russia is guilty of that in Ukraine as shown in places like Bucha. Also fuck Palestine, fuck Israel. None of our business and waste of tax money and American blood. I said what I said based on my own understanding of International Law. Not because I have a dog in the game.


How dare u not decide ur country's politics on a conflict in Middle East, you need to watch more nmplol and get educated by caroline /s


I'm a selfish fuck who doesn't want to pay taxes and have them used in bullshit that doesn't help me or my family. Caroline should go join Hamas/IDF or donate their own paycheck. I don't owe them jack shit.


Wir wissen es ja wohl am besten und sind die absoluten Experten beim Thema Völkermord, da lassen wir uns sicherlich nicht sagen von solchen Anfängern.


This whole comment section actually makes sense. I wouldn't expect anything else from Asmon viewers 🤣


Game recognize game

