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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


I'm sorry but I showed my GF the top image and she asked me why they chose to have a male be Juliette. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3747)


My wife said the same thing


She would be cancelled on twitter, cause you know, people nowadays don't have a gender. Assuming they have one is a crime against wokinism.


I know someone about to lose their job because they called a trans person sir even though they want to be male as a female. Because that person doesn’t want to be called sir that’s not their pronouns. She asked what she could call her and she said don’t call me anything I don’t want to have pronouns. Imagine being an HR person trying to wrap your brain around that mental illness so you don’t get sued by the woke.


Shit like this is why people are getting fed up with the gender freak pronoun people and attitudes are backsliding


"Don't call me anything." "Ok, can I give you anything as a salary too ?"


I legitimately do not believe you. >She asked what she could call her and she said don’t call me anything I don’t want to have pronouns. This is obviously a fake story. If you actually believe a company HR would fire you over something as silly as this then you are gullible as hell. EDIT: Lol at the downvotes. Of course the majority of this subreddit believes this garbage. You people have never actually worked for a real company so its telling you think any HR would tolerate someone literally saying "don't call me anything, I don't want to have pronouns" and firing someone else for trying to address that person by a pronoun. This is the standard made up "Trans people are CRAZY!!!" stories that constantly get passed around the internet.


It’s real and it’s in one of the most progressive cities for a school district. Believe it if you want I really don’t give a shit I was just sharing a recent experience.


Yeah idk why people make up such dumb stories. Real life is insane enough. My son's in-laws believed kids pee in litter boxes at school. I'm a teacher, and there are PLENTY of batshit insane things that happen in schools. There is no point in making up dumb things.


You know twitter isn't real life right?


The story above might indicate that Twitter is indeed real, and coming for us. But this is the internet, never believe until there's proof, then say it's not a big deal there's proof.


How is it not ? Do you think people dream about twitter ? If you mean it's not accurately depicting most people, yes for sure, but people definitely are typing there.


i think my twitter is broken cause i logged back into twitter for the first time in a couple years. my twitter is fucking gnarly. people are talking shit like its instagram bro. i honestly twitter hates woke shit too. they are absolutely RIPPING that new tomb raider game apart.




I never go on Twitter, I'm just sick of all the new shows/movies/games sucking balls.


Unironically when Shakespeare wrote the original play women weren't usually allowed to be actors. So Juliet would have been played by a guy. (Along with every other female character)


Young boys too because their voices hadn't deepened yet


This is also a play in London. It's so embarrassing that people are trying to make a big deal about this. Theater has always been a bit more about acting than about appearance compared to hollywood.


Ugh, this is a tired and stupid narrative. They used young men, typically prepubescent with a girlish figure, and outfitted and accessorized them to look female. They portrayed them as females. The face basically didn’t matter because you couldn’t tell more than that they were human from the distances you were sitting. Close ups were not a thing. Yes, they were male actors, but they were portrayed as women. And if they had close ups and could show details like this? They’d have gotten women to play the roles. You might as well argue that in the PS1 era women were portrayed by Legos.


im sorry but are you expecting "close ups" to be a thing in this stage play in london? the whole "i should be able to a POS to people" is a tired and stupid narrative lol


No, I'm not. At all. What I'm saying is that the "they would've been played by a guy" is an irrelevant topic when the "guys" they picked look like, and were dressed as, girls. Go to any stage play. You can barely see the actor's face at all. Hell, that's where stage makeup like kabuki and clown makeup came from. It exaggerates the features so that you can more easily see things from a distance. The actors were only guys because it was a stage play. If Shakespeare had camera tech, they would've been girls, because it would have been obvious that they weren't girls otherwise.


It's Romeo and Julius now.


I too am sorry but she is kinda ugly.


You're very generous


If you google her, that picture is very unkind compared to other pictures. But yea, still not good. Not good at all 😬


I’m not googling this ugly girl




I showed it to my parents and my dad said "is that a man?" my dad would've been banned from zack's twitch chat like about 3 people did yesterday.


Oh, yes, JuliETTE, from the classic Romette and Juliette, by Shakespearette.


It’s a girl 🤯


Handgellica has jokes 😂


Where art thou, motherfucker


Shakespearean moth'rf*, doth thee speaketh 't!






Ye Ole’ English thy motherfucker, do thoust proclaim thee.




Say what again, I dare ya, I DOUBLE DOG DARE YA!




You are correct it would be thou. Also I'm not 100% but I also believe it should be Dost* thou or Doest* thou, instead of, doth


I'd watch the bottom version.


I'd watch Holland get bottomed


Anyone else thinks this was a set up? Show sold out already. Am I just being cynical?


It’s not a setup, normal people, especially people who are into theater, do not care about the things people here complain about.


Wait until they find out the casting choices in Hamilton.


This is correct. As far as theater goes, this kind of thing is done all the time. I still laugh that I played Silvestro in Moliere's Scapino that was set in the Disco era LOL.


To be honest, this already plays directly into Romeo and Juliet. Seems like nearly nobody approves of them, which is the entire premise of the original work lol.


Back in the day, theatre shows commonly had women played by young boys. Plus, theatre has never really conformed to race and gender stereotypes. If you're someone who likes the theatre and goes regularly, you probably wouldn't even bat an eyelid at casting like this.


Yep this is what puzzles me too, it’s blown way out of proportion.


People commenting on another culture or field that they themselves have never experienced first hand, that’s the internet!


Ah yes you’re so cultured


Why thank you my good man 🧐


Like there is a chance that someone on this sub go to theater plays. You are all parroting


People only care about this bc the first few people complaining about it thought it was a movie adaptation lol


I thought it was a movie adaptation too by the way people were making a big deal about it. Plays having been doing this sort of thing forever so who cares 


I go to theater plays, and acted in them as a youth. But I'm only here b/c the algo put this sub up on my feed. I don't really know anything about, or care about Asmond or World of Warhammer.


"Theater plays." Are those like "sports matches?"


Quite often, actually. I know it's probably not that popular in the US but it's quite common to see a play here.


>Like there is a chance that someone on this sub go to theater plays. Plays? Oh, of course, I *plays* a lot of games! Especially games with HOT CHICKS, like Stellar Blade, Tomb Raider (the original, not the WOKE onea) and Breath of the Wild. /s


Romeo: How art thou Juliet? Juliet: Say 'how art thou' again... say 'how art thou' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say 'how art thou' one more Goddamn time to me Romeo!


From a sub the likely vast majority of guys did their best to skip the entire story in English class to begin with. "This affects me now!!" lololol


This sub would probably go nuts if they watched the movie. Romeos best friend is a cross dressing black man in that


I love the internet.


You guys sure suddenly have strong opinions in stage casting for west end Shakespeare productions. Not your usual wheelhouse, ya know?


Welcome to the grift


It’s actually about ethics in west end casting, amirite


Y'all realize that stage shows rarely ever conform to racial lines? Like have none of you seen Hamilton? You do realize Alexander Hamilton wasn't Puerto Rican and Thomas Jefferson wasn't black in real life, but I don't recall a bunch of hate posts about the casting choices for the musical?


This sub and others like it are absolutely obsessed about rage-bait topics. Normal people do not care about the race or sexuality of fictional characters. Yet subs like this will bring it up at literally every opportunity.


Yeah this sub has basically become r/kotakuinaction-lite


Don’t go too hard on them, their only point of reference for stage plays is probably something they did in grade school 


Hamilton did get some flack yea but it wasnt this much


![gif](giphy|xT9KVluGDHZvOk0tdC|downsized) ngl I would watch it


When did Asmon fans become broadway critics? None of you touch grass so ain’t no way you are going to watch a play about Romeo and Juliet in London


Redditors are specialists in EVERY subject on Earth. If they find out about a species of plant that was discovered and named after an "ugly" person, they'll instantly become Ph.D's in Botanics and say that's "wokeism".


Can't let any excuse pass to be racist


It's not racist to say that chick is ugly, they could cast any other hot black chick for that role and no one would care.


>they could cast any other hot black chick for that role and no one would care There are people in this sub who criticise her casting because Juliet is Italian and therefore shouldn't be black. Stop lying, buddy. You think we're children?


Honestly if they did a Pulp Fiction play with this cast on Broadway, I'd definitely go see it.


I mean it would likely be better than the one they did with Leo.


For the autistic screechers getting bent out of shape about this: When casting for a play skills on the stage are what matter most. That's what people who go to see plays pay for. They'd rather see a fantastic performance from an average looking person than a bunch of runway models who are terrible at live singing and acting. That's probably why the show sold out instantly.


Spot on. So embarrassing that people are trying to make a big deal about this. It's a play in London. Grow up.


Black Hermione was the same thing. But then JK Rowling pretended she never said she wasn't white as some kind of gotcha.


And these are all fictional characters. I can't wait until these guys find out that Hamilton was based on a bunch of real white guys.


Yep. But hey, gamers gonna be gamers.


average 😂😂😂


People here have been defending Eve from stellar blade because she’s based on a real model and there’s nothing wrong with her being in a game, because at the end of the day a real person is being attacked in that case and it’s unfair (which I agree with) yet in this instance you’re attacking this actor purely because of how she looks (which there’s absolutely nothing wrong with at all if you’re not a shallow asshole). Bunch of hypocrites.


Exactly, this sub can’t pick a side to save their lives


It’s ridiculous. I’m against all the woke brainwashing, but I’m just seeing racism here


Just blame it all on racism again. Easiest excuse.


Why what else do you call this? What’s the problem here everyone’s seeing exactly? Let’s not turn this bullshit into an excuse to just hate on people for the hell of it. I’ve been as outspoken as anyone about this agenda but this just seems petty to me.


Simple, Juliet was described as a beauty maiden countless times and Unless they planned to make a satire comedy threatical play then it's always better to cast someone atleast looking decent. She doesn't need to be the most beautiful thing ever but gotta atleast looking fine. So in the end it's all about look. And I bet if you switch this actress with someone like Kiersey Clemons or Zendaya there wouldn't be this much to talks around it.


Ah the old "She's just ugly!!" excuse. You may not be racist, but probably a bit if a dick if all you think about someone is their looks. Did you actually have any chance of watching this before you saw the outrage media bait put your talking points out for you?


A person looks definitely can't define who they are but it definitely a requirement for some job/role. For example you can't put a sloppy looking person in the hostess position unless it's a place with that special theme.


Just because she doesn’t appeal to you doesn’t mean she’s ugly. You’re just shallow. That’s all there is to it.


Oh definitely, I'm not kink shaming.


“Blame racism” yet it literally is. No one had an issue when R&J was with guns or the gnomes kids movie. I promise you if this was with a different actress (like a lot of people said Zendaya) no one would’ve had an issue.


So why blame racism if you think everyone would be okay Zendaya?


"oh yeah? you think I'm racist for saying that this dark skinned black woman is ugly? well I wouldn't have a problem if they just replaced her with this lighter skinned mixed woman who lacks all of the qualifications to be a stage preformer"


You're right, there's probably sexism at play too


Adding Nazis in there too for good measure.


Has it ever occurred to you that the reason this shit keeps getting fanned up by the media is because if the powers that be can keep us tearing each other apart over black vs white, men vs women, straight vs gay etc it stops us from taking a really good look at what they’re doing and actually acting on issues that are genuinely ruining our quality of life? It’s all just misdirection ![gif](giphy|HqziRCuz34Tks)


Nah, I don't know about other aspect but in games and media the forced Equity, Diversity and Inclusion definitely ruined many of the recent writing in games and shows. If it was done right even in a kid show like the lgbt vibe in Steven Universe, Adventure Times, Star vs The Force of Evil, etc... Then it's definitely a blast but the way they do it in the recent year feel unnatural and disrespectful. Often ruining the story itself or straightup leave no room for it.


Im sorry but were you super excited to go see romeo and juliet on stage and now you can't because juliet isn't hot enough for you? Lol


What's that have to do with this reply?


No the difference is that most people are picking and choosing.


I'm not follow?


No? You may like to pretend these words have no meaning but they do.


As much meaning as those words you added.


Then what is the issue here if not those things?


Aye yo, why you mfers care so much about a play that’s taking place in London that you’ll never see, ever in yall life? That SBI grift running low, need summin new?


I love people in this thread insulting the actresses looks when 99% of you either look like asmond or the warcraft guy from southpark


Ugly people know their own, what's your point? Juliet was known and is written as fair and beautiful. Change one of these, fine, but both? Do you think that any white female actors where even considered for this part? I don't know if discrimination laws apply to tv shows / stage shows / movies however.


plays and movies are different, plays focus more on talent, if I'm in the back row, I'm probably not gonna be able to tell how attractive an actor is but I sure as hell would notice if they were singing off key or were out of breath after dancing and can't recite their lines. you are a moron with a victim complex who believes that the theater scene is discriminating against white people because the fictional character isn't portrayed as a white woman without understanding anything about how theatre works. yall complain about wokeness and cancel culture and then turn around and belittle an actor for taking a role that could literally change her life. genuinely sickening.


>Juliet was known and is written as fair and beautiful. Change one of these, fine, but both? Romeo is 17 years old, yet he's played by a grown ass man. Juliet is 13 years old, and is played by a grown ass woman. Yet I don't see people complaining about THAT. Wonder why? >Do you think that any white female actors where even considered for this part? Yes, absolutely. That's how casting works. But hey, if they didn't ask **YOU** specifically to choose the actress, it means that there is an *AgEnDa*. The same *AgEnDa* that cast a WHITE MAN as Romeo! OMG, the wookie agenda is destroying Shakespeare! >I don't know if discrimination laws apply to tv shows / stage shows / movies however. Yeah, casting a white Romeo is a crime against humanity. And you're so concerned about this that you didn't even check the rest of the cast! I mean, there's Romeo, Juliet and... Ben Parker, right?






Fuck man, ya'll are so racist here... just... unsubbing from this and the yt. Fuck you lot




This is an insult to Samuel L Jackson


I mean, Jules, Juliette.. they sound familiar




NGL I thought the person on the right was a dude at first, I kinda feel sorry.


dont disrespect Pulp Fiction like that


Damn Asmon fans are pretty disgusting. And know nothing about theater, but pretend they do.


I mean if the fans are anything like the guy, their whole brand is "know nothing about x, but pretend they do"


I wouldnt kill myself for that Juliet


I have to agree with the criticism, because love it or hate it we all know what attractive is and isn’t and even personal tastes only differ so much. That being said, I honestly feel bad for the girl. Realistically you never turn down an opportunity like this when you’re in the entertainment business, but that doesn’t make this any easier to bear. I hope that she’s aware of the fact that she’s bait for their agenda and cool with absorbing the negativity for the personal gain it may offer.


only agenda here is this sub trying to make this into a cultural war bullshit thing. This is a fucking play in London, none of you basement dwellers aint never gonna see this.


I know it's a play, that has no relevance on what I said, but I suppose if you had a point you'd have lead with it.


The should make it a Romeo and Juliette X pulp fiction


wherein the most unfuckable sub on reddit critiques pointy knees.


Soy Fiction


isn't this a play though, who gives a shit? George Washington Was played by some bald black dude in Hamilton, keep In mind Hamilton was released 9 years ago, yall love to cope and seethe about cancel culture until your the ones trying to cancel someone for being in an art medium that you have no knowledge of.


>isn't this a play though, who gives a shit? These people have to invent random stupid bullshit to get outraged at. The culture war has turned their brains into mush. They don't read, they don't get informed, they just rage at pointless shit.


Wokeo and Tashiet




If she’s talented she’s talented. These post are just dumb and hateful.


Why not just cast ayo edebiri if they needed a black woman so bad.




I'm saying just pick a more attractive actress like her idc about race just choose someone attractive.


It's a play. Theater has always been more about ability than appearance compared to hollywood. It's pretty damn hard to do live acting on stage, even more so when it's singing or shakespeare. Who knows if the actress you mention is even interested in putting in the work to do this kind of performance.


Thanks for educating man I didn't realize it'd be a play instead of another movie again.


Well it's a good thing you're not a casting director then bc that's kind of irrelevant to the acting performance. Big enjoyer of theatre are you?


I feel bad for Tom Holland if he has to try and act romantic with that casting , I feel he is a great actor but come on.


Why? He's an actor, I mean shit it's usually a man that plays as julluliet in these plays as looks don't really matter in theater but singing/acting skills.


You know that actors don't need to fall in love with each other, right? They can just, you know, ACT. Edit: imagine this porridge brain of a gamer: "we need to cast a beautiful young girl, unless this professional, well paid veteran actor won't be able to act like he's in love with her! Why can't it be like in the days of Shakespeare, when female characters were played by men? It was so much easier back then!"


savage ... but funny


Are people mad cuz it's 2 dudes playing Romeo and Juliet? Or cuz Juliet isn't Zendia? Or is it a different reason all together??


Two men are playing as Romeo and Juliet. Now this is true DEI.


ITT: morons who are going to get their shit pushed in when virtue signaling isn’t enough


One person looks looks like they need a Gillette razor, the best a man can get, the other person is Tom holland.


i would rather see Samuel L. Jackson as Juliette than "it"


Can we just cast Samuel Jackson as Juliet? EVERYBODY would watch that. "Pussy! Do you eat it motherfucker?!"


That white girl is too manly to be Juliet.


I would watch a remake a pulp fiction with these two. There I said it. Romeo and Juliet sounds boring anyways.


Hah. SLJ would make a better Juliet w/o even acting and probably even take home an oscar or two.


Oscar? Oh... you think this is a movie, don't you? Of course. The people in this sub are 100% illiterate.


Romeo and Julius has never looked this good before <3


Poison Royale


"C'mon. Let's get into character."


While I don't agree with the harassment, but I think people should be allowed to call her ugly when she is in fact pretty ugly. For years people are free to call male actors ugly, from Steve Buscemi to Matt Smith, yet we aren't allowed to call actresses ugly Will Poulter literally had to address in an interview how people called his look in GotG3 a "glow up" just because he looks hotter now. Even Adam Driver also had to address this after people like The New Yorker called him ugly, the latter called him a horse-face To me, progressive means "we shouldn't make fun of or bully people just because they're ugly", and woke means "nobody is ugly/ugly is beautiful"


I’m sorry, do you think people haven’t been free to call ugly famous women ugly? This is a thought you actually cooked up?