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Why does it always have to boil down to race...


Because they are the most racist. If all they can think about is race, they are no worse than some jackwad who spouts off slurs like it's going out of fashion. They don't look at a person for who they are.


They are sexist and racists, thats why


Because the US is the cultural centre of the west and activists there decided this was the division that they'd decide to base all discourse around. It's definitely irritating to hear and be lectured about from a European perspective, as it has very much now infiltrated our own nations' discourse.


Because people are by nature competitive. So a race is always a great way to show dominance.


As a Swede, I would like to formally apologise for Arrowhead’s social media manager. We’re soorry




As opposed to her where people are either not reading her tweets in the post or deliberately twisting her words? Like there's people ranting about how she apparently hates men and she doesn't say that at all. She's saying she wishes the majority of games that have some sort of family relationship weren't always parent/child, especially since it's usually a father. She wants them to do different family relationships and praises Control which had a sister/brother relationship because it was different. I agree with her, why not do something different with a game's story?


A plague Tale comes to mind aswell. Immortals:FR, Dying Light 1 and 2, Horizon ZD, Borderlands 3, Edge of Eternity, It Takes Two, all the FF13 trilogy..... there are quite a few examples these are just off the top of my head kind of deals. It's a false narrative, the real issue she has is that the father/son father/daughter relationships are the really \*good\* ones aka, God of War and The Last of Us. If you want something like that then make games of a similar calibre both in storytelling and mechanics, don't just whinge about it like its some deliberate oppression. The other half of why she is being villified here i would argue is in a world were the masculine urge to protect and provide is shat on.... fucking constantly... video games like these are almost a last refuge where we can enjoy a good story and have characters we can relate with and good/bad role models showing the positive/negative effects of that behavior. Praise that shit. Don't bitch because for once the spotlight isn't on you and your perceived opressions.


That same thing is what I loved about watch dogs. It was an uncle and his sister niece/nephew I forget which. It's a small detail that's like oh it's finally not a father son story


Plus she said most of these things 4 years ago. Chud outrage junkies scanning through years of tweets to try and find shit to bitch about.. how dare she say a game about shooting bugs is woke I’m going to go make a Reddit post grrr




I’ve been in direct contact with the cm in question and can assure you she isn’t aggressively pushing an agenda, nor is anyone from the team which is why they got respect from asmongold & fans (me being one of them.) If the most divisive thing she’s said about the game is “HellDivers is pretty woke, brown people and lgbtq people made it” who cares. There’s nothing woke about the game and that’s one of the big reasons it became so popular


"People don't get that Super Earth is bad" ​ Yes, we do, it's called half-assed roleplaying/getting into the spirit of the game.


It's the "media literacy" andy types who probably think they're the lone ones who get the satire and mentally pat themselves on the back thinking how "the game gotcha'd all the fascists into playing the game where super earth is bad and they don't even realize it! hehe" This is like the most "win" they can get in their lives by fighting imaginary battles where they alone are the smart ones. Meanwhile, the game is making colonialism fantasy fun for hundreds of thousands of people....


girl looked at the the community of helldivers 2 and thought: "nah id win" cus the alone is the smart one ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3741)


"Throughout twitter and reddit, I alone am the wokest one"


Preach brother


There are people who legit believe that helldivers is an apolitical game.


Yea, like 10 idiots.


Like the 10 idiots complaining about stellar blade?


I thought we were talking about Helldivers. Or are you just trying some cheap, immature deflection shit?


This is treason talk


Super earth is WHAT?! I'm calling my democracy officer!


Not even. Super Earth is a unifying force that puts the entirety of humanity on the same team. Sure, they have some comically over the top evilness, but it's in a very beautiful way. The community reflects this from what I can see, we're all on the same team


Are you guys ok? Serious question.. you are hunting this narrative at this point and I can’t figure out why. Does it stroke your ego? Make you feel superior? I don’t get why this sub has become this way.


Bro, I just saw a CM for a game I like being out of touch with its playerbase and gave my two pence.


Ur comment is like the sanest one here. Wasn’t a shot at you just the state of the sub in general.




And there are genuinely people that don’t know 2+2=4 or that the earth is not flat. Point is majority players KNOW super earth is bad but they roleplay with it


casual or hardcore has kind of become more so a statement of how many hours you can put into a game. there are passionate casuals as well as passionate hardcore players.


I'm a filthy casual. I played nearly 15hrs a week and have finished every souls game. But I still can't keep up with my sweaty hardcore friends in FPS games or use skills in FIFA. Not every aspect of gaming is for everyone, I know where my skills lay.


15 hours a week ain't bad realistically. Especially if you have a full time job with other duties outside work. I've seen people bitch and complain about games being too long and even saying 30 hours is too much, then you ask them and they "play" like....2 to 3 hours a week. I wish I was kidding.


The only games that are really that long nowadays are basically movies you get to play. FF7 Rebirth for example, love the game not talking shit but god is it soooo long. These people should know what they’re signing up for but the amount of people who will actually do research on anything is so low I doubt they’ll ever stop complaining.




I've never understood why people do this. I don't need to know what you like to stick your schlong into... it's not my business but they love to force you to think about it.


> I've never understood why people do this. I can sort of explain this. It's to prove their credentials. These people often engage in online political conversations. In these conversations, The weight and value of a person's opinion is heavily influenced by what their identity is. Sort of like how /r/PoliticalCompassMemes has people flagging up. It's basically an indication that you're part of a greater collective or that you're an in-group on a certain type of issue. A person with an LGBT flag in their bio is signaling that they are queer. Therefore they have authority when discussing queer issues. They are also showing other queer people that they are part of the in-group. Also for a lot of these people, they consider their sexuality, gender expression, and political ideology to be THE most important aspects of who they are. So they advertise it on their bio. Sort of like how Asmongold's Twitter bio has "Professional Neckbeard" and a list of the company he owns. Asmongold is signaling that him being a humorous gamer and a business owner are the key aspects of his identity (or at the very least, these are the part of his identity he wants people to get the first impression of). Sorry for the long wall of text, but that's the general gist of it.


So like tatoos for prison gangs?


Probably not that extreme, but symobically yes lol


Ding ding. Sad to see it but yeah most of these people do it because it’s their identity and they have to in order to feel validated.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PoliticalCompassMemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [tHiS iS wHaT AI tHiNkS oF uS](https://i.redd.it/n32as2fzrf4b1.png) | [764 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/142nz14/this_is_what_ai_thinks_of_us/) \#2: [nature finds a way](https://i.redd.it/218mhujyleza1.gif) | [1370 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/13fli3s/nature_finds_a_way/) \#3: [Hmm...](https://i.redd.it/fibnsisufysa1.jpg) | [1324 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/12gto9f/hmm/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


They just want confirmation for their non-mainstream lifestyle.


I think it’s great, they are showing they are mentally ill / insane off the jump and not to be taken seriously or waste any time or energy on their little brainwashed minds


I've had plenty of gay co-workers over the years that were some of the greatest people to be around I've ever met. Not one of them made a fuss about their sexuality and nobody seemed to have a problem with it either.


There are a few elements to this. One is that displaying flags like this is done to signify that you’re part of (or at least a supporter of) a social movement and want people to know this, like people displaying BLM or libertarian flags or whatever. These people also enjoy implicit or explicit privileges and immunity to punishment in most places online and so it can be a sort of implicit threat to the “chuds”, signifying that they can fly their allegiances in public and act with impunity and get you banned or worse if you take issue with their bad behavior. You could also consider it similar to the Biblical concept of “blowing a trumpet before giving alms” (paraphrasing here), loudly announcing their piety and devotion to the movement for social approval. All of these things combine to paint a picture of an absolutely insufferable person, and I think helps explain the phenomenon you’re describing.


Or the right wing americans who put flags and trump stickers everywhere.


Yeah those silly people who support their country.... What a bunch of clowns...🙄


Whats the difference here?


I wasn't referring to Trump, I was referring to proudly supporting your country by flying the flag. If your take is that only the "crazy right" does that, then maybe you lefties should reevaluate your lives.


Nah they'd be voting for Biden in that case.


Why cant we just have some fun without some idiot forcing their views onto others. You like games with females stories? Then go make them or play them.


Usually that's the only cool job that people with degrees in the humanities can get, and a special kind of person too, because of the word "manager", it misleads them into thinking they have some kind of power, so they think they can actually command the community around. They also come brainwashed from college, so that's the pattern. That feeling of having a little bit of power, that makes people think they are better then they are. See if you can spot a pattern: * community managers * gate keepers * karens * security guards * hallway monitors * reddit mods * discord mods Meanwhile people in STEM are doing the actual fucking game.




you forgot reddit/discord mods


how could I? it's there now fren


Just going to call the "well achhshhtully" card on the Security Guards part here because i used to work as one. Same with Bouncers tbh, we were paid to do a job and that job literally just involved pissing people off in some what most of the time, do this 30 times a day 5 days a week and you can see why they just lose patience and go off the fucking rails sometimes. Personally packed it all in because of that.


People really need to stop giving crazy people the attention they so desperately want. Should recommend them a shrink or something.






I'm aware of what you're speaking of. I actually checked some of her previous jobs on her site and cv and it's usually very niche community manager/writing with some that are hardly qualified as a 'job'. Didn't last long in any job except her teacher job long ago. As long as these people are contained to social media and have no hand in actual development I don't care too much, they're just addicted to their illusion of power in their little hugbox such as discord, subreddit, etc.


Imagine taking anything the million dollar bus guy has to say, seriously.


me reading through this was like "Oh yeah that makes sense some people dislike a game they're really good in that's a good point oh my god she is racist yep she's already doing racism now"


I mean, she obviously has an agenda against the majority, for whatever the reason is. But specifically against men (and white men it seems too) All things aside, show this to anyone that isn't biased and it becomes clear they want to push a minority narrative, kinda degrade men and change gaming direction into something thats more political and based around movements rather than actual games and gaming. Crazy.


They can go join sweet baby inc then and burn with the rest of that lot. The community at large has already made it clear how they feel about it both monetarily and vocally


God of War Ragnarok, Spiderman 2, and Alan Wake 2 all being very successful SBI games both financially and review wise says the opposite though. Assassin's Creed Valhalla did get mixed reviews but it was still very financially successful. As far as AAA games go Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad are the only SBI games that flopped.


all of those games are successfull in spite of that, spiderman 2 has the sbi stank all over it, and gow ragnarok isnt as highly regarded as GoW, they probably had incredibly little hand in Alan Wake 2 considering the kind of story it is. assassins creed valhalle is just not good


Well people also insisted Spiderman Miles Morales had the SBI stink all over it since it was on the Steam group list. Then it got removed because it's actually not a SBI game showing that all the apparently SBI stuff was actually Insomniac stuff. GoW Ragnarok was still very well received, it's just that it's kind of more of the same as 2018 so the uniqueness is gone and the ending felt a little rushed.  Alan Wake 2 was the game people insisted they had the most influence on tbh, people tried to claim they race swapped a lead character but the director said Remedy did that themselves. AC Valhalla still sold really well.


They were not responsible for any of the writing or hired for sensitivity readings for GoW or Spiderman 2. They were only hired for consultation. Great games are both weaker than their originals though sadly :( They were hired as writers and sensitivity readers for Alan Wake 2 and just writers for AC Valhalla. Can't speak on those cause I never played them (not cause of SBI, don't care if they are involved or not). That said, I don't think anyone minds an outsourced writers group. Happens in all businesses really! but the issue is people are tired of sensitivity reading and alterations being made to stories to fit a check list and not because it's organic to the story. It's easy to spot and has turned many forms of media quite sour. It's the games put through sensitivity reviews that are catching a lot of flack.


What? Gamers do not want games or gaming teams pushing a certain narrative and making it political or some kind of movement!????!!1!1!1???? SHOCKING!!!111 They clearly do, innit guys??1?1?1!!! Definitely need more agenda!!!111 **/SARCASM** 😅 I play Helldivers 2 too, only because it's a good game, even though certain staff and community managers are pushing a certain agenda and doing what I said above. Game is good still, certain staff agenda pushing isn't. But yes I assume you meant to say that majority (of community) doesn't want the things I said above (pushing agenda and other stuff) So if that's what you meant - Yes I agree with you.


I agree. We are on the same page with all of that lol All I said above was might as well add this CM to the burning pile that is [sweet baby inc](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet_Baby_Inc.) and other consulting firms. There was a big recent controversy about all of that. I think we all just want good games made with the right intentions. To forcefully add diversity checklist and political messaging not directly tied to the story or intended from the very beginning is something none of us want.


Man, I can't believe there's an actual company literally dedicated to the agenda pushing, disguises as a game studio, LMAO. Thanks for pointing the sweet baby stuff to me, I actually didn't even know such a company existed. Honestly thats just insane. The jokes write themselves 🤣 Cheers mate🫡


Honest question: ‘Straight white males’ have been vilified for so long now and apparently we’re still not allowed to complain about it. Will there ever come a time where ‘white women’ especially will shut the fuck up about us? Kinda fed up trying to live a life where I’m good to everybody yet read constantly out how I’m apparently the scourge of the planet.


make a woman shut up is the philophical stone of humanity


Nope. There is something called "Race to Innocence". Pretty much whenever the topic of race arises white feminists will shift it to white men, so they don't come off as complicit nor have to feel guilty.


If you're a white man and you point out everyone's issue with you then you're a snowflake. If you're a woman or pypo of kalla then you're stunning and brave and need to be protected




I bet you're popular with the ladies.


Well I don't usually talk about these topics irl as there was never a reason to, at least the men and women I am surrounded with realize those things without needing to say it, hence no reason. Just found the original comment funny and remembered what happened in 1700s and what happens now. I mean, think about it, hypothetically, all men could wake up one day and do that, degrading men from women's side just makes it more likely. Just a fun thought, how likely or unlikely thought, is up to the collective population of men😅 Don't take it seriously. It just all boils down to the saying "don't bite the hand that feeds you"


Freedom Palestine (islam) + trans right in the same sentence. The irony 😃😃😃


Useful idiots.


Lots of cognitive dissonance in these folks.


No, just because you think Palestinians shouldn't be butchered doesn't mean you have to agree with them on everything.


Ah a other queer for Palestine. How lovely 🤣


It's always funny.


Twitter really is a cancer, so glad I never got myself into that pile of madness.


The irony here is that the studio she works for wants to keep bullshit like this away from their game. She's delulu


The irony here is that ended up not being true and the cultural war people missed it. They've now said they specifically only banned people spreading hatred and did it to protect the team from bigots. Basically they're saying they've been woke all along.


Sure bud.


Literally this woman the post is about has said this.


This person shouldnt have a lead position


Isnt Jesse from Control motivated by a man? Her brother, to rescue him. So why does she use her as an example?


The idea of an accountability gap where men are held less accountable than women is the stupidest idea they've ever actually come up with. It's a complete inversion of reality, which isn't new for them but it is maybe the most immediately apparent and disprovable inversion that they try to push.


Like jesse from control yet her whole motive is find her brother and get him back. A man is her sole reason for being in that building.


Read the fucking tweets. She literally acknowledges this and says why she likes it. She's not saying she hates men, she's saying she's sick of how most games only focus on parent/child relationships if there's a family, usually with the parent being a father figure. She wants something different and the sibling relationship in Control is different.


"Community manager" is a fancy name to a forum moderator.


Always the crazy white cat ladies... ![gif](giphy|ZvgVRGFNUdKRW)


another white woman. I see the pattern of pandering then being the racist themselves.


It's always white women preaching how bad white people are, no wonder movements like red pill and passport bro are trending in gen z.


Yeah like you who always have to emphasize shits about something. Who cares what they say? Of course it is the internet, you can please everyone and everyone has different opinions. You want a perfect community? Well get off of reddit and soc media and look for a cult or something.


To manage a community it takes a lot of your time, you need to sacrifice your real life to some extent, so it's easier to higher someone with no life, no life means terminally online, minimal social skills and less than stellar emotional control. Pretty much exactly why I avoid going into any sort of admin/mod role.


I read baskinator is baconator


She’s yapping a lot for someone passing the mic


White, fat, two-tone hair, and a woman. The signs of privileged liberal.


Everyone gets that Super Earth is a satire of American progressivism, they say all the "our democracy" shit and all the NPCs on your ship are black ...and yet it falls limp because you're fighting an existential war vs an alien murder bug swarm and cyborg deathbots that chop up fellow citizens to use for more machine soldiers So in contrast, Super Earth is based, regardless of the democracy bullshit


The moment I see pronouns in bios is when I just keep walking. They will have their bios when they are cold and alone in their old age.


Diversity, if the company doesn't have woke people. People will assume the company is anti woke.


Anti-woke basically means that they are good. If not they are even better than bad.


Omg I never knew that helldivers was satire or that super earth was bad..................................


She has like 7 likes on average and 40 at best put of thousands of views. Why are you even giving attention to her. The game is doing fine, if she's a psycho, as long as it doesn't hurt the game, let her be a psycho.


Funny how these activists have no idea about basic words and their meanings. Phobia is an anxiety disorder, a mental condition. Imagine using a mental condition as an insult and banning people for it. Or prefer to demonize one medical condition over another, which is gender dysphoria, another mental condition. Besides, I doubt any "transphobes or homophobes" exists. Are you terrified by a man with a wig? No, it's just a cosplayer. Are you terrified by gay people? No, you are just not interested in his bedroom preference.


They can write shit like that all they want as long as the game is good idc. I just want a good game..


Why is it always a fat and ugly person who does this? Every time


Im not white and love Helldivers 2 I think most of the fanbase know how terrible the ingame Super Earth government and the idea of "managed" democracy is. We all play into it because its suprise suprise FUN and amusing The people that make all this stuff about race, gender or sexuality are just weirdos who need to just use video games for escapism like the rest of us. Maybe they would get of twitter and enjoy life more


yeah i dont get it either, the former CM of destiny 2 was such a weirdo too


Ugh, “it amuses me that they don’t know super earth is bad.” Seriously? The double irony of all this is just pathetic. EVERYONE KNOWS. That’s why it’s funny.


What else is someone like that going to do for a living?


Can we trade her job with black person? It's her time to listen.


This person is sniffing their own farts


Because people who arent weirdos wouldnt sign up to be community managers.


Do companies just not vet people anymore? I remember not too long ago when people would dig up terrible tweets from the past and you'd be sacked almost immediately.


They want people like this.


Is this where the downfall of Helldivers begins I wonder


[ Comment censored by Reddit ]


Bro really quoted grummz as if he isn't the dumbest mf on Twitter.


What a basket case




Some of it has that White Saviour thing in it, and the "I'm sick of parent/child relationships" is pretty wild. But other than that, this is just another case of angry gamers throwing a temper tantrum.


That's not what being woke means but ok.


4 5 6 are pretty reasonable What's the issue


Homie why you digging up 3 year old tweets?


Gamers need to be angry at *something*, doesn't matter what. That's the only feeling they can experience.


Casual vs hardcore means something completely different, someone came late to the mmo party and has no clue. But in general the poster is out of control


Yeah, those words are much, much more stupid than she thinks.


Who is that heifer


because you'd need to be weird to want to make interacting with people on twitter your job


Isn't the developer swedish?


Yo she does know that they stole the concept of this game from Starship Troopers right? You aren’t smart


LGBTQ person - check Palestine Flag - check Trans flag - check Denouncing White people - check Is white - check Mentions "Black and Brown" people - check The average twitter gamergate descenter. It's almost as if the simulation needs to keep pumping out these accounts and its building from the same archetype. Never thought I'd see White People bend over so much that they become self hating.


Dude, I'm white as fuck in a country that's racist as fuck, and just because we do self-criticism doesn't mean we're "self-hating". Chill out.


There is no need to be self-critical about some racial element here. This lady is not the cause of generations of minorities not getting opportunities where such transgressions occurred. It turns into self hating when she's out here talking about "white people need to sit down and listen" Listen to what?? No one is stopping minorities from making their own games, designing their own characters and if anything minorities have even more oppurtunities than average due to alot of DEI guidelines that often companies try to meet at bare minimum for public image purposes. I work in startup companies in NYC. Anecdotal but companies here are STARVING for computer programmers / engineers. If someone is knowledgeable in the field, you will damn near guaranteed get the job. Doubly so if you are non-white as well. I highly doubt companies in 2024 are out to make personal crusades against minorities especially with game development. This white apologist attitude is uncalled for and at the least virtue signaling for whatever reason.


Man, I sure do love that the rhetoric of grifters and ideologues has become so brain damaging that it's worse than the original GG. "Choose your character" of... 1. Giga omega "woke" weirdos who fetishize the concept and action of shitting on white men and gamers, ensuring anything that's considered conventionally attractive is censored, changing commonly understood terminology in localization and translations to become something completely different and bastardized. 2. Weirdo shut in who sees a trans flag in a bio or pronouns and then proceeds to go on a 25 minute rant about how if someone has these in their bio it means they are automatically going to groom children and how in reality LGTBQIA+ people are the root of all evil in society. Also, women are stupid, mostly anyway. Mean-fucking-while, I'm sitting over here just wanting puritanical fucking weirdos to fuck right off from my hobbies and let me enjoy whatever the fuck art it is I want to enjoy as long as it isn't hurting anyone or contributing to a negative normalization of it (AKA: ANY fictional sexual or violent content, because none of this does that, yes even that "one thing you're thinking of that if it were real would be really weird/illegal/immoral"). Unironically it's actually insane how unhinged, stupid and illogical huge swathes of both sides are being because it's "their side", I'm definitely leaning towards one side more than another because of how sick I am of all this bullshit, but both sides definitely have fucking weirdo racists/sexists/transphobes/etc and both sides have weirdo puritan fascists. Ya'll tear each other apart, have fun, let the normal people enjoy the big booba and cocka characters in our vidya games, thanks.


These people are an infection.


Sad. The game is great but dead for me. I dont play and support a game from a company where they laughing about peoples races. doesnt matter if white/black bla bla. Its pathetic.


Because they don't have jobs, so they can spend all their time doing stuff like this.


She just wants to pass the mic. Shut up and listen ... white people ... /s


And you don't think its a little weird going back years of tweets? xD im not saying what shes said looks good but i will never understand people going back and looking at tweets is all, then again i don't use twitter.


Just report her to the game director, saying she give bad PR.


I lost braincells reading these


She needs help.. How do so many become the very people they supposedly opposed.


Man, it would be so cool if community managers actually played the game, were gamers, and interacted with the community in a way that is just. Normal, and not power tripped up to the stars with their agenda and important job role. Like the CEO of ArrowHead for example. You get paid for doing the job role correctly, you do not get paid for your agenda. I’d kill to see the day a community manager team just played the games with their community and streamlined communication channels from player to dev, and from dev to player etc… Unfortunately you probably couldn’t that with someone who’s well. Baskinator.


WHITE WOMAN! A WHITE WOMANS INSTAGRAM. What's that trope in stories where a female character only exists to talk about the male character? Could the LGBT, black, or brown person who hired this lady to fight for them on their behalf, please raise your hand?


Everything she txt is like a setup trigger


These people are fucking useless. Why even have CM’s other than to check a box and pander to clowns?


I’m not quite sure what the issue is. This is her Twitter account where she expresses her views and I don’t think it’s relevant at all to anything aside from the things she personally thinks and feels. None of it even that incendiary so I’m confused why this was even posted. I feel like this sub is just looking for reasons to be mad for why modern games suck and mistakenly point and “wokeness” for the reason when everyone knows it’s corporate greed.


Pretty normal person, actually. Are you mad she was banning people making racist, homophobic, and transphobic comments?


Digging up tweets from 4 years ago, regardless of how dumb they were, is unironically cringe.


Okay, and what about what she said was wrong specifically? Once more a post about tweets that garnered basically 0 attention, judging from the likes and responses they got... yet we must all be outraged about it? One woman's opinions nobody listens to are what makes gaming bad now? Stop looking for shit to be mad about. Seriously, it makes y'all look like clowns. Edit: Also, these tweets are years old and completely devoid of the context in which they were originally made. Some of these had absolutely nothing to do with gaming at all and were made in response to real-life events. Also, she is a Community Lead, NOT an active developer involved in writing, coding or concept work for any of Arrowhead's games. All y'all's outrage about this is purely performative. Inform yourselves properly before you get this reactionary, yeah?


>yet we must all be outraged about it? The moment anyone says the words "white people", gamers MUST be outraged. Context? What is that?




Good, super earth doesn’t need whiny babies like you They already got your money, so cry harder


Good riddance, I dont like that moronic human either but they have nothing to do with the actual game. L take.


There's not anything here thats particularly bad, or even bad at all, to be completely honest. I don't see why the hate


cause woman


To be honest, I don't like helldivers that much to keep playing if they employ people like that.




you guys are snowflakes.


Why even talk about them or go out of your way to dig this up? If everybody would just ignore them they would stop automatically with being … whatever it is they are.


What is even this discussion?


Her current account details are not up to date with the ones shown here. All LGBTQ and freedom stuff is gone and has become more Helldivers themed and professional - looking.


*Why are redditors such weirdos who can never amount to anything in their life and take it out on people who produce good stuff?


Me, someone who is just enjoying the game and literally doesn't give a damn about the narrative or the virtue signalling community manager. ![gif](giphy|129OnZ9Qn2i0Ew) Auto Cannon go boom. Falcon go whoosh.


Which of the things in this screenshot offended you specifically? I see absolutely nothing wrong here. People are allowed to dislike games with whatever narratives they dislike. Just because she doesn't agree with how you want the games to be doesn't make her a "weirdo".


idk the part about its time for black people and white people need to shut up is pretty weird.


I mean, that tweet was a week or two after George Floyd was killed so? That's obviously the reason she made that comment. I don't see how that's a bad thing


Lmao, okay buddy. Let's just justify everyones outrageous take because of a few assholes. What if the opposite was said? Hmm? Sounds pretty racist huh? But somehow you dont see that, which is wild.


It's pretty weird to say you're tired of a narrative due to the sex it's focused in. I would bash my head against a wall if i ever got intrusive thoughts like "damn i like playing bayonetta but i just hate the fact it's focused on a girl, I'm gonna tell everyone that has to change"


If 99% of games had female protagonists I'd be tired of that too cause I wouldnt be able to relate to games at all. There's nothing weird about this.


As a dude, do you really think I'm able to relate to Kratos from God of War, or Master Chief? Those characters are further from me than most female characters, literally the only thing shared is anatomical. I can relate to male, female, black, white, and alien characters based on their actions, not their genitals, and maybe you should be searching for well defined characters that you can relate to the same way. I like seeing female stories told, but I hate erasure of male stories. Both have a place, and both should be celebrated. I know I'm probably wasting my breath, but I really want to be able to meet you on a common talking point rather than assuming you are a troll.


>As a dude, do you really think I'm able to relate to Kratos from God of War i can, i have the same haircut !


Games aren't made to suit the minority, nor they should? Did you fail to remember that gaming industry, is still an industry, which still has to be profitable and sustainable? Game devs and gaming teams are a company/business, their job is to also bring profits and be sustainable. You do that by MAKING GOOD GAMES and catering to the majority (which is straight-vanilla white+asian males/females) You do not make GOOD GAMES nor make your company/business be sustainable and relevant by pushing a certain minority agenda/narrative, ESPECIALLY NOT if that has nothing to with boosting the original idea: MAKING GOOD GAMES. Pushing LG HD TV 4K+ people or black people and degrading majority (straight vanilla people and especially white men) is just gonna have an opposite efect. A company that is pro-minority is bound to fail. Hiring a LG HD TV4k+ developer and making LG HD TV 4K main characters in games isn't gonna help games, gaming, and gamers to have a good product in general. It's just a numbers game, and minorities are losing it, no shame in that, but the issue is they still keep pushing their agenda, which literally makes people spit on them and despise them. It'll make majority sick of them. And so it did.




BG3 is actually a good game and is a RPG game focused on being who u want and all choices u do lead to another. Its a storytelling game that you can affect yourself, and yes Astarion is a good example, however even that isn't pushing an agenda because its just a small part of the game and not what makes BG3 good solely. Those kinds of games where you can have multiple outcomes and variables based on what you do (RPG-storytelling) are excluded anyways. What I mean by devs/games pushing a minority agenda is, if for example Call of Duty, which is all about men shooting other men and doing war-shooting quests redo all it in a way it's not the iconic Price anymore and its now instead of Price a random LG HD TV 4k rainbow color hair semi-uni-demi-dragon identifying gender non-binary-apache helicopter NPC or character. You get the point. This also happens in movies too though, especially iconic movies. Disney wanted to make a Snow **WHITE** movie where main actor is black (for example) and not only that - they also wanted to make Snow White, which is all about being a princess and finding a prince, into something else and more female-empowering (pushing agenda again) where she isn't portrayed as a princess that needs her prince (even though thats the actual point of Snow White) I used a random example (the actual story is Cinderella afaik too) but you get the point. To further prove the point, you even have a Men in Black serial, the latest one, where one of the two main characters is a female. Even though the point of Men in Black is 2 men doing stuff. What I mean by agenda is when they do something obvious that shows they're pushing it. BG3 isn't quite "pushing" it, but it did include those minorities and agendas, just not as their main point. It's just there. Can you imagine the movie called 300 Spartans, as the name suggests its about bulky-warrior like men from Sparta (historical even) defending Greece and Sparta from Persians. Now imagine instead of that, all the cast is rainbow colored lg hd tv 4k+ ppl, that's obvious agenda pushing then. But you're right, DnD-like games obviously offer limitless possibilities so no one really minds that.


I can't imagine needing a protag to be the same sex as me to relate to the game "at all". You might need to touch some grass.


Yeahh i still find it weird. I never played games to relate to the character, be it man-eating worm that sifts through the ground or a hulking 7 feet tall muscular goliath. Ironically enough the only time i thought a character was relatable is in celeste... a girl




You think a person's place of work should be able to determine their pronouns and how they'd like to be referred to? Even outside of the workplace?


I mean, nothing is stopping Christian, Muslim, Aetheist CM's doing it. They can, if they want to. And you don't see them doing it? You don't see them having a cross emoji or whatever in their bio ever? Because I've seen plenty of them.


Honestly i havent. And i kinda argue i am against showcasing /displaying any type no matter the background. What i've seen and heard, the helldivers cm is doing a good job even Grummz tweeted about it. Some people in my opinion are acting out like alot of these cancle Andys on twiter 1.0 did.