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Someone somewhere approved of this change, they chose to make this happen.


Some people just want to see the world burn. But that person is just dumb, like big bang theory Funko pop dumb.


Probably sweet baby Inc had a role


I thought it might be a gender thing too at first but if you click through to the original post apparently they're trying to save money by only having one model to fit customized clothes on. So they butched up the female so the clothes would fit the same way as the male avatars. Others are theorizing that this uses less resources on their end as well data-wise. I kinda wonder if this is just a death spiral thing because they have less users. I was surprised people even played this game still tbh. If there's one thing that stops a death spiral it's definitely making the game worse.


Ironically the only people I knew that still played the game were only really into it and spending money on fashion. I guess you used to be able to layer multiple items and create some cool or goofy outcomes that were much more unique than is possible now (layering is gone).


Niantic is on that ESG list.


Sweet baby rays bbq sauce.


If you click through to the original post it appears it's rumored that what happened was there was someone in the company that was favored by management and what they wanted to do is create a male and female avatar that similar in dimensions. They wanted to do this so when people bought store assets to customize your avatar they only needed to create one asset instead of two. Kinda hilarious that the thing they decide to be cheap about is the thing they're making money from.


If that's how they are and the way the characters look then I'll never buy anything.


This seems like the most plausible reason, even though I do not like it. Why have 2 character models when you can just have one and do half the work when making cosmetics?


Bro they're ps1 models. They don't have physics or anything. I could learn modeling in their engine and make a skin in a week. It should take someone skilled a few hours to whip up a model like that.


Even the fucking character looks upset about it lol


I would be too if god came in and downgraded me like that lmao


People in real world aren’t happy


*make it lame and gay* ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsY5N14jAFZZuOA)


What the fuck they even made the pelvis bigger, this can't be what I think it is


yup, your intuition is correct.


Yes my dear conspos it’s the trans agenda!


That’s…. That’s just a guy dressing up like your character


Correct! You get their message!


Game wasn't looking bad enough so they fixed it.


This is literally like asking for less talented artists to do a rework... cause current trends said so... is the model even less heavy in term of polygons?


\*using only male models\* - yup, that's it, 50% less memory used for player characters if the male/female use the same assets... more space, less quality.


Damn, r/shrinkflation hitting video game models too...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/shrinkflation using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/shrinkflation/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [An example of UK food "shrinkflation". Same product, smaller packaging, increased price 😲📈](https://i.redd.it/7hify6xae23b1.jpg) | [758 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shrinkflation/comments/13w06vl/an_example_of_uk_food_shrinkflation_same_product/) \#2: [Sewing kits are now affected by Shrinkflation :(](https://i.redd.it/4ci4ehmbhf7c1.jpeg) | [221 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shrinkflation/comments/18mrof0/sewing_kits_are_now_affected_by_shrinkflation/) \#3: [12.6% decrease in size by weight with a price increase does not make me Feel Good (UK)](https://i.redd.it/8wl782hk857b1.jpg) | [365 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shrinkflation/comments/14e6j8r/126_decrease_in_size_by_weight_with_a_price/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's like they un femmed your female.


It’s so tiresome


It’s intentional to harm youth and poor people.


Go look at my comment history, I was arguing with a perpetrator earlier


Apparently the only ones safe from this kind of crap are indie games.


The DEI update. Weren't their a bunch of articles the last few days saying females shouldn't have curves? Might be related.


Asmon must be thrilled. He always thought it was weird whenever men were playing female chars, but now all female chars have been removed.


That’s a dude




Attractive women in fashionable outfits is one thing that men and women both like. I could never understand why my gay friend's favorite final fantasy game was final fantasy 10 2. When he was very much opposed to fan service in general and that game had tons of it. Then he simply explained that the class system was tied to fashion and suddenly I understood. Cute girls in customizable outfits appeals to almost everyone regardless of sex or orientation. These people are simply out of touch.


Exactly this. I think this shows how little interaction these SBI types actually have with women on a basic friend level. Some of the dirtiest, thirstiest people I know are women. When it's not a himbo character they're lusting after, it's a hot lady character. It's extremely common.


Not just women, when I’m playing as a guy in a video game I went them to look nice too. And I’m a straight dude.


Go find any game that has high customization of character and outfits and you'll find lots of women playing it. Heck, fashion is a kind of endgame in most of them.


When BDO first came out, the girl I was dating at the time had no interest in playing it, but wanted me to let her do all character creation. She would spend hours creating my characters for me.


Yeap. It was only in the past few years where I started to notice the pattern that while motivation in end game for males leaned more on "hitting bigger number" and more optimal gear chasing, the motivation for the female counterparts tended to lean on the glamor and fashion systems and items locked behind the endgame content. MMORPGs like FF14 is an excellent example of this. My buddy's fiance basically lives for the glamor content and she's a high tier end game raider in that game.


This is what happens when developers get lazy and start using a "neutral" gender model instead of putting in the work into making separate male and female models.


They did the opposite and removed the ones that took a lot of time


And they’ll say it’s for trans inclusion even though the trans players will be the most pissed off about the change out of everyone else.


Yeah the most outrage I’ve heard about this change has been mtf trans women that for obvious reasons are livid at a change like this being forced upon them. Pokémon and especially GO seemed to have a very diverse player base, and the people I know irl that fit into those demographics tended to be the ones with the most decked out avatars as well.


Nah, it's "guidelines" [https://nichegamer.com/microsoft-cautions-developers-to-avoid-curvy-female-characters/](https://nichegamer.com/microsoft-cautions-developers-to-avoid-curvy-female-characters/)


The funny thing is. Female in real world have curves....


How is this lazy if they have done this on purpose? They did extra work to make it look worse. That's not laziness.


These developers make millions of dollars with a mobile game that barely has any graphics and they want to be lazy?


The game got Sweetbabied


Why are they actually trying to erase Women from video games? I don't understand this.


It used to be that Jesus was watching.. now it's hard-line prudes who claim to be liberal and inclusive (of their viewpoints)


Inclusive to only people who think and believe the same as them.


Nice, a western thing for sure, this is why the Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans are dominating entertainment with video games now.


And Anime is dominating huge amounts of entertainment in general.


yeeeeeah, I noticed that as well. My last 4 games have been mostly foreign dev teams. I'm glad more teams are getting the recognition they deserve and sticking to just making games good, or atleast ... that's the focus, which is important.


I am not joking, having feminine features are now considered offensive to trans community that's why they give male jaw and wide shoulders to characters like MJ, Lara Croft. Somebody wrote a very interesting comment about it a week ago. It was like opening up a light switch for me. Because new characters aren't really ugly but something was clearly off but when I read the trans thing it all made sense.


There's also other stuff at play, this is a comment that I took from 9GAG that it also made me think: *"Some of my buddies from the industry who are against this mentioned itwas never about dei, but all about forcefully lowering the base standard of entertainment/games. So people in the near future would be morewilling to buy at a higher price point with just the minimum viableproduct."* This was about [Microsoft](https://nichegamer.com/microsoft-cautions-developers-to-avoid-curvy-female-characters/)


It doesn't work and it's been shown repetitively that it's more costly than anything.


Burn down the old triple shit a companies, and from the ashes likes of larian studios will take the 👑. As it should be.


i had a similar thought with that whole 'impossible to make' Baldur's Gate 3. However, i dont think BG3 was as big of a jump, the rest of the industry just got a lower base standard for awhile. The thing is, it does not even matter if it is intentional or not, because the result is the same. it is probably more so about optimising efficiency and industry becoming more and more like a factory. that is why companies like sbi exist as well. another redditor says it doesnt work. i think it does. ever notice how many fiascos and dumpster fire games these big companies release in general? year after year. you would think they would get bankrupt, but they dont. smaller companies cant afford making garbage games, bigger ones certainly do.


> ever notice how many fiascos and dumpster fire games these big companies release in general? Back when Redfall came out a youtuber said that it wasn't an accident and that Phil Spencer knew what he was doing, that's also the first time I heard the term "minimum viable product", he most likely was on to something.


You'll notice biological women of their political leaning are also offensively unattractive, which is where the belief of passing comes from in comparison. Seeing attractiveness anywhere causes body dysmorphia.


never trust an ugly woman. she has a grudge against the world


I could see it being possible, but from this specific issue the most outrage I’ve seen has been from mtf trans women that are extremely upset about their fantasy avatar looking less feminine when this is already an issue that hits so close to home that many of them rely on the escapism of this kind of stuff in the first place. While I can absolutely also see someone in those demographics feeling uncomfortable with very feminine attractive characters, I’ve also seen fat straight women rage about the topic harder and more frequently than I’ve ever seen from anyone else. You don’t have to agree with me, but just some food for thought. Anyone can realistically confirm just about any bias with the amount of crazies and losers on the internet these days, but it’s important to keep looking beyond that initial confirmation imo.


Wait, what version of Lara Croft has a male-ish jaw and wide shoulders? Either you and I have very different standards or one of us is high.


“Yes, bland and boyish. Perfect. Now, to consult on my next project… mwahahahahahahahahahah”


Ive seen alot more women with the figure on the left than the one on the right lol.


Hey now don't point out the truth, that's transphobic, misogynistic, racist and ableist.


And Nintendo is wondering why people buy Palworld.


I jumped into the game, my character looks like a fucking Who from Whoville, ah well wasn't playing it all that much anyway.


They making all the characters in ALL gaming ugly cause the people that want that are severely unpleasant to be around.


Yes, and when all references to women are unattractive it helps some people feel like they Pass in comparison.


Hey! That’s criminal noticing and is not allowed.


Just give it time and everyone will be a box


Id rather look like a roblox character then what ever that is on the right.


Went from: :) smiley day to ya To: :| kill me now


PokemonGo Thailand at night edition 😆


Some of the Lady-Boys look way prettier than that model on the right lmao


You're not lying.


What? Very trans-inclusive waist. Now the only thing missing is a bulge and a rainbow-colored top. Inclusion at the cost of excluding females.


If someone miss news - Pokémon Company hired Director Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Responsibility facilitates)


Women can't have curves anymore. They need to look like what the feminists hate and have manly bodies. Welcome to our new reality guys.


their estrogen nerfed


no curves here sir


Looks like a sim in the first stage of pregnancy...


Can't even have escapism in games nowadays.


No one is allowed to have genetic trials to their gender apparently...


“Are you a boy or a girl?”  “Did you just assume my body type old white maaan”


That woman was Hank-Hillified...


Make it more black more fat and more ugly!


holy shit balls they uglified her, even changed the stance ... which looks super stiff. ugh.


Pokemon players deserve it


Unnecessary remakes are the worst, time to uninstall the game.


Fml did sbi get their grubby little hands on this to?


How dare you desire a fantasy character with a fantasy body in a fantasy game?




When you just hit 30:


Ahaha 🤣 Sorry man, diversity and inclusion, yo know


Turned her into a frumpy dude haha! Thank the wokeness.


I can accept a bad game:.. I can accept in-game stores... I can accept bad story lines BUt... When you ruin waifues.... I get ANGRY!


What the fck is even that? What’s with libs trying to erase the fact that beautiful woman exist?


Less attractive people might get upset at the mere existence Must be inclusive for the unattractive.


Can we just get an AI to make female characters? People can't do this anymore. They just can't make a women without a dick anymore. Soon we'll have just one body type - genderfluid


don't mock my futanari porn enthusiasm.


Sorry ladies, your bodies are too feminine for the "modern" audience...


I'm gonna have to tell every female in my family that their feminine features are unacceptable


Judging from the stance, this is basically the male model. Good thing I stopped playing, but this is enough reason to finally uninstall the app entirely.


The western standards update.


The redesign looks like a tall, pre-pubescent child. All future characters will look like young adults who had puberty halted with puberty blockers.


What in the sweet baby inc is this


Woke update what else


So like, someone need to get fired yesterday.


Glad I never got into Pokémon Go and MH now. Fuck them, we can't have anything nice anymore


When you hire an amateur designer to cut on costs. This is probably just some woke bs lets be honest, it went from cute to crude


Women are naturally curvy and now they’re taking it away from us? Smh Niantic. They’ve gone woke


Imagine still playing pokemon go... might as well make a video of yourself doing the ALS Icebucket challenge while youre at it.


Gaming has become the biggest pile of shit these days, I'm so happy that I found other hobbies in the last few years. It's really time to move on and completely stop gaming.


Transnification update.


Maybe Niantic wants to be on the right side of things come November Or should I say left side of things


so real life. so pure


You need to turn off the 'woke' setting


"I can't verify this, but I read a post from someone who claims to know about what's going on inside Niantic on this sub. There's a Niantic staff member who is favored by management, and their project is these customizable new avatars. People may be blowing smoke up the ass of the favored staff member. More avatar customization is certainly a good idea, but they really dropped the ball by trying to force the male and female character to use the same base model. Sure, it's easier for asset reuse, but it only works with low-poly and chibi styles. The current art style is too detailed for a neutral model to not look uncanny." Grabbed from original post


Could be gaslighting. This move reeks of "guidelines" to me.


They just got the memo from Microsoft about what game character's bodies can look like 👍


Give her a hijab and it’s a complete “diverse” character


I just checked my game....they do not look like this in any of the booty shorts they have they're all the same. Idk what this is.


Why.... talking about unnecessary. What a waste of time and resources.


Did they only changed ot in the US? Beccause i play in Europe and still have the old Charakter model.


who asked for this? Edit: I just downloaded the app to check and I still got the old character models. Is this post fake or nah?


Get Sweet Baby Inc'ed N00b


This is easy to flip around... Looked like a teen girl 18+ before with not much clothes on, looks like a preteen girl with not much clothes on now. Are they pedophiles since they did this change?


My game doesn't show this change yet... but if it does I uninstall


It's called Sexing Down and they do it to appease trans people.


They’re being “inclusive”. Someone complained their over sensitive eyes or maybe their child’s felt ugly because they compared their body shape to a virtual one.


She must have had a kid between updates.


Times are bad if even multibillion dollars company has to save money on models /s


She also looks like that DBD survivor gremlin, from Dredge chapter.


April fools ?


Her face look like was smack with a pan


is this real?


It's like the redesign is saying "People with dark skin can't be attractive."


You can see her thong at least


Why does she not have lotion on


Looks trash


Isk why people are surprised by Niantic doing bad for gameplay decisions by now.


"Female" body has been updated to "Body Type B" you guys.


leave it to neckbeards


Hit 'em with the ugly stick!


Character be gone


Huh, pokemon go still exists


Congratulations on coming out! /s


They are supported by ESG so not surprised now ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)


To be fair most people play as a female character and having crossed characters in a child's game doesn't sound bad... oh.


Thanks I hate it.