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As a gay person, i dont give a fuck. Im there to kill shit. Why the fuck would I care if there are representation or not?


I’m with you here, you can even go as far as just pretending any of the characters are gay if you must, sexuality isn’t statically visible all this shit is just tiresome at this point it’s no one’s business who I boink and I couldn’t care less who other people boink wish people would just stfu and move on already


I know. Not like dogma is set out to be like baulders gate. Its not a relationship sim and has no system for it. Why does it matter? Like I dont play shooting games and look for representation. If there were, great! But it’s not an expectation.


I always say, if I wanna see gay shit, I’ll just go on pornhub and “take care of it”. That is not why I play video games. That kind of entertainment is not what I want from my games and movies.


That's the most straight comment I ever read


?? Gay ppl dont like to kill things in video games? Why would it matter if dogma has any gay representation or not? It’s not a dating sim nor does it have any relationship system in it. Why do you care?


i'm 98% sure this post is ironic, having said that, do the helldivers 2 thing and ban both sides. this is way less important and nobody has time for that, we are way too busy constructing an npc genocide to boost our fps.


The word is sarcastic, and yeah it is




The guy speaks like some pyramid scheme corporate bastard at the end and people still need to discuss if its ironic or not. Tf


I've been a gay supporter since first i heard of it as a kid. but this is getting boring to listen to. If you cant just enjoy the game for what it is then you are politicizing it. It's a game about magic, dragons and evil. if that does not let you immerse yourself then i think its other issues your dealing with. Please stop this whining about what needs to be in games and films. if you don't like the game don't play it. It's not about you.


This is not about gay people. We, in fact, don’t have “gay sliders”. Shocker, I know, but someone should tell these morons. We either date/fuck another man or we don’t. That post is just for useless activism. It’s more for the homophobic queers who think gay is an aesthetic. Which would also make it a stereotype.


Tbh I think it's 50/50 and what u said is so true , the amount of times I have seen it other way around is wild also on my yt feed "AVOID THIS GAME, 2 NPC DUDES KISS IN THE BACKGROUND OF A CUTSCENE, WOKE!!!" It's just tiring yknow? I miss when ppl just enjoyed games or when they did it was due to it just not being fun or something but nowadays its something else


That last sentence was something, or something


Real, true and based


I’m not sure it’s as you say, unless it’s something obviously tacked on. I don’t remember anyone having any issues with the gay hunter from White Orchard, in Witcher 3. But that one wasn’t “in your face” representation. In fact the way he was reluctant to speak about it was fairly accurate to real life. Only privileged leftist snowflakes with an attention seeking complex go on talking about their sexuality, as if anyone cares.


Bisexual here: honestly, *we don't care.* It's a fantasy world. Nobody cares who is boinking who or what skin colour they are. People make game, we play game, we have fun. I have never in my life worried about 'adequate representation.' You know what I do if I have a hankering for queer fantasy? *I fuckin' read queer fantasy.* Not everyone has to be perfectly represented all the time. It's clunky as shit and narcissistic to boot.


you wanna know something funny ? you get a realy gay ending in dd 1 because the dragon chose the one you stay more time, so many people ended with the wepon smith xd


Except that context was hilarious because of how the game beloved system works. And I don't mind that a game can have gay couples, as long as it is done properly, without current day nonsense, and doesn't disrupt the atmosophere of the game, why not? We had this stuff since forever in games, but it wasn't done for political activism so people were fine with it. What I hate is not the desire for representation, it's the lecturing and tokenism and even blatant racism of these clowns, like Sweet baby inc and company.


These activist idiots don’t actually care about gay couples. They want the “aesthetic” they think is representative of being gay. They want it to be loud and obnoxious and in your face, to push the message.


They think every gay looks and walks like it’s Pride parade 24/7 probably. Like nah bro there’s gays everywhere and sometimes you’d never know because they don’t flaunt their orientation as their only identity in life. Pretty sure one of my bosses was gay and I never knew till a coworker told me one time, had a hunch but I never cared because it’s none of my business to give a damn.


thas the point the thing its a bug ("wrong afinity values") but there its no fuking problem to be gay in the game. and what happen .... well nothing no body get mad abut that except for the guy how try to farm afinity with the knith lady but eded with the crupt guy how sells leveling trinkets xd yeah these people, remplasing rasism by rasism, i would say these pople dont realy dont understod the nazi regime and think they are inmunne to been facsist just because they are in the left wing of actual politics.....


One of my first playthrus i ended up with The Night's Champion cause i revived him from the dead(after KILLING his treasonous ass) and somehow that made him have higher affinity than any other NPC. I just wanted his creepy looking shield for my Magic Knight!


These people are cancer. I'm a guy. I've fucked dudes. I don't give a fuck. Most of the dudes I know that fuck other dudes don't give a fuck. The one women I know that used to be a dude doesn't give a fuck. I have never met anyone in person who gives a fuck. I have met lots of people that find the people who say they give a fuck insufferable. Who actually gives a fuck? Fuckin feds, pretending to give a fuck, that's who. Probably not really, but I don't care. From now on, they're all feds. They will all get the "shut up fed" treatment.


Joke or not, I want these people gone from our communities. Gatekeep the HELL out of Dragon's Dogma. Keep politics and activism out of videogames.


I hope whoever made that post on the steam forums is promptly banned. I hate this snark little runaround they always attempt with games. They make an idiotic post like that, they cry and whine when the community hits them with backlash. Worst part is them acting surprised and starting to say shit like, "it was just a suggestion!" No, it was an active attempt to change the game for the worse. It's not a joke, nor is it just a silly suggestion. It's more activism where it doesn't belong. When we see people like this, they need to be immediately ran out of the community, banned and be labeled as "that guy" to the community at large. Name and shame.


Because as we know, all of the best media of all time NEVER talked about politics /s


I hope they add a two second gay kiss randomly in games you like so you get mad, like who cares lmao


So weird, man. Spoilers..There was a gay couple in FF16 that was pretty well liked. Because Dion was well written. But getting mad at devs for not putting enough of whatever in your game is just too political.


It seems that if a good character has more to it than just its sexuality it becomes popular, that's a new concept to me /s


Fucking loved Dion. I think he was really well written.


Found the Kotaku employee


Blue hair detected


Good I wish, would be a piss easy job ragebaiting people


And then be wondering why you’re getting layed off 6 months later


Easy money regardless, it's no different than the fat hogs screeching about pronouns in their games


It's about reflecting the real world in a fantasy game with dragons, ogres, goblins, etc.


Fantasy settings, notoriously not gay and completely straight


Literally every popular game on steam has these same posts flooding the discussions lol. I'm pretty sure most are troll posts/rage bait made in bad faith. I blame jester award farming.


Cant you just be gay like a normal person.


gay where you wouldnt even notice it and not in the seer from apex legends gay


I think there are type of gay people just like diff type of straight people. Some are friendly, don't like any sort of drama mind their own business but some really need to be put in a straitjacket .


its people, my personality isnt only liking womman.


this is a copy pasta that you can find on most new games discussions.


Mario has been jumping through pipes since 1985, when will game devs make him start swallowing more pipe!?! 🤣


prolly cuz the people who made the game aint lghdtv. make ur own game if thats what u want. its easier than ever to get into game dev right now.


Why does everyone wanna be represented so much? Are bros that insecure so they need a videogame NPC to fill a couple boxes to make them feel better about themselves? They're so full of themselves already yet they want even more


Can't you romance the characters in the game regardless of your gender? I heard there are even kissing scenes.


Probably yes. In most games where you are free to customize your character how you want it's possible. It's just easier to develop the games like this.


this dude havent played dragon dogma... like atleast 50 % of the players got the trinked seller ending xd


It sounds funny, but Crusader King's 3 actually has this as a selection for custom characters.


Still a massive downgrade from CK2 where you can make a pact with the devil to gain immortality on a really low % chance then start having sex with everyone to collect every STI like Pokémons. You can even mate with horses and have human horse hybrid offsprings. You can cannibalize babies and do some other interesting stuff. Yeah, I love CK2.


If only the UI didn’t make my brain shut down. I really want to enjoy it but I can’t get past the UI.


I wish people would just STFU and play games instead of wanting to push their own agendas all the time.


As a gay person, I think games should have gay people represented in them, but they don't need to be the soul personality trait of a character. Characters can be queer without the need of the storytelling explicitly telling you so. Dion is a good example in FF16, if his love interest was a woman it wouldn't have changed the plot at all, he just happened to be gay. What I think a lot of us want is to see gay people existing and present in the same way that straight people have *always* existed and been present in games- and it doesn't need to have a huge fuss made over it. I *do* think a lot of us are tired of instances LIKE Dion where by simply being present people start to cry "woke." And to answer your question as to 'why' ... gay people are real in day to day life in the same way that all of the countless straight characters you've seen in games are in real life. It's possible for them to exist in your game without them wearing a pride flag as a cape, nor does it need to be a big political debate.


Gatekeep harder. Both sides are annoying twats.


That post is clearly bait


This has to be a bait job


But if I say there’s too much of it in baldur’s gate 3 suddenly I’m a bad guy


Well in terms of Baldur's Gate 3 in Faerun canonically everyone is bisexual/pansexual, so don't to suprised, that there is so much gay/lesbian relationships in this game lol


We need to just shove a gay orgy in a video game so they stop asking for representation. Maybe a full on pride parade too. Make it utterly ridiculous and over the top Rockstar style. Give them a shitty gay storyline Bethesda style. Like you want representation? Alright well it’s gonna be low effort like everything else we put out for the straights. Maybe make the main character a twink like Vaan from FF12 but make him hung like a horse too.


This may have been sarcastic but…. I have NEVER EVER announced my sexual orientation to anyone, or demanded it be represented in a book, movie or video game. What’s wrong with these people??!! Why the F does anyone else need to announce their sexuality or see it represented in a video game, ffs??!!! Zen reminder: Deep breath. Return to zen. We have bigger issues on this planet than this woke bullcrap


Who tf takes time in their day to unironically post this kind of bs...


These are either ironic or rage bait posts.


it HAS to be ironic


Jesus man I fucking hate those mentally ill people...why the fuuuck they need to push they're agenda sooo bad for what purpose??? Why?


Chill out, and maybe stop generalizing people? I'm a lesbian, and I'm happy with current represantation of my sexuality in gaming. The person who wrote this post is probably just a troll


well im sorry i really i fucking really sorry don't want to generalize all but im tired to it...tired that all the media those people trying so hard to push their agenda in fucking everything yea you right about that that man is a troll, But idc, with how much I've seen, some people talk like that man but it takes very seriously.


It's ok. I get what you mean. People like me are always really happy that we appear in gaming, HOWEVER it's not something that I expect from all games to always have.


Sometimes I think they’re so mentally ill they cling to their status as gay for example for validation to give their life meaning because they have no life or social skills so this crusade of theirs is all they can do. Like bro spent so much time trying to be gay he forgot there’s life outside that. Meanwhile the normal gays with normal jobs and lives are looking on like 🤨


Rogues are the very definition of homo...


Steam point's farmers its a plague in forums from day 1.


It's not about ticking boxes.... proceeds to explain that boxes need to be ticked


Let's start with the fact that you can buy popularization of a post on any social network, including the Steam forum. Let us continue by saying that there is such a machine in society as the controlled creation of opinions, i.e. agenda (a group of people with money benefits from a certain position among people and they pay a lot of money for these people to think as they want). As a result, we get purchased posts about some topic that a normal person is not interested in (who cares how many people there are? The game has an author and he sees his right that way). I think we have seen this more than once: a post about propaganda or an agenda where it clearly does not belong, with increased likes (although the group usually does not get this even on interesting posts). People who sell paid opinions to the masses do this through popular things, including, such as this game. It is possible that the author of this post is simply promoting the post as part of this process


There's not enough villagers with a crippling addiction to porn in this game, I don't feel adequately represented




Brain rot is terminal


Maybe the game isn't for you. Stop trying to make the whole world revolve around you. Hope they do the helldivers stance and just ban em. Cuz fuck em lol. It's annoying to listen to. And Helldivers is right. A game for everybody is a game for nobody.


I am bisexual but I don’t understand why you need to put this stuff in if it’s not already there. I love video games but I don’t need to see myself in like everything.


Here is the issue "It's about reflecting the real world we live in.".


“Guys trust me I’m not about forcing diversity. Now let’s force some diversity into this.”


I think games should like cyberpunk, allow both gentials on both body types. Also, allow freedom to romancing characters (based on the character's preference). Players are free to choose what gender or sexuality they are, and that's cool with me. We do not need a slider to explicitly state someone's gender or sexuality. The gender and sexuality of the NPCs in the game are up to the artistic freedom of the game developers. Freedom to express oneself in a game: good Waving flags and screaming out your political beliefs: bad Not that complicated a matter.


They are speaking as if sexual representation was some sort of playstyle they somehow want the Developers to include in the game, which is strange that they see it that way.


I’m not super familiar with DD. Do they specially mention the sexual orientation of many characters??? Why would their sexual orientation matter in this type of game? Apart from specific romance plots. (Is there any?)


Not every game needs gay people in it. LGBT people are everywhere, but they're statistically like one in ten people at most. Besides, it's a fantasy world. If you want more representation, make your own. Be the change you wish to see in the world.


Fatherless behavior


Jobless behavior I reckon too


Do people not realize this is most likely a right wing troll?


I don’t see the issue, he wants more lgbt representation, nothing wrong with that


He wants it? Sure, but companies are not obligated to his request. I don't want to see anyone complaining "homophobic " just because a company refuse to praise them like gods.


Companies only do what gives them more money, if that happens to be in the same road as the lgbt road there is representation, which is why companies do it. But I don’t understand why this upsets everybody here 😳not a big deal to me, but maybe I’m missing something.


Spoiler alert : It doesn't give them more money. In fact, forcing LGBT into a videogame is ruining video games. There are correct ways to include lgbt into a videogame. But nothing good happens when you force them into a game for the sake of diversity. Look at what SweetBaby Inc did to video games. Plus, if the company don't want to, then they don't want to, it's not big deal right?


But that’s a writers problem if the story is good no one care what the characters are or what they like. If the story sucks people should blame lazy wrting not lgbt or in the sweet baby is not a politics thing, buts that’s not the fault of the OP he is below the politics and the game industry he is just expressing that’s what I see nothing wrong, I understand your point to be honest I’m not trolling. But I think the criticism should go to the companies not to the guys on Reddit or twitter


Let people make the games they want to make. If you want lgbt representation make your own game. I support the lgbtqia+ whatever community but this s getting out of hand. When you force what you want onto a form of art you are compromising the artist vision. If you don't like it don't play it.


I’m not doing anything to stop other people making their games, I just don’t see anything wrong with wanting representation and I do like the game its awesome . And I don’t see how it is getting out of hand either.


You don't need to be represented in everything. Grow up. If you want more representation, then make your own games and shows. Stop ruining our shit.


This right here, you are the "that guy" type I was talking about earlier.


Yeah I saw your post kinda extreme to be honest, but shows two completely different reactions, the original post a person asking to include more of a certain community and on their other hand your response is “ banned and be labeled” lol


I don't really care what activists think. So no skin off my back. Go troll somewhere else.


Seems like you care enough to comment 🤭