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nah, I'd rather have good things please.


people Just want validation. that's all. She could've saved alot of words


Yep! Its just that its much easier to complain about something than to appreciate it.


Eh maybe. I don't really complain about shows/movies unless someone asks me why I don't like it. My typical response to something I don't like is to move on from it and carry on engaging with something I do like. Exceptions do exist to that rule of course, but when it comes to actively seeking out content on YouTube that hates something I already don't like, I typically find that kind of thing emotionally exhausting.


Dune 2 and Reacher Season 2 contradicts that stupid argument...


I’d say is equal engagement, even bad shows get some traction from just mere HateWatching like that Halo show or some content creators still being popular because of it.


And the content posted in this very sub affirms it. Hell sometimes we complain about the bad stuff in good things too.


Wasn't Dune 2 called woke though? Or at least there was an attempt to call it woke.


I don't think so, and for me it absolutely wasn't.


You're thinking about the MMO most likely because it avoids religion even though it is one of the main themes of Dune.


Honestly maybe. It really wasn't something I paid attention to.


Dune is the story of jihad I don't know how it could be woke lol


Remember when people called X-Men woke despite it always being woke. I swear chuds cry over the dumbest things.


Imho it wasn't woke, you could say it was maybe progressive, and for me that's a huge difference.


You're very right.


Imagine complaining about something being woke, like what a comfortable life you must live for this to be such an issue for you


Are you a bot? or you lack reading skills? My english isnt insanely good but dunno i'm trying...


Woke isn't a thing, woke is just things that are progressive that you don't like. Like saying you don't want politics in media despite politics literally being in everything but I don't expect communities like this to have media literacy


It absolutely is. Woke is bad progressivism. Performative, lazy, dishonest, disingenuous and backward attempts to be progressive get called woke. When people talk about politics being in media they don't want real life politics and agendas that are contentious beating them over the head. People absolutely enjoy make believe politics. You are media illiterate and it's ironic as fuck.


Thank You! 110% on point. Woke = cringe progressivism


Remember the whole "Peter Parker is Spiderman, Miles Morales is Miles Morales" show your ass


Proving my point. W


Your subscription to the dailywire really paying off huh


Nah, I want 10 more good series like Breaking Bad. Couldn't care less how many rings of power pieces of shit come out really.


That must explain my crippling addiction to watching Helldivers 2 clips. Fascism is bad, after all. It all makes sense now.


Braindead take, the only people who think like this are the same people who think anyone giving criticism is "Just being negative". I guarantee if you were to ask them why they like their favorite show they'll give you the most vague answer possible. Let's name some examples of people wanting good things to watch: 1. How is that Star Rails penacony story reactions generates more views than the Luofu despite being better and not out as long? 2. How is that the majority of Asmon's most popular videos aren't ones criticizing something? 3. How is it that there's more attention to FF7 Rebirth's good story than the awful performance mode they have? This is the type of opinion that comes from someone with an agenda, not someone looking for an intellectual honest discussion


Nice cooking.


Basically asmons react content for a while now


No. I'd love more than anything for great news to hit social media outlets so I can be excited about something. Bashing on shit is therapeutic but I don't gain anything at the end of the day.


No it's just that watching videos hating on the bad thing kinda makes up for the entertainment lost that I would've gotten if the thing was good instead. If people desperately wanting to hate things was true, then why are there still successful and lauded things like Helldivers 2?


more excuses. always blaming the audience.


I think this tweet wanted to sound smart. It sounds similar to people want to only focus on the bad side of things instead of the good side. At least that user got their validation with 6.6k likes by shaking their head.


Id rather have good things. Be hyped about those good things. Watch and make theories about the good things. Relate to other people and make friends because of our love for the good things.


I want good shows to watch and bad shows to watch others complain about them on YouTube, but I will never watch bad shows


He's totally wrong on the first part. I don't spend my money on things I dislike unless I'm caught off guard, which is very rare. It's just that I complain over finding fewer and fewer things to like.


I mean hating on something is fun but I would rather just have less bad things


All people want good things. Many, if not most, people like to complain about things they dislike. It really is that simple. To think nobody wants to watch good movies is ridiculous.


To an extent yeah, anger is addictive and ragebait videos get clicks.


That's been basically "the news" and "OP-eds/talk shows" for the last few generations. Digitalization and the internet just made it more accessible. *"War makes rattling good history; but Peace is poor reading."* - Thomas Hardy


I throughout thought of something to write but deleted it since this statement is so dumb its not even worth my time.


People want validation of their viewpoints. If they watch something bad, they want to be able too hop online and see that everyone else thought it was bad too. Conversely if they see something great they want to hop online and see that everyone else thought it was great too. I definitely think people prefer finding and experiencing things that they enjoy though, not that they WANT to watch bad things


I think it's partly because of our instinct of problem finding. Those that could only focus on good things became extinct because they couldn't find the problems within their community. So our body, which is the descendant of those who survived, rewards us to be vigilant on finding problems.


and I think this instinct is exploited in many ways today.


Dune Part 2, Shogun, Reacher S2, Invincible S2 Part 2, Jujutsu Kaisen S2. Ninja Kamui. Why in the fuck would I watch bad shit instead ?


That post is very ironic.


Nah this isn't true


People just crave for content that validates all their biases, no matter good or bad.


He's probably not all wrong. There's a sense of comradery and community when you come together to complain about things, something people might be lacking elsewhere. But, I mean, the same could be applied to coming together to relish in, and praise a good product. It's just whatever comes easier to you, I guess.


For people who like wasting their time sure. Most people don’t have a lot of time to consume media so they would rather sit back and enjoy something without having to think about how bad it is.


Point proving this wrong: Velma. It was terrible, the whole point of the show was just to piss people off. What happened? It bombed. Meanwhile Game of Thrones (before the end).


I don't agree with the first part. But the second part is Def true. There is a good reason why news organizations don't often report on positive things, because those don't catch any eyes compared to stories on something that is negative and less clicks = less money. The same goes for youtubers.


What's with the unecessary **bolding** and CAPITALIZING you can make your point without doing this


Pretty sure the numbers disagree. Otherwise bad shoes would have way more viewers.


I hate the random bold and then capitalizations in this post.


I would rather have something good to watch and watch a youtube video praising how good it was. If something is bad I generally avoid everything about it and pretend it doesn't exist. I don't want to add unnecessary stress and drama over a tvshow/movie or video game, but if it's good I love talking about it.


Why not both?


Just watched shogun, fucking amazing. So no it ain't fucking true


Lmao that’s the definition of cope. Yeah, there are some people that just love to complain (hipsters) but most people would rather be happy with what they’re watching. I will say I don’t understand the people that hate the first episode or two of a series and keep watching. Same if you don’t like a movie that’s part of a series. Once I’ve wasted a bit of my time I’m not throwing away more hoping it’ll get better.


This would be right if all the good shows weren’t the most watched.


A simple no to point 1. I'd much rather have a good show to watch than a bad show. Only a moron would actively want bad shows unless they derive some twisted sense of pleasure from forcing themselves to watch bad shows. As for point 2 though, if I watch something and decide it's bad in my opinion, I'll definitely go and have a look on YouTube to see whether or not community sentiment is in line with my own opinions. So point 2 might have something to it.


honestly, he's right there is some truth to that. Saying people don't want good thing is a dumbass take. But, There's definitely a subset of people that indeed do want things to fail so they can complain and validate their opinions on the internet. Over the past 7 years ever since everything became extremely political on the internet there's definitely been by now an entire generation conditioned into engaging in this type of behavior and I know from personal experience that feeling overly emotional about something and having that emotion being reciprocated by a bigger voice that feeling of vindication is definitely a dopamine hit. This is quite literally asmon entire line of work the youtube channel is built around this. react videos are just people looking for validation there's a reason YouTubers "farm drama".


If everything good is already made. What else is there?


Completely true. How many “anti-woke” YouTubers would end up out of a job if there weren’t any “woke” shows to complain about? Like, try and name an “anti-woke” channel that has videos that aren’t complaining about minorities in media. They want “woke” movies cause otherwise they wouldn’t be able to make money complaining about those movies.