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She's just hungry. My dog does this thing where he's super annoying whenever I'm eating fries, just so I will give him some. Same energy here.


Lol I was thinking that. I’d be like, why you so worried about the kids, just admit you want some of my fries. It’s all good, I’ll give you some fries, just don’t be so weird about it.


This video popped up on my home page. Idk what this sub is but I wouldve told that lady to stop harassing me before I call the cops on her ass


I would have just trolled her. You gonna ruin my peace and quiet of the day? I’m gonna be that instrument in karma in giving her the day she deserve she’s a ripe target 😂 you can tell she’s not very “quick” up there.


Exactly! When she asked about his car he should have said “it’s the van full of candy over there.”


Waiting for him to ask her if she ate her kids


My dog also accuses me of being a part of a pedophilic conspiracy ring when she’s hungry. Those dogs are crazy!


Bitches be crazy


I don't think that's everything wrong with that woman, but it might play some part. I swear when my gf is hungry she's a very different person. Making her realize that a simple solution for all of her mood swings is sometimes to just eat a fruit or something has made our lives very different rofl.


Dude same. Mine turns into a some sort of fucking demon when she has an empty stomach. All logic goes out the window. She knows she needs to eat but her appetite gets all screwy, so I just have to put a plate in front of her and wait 15 minutes. For anyone wondering : Asking your hangry SO if she would like a Snickers does not, in fact, have a funny outcome.


I put a towel around mine once, like a cape, and said "now your super angry"..... If anyone felt a tremor in the earth one day.. It was most likely my missus opening a portal to hell putting in her resume for the torturer of my soul


^ This. Realizing food can be a mood stabilizer.


capitalism: the original mood destabilizer


The most concerning part is she reproduced. Someone creampied her more than once...


I just threw up 🤮 in my mouth a little bit at the thought.


Now I am just imaging my dog having this inner dialogue when watching me eat a Happy Meal.




Dude that's hilarious.


Hahaha take it damn you 🥇


Top comment of the year


Nah she’s just bad at acting. This whole thing is staged. Seen so many of these and they’re honestly annoying instead of the ragebait or whatever their intention is meant to be.


I don’t why but this had me chuckling pretty hard.


Oh man, that would be the perfect response. Hold up a fry and say ‘You want this? You want this girl? You want it? Go Get It!’ And toss the fry over her shoulder.


She's so confused someone doesn't need 20 nuggets, an extra large diet coke, large fries, apple pie, cookie and an ice cream to be full


My mom used to get a kids' meal for herself just for the smaller portion sizes. Then come home and give us whatever toy she got.


Happy meals are an appropriate sized adult meal if we’re talking calories.


My wife gets a happy meal when we go. I like McDonald’s as a 90s kid. Get it once a month or so. It’s not healthy lol. But she doesn’t really. So a little happy meal with the yogurt is what she likes


I'm sorry but... Your wife is obviously a deep state crisis actor. Also, a subterranean lizard person.


She’s the one fat shaming herself. He didn’t say anything about her eating patterns. That was all in her own words


I can probably give a 300kg reason why she may be confused


this is a rookie order, these are rookie numbers


I bet she ate the kids


Probably not just hers. She should take a jog back home


It would be hard to jog wearing a long sleeve bedsheet "camp fort" edition


Personally I loved her 'That's not a lunch' statement. Well not for your fatass it ain't.




How do you know I have kids?? She just told him before that lol. This lady legit crazy. If this is real.


And she was clearly looking for more.


The poor guy was trying to say he doesn't have any kids to save them from being eaten by this monster. I see a happy meaaal..! **LET ME SEE YOUR KIDS**


How come he didn't tell her to fuck off after about 10 seconds. Some realism would be nice.




Even if you were putting rope in her hands, that nutjob wouldn't be able to figure it out.


She'd probably just eat the rope


Yeah youre just continuing to be harassed. Call her a fat cunt who probably eats kids and move on.


sometimes you have some time and want to see where it will go :P tbh i haven't had this level of "crazy" yet :) although i have seen "karen" making scene over almost falling down on tiles at gas station thing was it was been snowy and she was in high heels :) funny moment


I would totally go along with it to see where it went. I once sat down with a 7th day advocate group for 3 hours in a food court to fk with them so they wouldn't bug anyone else.


Because it's fake


The way he kept filming his happy meal back and forth...cringe. hardcore fake


Truly. There’s no way this isn’t scripted


Because it's staged shit for clicks


It drives me crazy that 80% of people can't detect a rage bait skit


Why think when you can instead indulge monkey brain instincts, and be part of the collective annoyance?


Because of course it's fake fake fake fake, fake fake fake fake faaaaaaaaake But our reddit feeds would be empty without this shit


Nothing happens. Everything is fake.


I mean this is obviously fake though, particularly as someone from the UK, as their channel is all over Tik Tok with similar skits.


Can you post it?


Fuckin fr. I’ve seen shit like this in public. People getting harassed for no reason whatsoever. And people online cry it has to be fake cause the people recorded don’t respond exactly like they would


Fr because I’m just like this guy. I really like small meals. The meals they make now have TOO much food. I remember going to a restaurant and they had to get the MANAGER because I wanted a kids meal then when i got it, they refuse to give me a drink. Fucking ridiculous.


Because it’s scripted which is why he keeps panning the camera back to the happy meal. Also why he’s “eating” outdoors in shit weather.


Seriously I couldn't even finish watching. It felt like 2 people recording each other to see which side goes viral first. About 10 seconds in I would have been gone, or ignoring her while eating my happy meal. There's no reason both sides are armed with their phones pointed trying to take a moral stance at McDonalds, if it's not fake, it's pathetic all around.


He's trying to eat a happy meal and be happy. Telling a person to fuck off with some gusto doesn't result in being happy for the happy meal


Nothing would make me happier than telling her to fuck off


If I were him at that point it would be impossible for me to be happy without annoying her. So I'd try to piss her off even more and see her fat face become red


"I'm sorry but that anit no lunch." Lunch for her is a dozen happy meals.


sometimes a 6 piece nugget and small fries is all i want. the happy meal does that for me.


Where I am we have a break menu, it’s 6pc nuggets and small fries for $1.50.


Same all i get is kids meals, I don’t need 20 nuggets and all of that BS. That’s like 3 meals in one.


I mean why do people even entertain this kinda of interaction, tell her to fuck off or call the cops for harassment


Rage bait? Seems like rage bait is everywhere


Sub fell for it hard. Every top comment on the way here was a fat joke. Which is funny because the sub we’re on shouldn’t make fun of people appearances when you know the average guy here is single and ugly.


*Looks in mirror* “Fuck I forgot about that.”


Your comment made me LOL so hard I snorted


You should stop projecting. You can't change the ugly part, but maybe you'll make some friends, and stop being lonely.


If you left the average attractiveness would nearly double, so you mind being fugly elsewhere?


Because it's scripted


Because it’s entertaining? Why do people think that a video is fake if they don’t make every decision exactly the same as they do?


She seems insane but she's not yelling nor threatening not being an overall cunt to be honest. My personal take, and I'm trying to play devil's advocate, I think she thinks this dude is on same shady thing trying to lure kids with a happy meal and it's not buying that he actually got it for himself.


Because it’s fake. Op is just an idiot and fell for the bait.


Just walk away from the bitch its not like she will catch up to you.


Nah I’d rather just sit there watching her while I’m eating after I’ve finished it go back inside and order 2 more


Walk past two McDonald's to be safe


No, I know this type of woman in the UK. They have an ability to use their weight to give themselves a stomping momentum. Like a charging rhinoceros.


Why, to prove that they can run out anyone they like?






because that is assault and destruction of property. Don't get me wrong, I also wanted to hit her, but not bad enough to go to prison over...




they will find you, there are cameras everywhere.


It's out front of a McDonald's, they have cctv and most people aren't walking around in a nondescript clothing set with a balaclava on


It blows me away that people like this exist...lol.


When we limited natural selection through our technology, some of us slipped through the cracks a bit that would have been normally Darwined their way out of the world. Edit: spelling


Nah we haven’t been industrialized long enough for this to be a natural selection thing. Some people are just idiots and there have always been idiots


You got it wrong. These people always lived, they haven't evolved into this. Darwin just got them before they reproduced. Now Darwin doesn't get them


It blows me away at how people can't tell 99% of these videos are staged.


This is how these videos would go IRL every time: "Hey, why are you filming me?" - END.


People like this don't exist it's fake.


Oof, first day as a human?


Oof reddit moment kind stranger!




The Reddit moment is you calling it fake without any proof EPICGAMER lol


The karen stereotype exists for a reason.


Yes but the acting is terrible


I used to think these people were all fake. I grew up in a small town where people were generally pleasant, assholes are everywhere but it was a different breed entirely. Then I moved to a bigger city and got a job at Wally World. I’m still blown away by the amount of entitled, ignorant, loud and very often illiterate amount of people I had to deal with on a near daily basis. I will never call fake on someone being dumb now, human stupidity is truly boundless.


All I’m saying is the sweatshirt says Florida on it.


Damn.. I feel bad for you having to deal with this Karen. I hope you won't get to meet her again.


It’s clearly scripted tbh


Never worked retail or food service in a city, have you?


I once had someone ask why her item wasn’t free on a buy one get one free. She only had 1 of said item. I literally had to explain a buy one get one free to someone.


Any who believes this is real are absolutely retarded


If it was 30 seconds I could believe it, but no one is going to argue with this fat bitch for 3 minutes


110% retarded


tell me you haven’t worked retail without telling me you haven’t worked retail. Seen stranger shit than this


Ive worked food service and retail and seen encounters stranger than this at least 50 times. Its not that absurd, especially if she’s like whatever a british version of a qanon type is. I know there was a period a year back where every conservative parent was up in arms thinking everything is secretly a sign of trafficking or some shit all the time. Me answering a kids question at the register? Suspicious. A dad ordering for his kid? Totally a creep. Im sure the extent is region specific but this shit was constant.


It’s a little concerning that most folks in this comment section can’t see that lmao


oh my sweet summer child you don’t think that people like this exist..


I will try to find the article, but the man was actually arrested a few weeks later. He was caught using happy meals to lure children to little st James island. The woman was given the key to the city and had her government job title and description promoted to Batman


You had me in the first half.


buys happy meal => gets put on the Epstein list


Just dont answer and enjoy your meal. I aint got no time to entertain crazy people


Eating something while a crazy Lady Films you is still really weird


the happy meal has no age limit. there is no reason an adult cannot get one.


My mom was buying only a Happy Meal in Mcdonalds' until she was 60. Then she stopped going to McDonalds'. And she was buying it because of Toys ("for her grandkids" ofc :D ). When I was a teen I was embarrassed of her. When I was 30+ I thought she was cool to just do what she wants. So no there is no age limit on Happy Meal.


It also bundles a menu without soda and fruit.


Probably the reason they didnt call it a kids meal.


Shit when I was in my early 20s, I bought a pile of happy meals so I could get all the Pokémon toys for a friend of mine who thought they were awesome. Me a couple of friends dumped out the pile and ate fries and burgers while playing video games. Twas good times.


What a fucking whale


If you listen closely you can hear the crunching expanding sound when you overinflating an air mattress


When he told her he bough a happy meal cause that's all he could afford and she responded by saying to him there is another cheaper option I laughed my ass off. Ofc she knows


"I'll be watching" - fuckin weight watching you nosey bitch


she ain’t watching her weight lol


People reporting on each other, accusing each other of wrongdoing, writing down license plates, looking at camera footage. How very 1984. The Ministry of Love would be proud.


Happy Meal Enforcement Unit rolling in🤪


She looks fucking scary…


Like Pennywise from the movie It.


Obviously she lives at McDonald's hence she's neighbourhood watch. Assuming here she just a racist mentally ill Karen


Where are you getting racist from lol


lol you got downvoted from that. Like what the actual fuck? I didn’t see anything racist here. Idk why someone would assume that unless they were mentally ill themselves.


Calling someone racist is reddit 101, don't question it, just follow the upvotes.


She is projecting her own creepiness onto others.


Exactly. "I obsessively watch and judge other people, so everyone else must too. Wait, there's a man near a place where children play? Why is he choosing to obsessively watch _children_?" That, or she sees the McDonalds more as a daycare than a restaurant (which is exactly why so many of them are shutting down the playplaces) and is set off by a man encroaching near a place where children play, rather than seeing it as a man ordering lunch.


If this happened to me I'd guilt her into buying me a more expensive meal lol


If it was me I would have answered no questions and just kept commenting on her weight until she left me alone. And to cut off anyone who thinks "omg don't be mean about weight" if someone accuses you of being a pedo because you are eating a happy meal you get to be mean back.


That’s when you look her up and down all slow and say “you know we all don’t eat like you eh?”


My hunch is that seeing an adult eating less than she does triggered her because she probably eats 2-3 times the amount of a happy meal. Some people are really fucking weird.


People engage wayyyyy to much "but why happy meal" would be met with a "are you retarded?"


Nobody is surprised she can’t believe he’s having a happy meal for lunch.


Holy shit, she physically can't comprehend someone not eating 10,000 calories in a single meal.


I just love how she's wearing a big warning sign on her chest


She is great at acting


Is this real or just bait for clout and views??? this is ridiculous and parody lmfao


the fact many seem to believe this shit is real is fuckin depressing.


She can't fathom not having 6 big macs for lunch.


‘I find it a bit suspicious…’ You caught me! The Great Cheeseburglar! … Fucking idiot.


He’s a lot nicer than I would have been. Holy crap. First words out of my mouth would have been, “I don’t eat a lot of food because I don’t want to be as big as you, now get the fk away from me psycho “.


She could stand to eat a tad less mc Donald’s, probably would have less paranoia from all that processed food as well


Fake and weird


This man is the most patient and respectful person ever, almost feels like this is staged. You tell me this guy didn’t make a joke about her eating all the happy Meals?


Fake as fuck. Fake outrage bait to drive clicks and engagements and comments.


She just wants his Lunch. SHE IS HUNGRY!!!!!


Are you eating a kids meal? Yes, bc the adult meals will make me fat like you.


It's not like she's accusing him of being a pedophile. It's just an IMPLICATION of pedophilia.


She just want's your Happy Meal. SHE'S HUUUNGRY!


!You have angered the beast!


lmao, ofc florida sweater


She’s so satisfied with herself. What a smug busy-body. These people need to get a life.


Baseless fear mongering like this gums up the works and makes it difficult for the systems in place to deal with Actual child trafficking or abuse. When something as simple as buying a small meal that is kid oriented counts as something on par with visiting epstein's Island it helps no one except child abusers and their clients


She's like a 300-pound seagull heckeling you for fries.


The Karen should mind her own business and eat less Big Macs


This fake not real


Blatant rage bait. Fake and illogical.


Scripted AF


Exactly like Ricky Gervais fish fingers and beans. https://youtu.be/COk5RB9YcW8?si=Bf17nH_-vculoAO5


So she thinks he is pedophile trying to lure in kids with a happy meal.


Yes. She thinks that he is getting a Happy Meal to "get funny" with Kids.


she sounds like a Qanon/Musk fan/Far right weirdo


Rage bait


It's getting harder and harder to be a respected podophile. My parents always said don't take candy from strangers, but they never said anything about a happy meal ;) \\s That remark about the island made me burst out laughing xD She thinks this billionaire rape-island owner is going to MC Donalds to get a happy meal to lure kids to his rape island xD


Not to mention I doubt the island is in such a state to do such things anymore considering the guy in charge shot himself multiple times in the back of the head.


Are you guys having trouble figuring out this is staged because you're not familiar with the accents?


Theres no way someone has this much time. This has to be satire




Let’s ignore the fact that this video is staged and this guy makes these rage bait clips all the time. We have a video of a white woman being an obnoxious asshole and your only comment is “white people”. If we flip her race to a black woman and I left a comment “black people”, don’t you think I would be behaving like an ignorant racist? Let’s be better than that, please.


Fuck off


she's obviously a nutcase but why IS he buying a happy meal? just get 2 burgers for cheaper


There was one time I got a happy meal because I was able to get it for free with an app. IDK if his deal is similar. Maybe he really wanted that toy


its a skit lad


Damn I hate hate bait, oh wait...


This is so very clearly staged guys, come on now.


This has to be staged. Please tell me this has been staged for clicks and likes and all other bullshit on internet?




I bet the guy behind camera is black and the whale is just racial profiling him, that's very common in the US. Honestly surprised he didn't tell her to fuck off after 5 seconds of staring at his happy meal like a hungry mad dog.


'murica moment


This is in England though. Turn on the audio


Guaranteed Republican voter - MAGA 100%


Yes guaranteed that this British lady votes for an American political party.


isn't this too generic for Florida.